View Full Version : PBA is not the same anymore

03-10-2020, 01:34 PM
There has been a notable change at the PBA and it isn’t good. The president is a stubborn individual who suffers from little man syndrome.
We don’t matter to the PBA anymore and so I know where my vote is going. Within my entire office I cannot find one person who likes the PBA. And some were staunch PBA supporters at one time.
A change at this juncture is not only warranted but justified.

03-13-2020, 05:41 PM
A change is more than warranted. The PBA leadership gave them two raises in 2 years while we suck wind.
They only pay attention to us when they think they are going to lose the cash cow.

03-20-2020, 10:38 PM
Munchkins from the wizard of oz think they are big shots

03-22-2020, 06:53 PM
The FDLE PBA reps now and for the past 4 or so years has been a bunch of spineless losers. They gave up power when they decided it wasn't worth sticking up for Agents facing the bullshit coming from this administration, all while taking favors and being treated "very good" by the higher ups while they looked the other way. In other words, SELL OUTS. Easy to just not stand for whats right (IE fight for whats right like they are supposed to) and take the easy route... conceding the ability down the road to maintain strength for others and a stable and fair workplace.

Now after years of being spineless and powerless, which is exactly what RS wanted, they can run over anyone and do whatever they want while the people put into PBA positions are now the worthless slugs they initially showed themselves as.

The damage is done and there is no recovery. If you give your money to the FDLE PBA, you're pissing it away IMO.