View Full Version : No more petition cards

03-13-2020, 07:52 PM
Oh no Jim! This National Emergency will not allow you to sit in front of stores with your Corona Virus 19 pens. No more signature cards means you have to spend $8500 to qualify. I’m so happy to see you spend more of your money. Ha ha ha

03-13-2020, 09:55 PM
Shrek should have listened to people with common sense!
They told him he was a moron to run for office.
He never stood a chance.
The moron thought his negative campaign would help!
It backfired on the lardass.
He will see the results Aug 18th

03-14-2020, 12:22 AM
Dont listen to all the negative made up comments being displayed on here. Petitions are all done and being certified. Mid term election poll conducted shows Leavens ahead by almost 20%. Hang on people, better days are comming.

03-14-2020, 10:58 AM
That’s hilarious, what poll did Leavens pay for? Was it the same poll Rod Shoap paid for, that said he was winning by 10% and lost 90% to 10%.

03-14-2020, 11:02 AM
The poll Leavens is referring to was conducted on Huffmaster Drive in Charlotte County.

03-14-2020, 11:30 AM
Does white trash shrek live in charlotte county?
When did he move out of Suncoast estates??

03-14-2020, 11:56 AM
The last time he had a bipolar breakdown we baker acted him from Suncoast.
I can check with Sheriff Prummell and see if they have hauled that smelly slob in!

03-14-2020, 01:33 PM
It would be terribly irresponsible for Leavens to continue to endanger his supporters by posting them at public sites. Certainly not something a first responder "with experience " should do

Also, it's funny how Leavens advocates more active shooter training etc. but 1) doesn't explain how he'd pay for ALL these catchy feel good ideas and programs and 2) why didn't advocate for any of this in his 30 years at the agency? Anyone that really knew him knows the only thing he advocated for was himself

03-14-2020, 02:11 PM
The fact that you go after Leavens so much. But not coach ray. Shows how scared you really are. Enjoy that cushy admin spot while it last.

03-14-2020, 02:44 PM
Shrek we fear how bad your going to do Aug 18th
If your not baker acted before the polls are in, stay away from loaded guns!
It is going to be another sad day in your worthless life.

03-14-2020, 05:09 PM
The fact that you go after Leavens so much. But not coach ray. Shows how scared you really are. Enjoy that cushy admin spot while it last.

As someone who knows Jim Leavens very well, the only thing to be scared of IS the thought of someone like him that's so selfish, egotistical, racist and homophobic wants to be sheriff. THAT is WHY so MANY people who actually know and worked with Jim Leavens are so vocal against him and all the useless, thank God theyre gone former disgruntled employees and useless brass we loathed for so long. The people of this agency have ZERO desire to return to the good ole boy white is right backwards thinking agency it was.

03-15-2020, 01:16 AM
It would be terribly irresponsible for Leavens to continue to endanger his supporters by posting them at public sites. Certainly not something a first responder "with experience " should do

Also, it's funny how Leavens advocates more active shooter training etc. but 1) doesn't explain how he'd pay for ALL these catchy feel good ideas and programs and 2) why didn't advocate for any of this in his 30 years at the agency? Anyone that really knew him knows the only thing he advocated for was himself

So what active shooter training has Carmine done? Much more training could be done if the agency was not so top heavy in brass payroll. If you feel it’s right to bash the opponent, then you should probably do it when the incumbent has done something to have proven his worth. Something more then just benefiting a few people that can kiss ass the best.

03-15-2020, 03:14 AM
Carmine will soon be gone!!

03-16-2020, 02:55 PM
You’ve got 8 years shrek to worship your Sheriff!

03-21-2020, 06:31 PM
By now you know who I am Jim after I had words with your little minion begging for petition cards. Like I told him, I support the man who signs my paycheck and don't appreciate all the negative things you've said about the agency. I also think it's really sad you STILL need over 500 more petitions this late in the game after you failed attempts to get the sheriff removed from office and thinking you'd just waltz in.