View Full Version : Start From Within

02-11-2020, 03:23 AM
To attain an honorable police force, the feat must begin from within.

02-11-2020, 07:08 AM
Traaaaaagaaaaaaa leeeeecheeeeeee 😆😆😆😆

02-13-2020, 02:14 PM
You start by purging DB. All the people up there who are hooked up by Hubert. Gene Delima, Mike Ramos get rid of Del Nodal. All the detectives who never did a day in the road like David Loriga ( connected to Hubert) , Aylin Gonzalez ( connected to city hall) the other aileen because she used to 33 the chief... And anyone else who didn’t do any hard time on the road. Hell our former PIO eddy Rodriguez has no road time. Our new PIO Ibel has ábrelo any road time. His connected due to his mother cutting the chiefs hair! Purge DB all of it. There’s nobody up there that I can honestly say deserves to be there. With the exception of a few guys. The rest are all big fat zeroes. Start by changing narcotics. The narcotics unit in Hialeah takes people’s money. They don’t go after street drugs they don’t go after grow operations they don’t raid the bars that serve coke they turn a blind eye. All they do is take money from people who have never been involved in the drug business. These poor saps would know they are being set up if they were involved in drugs. It’s people who are down on their luck and are looking to make some money in desperation. The department is legally committing rips. Purge DB start there. Removing Hubert was step one. Mike Ramos and Loriga how many times did you guys go fishing on city time with Hubert???? I’m sure the new city council is dying to find out.

02-13-2020, 02:24 PM
Iris has been assisting Ruiz in the dirty work in SIS. You’ll never be a Lt or a commander for that matter
Let the entire purge begin. Add Villa and Iris and all the fishermen to your list. Boy this feels good

02-15-2020, 05:19 AM
You people need to quit reading what that racist rag of a newspaper puts out. There is a reason they filed for bankruptcy, stopped printing on Saturday and had to contract with a competitor to print their garbage. They can not even come close to making pension payments. The false sensationalisms they print are a last ditch effort to stay alive.
Just stayed focus on what you are suppose to do and disregard all the BS background noise.

02-15-2020, 07:41 AM
Iris has been assisting Ruiz in the dirty work in SIS. You’ll never be a Lt or a commander for that matter
Let the entire purge begin. Add Villa and Iris and all the fishermen to your list. Boy this feels good

They must leave. The house must be clean.

02-15-2020, 02:55 PM
Sure hope they know they’re time has come

02-15-2020, 03:55 PM
An outsider chief is what's needed. Who comes in and clean house. New Chief should bring some more outsiders with him. Demote a few while at it.

02-15-2020, 09:43 PM
An outsider chief is what's needed. Who comes in and clean house. New Chief should bring some more outsiders with him. Demote a few while at it.

It will never happen. Hernandez is the one who decides who gets hired.

If only that pvssy Zogby would grow some balls and get Hernandez's pen1s out of his mouth we might have a voting bloc in the city council that will stand up to our corrupt mayor. Only then will good things start to happen.

02-18-2020, 02:05 PM
You people need to quit reading what that racist rag of a newspaper puts out. There is a reason they filed for bankruptcy, stopped printing on Saturday and had to contract with a competitor to print their garbage. They can not even come close to making pension payments. The false sensationalisms they print are a last ditch effort to stay alive.
Just stayed focus on what you are suppose to do and disregard all the BS background noise.

Tragaaaa leche !!! Drink up Jesse

02-18-2020, 06:27 PM
Hurry up and get convicted Jesse...I'm waiting for you at Club Fed.

02-22-2020, 05:57 AM
You people need to quit reading what that racist rag of a newspaper puts out. There is a reason they filed for bankruptcy, stopped printing on Saturday and had to contract with a competitor to print their garbage. They can not even come close to making pension payments. The false sensationalisms they print are a last ditch effort to stay alive.
Just stayed focus on what you are suppose to do and disregard all the BS background noise.

Geez you sound like Hernandez, racist newspaper?! Macho... you can’t make this shit up

If they cannot obtain absolute silence from all the people they hooked up only to screw down the line, they try to make sure that no one listens when the truth is thrown out there for everyone to read! So yeah racist whatever you wanna call it! You better start paying your dollar to read those articles it’s only the beginning. That racist newspaper is going to come out of bankruptcy thanks to all articles they’ll continue to write about Hialeah & it’s corruption. Stay tuned