View Full Version : Words not necessary!

05-22-2020, 07:47 PM
https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/28279857_10213335950447273_2242634110519293239_n.j pg?_nc_cat=111&_nc_sid=110474&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&_nc_ohc=56dY1tJH1k0AX-cE8m_&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&_nc_tp=14&oh=b5d692d584ea72df7e652be58b479c80&oe=5EEDC611

05-22-2020, 10:52 PM
Stahl is a political puppet. Notice the mayor didn’t want to stand next to him because of the rotten onion smell he has.

05-22-2020, 10:55 PM
Jenkins would never do those kind of photo ops, he has too much pride to sleep with the enemy. Steadman however is a fat sloppy whore for the highest bidder. Might as well dress Steadman in a mini skirt and high heels then put him to work by South Krome Ave with all the other white trash crack whores

05-23-2020, 01:55 AM
It’s quite obvious that there is an unholy relationship between Steadman and Gimenez. And, this the one percent across the board.

05-24-2020, 12:19 AM
Nooooo Jenkins would NEVER!! Lmao. That’s why he does it behind everyone’s back & bangs a chick that’s connected to all the political parties & does the back door Cigar meets. You guys got to be kidding me he’s the biggest political prick alive. All he’s doing is playing the smart Role like he did when he screwed Rivera over. He’s letting us all bash Stedman what he stays quiet. Not knowing that the smart ones no the slime that he is. The zero that he is and how he just cares about stuffing his pockets. Any guy that would backstab a friend of 20 years & steal, toss his wife, Beat the Shit out of her & cover it up with People he promised cushy positions to at the bureaus to help him, Hit on PO’s wives, and not have the Balls to run a Real race. Is just as much as bad as Stahl. GTFU, They were both in on it a Year ago. I hope he knows that he will be bashed in that Race.

05-24-2020, 02:56 AM
Nooooo Jenkins would NEVER!! Lmao. That’s why he does it behind everyone’s back & bangs a chick that’s connected to all the political parties & does the back door Cigar meets. You guys got to be kidding me he’s the biggest political prick alive. All he’s doing is playing the smart Role like he did when he screwed Rivera over. He’s letting us all bash Stedman what he stays quiet. Not knowing that the smart ones no the slime that he is. The zero that he is and how he just cares about stuffing his pockets. Any guy that would backstab a friend of 20 years & steal, toss his wife, Beat the Shit out of her & cover it up with People he promised cushy positions to at the bureaus to help him, Hit on PO’s wives, and not have the Balls to run a Real race. Is just as much as bad as Stahl. GTFU, They were both in on it a Year ago. I hope he knows that he will be bashed in that Race.

Jenkins will be our next PBA President and all you Good Ole’ Boys are going to have to kiss his black ass

05-24-2020, 01:45 PM
It’s quite obvious that there is an unholy relationship between Steadman and Gimenez. And, this the one percent across the board.

Heres the scoop. John Rivera disrespected us as members by refusing to even meet with Gimenez to negotiate. By doing this he screwed us outta 4-5 percent raise we woulda got yes 1 percent a year but in the end those years we got nothing. So his ego/scamming costs us all $$$ now and forever in our pensions. The scam portion is he knew the county wouldn't give us a 3 percent per year to finances and politics of not raising taxes so he refused to meet to cover his ass and protect his reelection but we members are smarter than he thought. Thats why he refused to meet and then lied about it.

I want my PBA president to have a positive relationship with those holding the purse strings etc since we cant strike. We have no other power but that at the ballot box and relationships.

05-25-2020, 05:33 PM

05-25-2020, 08:02 PM

Not an endorsement! Temp Tony saw Stahl taking pics with Ramirez and Nanney at Shomrim dinner and approached Stahl introduced himself and they took pic. Hello McFly thats not an endosement for the pending election nor does south fla pba endorse broward races!

05-25-2020, 09:43 PM
Sure Steadman we believe you, proven liar. Sure!
Hey how’s the additional 1% going? Why isn’t your other new BFF Gimenez giving you more? Why? Give him a leadership award and maybe he will cave.