View Full Version : Cops going cannibal on cops

04-19-2020, 04:43 AM
The younger rookies going after the older because they work at a "better spot". Do your time and you will get there, if you don't cannibalize each other to oblivion. Then you will make this an Agency where there is a culture all that good, like that one you blabber about at other Departments, i.e., WPB.

DLE going after DOD and conversely. This is plain stupid, both should be ONE in everything.

The lower ranks to the higher ups, well that only happens if support is not two way and one forgets the other one.

Whites hating blacks, latinos and other minorities and vice versa. Whites thinking of one more undeserving than the other without considering of the full life and opportunities of someone from elementary to today.

Old farts hating younger rookies.

One union hating another. The union hating the Sheriff and

One union hating the Sheriff and another and another to never end. One union doing things without verifying with the membership and then asking for a vote when deep shitz to your nose. One Sheriff full of arrogance, instead of humility. Don't forget where you come from and where you have been and the times that you were investigated yourselves.

Will we ever stop this cannibalism?

04-19-2020, 08:31 AM
The younger rookies going after the older because they work at a "better spot". Do your time and you will get there, if you don't cannibalize each other to oblivion. Then you will make this an Agency where there is a culture all that good, like that one you blabber about at other Departments, i.e., WPB.

DLE going after DOD and conversely. This is plain stupid, both should be ONE in everything.

The lower ranks to the higher ups, well that only happens if support is not two way and one forgets the other one.

Whites hating blacks, latinos and other minorities and vice versa. Whites thinking of one more undeserving than the other without considering of the full life and opportunities of someone from elementary to today.

Old farts hating younger rookies.

One union hating another. The union hating the Sheriff and

One union hating the Sheriff and another and another to never end. One union doing things without verifying with the membership and then asking for a vote when deep shitz to your nose. One Sheriff full of arrogance, instead of humility. Don't forget where you come from and where you have been and the times that you were investigated yourselves.

Will we ever stop this cannibalism?

Nope, and you want to know why? Because it’s FUN!!

04-19-2020, 10:01 AM
Some real knowledge in this one.

04-19-2020, 11:45 AM
Some real knowledge in this one.

Yet this is the kind of thread that disappears fast so the cannibalism continues and the same cannibals come here to whine.

04-19-2020, 11:46 AM
The younger rookies going after the older because they work at a "better spot". Do your time and you will get there, if you don't cannibalize each other to oblivion. Then you will make this an Agency where there is a culture all that good, like that one you blabber about at other Departments, i.e., WPB.

DLE going after DOD and conversely. This is plain stupid, both should be ONE in everything.

The lower ranks to the higher ups, well that only happens if support is not two way and one forgets the other one.

Whites hating blacks, latinos and other minorities and vice versa. Whites thinking of one more undeserving than the other without considering of the full life and opportunities of someone from elementary to today.

Old farts hating younger rookies.

One union hating another. The union hating the Sheriff and

One union hating the Sheriff and another and another to never end. One union doing things without verifying with the membership and then asking for a vote when deep shitz to your nose. One Sheriff full of arrogance, instead of humility. Don't forget where you come from and where you have been and the times that you were investigated yourselves.

Will we ever stop this cannibalism?

Shut the phuck up puzzy! I hate you too! Lol

04-19-2020, 11:51 AM
Shut the phuck up puzzy! I hate you too! Lol

Forgot to mention that you have pfuzzy assz news producers coming here for stories, buying into the cannibalism, but when you need them they are no show, unless it fits their narrative.

04-19-2020, 11:58 AM
Remember the Gilberto Mountaineer that come here to stir the pot too for entertainment. Maybe good guy though, but misguided mind.

04-19-2020, 12:20 PM
You live on a fantasy world. Nothing is on the level. Face it. When you seen a person getting magic wanded 4 ranks overnight you have to laugh. When you see a person get placed in a do nothing unit as a personal fluffer you have to laugh. Get a grip on it robocop.

04-19-2020, 12:28 PM
You live on a fantasy world. Nothing is on the level. Face it. When you seen a person getting magic wanded 4 ranks overnight you have to laugh. When you see a person get placed in a do nothing unit as a personal fluffer you have to laugh. Get a grip on it robocop.

Thanks for shedding reality on this puzzy post....well said.

04-19-2020, 12:52 PM
Thanks for shedding reality on this puzzy post....well said.

I agree with the first poster. We are cannibalizing each other. There is no light when people complain about the same thing the fools whine and complain about.

04-19-2020, 12:58 PM
I agree with the first poster. We are cannibalizing each other. There is no light when people complain about the same thing the fools whine and complain about.

Awwww....poor little snowflake....get it through your dumb head....there is zero, nilch, none, no camaraderie at BSO. The place is full of blow hards, terrible leadership, suck azzes and puzzies like yourself.

