View Full Version : Black upper leadership at FDLE

05-28-2020, 05:08 PM
Can someone please advise if there is Black representation in the upper levels of FDLE management?

05-29-2020, 10:59 AM
It’s a question you’re asking to bait an emotional response. Who cares as long as person is qualified.

05-29-2020, 06:11 PM
Besides one SAC in Miami, is there any others?

It's not a bait question, it's about representation and diversity... and possibly the lack thereof.

05-30-2020, 11:15 AM
FDLE Commissioner Swearingen has had more than enough time and certainly opportunity to promote African-American within FDLE but has not done so. Just look at his staff!!

And the SAC in Miami has more time with FDLE and was better suited for the Assistant Commissioner position years ago, but the white guy got the nod (TF). No way TW was not more qualified even!

But TF is more of a "yes" guy and is willing to turn the other way on the dirtier things and make Commissioner Swearingen always right and cover for everything that may need. it.

The legacy of promoting people that will cover your ass and be "YES" guys to you continues on (Just like how The Governor promoted RS) instead of diverse, better qualified people get the nod.

05-30-2020, 01:03 PM
ZERO. ZIP. The promotion of a White Guy to assistant commish over a very qualified Black male who has actually been with the agency longer tells you what you need to know.

05-30-2020, 05:29 PM
ZERO. ZIP. The promotion of a White Guy to assistant commish over a very qualified Black male who has actually been with the agency longer tells you what you need to know.

Inaccurate. Recent promotion in HQ of very talented black man to ASAC. Diversity? Latinos/Hispanics, women, LGBTQ, blacks... all in positions of supervisors and command staff. Y’all need to STFU.

05-31-2020, 01:18 AM
Inaccurate. Recent promotion in HQ of very talented black man to ASAC. Diversity? Latinos/Hispanics, women, LGBTQ, blacks... all in positions of supervisors and command staff. Y’all need to STFU.

So 2 African Americans in leadership positions in a Florida Agency with 8 regions and thousands of employees?

Doesn't seem proportional or even close to proportional to the State!! And that was the FIRST promotion under the current commissioner to that level- but it still is not "upper" management or worthy of the ORG chart.

05-31-2020, 05:11 AM
This isn't Opa Locka

06-04-2020, 12:19 AM
We need affirmative action in the FDLE. After all, we had it in our last president, and we can see how much of a wonderful job (not) he did. But he can read a teleprompter though.

06-04-2020, 03:28 AM
We need affirmative action in the FDLE. After all, we had it in our last president, and we can see how much of a wonderful job (not) he did. But he can read a teleprompter though.

Well said. Who cares about the color of the skin. The agency is dying from within due to lack of leadership. How long can they keep the magic show going?

Black Lives Matter
06-13-2020, 10:00 AM
The Miami SAC, T.W. was considered for appointment to promotion to senior management. Members from his region were asked for feedback on SAC T.W. None of the members had anything positive to say about T.W. who was described as having a huge ego, self centered, and only cares about the region making him look good. Members said that every conversation with T.W. is centered about T.W. Talking about himself. T.W. was described as having a severe anger management issue which makes the road rage incident in Tampa seem more likely true. In the road rage incident, charges were drawn up, but after lobbying by members of the black caucus, T.W. was not arrested. He was eliminated from consideration as A.C.

06-14-2020, 06:03 AM
So a strong, confident black man is judged harder and is seen as "egotistical", etc. A white guy with the same characteristics is what? A good leader! Kind of like a strong woman would be considered just a "B1tch"!!

TW doesn't favor certain people and then go after others (like Foy has done). He treats everyone equally and won't play favors and is not willing to lie to protect Supervisors, ASAC's, etc. TF has had his fair share of things, but it seems like a lot of it has been curiously brushed under the carpet by EI (handling of Employees negatively and covering for ASAC's and SAS's). TF's regions have been all run under an iron fist of fear and that rank is always right no matter what. Ever heard that TF played baseball, was SWAT, blah blah blah. Give me a break.

And this "road rage" was all together BS. If you've worked the street long enough, you've had people embellish how an officer handled them or "threatened them". Did you ever consider that the person he was involved with considered it more aggressive because he is black? Of course you wouldn't think of it that way!

06-14-2020, 12:10 PM
So a strong, confident black man is judged harder and is seen as "egotistical", etc. A white guy with the same characteristics is what? A good leader! Kind of like a strong woman would be considered just a "B1tch"!!

