View Full Version : Wanna Change My Status on Sgt Exam, Is It To Late?

01-22-2020, 11:24 PM
Today I received my Ancestry DNA TEST results in the mail and I was totally surprised at what I discovered. It seems that I'm related to Aunt Jemima who may have been my Great Great Great Great Grand Mammy. Additionally, it also shows a relationship to George Washington Carver. I guess now I know why I like peanuts so much. Well, with these results I'm contemplating changing my racial classification to African American on the Sergeants Exam because I registered a 2% Black on my DNA tests results.

01-22-2020, 11:36 PM
Too bad !! Mother fer!!! Ha!ha!!!

Idi Amin
01-23-2020, 02:33 AM
Papo, me too.
My test revealed I'm related to Kunta Kintey.
He was my great,great,great,great,great grandpapi!
MLK was a distent cuzz.

Papo, soy negro,acere!!!!