View Full Version : Steadman tell us the real story behind you killing a kid with your patrol vehicle

04-28-2020, 08:50 PM
steadman always asserts himself as a truth teller. Ha!
So, here’s your chance big boy, tell the real story about you running over a kid.

04-28-2020, 10:37 PM
Come on Steadman answer this one simple question

04-28-2020, 11:37 PM
Steadman just this one itty bitty little question.

04-29-2020, 12:14 AM
We want to know what happened on that fateful Day Steadman ???

04-29-2020, 03:24 AM
We want to know what happened on that fateful Day Steadman ???

Kid was black and the rest is Homestead folklore you hear boy so let Ole’ Stahl be

04-29-2020, 12:28 PM
No serious Steadman. You’re an open book kind of guy so please inform us on the incident.

04-29-2020, 02:54 PM
Steadman, this is your chance to redeem yourself.

04-29-2020, 03:53 PM
This question won’t go away Steadman. Maybe it’s time for the press to start looking into it. What do you think Steadman?

04-29-2020, 07:06 PM
What really happened that fateful day big man?

04-30-2020, 09:18 PM
Why did you kill that poor black kid Steadman???? Por Que?

05-01-2020, 12:00 AM
PBA and PLEA members want to know the
Motive for killing a young kid.

05-01-2020, 05:52 PM
PBA and PLEA members want to know the
Motive for killing a young kid.

Fake news:


When someone is obsessed with Steadman Stahl, they've lost control of their feelings about the object of their obsession; Steadman. The adjective obsessed is often used to simply mean "very interested," but when someone is truly obsessed, their interest has become compulsive, and they've begun to lose control over it. They really need help and a life!

Steadman Induced Borderline Personality Disorder (SIBPD) is a mental illness which manifests itself in a variety of behavioral issues blogging lies about Steadman. Symptoms include emotional instability, abandonment issues, feelings of emptiness and problems in relationships. These are accompanied by intense experiences of anger, depression and anxiety that can last hours, days or even months.

05-01-2020, 08:29 PM
Did that kid piss you off? We’re you DUI? Or, was just because he was black?
Why did you run him over Steadman??

05-03-2020, 01:02 AM
Is the fact that you killed an innocent child what is bothering you causing so much hatred?
Talking about it will be liberating Steadman

05-04-2020, 11:53 AM
Steadman, did you kill the kid just for kicks? Did the klan make you do it as an Initiation ritual? Why, then was one of Gods creation sniffed out for no apparent reason?
You promised us transparency when you ran so here is another test of Your word.

05-04-2020, 05:36 PM
Steadman, did you kill the kid just for kicks? Did the klan make you do it as an Initiation ritual? Why, then was one of Gods creation sniffed out for no apparent reason?
You promised us transparency when you ran so here is another test of Your word.

Once again another nonsensical, waste of our time post when we have real issues going on its attributed to the following:

Stahl/Greenwell derangement syndrome (SGDS) is a derogatory term for criticism or negative reactions to the PBA President and VP that are irrational, fake and have little regard towards their actual positions or actions taken. Resulting from the severe anger of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars of income by John Rivera, Blanca Torrents Greenwood, Pablo Lima and Stephanie Womble manifested in repeated boring blog posts.

Additionally these losers have joined forces with a few PLEA losers (Domingo Dan Mountote Howard)lying on the PBA since they can't compete; as Socrates said;" When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser!" PLEA has merged with IUPA. IUPA is a subservient lil ***** to the AFL-CIO who are very anti-cop anyone who joins is cutting their own throat by your dues supporting anti-cop candidates in elections yes your hard earned dues money filtered by PLEA/IUPA but kicked up to AFL-CIO. Do you want your dues money supporting the scum robber who attacked a good cop ? How about your dues money supporting scum anti-law enforcement politicians well guess what if you join that’s exactly what will happen.

See below:




Stahlession: When someone is obsessed with Steadman Stahl, they've lost control of their feelings about the object of their obsession; Steadman. The adjective obsessed is often used to simply mean "very interested," but when someone is truly obsessed, their interest has become compulsive, and they've begun to lose control over it. They really need help and a life!

Steadman Induced Borderline Personality Disorder (SIBPD) is a mental illness which manifests itself in a variety of behavioral issues blogging lies about Steadman. Symptoms include emotional instability, abandonment issues, feelings of emptiness and problems in relationships. These are accompanied by intense experiences of anger, depression and anxiety that can last hours, days or even months.

Please as always go to dcpba.org for truth or call us at 305-593-0044.