TW doesn't favor certain people and then go after others (like Foy has done). He treats everyone equally and won't play favors and is not willing to lie to protect Supervisors, ASAC's, etc. TF has had his fair share of things, but it seems like a lot of it has been curiously brushed under the carpet by EI (handling of Employees negatively and covering for ASAC's and SAS's). TF's regions have been all run under an iron fist of fear and that rank is always right no matter what. Ever heard that TF played baseball, was SWAT, blah blah blah. Give me a break.

And this "road rage" was all together BS. If you've worked the street long enough, you've had people embellish how an officer handled them or "threatened them". Did you ever consider that the person he was involved with considered it more aggressive because he is black? Of course you wouldn't think of it that way!

Eliminate the race delineation and then have the conversation.

03-08-2021, 07:50 AM
Foy is an absolute JOKE

03-08-2021, 12:21 PM
Foy is an absolute JOKE

ummmmmmm so is POS manly man Gomer "Pyle"

03-08-2021, 02:53 PM
ummmmmmm so is POS manly man Gomer "Pyle"

She swings both ways her and DR are hiding the salami regularly

03-08-2021, 02:55 PM
She swings both ways her and DR are hiding the salami regularly

LMAO you mean hide the "lil smokey"!!

03-11-2021, 07:44 AM
Foy was the "yes man" Swearingen needed and wanted. The other new AC is a yes woman who is not strong enough within the organization to say no to anything or question anything.

This is why Walker was overlooked... he's a strong leader with ethics and integrity who is NOT afraid to stand up for what's right.. no matter what it is, including employees. No way RS wanted anyone with a spine working around him. He needs compliance and no questions asked when things he wants to get done get done.

Having a woman as a AC is nothing new or special. Nothing against the current AC, but FDLE has had many women in that position. How many Black AC's or higher has FDLE had?

03-12-2021, 08:08 AM
The white privilege is strong. Don't you dare question the ones with the rank/power because they will use that rank/power to effect you by any means possible.... right or wrong ethically or morally btw. The (well known) thin ego's of the ones up top is what leads to leadership through scare tactics and threats to your job/financial security.

03-12-2021, 11:57 PM
Ethics and integrity? Walker? Have you ever worked with or for him. That's funny

03-14-2021, 03:16 AM
Ethics and integrity? Walker? Have you ever worked with or for him. That's funny

Of course you feel that way! You're a racist POS who has held his Race as something to disparage him and the things he does. Of course the Black leader is all the things your discriminatory mind wants it to be!

03-16-2021, 04:47 AM
Foy in Ft. Myers had Agents reporting to their desks early AM for check-in and with full plans to be turned into their SAS's like 4th graders. That's right, put those employees in their place and make them feel like the pieces of shit they really are.

Tom Foy pretty much was a shit-stain on the wall and while he kissed the right asses he showed his to anyone below him.

Hard to believe he made it to AC in Tally, but he seems to fit with Swearingen's way of things.

03-30-2021, 03:26 AM
Of course you feel that way! You're a racist POS who has held his Race as something to disparage him and the things he does. Of course the Black leader is all the things your discriminatory mind wants it to be!
Its not a question of race. TW is just an angry man, who is never to be questioned or disagreed with. Just an overall a-hole.

03-30-2021, 03:37 AM
Its not a question of race. TW is just an angry man, who is never to be questioned or disagreed with. Just an overall a-hole.

TF is a nice to your face, stab in you the back a-hole who would use conduct unbecoming to long-term employees because of his ego.

What would you rather have? An employee who is an asshole or one that will lie, cheat, setup, and run-out people who have dedicated their lives to the service of Florida?

That's what this administration will do- run out employees they they don't like (personality for example) by means that any cop should never commit. Guess where FOY fits in all this?

04-01-2021, 04:43 AM
In my opinion, TF was picked because he is WHITE. If you put the Black candidates credentials side by side, the Black Male wins. So the leadership position was picked how?

This is what's wrong with Law Enforcement leadership... the wrong people work their way into powerful positions not because they want to be there for the people under them, but so they have power and can treat people and do things with absolute impunity. Purely for themselves. Hence the reason you see the guys like TF who were always on special teams (and not doing real investigations), with the special shirts. They are better than YOU and think that way. So of course handling the dirty, unwashed, shithead masses is just part of being in power and they could give two shits if it ruins anyone. Just stop and think about that...

Now of course this isn't going to be the very public stuff when the big wigs do the dirty deeds, ie, RS talking to the press backing his Agents.. of course he's going to stand up for them.. it's a feel good position and he'd get crucified if he didn't.

