View Full Version : George and Laura Bush donate to Carmine

02-11-2020, 12:17 AM
Wow wow wow, go ahead and beat the story up disgruntles. The current President, Senator, Governor, and Ex- President all support Sheriff Carmine Marceno. This is over!!!

02-11-2020, 01:56 AM
Carmine does not have 4- $50 checks from Brian Emmons
and 1 from Bobby Forrest for $40
That's 5 checks to his one!!
I am winning.

02-11-2020, 11:20 AM
Carmine - 826 checks written to his campaign of an average of $930 / Leavens - 121 checks written to his campaign with an average of $350. Hold up, $18,000 of Leavens money was loaned to him by himself. So make that a $206 average. So based just on those averages, Carmine is winning by more than 80%. Carmine only needs 50% plus one vote. Wait until Carmine can spend the $800,000 raised, he will be everywhere!!!!!

02-11-2020, 11:38 AM
Carmine - 826 checks written to his campaign of an average of $930 / Leavens - 121 checks written to his campaign with an average of $350. Hold up, $18,000 of Leavens money was loaned to him by himself. So make that a $206 average. So based just on those averages, Carmine is winning by more than 80%. Carmine only needs 50% plus one vote. Wait until Carmine can spend the $800,000 raised, he will be everywhere!!!!!

Why does it even matter how much money is raised.? No one ever sees that money and it does not benefit members of the sheriffs office in any way. Moral and confidence from your command staff and sheriff hold a higher value to some people than a check with some numbers.

02-11-2020, 01:24 PM
That ain't all folks! Some BIG Trump supporters who support Marceno will make sure there's plenty of photo ops on air etc. so the Trump supporters of Lee County know our sheriff is in lock step with Trump

02-11-2020, 02:24 PM
Thankfully George or Laura never saw the letters those morons wrote!!
Pig nose shoap and returded McKinney could have messed everything up!

02-11-2020, 03:49 PM
Why does a check with numbers on it matter??
You almost sound like an imbecile
Money in a campaign means people support you and want you to remain in office.
When you are as broke as you are it means people can't stand you!
Your campaign keeps us all laughing.

02-14-2020, 04:29 PM
This is amazing! Carmine strong!!!

02-14-2020, 08:44 PM
Emmons should be able to swing another 50 to shreks failed campaign
When will pig nose 🐽 donate to the lost cause??
Those dumba-s letters have only hurt the slob.

02-15-2020, 01:37 PM
Losers will always be losers

02-15-2020, 09:19 PM
Losers will always be losers

And Corruption breeds Corruption

02-16-2020, 01:28 AM
You have compiled Lee Counties finest scum to help you remain a loser!!

02-16-2020, 12:20 PM
If what I’m hearing is the truth then bye bye corruption.

02-16-2020, 03:18 PM
As long as none of leavans maggots are involved there will be no corruption!
Herpes leavans loves spreading his disease!

02-16-2020, 05:14 PM
He’s gonna have a flare up after seeing the successful parade without his scummy a.s in there!
What a moron!

02-16-2020, 05:25 PM
Carmine will deservedly win big, continue to improve the agency and get rid of the dead wood.

02-17-2020, 12:12 PM
There are four more civilians being cut

02-17-2020, 02:56 PM
There are four more civilians being cut

False information once again. There are no civilian positions being cut!

Just another scare tactic the losing team is trying to use to try and get people over to their side.

02-17-2020, 03:46 PM
There is nothing any of those maggots can say or do to help shrek!
That imbecile will lose as bad as 🐽 shoap and crackhead crew lee!!
Its gonna be hysterical 😩😂😂

02-18-2020, 10:15 PM
False information once again. There are no civilian positions being cut!

Just another scare tactic the losing team is trying to use to try and get people over to their side.

True Holloway was overheard to cut more of the “higher ones”

02-19-2020, 12:53 AM
True Holloway was overheard to cut more of the “higher ones”

This information is not factual! There are many reasons why civilians will not be cut. It’s evident you are motivated to spread false information with intentions to scare those in civilian positions.

02-28-2020, 08:00 PM
Everything about Carmine Marceno is a fraud and a lie. He raised campaign cash to get where he is today. He falsified official paperwork, under oath, to become a Florida Certified Law Enforcement Officer. THIS IS A FELONY.

02-28-2020, 09:24 PM
Lardass Leavand is a jealous POS
What’s it feel like to be a loser fat boy
You keep digging up the past bs that got you and your fellow maggots laughed at!