View Full Version : PBA Steadman Stahl won’t discuss killing of black kid

05-10-2020, 09:29 AM
While working for the city of homestead, PBA President Steadman Stahl ran over a young black kid with his patrol car, killing him. The case was quietly closed and swept under the rug. Stahl never mentioned it, at least not much. But, officers working the homestead department at the time remember that day.
It wasn’t until recently, after Stahl Picked a fight with PLEA/IUPA, that is was discovered. Now, Stahl Has been asked to explain what happened and he refuses to talk about the case.
Retired members who spoke to us said that the Chief at the time swept the investigation under the rug. He took care of Stahl, only to have Stahl backstab him years later.
Media outlets are looking into the incident now.

05-11-2020, 07:54 PM
We I see the PBA President he won’t look me in the eye. Maybe because I’m black and maybe he has inferior issues. But, I just don’t trust his shifty eyes.

05-24-2020, 02:03 PM
We I see the PBA President he won’t look me in the eye. Maybe because I’m black and maybe he has inferior issues. But, I just don’t trust his shifty eyes.

BS more fake news/ lies

Once again another nonsensical, waste of our time post when we have real issues to deal with; its attributed to the following:
Stahl/Greenwell derangement syndrome (SGDS) is a derogatory term for criticism or negative reactions to the PBA President and VP that are irrational, fake and have little regard towards their actual positions or actions taken. Resulting from the severe anger of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars of income by John Rivera, Blanca Torrents Greenwood, Pablo Lima and Stephanie Womble manifested in repeated boring blog posts.
Additionally these losers have joined forces with a few PLEA losers (Domingo Dan Mountote Howard)lying on the PBA since they can't compete; as a wise person said;" When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser!"* PLEA has merged with IUPA.** IUPA is a subservient lil ***** to the AFL-CIO who are very anti-cop anyone who joins is cutting their own throat by your dues supporting anti-cop candidates in elections yes your hard earned dues money filtered by PLEA/IUPA but kicked up to AFL-CIO.* Do you want your dues money supporting the scum robber who attacked a good cop ?* How about your dues money supporting scum anti-law enforcement politicians well guess what if you join that’s exactly what will happen.
See below:
Stahlession:* When someone is obsessed with Steadman Stahl, they've lost control of their feelings about the object of their obsession; Steadman.* The adjective obsessed is often used to simply mean "very interested," but when someone is truly obsessed, their interest has become compulsive, and they've begun to lose control over it. They really need help and a life!
Steadman Induced Borderline Personality Disorder (SIBPD) is a mental illness which manifests itself in a variety of behavioral issues blogging lies about Steadman. Symptoms include emotional instability, abandonment issues, feelings of emptiness and problems in relationships. These are accompanied by intense experiences of anger, depression and anxiety that can last hours, days or even months.
Please as always go to ‪dcpba.org‬ for truth or call us at ‪305-593-0044‬.

05-29-2020, 10:26 PM
It’s a fact. While working for homestead PD, Steadman hit a black kid with his patrol vehicle. Some say it was just an accident while others say not so sure. Stahl certainly did do seem disturbed about it.
So, we have been asking him

He always said he’s transparent but so far on every issue, or question, he refuses to talk or be transparent.

05-31-2020, 04:32 PM
Again lies fake news !

Once again another nonsensical, waste of our time post when we have fake issues to deal with; its attributed to the following:
Stahl/Greenwell derangement syndrome (SGDS) is a derogatory term for criticism or negative reactions to the PBA President and VP that are rational, truthful and have little regard towards paying members. Resulting from the severe anger of being exposed of the theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars of income by Steadman Stahl, David Greenwell. John Jenkins, and the corrections dude manifests Itself in repeated boring blog posts.
Additionally these losers have joined forces to attempt to soil the good reputation of PLEA. I used to attribute the following statement to Socrates but since it was discovered that I had no fvking idea of what I was talking about I now say: as a wise person said;" When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser!"* PLEA has merged with IUPA.** IUPA is the most powerful, respected , and feared union around. And, that’s why so many departments are switching away from the PBA and signing up with IUPA. They see first hand what IUPA has done to Sheriff Tony, who is very anti-cop. Even Stahl, who declared that he had nothing to do with, or had even seen Tony, was discredited with his very own useless pictures that he thinks shows him with “important” people. Yes, your hard earned dues money goes to feeding greedy PBA heads, buys them luxury vehicles, and past for their lavish trips to Vegas, and other vacation spots. PLEA/IUPA do not do that and are very transparent. Do you want your dues money supporting the scum con man, FBI informants who hated cops ?* How about your dues money supporting scum corrupt convicted felon, but Steadmans best friend nonetheless. PBA has a history of helping anti-law enforcement politicians like communist Cava and well guess what if you stay with the PBA that’s exactly what will happen.
See below:



Stahlesion:* When someone has a brain abscess like inside Steadman Stahl, It creates the spread of ulcer like cancer throughout and they've lost total control of their a bladder and Fecal incontinence; Steadman.* The very reason he has such fowl body oder simply means he has poor hygiene. While Stahl is truly obsessed with himself, he has become A hoarder, compulsive, and has begun to lose control over his stupidity. He really need help and a life!
Steadman Induced Borderline Personality Disorder (SIBPD) is a mental illness which manifests itself in a variety of behavioral issues like denying his thievery, blotchily, Disloyalties, incompetence. Symptoms include The inability to write or speak the English language, failure to recite the pledge is allegiance correctly, emotional instability, loss of skunk like hair, abandonment issues, feelings of emptiness and problems in relationships. These are accompanied by intense experiences of anger, depression and anxiety that can last hours, days or even months.
Please,as always go to ‪dcpba.org‬ for BS and self-serving, fraudulent pictures, or for the truth call us at ‪305-871-6997.

06-06-2020, 12:13 PM
The entire PBA board needs to step down. They are racists who care nothing about us in this hell hole corrections.
We need our own representation strictly about corrections for corrections. Nothing else will do.

06-09-2020, 11:04 PM
Does anyone know who our rep is? I’ve been calling a guy Davis (his number was given to me by a CO) and nothing. No answer. No call back.
I don’t understand why we are part of racist group that won’t answer to us.

06-30-2020, 10:40 AM
He caught the President Stahl stealing froM the PBA and the President got rid of him. Then he retired.
PBA wants a puppet for a rep.

07-26-2020, 01:46 PM
Does anyone know who our rep is? I’ve been calling a guy Davis (his number was given to me by a CO) and nothing. No answer. No call back.
I don’t understand why we are part of racist group that won’t answer to us.

call set jermaine lawson at the PBA he's always fighting for us at PBA and is tight with both the pros and vp he helped me twice at tsk ref the bs

08-12-2020, 11:49 AM
call set jermaine lawson at the PBA he's always fighting for us at PBA and is tight with both the pros and vp he helped me twice at tsk ref the bs

Brother, whomever you are you should be working sanitation dept because your English is atrocious.

09-24-2020, 12:10 PM
Brother, whomever you are you should be working sanitation dept because your English is atrocious.

That Steadman Stahl writing like that. He has difficulty writing and reading English. And, that’s who represents us folks.

01-19-2021, 07:20 PM
Th Miami times should be made aware of this incident and let them do a public records request.