View Full Version : Sheriff Tony's application; Union says...

05-06-2020, 02:12 PM
This Miami Herald article mentions what is being discussed in forums here re: Sheriff Tony's application to the Coral springs Police Dept. Interesting reading.


05-06-2020, 02:18 PM
The media can print all they want. DeSantis isn't going to remove Tony. He already said that. So we are stuck until August and possibly four more years if he gets elected.

05-06-2020, 02:24 PM
lmao! BSO now has the perfect leader. One whose mindset and moral values fall right into line with the majority of the Broward populace. It is absolutely a match made in heaven!

As far as the whining on this forum goes, No one in Broward County cares about the crybaby loser cops at BSO. You have always been the bottom of the barrel and have never known how to do real police work. It is a fact that the county would be better off if BSO were disbanded.

BSO has been the laughing stock of law enforcement for decades. No talent, no law enforcement knowledge or expertise. Just a bunch of idiot low life dummies that were hired for the sole reason of keeping a Sheriff’s position on the Ballot so that every four years some incompetent crook could win an office and have the opportunity to enrich himself and his friends at taxpayer expense.

Law enforcement / professional policing has never been one of the priorities at BSO. The agency has never been anything except smoke and mirrors. It exists only as a vehicle for corrupt politicians to enrich themselves. You now have the perfect leader.

Toney will not only survive these revelations about his past, he will be elected time and time again. He is the ultimate symbol of everything that the Democrat party stands for.

There will never again be a competent candidate for Sheriff of Broward. The county is too far gone and no one with any decency or sense would ever want to run an agency that is so dysfunctional in a county that is so corrupt.

Thieves, drug dealers, murderers and morally bankrupt self serving egomaniac Sheriff’s are the perfect fit for Broward. Enjoy!

05-06-2020, 02:59 PM
lmao! BSO now has the perfect leader. One whose mindset and moral values fall right into line with the majority of the Broward populace. It is absolutely a match made in heaven!

As far as the whining on this forum goes, No one in Broward County cares about the crybaby loser cops at BSO. You have always been the bottom of the barrel and have never known how to do real police work. It is a fact that the county would be better off if BSO were disbanded.

BSO has been the laughing stock of law enforcement for decades. No talent, no law enforcement knowledge or expertise. Just a bunch of idiot low life dummies that were hired for the sole reason of keeping a Sheriff’s position on the Ballot so that every four years some incompetent crook could win an office and have the opportunity to enrich himself and his friends at taxpayer expense.

Law enforcement / professional policing has never been one of the priorities at BSO. The agency has never been anything except smoke and mirrors. It exists only as a vehicle for corrupt politicians to enrich themselves. You now have the perfect leader.

Toney will not only survive these revelations about his past, he will be elected time and time again. He is the ultimate symbol of everything that the Democrat party stands for.

There will never again be a competent candidate for Sheriff of Broward. The county is too far gone and no one with any decency or sense would ever want to run an agency that is so dysfunctional in a county that is so corrupt.

Thieves, drug dealers, murderers and morally bankrupt self serving egomaniac Sheriff’s are the perfect fit for Broward. Enjoy!

Swinging is fun!!!!!🥒👍