05-04-2020, 09:19 PM
Once again another nonsensical, waste of our time post when we have real issues going on its attributed to the following:

Stahl/Greenwell derangement syndrome (SGDS) is a derogatory term for criticism or negative reactions to the PBA President and VP that are irrational, fake and have little regard towards their actual positions or actions taken. Resulting from the severe anger of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars of income by John Rivera, Blanca Torrents Greenwood, Pablo Lima and Stephanie Womble manifested in repeated boring blog posts.

Additionally these losers have joined forces with a few PLEA losers (Domingo Dan Mountote Howard)lying on the PBA since they can't compete; as Socrates said;" When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser!" PLEA has merged with IUPA. IUPA is a subservient lil ***** to the AFL-CIO who are very anti-cop anyone who joins is cutting their own throat by your dues supporting anti-cop candidates in elections yes your hard earned dues money filtered by PLEA/IUPA but kicked up to AFL-CIO. Do you want your dues money supporting the scum robber who attacked a good cop ? How about your dues money supporting scum anti-law enforcement politicians well guess what if you join that’s exactly what will happen.

See below:




Stahlession: When someone is obsessed with Steadman Stahl, they've lost control of their feelings about the object of their obsession; Steadman. The adjective obsessed is often used to simply mean "very interested," but when someone is truly obsessed, their interest has become compulsive, and they've begun to lose control over it. They really need help and a life!

Steadman Induced Borderline Personality Disorder (SIBPD) is a mental illness which manifests itself in a variety of behavioral issues blogging lies about Steadman. Symptoms include emotional instability, abandonment issues, feelings of emptiness and problems in relationships. These are accompanied by intense experiences of anger, depression and anxiety that can last hours, days or even months.

Please as always go to dcpba.org for truth or call us at 305-593-0044.

In case you forgot.....Task Force Jenkins coming in hot hot for you bruah

05-04-2020, 11:56 PM
Steadman, why are so talkative on other threads but no so much on this one? You said you would be transparent, well here is your chance. Why did you kill that kid?

05-05-2020, 12:03 PM
You promised transparency Steadman. You just haven’t delivered it.

05-06-2020, 02:43 PM
So, as we keep getting Pieces of the event we were told that Chief Ivy took care Of You only
To be backstabbed by you later on. Steadman,
You seem to have a history Of screwing people that have helped you.

05-07-2020, 05:37 PM
So, as we keep getting Pieces of the event we were told that Chief Ivy took care Of You only
To be backstabbed by you later on. Steadman,
You seem to have a history Of screwing people that have helped you.

Once again another nonsensical, waste of our time post when we have real issues going on its attributed to the following:
Stahl/Greenwell derangement syndrome (SGDS) is a derogatory term for criticism or negative reactions to the PBA President and VP that are irrational, fake and have little regard towards their actual positions or actions taken. Resulting from the severe anger of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars of income by John Rivera, Blanca Torrents Greenwood, Pablo Lima and Stephanie Womble manifested in repeated boring blog posts.
Additionally these losers have joined forces with a few PLEA losers (Domingo Dan Mountote Howard)lying on the PBA since they can't compete; as Socrates said;" When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser!"* PLEA has merged with IUPA.** IUPA is a subservient lil ***** to the AFL-CIO who are very anti-cop anyone who joins is cutting their own throat by your dues supporting anti-cop candidates in elections yes your hard earned dues money filtered by PLEA/IUPA but kicked up to AFL-CIO.* Do you want your dues money supporting the scum robber who attacked a good cop ?* How about your dues money supporting scum anti-law enforcement politicians well guess what if you join that’s exactly what will happen.
See below:
Stahlession:* When someone is obsessed with Steadman Stahl, they've lost control of their feelings about the object of their obsession; Steadman.* The adjective obsessed is often used to simply mean "very interested," but when someone is truly obsessed, their interest has become compulsive, and they've begun to lose control over it. They really need help and a life!
Steadman Induced Borderline Personality Disorder (SIBPD) is a mental illness which manifests itself in a variety of behavioral issues blogging lies about Steadman. Symptoms include emotional instability, abandonment issues, feelings of emptiness and problems in relationships. These are accompanied by intense experiences of anger, depression and anxiety that can last hours, days or even months.
Please as always go to ‪dcpba.org‬ for truth or call us at ‪305-593-0044‬.

05-07-2020, 06:33 PM
If it’s a waste of time, why do you take the time to read and repeat your moronic answers?
For us, as long as it annoys you it’s no waste of time.
Besides, what else do you have to do Steadman? Whatever it is, it’s not for the members.

05-08-2020, 01:14 AM
If it’s a waste of time, why do you take the time to read and repeat your moronic answers?
For us, as long as it annoys you it’s no waste of time.
Besides, what else do you have to do Steadman? Whatever it is, it’s not for the members.

