View Full Version : New Video and M.E. Report Will Clear Officer

06-01-2020, 04:39 PM
Time to report to the “Rush to Judgement” folks, as bad as the video looks....the neck press did not cause Floyd’s death. Because of Floyd’s size, underlying medical issues, handcuffed behind the back (normal procedure) and “positional asphyxiation“ he died after causing a ruckus in the back seat of the police car and was put on the ground as another normal procedure.

Not realizing Floyd was having breathing problems will be a tough hurdle, but Lawyers always have ways to negate that and highlight other reasons, esp. medical issues caused Floyd’s death.

When all the facts are presented at trial....a jury will come back either a “hung jury” or not guilty.

06-04-2020, 03:49 PM
Our taxes STILL pay his salary, and he STILL swore an oath in legal binding to UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION! If he and his members don't like it, they can all go pull a Chris Benoit on themselves! And considering the fact that his members ASSASSINATED a citizen without Due Process, he is NOBODY to be complaining about his members being denied Due Process!

Clearly you’re an unhinged child who has never actually read the Constitution. Can you show which article of the Constitution Mr. Kroll is violating by representing his membership? The answer is; none.

You assert that “members assassinated a citizen without due process”. Can you show me the statute that says you CAN assassinate someone WITH due process? Again, the answer is none. You clearly don’t understand this meaning of “assassinate” or “due process”.

Now get out of your basement and go upstairs and get a cookie from mommy.

06-09-2020, 08:46 PM
Floyd has a record for being convicted of a violent crime. Armed robbery to be exact. He was also on drugs. I think he was just a responsible for his death as the officer. Let the courts settle it. Of course, if he gets acquitted then there will be more rioting. No win situation here. The way it is going, we will have one more holiday in February.