It's the small cases and individuals that especially suffer under leaders that act like RS and TF. The ones they can gang up on and most likely the people around them, for whatever reason, don't care about. They figure those they go after "just deserve it". Meanwhile, the unknowing masses will just figure "something was there". But in most cases, there was "nothing there" but unfair treatment and even sometimes... conduct unbecoming with handling some. If anything, the attacking position of those in charge caused the member to go into a defensive stance, and then they attack the defensive position as "overstepping", "paranoia", a problem person who keeps pointing out certain treatment or things that they know they can ignore. A pathetic and non-existent way for the employee to defend themselves, as RS has made sure to put in place, makes sure none of the shocking treatment stuff gets known.

Then after the person is gone, the smear campaign can continue or is some cases, they will dig to try and justify their piece of shit way of handling a good person "just in case it comes back" on them.

So how does this fit in here? Think about it again.. why did TF get AC over TW? While TW may be angry, he hasn't done the dirty deeds and been under the secret vail of the dirty code and the "wink wink" between the higher ups keeping secrets. And of course, TW is BLACK. No way a strong black male opinion who would not be on the secret yes train would work out with RS.

And if we're talking about the incident involving TW, you know as well as I do that whole thing was blown up because of his Race and the complainant couldn't stand that a black man had authority over him. If that has been a white agent, it would have stopped at the traffic stop. You better believe it. And TW was exonerated when it was looked at objectively.

04-01-2021, 11:00 AM
In my opinion, TF was picked because he is WHITE. If you put the Black candidates credentials side by side, the Black Male wins. So the leadership position was picked how?

This is what's wrong with Law Enforcement leadership... the wrong people work their way into powerful positions not because they want to be there for the people under them, but so they have power and can treat people and do things with absolute impunity. Purely for themselves. Hence the reason you see the guys like TF who were always on special teams (and not doing real investigations), with the special shirts. They are better than YOU and think that way. So of course handling the dirty, unwashed, shithead masses is just part of being in power and they could give two shits if it ruins anyone. Just stop and think about that...

Now of course this isn't going to be the very public stuff when the big wigs do the dirty deeds, ie, RS talking to the press backing his Agents.. of course he's going to stand up for them.. it's a feel good position and he'd get crucified if he didn't.

It's the small cases and individuals that especially suffer under leaders that act like RS and TF. The ones they can gang up on and most likely the people around them, for whatever reason, don't care about. They figure those they go after "just deserve it". Meanwhile, the unknowing masses will just figure "something was there". But in most cases, there was "nothing there" but unfair treatment and even sometimes... conduct unbecoming with handling some. If anything, the attacking position of those in charge caused the member to go into a defensive stance, and then they attack the defensive position as "overstepping", "paranoia", a problem person who keeps pointing out certain treatment or things that they know they can ignore. A pathetic and non-existent way for the employee to defend themselves, as RS has made sure to put in place, makes sure none of the shocking treatment stuff gets known.

Then after the person is gone, the smear campaign can continue or is some cases, they will dig to try and justify their piece of shit way of handling a good person "just in case it comes back" on them.

So how does this fit in here? Think about it again.. why did TF get AC over TW? While TW may be angry, he hasn't done the dirty deeds and been under the secret vail of the dirty code and the "wink wink" between the higher ups keeping secrets. And of course, TW is BLACK. No way a strong black male opinion who would not be on the secret yes train would work out with RS.

And if we're talking about the incident involving TW, you know as well as I do that whole thing was blown up because of his Race and the complainant couldn't stand that a black man had authority over him. If that has been a white agent, it would have stopped at the traffic stop. You better believe it. And TW was exonerated when it was looked at objectively.

FDLE is racist ABSOLUTELY, however they will never get rid of dead wood if it is any other race because they are chicken shit of being held accountable.... scared of a law suit. They say the N word behind closed doors and bad mouth people of other color... heard it myself many times. sad...

09-20-2021, 04:58 PM
Just take a long look around. Do it.

Look at how employees are feeling about things and whether they feel good or not.

Then take a good look at why. It's SWEARINGEN. And FOY.


Egos and self importance.

09-20-2021, 10:15 PM
Swearengin, Scandinavian for white supremacy and privilege.

09-21-2021, 05:22 AM
Went to school in Alabama for a reason. Auburn is full of them.

09-23-2021, 12:59 AM
When you're led by a clown your workplace becomes a circus. And the Supervisors are the equivalent to carnies with huge egos.