04-19-2020, 01:10 PM
You live on a fantasy world. Nothing is on the level. Face it. When you seen a person getting magic wanded 4 ranks overnight you have to laugh. When you see a person get placed in a do nothing unit as a personal fluffer you have to laugh. Get a grip on it robocop.

You are the first whiner about people magic wanded. Accept reality Alicia.

04-19-2020, 01:21 PM
LMFAO. Alicia. LMAO.

Magic wanding? It happens here and PBSO, NYPD and every where. How many? it's a reflection of what the first poster said about cannibals. You want reality? then don't cannibalize each other Alicia. Culture change. Otherwise, welcome to Wonderland Sheriff's Office.


04-19-2020, 01:22 PM
You live on a fantasy world. Nothing is on the level. Face it. When you seen a person getting magic wanded 4 ranks overnight you have to laugh. When you see a person get placed in a do nothing unit as a personal fluffer you have to laugh. Get a grip on it robocop.

How do I sign up to be a fluffer? Sounds easier than humping calls all day for 12hrs..

04-19-2020, 01:28 PM
Awwww....poor little snowflake....get it through your dumb head....there is zero, nilch, none, no camaraderie at BSO. The place is full of blow hards, terrible leadership, suck azzes and puzzies like yourself.

Then suck it up buttercup. You are a melted snowflake about to vaporize. Let eat each other through this life and your next as a maggot.

04-19-2020, 02:22 PM
The problem is that old timers are slugs. Get a nice zone but won’t go to hot calls in a nearby zone? 🤔 time to transfer to the airport buddy.

04-19-2020, 02:53 PM
Then suck it up buttercup. You are a melted snowflake about to vaporize. Let eat each other through this life and your next as a maggot.

Confused....are you calling me a buttercup? But then you say let's eat each other....its a very confusing statement....perhaps a low brow approach at sarcasm.

04-19-2020, 05:04 PM
The Sheriff's Office has always had the same problems. The only difference is that we now have a public forum to whine on. Many of the biggest whiners only whine about the way people are promoted because they are not the ones being promoted. Not one of them would turn down a two rank direct promotion, if it was offered to them. The one complaining about senior deputies getting "fluff" positions are only upset because they want those positions without paying their dues through years of service. And, they would scream the loudest if they were in one of these "fluff" positions and got dumped back onto the road and had to deal with the professional call dodgers.

No, nothing has changed at there BSO and nothing ever will change. It is a political organization, run by a politician and it attracts political wannabes.

04-19-2020, 05:34 PM
The Sheriff's Office has always had the same problems. The only difference is that we now have a public forum to whine on. Many of the biggest whiners only whine about the way people are promoted because they are not the ones being promoted. Not one of them would turn down a two rank direct promotion, if it was offered to them. The one complaining about senior deputies getting "fluff" positions are only upset because they want those positions without paying their dues through years of service. And, they would scream the loudest if they were in one of these "fluff" positions and got dumped back onto the road and had to deal with the professional call dodgers.

No, nothing has changed at there BSO and nothing ever will change. It is a political organization, run by a politician and it attracts political wannabes.

You just got my vote!! Jk....you're still a total douchebag lol

04-19-2020, 06:43 PM
Look like another post by none other than PBA golden boy Don Huneke

04-19-2020, 07:02 PM
The younger rookies going after the older because they work at a "better spot". Do your time and you will get there, if you don't cannibalize each other to oblivion. Then you will make this an Agency where there is a culture all that good, like that one you blabber about at other Departments, i.e., WPB.

DLE going after DOD and conversely. This is plain stupid, both should be ONE in everything.

The lower ranks to the higher ups, well that only happens if support is not two way and one forgets the other one.

Whites hating blacks, latinos and other minorities and vice versa. Whites thinking of one more undeserving than the other without considering of the full life and opportunities of someone from elementary to today.

Old farts hating younger rookies.

One union hating another. The union hating the Sheriff and

One union hating the Sheriff and another and another to never end. One union doing things without verifying with the membership and then asking for a vote when deep shitz to your nose. One Sheriff full of arrogance, instead of humility. Don't forget where you come from and where you have been and the times that you were investigated yourselves.

Will we ever stop this cannibalism?

It was like that 25 years ago. Sadly it will not change.

04-19-2020, 07:18 PM
Great thread started by the 5th Floor fluffers to divide the membership. Guess what Sarah or Benny or whomever you are. It won’t work the rank and file along with DOD and Fire Rescue are united against this temporary fraud Sheriff.

Tomorrow everyone will learn that with an overwhelming vote of no confidence.

04-19-2020, 11:35 PM
Who gives a shit about detention. Bunch of useless morons who wear their BSO windbreakers to get discounts at restaurants.