His copy and paste responses are getting longer. It seems the Steadster is getting more nervous as the PBA election gets closer.

05-08-2020, 01:16 AM
His copy and paste responses are getting longer. It seems the Steadster is getting more nervous as the PBA election gets closer.

That’s cause he know Task Force Jenkins is coming in hot hot for his cracker ass

05-08-2020, 06:56 PM
Steadman prays daily that no One reopens
This case. But, like some else wrote Chief Ivy took care of Steadman only to have Steadman turn on him later on. A pattern for sure.

05-08-2020, 10:39 PM
Steadman what was so sinister with your killing of that black kid?

05-09-2020, 11:10 PM
Steadman what was so sinister with your killing of that black kid?

Fake news

Once again another nonsensical, waste of our time post when we have real issues going on its attributed to the following:
Stahl/Greenwell derangement syndrome (SGDS) is a derogatory term for criticism or negative reactions to the PBA President and VP that are irrational, fake and have little regard towards their actual positions or actions taken. Resulting from the severe anger of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars of income by John Rivera, Blanca Torrents Greenwood, Pablo Lima and Stephanie Womble manifested in repeated boring blog posts.
Additionally these losers have joined forces with a few PLEA losers (Domingo Dan Mountote Howard)lying on the PBA since they can't compete; as Socrates said;" When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser!"* PLEA has merged with IUPA.** IUPA is a subservient lil ***** to the AFL-CIO who are very anti-cop anyone who joins is cutting their own throat by your dues supporting anti-cop candidates in elections yes your hard earned dues money filtered by PLEA/IUPA but kicked up to AFL-CIO.* Do you want your dues money supporting the scum robber who attacked a good cop ?* How about your dues money supporting scum anti-law enforcement politicians well guess what if you join that’s exactly what will happen.
See below:
Stahlession:* When someone is obsessed with Steadman Stahl, they've lost control of their feelings about the object of their obsession; Steadman.* The adjective obsessed is often used to simply mean "very interested," but when someone is truly obsessed, their interest has become compulsive, and they've begun to lose control over it. They really need help and a life!
Steadman Induced Borderline Personality Disorder (SIBPD) is a mental illness which manifests itself in a variety of behavioral issues blogging lies about Steadman. Symptoms include emotional instability, abandonment issues, feelings of emptiness and problems in relationships. These are accompanied by intense experiences of anger, depression and anxiety that can last hours, days or even months.
Please as always go to ‪dcpba.org‬ for truth or call us at ‪305-593-0044‬.

05-10-2020, 12:26 AM
Your copy and pasted are getting longer dude. All we want to know is why did you kill that kid??

05-12-2020, 05:16 PM
Steadman, have you no remorse killing an innocent black kid. Or, was it a sport for
You will burn in hell, especially since you haven’t changed for the better.

05-12-2020, 06:23 PM
He was awarded the KKK Medal of Honor for his bravery above and beyond the call of racist duty and not denting his patrol car in the process

05-14-2020, 02:34 AM
You guys are some dumb motherfukas I'll tell you what the shit you all come up with smh. Something else, real scumbags.

05-14-2020, 04:42 AM
You guys are some dumb motherfukas I'll tell you what the shit you all come up with smh. Something else, real scumbags.

“I’ll tell you what...” once again Stahl can’t help displaying his redneck intellect

05-15-2020, 08:08 AM
You guys are some dumb motherfukas I'll tell you what the shit you all come up with smh. Something else, real scumbags.

Steadman, your hillbilly talk is ok but your English no es bueno.
You are one dumb, ignorant A$$hole. Honestly, I don’t know how they gave you a badge.

05-15-2020, 01:02 PM
Steadman, your hillbilly talk is ok but your English no es bueno.
You are one dumb, ignorant A$$hole. Honestly, I don’t know how they gave you a badge.

He came on in the early 90s when Fred Taylor had the Good Ole’ Boy system in place

