View Full Version : The grand master does it again

05-28-2020, 11:42 PM
So again time after time, a certain colonel decides to move to his golf buddies to positions that they have don’t deserve or have not earned. Thus skipping over those that have paid their dues by working hard and have been waiting for years to come to day shift.
Additionally, many of the corrections administration has lost their back bone and keep letting those play the race card or threaten law suit, remain in supervisory positions. Something has got to give? When Is a good candidate that has the years of experience, doesn’t abuse their time, do what’s expected, and lead by example, get an opportunity to get recognized. I do have to say about the only true honest person in the administration is Commander R.

05-29-2020, 01:26 AM
Commander C strikes again! Time to tell your secrets little lady.