View Full Version : Another black eye for South Florida PBA

03-06-2020, 05:52 PM
PBA gives award to pedophile and sexual deviant -how special
One has to hand it to the PBA. Either their priorities are skewed, or ours are, but the PBA has worked hard of developing a reputation of hanging out and socializing with criminals and unsavory characters while refusing to defend its members.
Most recently the PBA gave an award to South Miami Mayor who is a despicable human being so say the very least. He was involved in a case where he was totally naked with an underage exchange student living with him. On another occasion, he defended a rapist at FIU, and as a result stayed on working with our children.
Now, that is very special indeed BUT there is more! Who would be the most likely person to give such an award to a sexual predator but another sexual predator and that’s why Steadman Stahl hand picked John Jenkins to deliver the award.
Once AGAIN, way to go PBA!!!!!! Special indeed.

03-07-2020, 05:06 PM
Yikes! Jeepers, what’s next with this guy. It’s been like a continuous soap opera with the PBA since Stahl took charge.
How is he allowed to do all these stupid things? Are all the board of directors asleep?