View Full Version : Arrested! forget officer safety!

Illegal Perp Walk!
04-05-2020, 03:48 AM
So the dog killer was arrested and taken to Jail! Then brought out of the jail taken to headquarters through the front door, where no suspects enter, he was then paraded around for the media! Great job sheriff someone is crazy, hearing voices, and killed there dog ! let’s put that person in every imaginable circumstance where they can hurt someone or even themselves! Officer safety takes a back seat when the circumstance can get Carmine on television! Idiots!!

04-05-2020, 12:03 PM
So the dog killer was arrested and taken to Jail! Then brought out of the jail taken to headquarters through the front door, where no suspects enter, he was then paraded around for the media! Great job sheriff someone is crazy, hearing voices, and killed there dog ! let’s put that person in every imaginable circumstance where they can hurt someone or even themselves! Officer safety takes a back seat when the circumstance can get Carmine on television! Idiots!!

Carmine Marceno is more interest in dogs than the unborn child. This was once called the “walk of shame” and a number of agencies ended up paying a lot of money in civil courts for performance of these actions. Again we see the inexperience of Marceno’s leadership and the no common sense for the safety of officers involved in these publicity stunts.

04-05-2020, 02:25 PM
Shrek would have gave the guy a rub and tug and a couple doughnuts.
Then send him on his way.

04-05-2020, 04:38 PM
Mike Scott did the same thing with Seivers. Anything other useless complaints?

04-05-2020, 05:24 PM
What unborn child are you referring to Shrek

04-05-2020, 05:54 PM
What unborn child are you referring to Shrek

FDLE Report: Direct quote from Carmine Marceno to Deanna Williams contained within the Text Messages sent to her. Marceno states the following: "I do not want the child and absolutely against it for countless reasons. I didn't want one with my wife years ago and certainly not at this time of my life. The best option is to not have it. I do not want a child."

"It" is a child. You continue to post on this site the very statements that are in conflict with the truth. Your credibility is not there. Again, Carmine has never argued this issue. Attempt, if you can, to separate yourself from your desire to protect an action that was inconsistent with the professional conduct of an officer. LCSO has an outstanding record of serving the citizens, however, Carmine has violated the very essence of conduct that others would have been fired for. That is truth.

You defend Carmine Marceno the same way that Joesph Goebbels defended Hitler. At some point facts have be accepted. There are additional facts and evidence coming that will compel people to conclude this truth.

04-05-2020, 06:46 PM
would love to see that fdle report you keep talking about!
The report that was released to the public was she was a paid Whore
by the losing team of shrek and pignose
You really need some facts to justify your huge loss!!

04-05-2020, 08:17 PM
Go change your depend I can smell you through the computer!
You must be living alone again just like the days in Cape Coral in the foreclosed house

04-05-2020, 09:05 PM
It is only about publicity for this guy. He only cares about hiring more people in an overpopulated Public Information Unit to get him false recognition. Doesn’t make you taller Carmine.

04-05-2020, 09:21 PM
Even though I don't agree with all the harsh things you have said about shrek.
I do agree 1000% about the smell of Feces, I worked with that slob for 15 years!
Somedays I thought I would vomit after talking to him!
How would you like to be the unfortunate soul that has to live with him!

04-05-2020, 10:43 PM
I will vouch for that, I retired during Mikes term.
We would always get comments about his stench!
I wonder if Mike ever told him to clean up.
Maybe why he was given the ultimatum to leave LCSO.

04-06-2020, 02:05 AM
I will vouch for that, I retired during Mikes term.
We would always get comments about his stench!
I wonder if Mike ever told him to clean up.
Maybe why he was given the ultimatum to leave LCSO.

He retired with 25 years and 5 years in drop! That’s 30 years moron! He retired in good standing with a full pension! Keep telling yourself that they are not scared! LMFAO!

04-06-2020, 01:36 PM
Was someone from the jail ordered to have this suspect removed and brought to headquarters for a perp walk? Are suspects brought through the front of headquarters regularly?

04-06-2020, 02:24 PM
Yes on first question No on second question

04-06-2020, 02:27 PM
One news organization given the "heads up" for the scope. No other news media was notified. You now have another reason that certain news media refuses to cover Marceno's improper conduct.

04-06-2020, 04:18 PM
Same door seivers came through moron
Did you expect fox to be there 😂😂
They fell for that fake pregnancy story you morons came up with!

04-06-2020, 06:39 PM
After the big show Marceno put on arresting this kid he was released the next day hahahahahaha I heard Marceno was pissed he has no clue whats happening in his own department

04-06-2020, 06:44 PM
But I thought Marceno was tough on animal abusers why would he release him

04-06-2020, 08:29 PM
One news organization given the "heads up" for the scope. No other news media was notified. You now have another reason that certain news media refuses to cover Marceno's improper conduct.

All depends if his “favorite” reporters are working. Predator

04-06-2020, 08:42 PM
If we catch you eating dog meat again we will load your lardass on a forklift and bring you in the same door you slob!

04-06-2020, 10:00 PM
Did you think they would take him straight to death row?
Of course he bonded out you imbecile.
Don't you remember when you disgraced the uniform that
we arrest them and then they have there day in court.
Good thing you were run out of there before you got wet brain!

04-06-2020, 11:44 PM
Did you think they would take him straight to death row?
Of course he bonded out you imbecile.
Don't you remember when you disgraced the uniform that
we arrest them and then they have there day in court.
Good thing you were run out of there before you got wet brain!

He didnt bond out. He got pre trial release you idiot. Just like Marceno you have no idea what's going on.

04-06-2020, 11:47 PM
If we catch you eating dog meat again we will load your lardass on a forklift and bring you in the same door you slob!

This is your rebuttal? Hahahahahaha your a sad little man. Might wanna go back to college like you told the media.

04-07-2020, 01:05 AM
Change your depend and go dream about your sheriff lardas@

04-07-2020, 01:39 AM
Change your depend and go dream about your sheriff lardas@

This is our administration! Juvenile idiots. They cant come up with one bad thing to say about Leavens. So they make up a bunch of juvenile bullshit. Vote for someone who has actually worked the streets of Lee County. Vote for Leavens. His entire family has worked for Lee County for the last 30 years. Marceno bought his way in. Never worked a day on his life.

04-07-2020, 02:00 AM
Hard to support you when your own family cant stand you!