View Full Version : MDPD POAT shows PBA Steadman Stahl is at it again

02-17-2020, 11:41 AM
Steadman Stahl- talk of the town
City of Homestead is one place where secrets are seldom kept. Almost everyone is in everyone’s business and keeping a secret is near to impossible.
Steadman Stahl was recently seen in public with his best friend Steve Bateman who was released from prison after serving his sentence for public corruption.
Bateman and Stahl go back a ways. Stahl even Intervened and prevented a BWI for Bateman.
Some say that Steadman would even frequently visit the convicted felon in prison.
An unholy relationship to say the least!!!

02-17-2020, 12:22 PM
Man, what an embarrassment PBA Stahl has been. How can he call himself a cop when he doesn’t protect cops but instead embraces criminals.