05-15-2020, 04:42 PM
Once again another nonsensical, waste of our time post when we have real issues going on its attributed to the following:
Stahl/Greenwell derangement syndrome (SGDS) is a derogatory term for criticism or negative reactions to the PBA President and VP that are irrational, fake and have little regard towards their actual positions or actions taken. Resulting from the severe anger of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars of income by John Rivera, Blanca Torrents Greenwood, Pablo Lima and Stephanie Womble manifested in repeated boring blog posts.
Additionally these losers have joined forces with a few PLEA losers (Domingo Dan Mountote Howard)lying on the PBA since they can't compete; as Socrates said;" When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser!"* PLEA has merged with IUPA.** IUPA is a subservient lil ***** to the AFL-CIO who are very anti-cop anyone who joins is cutting their own throat by your dues supporting anti-cop candidates in elections yes your hard earned dues money filtered by PLEA/IUPA but kicked up to AFL-CIO.* Do you want your dues money supporting the scum robber who attacked a good cop ?* How about your dues money supporting scum anti-law enforcement politicians well guess what if you join that’s exactly what will happen.
See below:
Stahlession:* When someone is obsessed with Steadman Stahl, they've lost control of their feelings about the object of their obsession; Steadman.* The adjective obsessed is often used to simply mean "very interested," but when someone is truly obsessed, their interest has become compulsive, and they've begun to lose control over it. They really need help and a life!
Steadman Induced Borderline Personality Disorder (SIBPD) is a mental illness which manifests itself in a variety of behavioral issues blogging lies about Steadman. Symptoms include emotional instability, abandonment issues, feelings of emptiness and problems in relationships. These are accompanied by intense experiences of anger, depression and anxiety that can last hours, days or even months.
Please as always go to ‪dcpba.org‬ for truth or call us at ‪305-593-0044‬.

05-18-2020, 11:47 AM
If it was an accident just say so Steadman. But, why did such a young black kid have to die? Tell us the real reason mr transparency.

05-18-2020, 04:40 PM
If it was an accident just say so Steadman. But, why did such a young black kid have to die? Tell us the real reason mr transparency.

Once again another nonsensical, waste of our time post when we have real issues to deal with; its attributed to the following:
Stahl/Greenwell derangement syndrome (SGDS) is a derogatory term for criticism or negative reactions to the PBA President and VP that are irrational, fake and have little regard towards their actual positions or actions taken. Resulting from the severe anger of losing hundreds of thousands of dollars of income by John Rivera, Blanca Torrents Greenwood, Pablo Lima and Stephanie Womble manifested in repeated boring blog posts.
Additionally these losers have joined forces with a few PLEA losers (Domingo Dan Mountote Howard)lying on the PBA since they can't compete; as a wise person said;" When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser!"* PLEA has merged with IUPA.** IUPA is a subservient lil ***** to the AFL-CIO who are very anti-cop anyone who joins is cutting their own throat by your dues supporting anti-cop candidates in elections yes your hard earned dues money filtered by PLEA/IUPA but kicked up to AFL-CIO.* Do you want your dues money supporting the scum robber who attacked a good cop ?* How about your dues money supporting scum anti-law enforcement politicians well guess what if you join that’s exactly what will happen.
See below:
Stahlession:* When someone is obsessed with Steadman Stahl, they've lost control of their feelings about the object of their obsession; Steadman.* The adjective obsessed is often used to simply mean "very interested," but when someone is truly obsessed, their interest has become compulsive, and they've begun to lose control over it. They really need help and a life!
Steadman Induced Borderline Personality Disorder (SIBPD) is a mental illness which manifests itself in a variety of behavioral issues blogging lies about Steadman. Symptoms include emotional instability, abandonment issues, feelings of emptiness and problems in relationships. These are accompanied by intense experiences of anger, depression and anxiety that can last hours, days or even months.
Please as always go to ‪dcpba.org‬ for truth or call us at ‪305-593-0044‬.

05-18-2020, 11:23 PM
Why did that kid have to die Steadman? Why?

06-04-2020, 12:02 PM
What ever happened to transparency you promised Steadman? Why did this kid have to die. He was just a kid.

06-05-2020, 12:49 AM
What ever happened to transparency you promised Steadman? Why did this kid have to die. He was just a kid.

If that would have happen now he would have caused a riot

06-05-2020, 11:31 PM
Mr Transparency is not so transparent after all.

06-07-2020, 11:13 AM
Hell no Steadman has never been transparent and never will be. Frauds never are transparent. It exposes them too much

06-07-2020, 11:39 PM
Honestly, I’m surprised Steadman is r blaming someone else like he does everything else.

06-10-2020, 01:02 PM
Steadman you are either transparent or you are not. There’s no in between- no excuses- no pointing fingers- no shifting the stink elsewhere.
What happened that you ran over that black kid with your homestead patrol vehicle?

06-16-2020, 12:24 AM
Steadman, we are all Waiting for your transparency. All we Hear is crickets dude. Why did you kill that kid? What happened that fateful day?
And , why after Chief Ivy saved your ass, did you turn on Him?

06-17-2020, 10:08 AM
Steadman, this won’t go away so come clean in what happened that day

06-18-2020, 10:19 AM
Why Steadman? Why did you run over that kid?