View Full Version : What an absolute joke!

12-10-2019, 03:20 PM
Leavens has officially raised $37,700 and spent $37,200, after putting in over $14,000 of his own money. Leavens has $500 left, compared to the Sheriff that has over $357,000 in just one account. Not to mention a PC that has raised over $368,000. Leavens had to deposit another $1250 to make the books balance. This guy is really a mental case and has surrounded himself with promised positions, ex disgruntled / fired employees. Unbelievable!!!


12-10-2019, 03:47 PM
I can't stop laughing reading that post
The slob is really struggling to stay afloat
Must be the great support from degenerates of lee county
Anyone that would let cro lee shoap and McKinley support them is guaranteed to lose big
Surround yourself with scum and you flourish

12-10-2019, 04:13 PM
What can that imbecile be thinking he’s going to lose so badly in August I think it will be worse than Shoaps and the loser that ran for state attorneys loss 😂😂😂

12-10-2019, 04:43 PM
Looks like it's time to throw another one of your failed Scumraisers
The past 11 months have been as good as it gets for shrek
Don't give up hope there's only 8 more months until you realize what a moron you are
Can't you get crackhead cro lee to write some more of those worthless letters or
Maybe he can get his boyfriend at Fox to do another worthless story

12-10-2019, 05:14 PM
Can you please get him to release my skateboard please , he confiscated it years ago because I was skating to fast for conditions ! Please get me my skateboard it’s the red one !

12-10-2019, 06:16 PM
Can leavens stay away from children under age of 18
He has always had that sickness
Can't believe he's never been locked up for it

12-10-2019, 09:22 PM
Levins you have made me a believer
You are an absolute imbecile
All you could get from 5 suckers was $375
As poor as you are you keep lending your sorry ass money

12-10-2019, 09:55 PM
Leavans You have some piss Poor supporters what a joke
Who is that dumb ass Jim a Leavens that loaned you $1250 does he smoke crack also??

12-11-2019, 04:24 AM
Makes sense now, those pictures from Edison’s had a bunch of empty tables. The manager was extremely disappointed with your turn out. $400 from a fund raiser with 70 people expected. At least the one man band could entertain Griner and Connor for the non generous contribution. Ha ha ha ha or should we be saying ho ho ho ho since your next fundraiser is tomorrow. Absolute loser!!!!!!

12-11-2019, 02:16 PM
That moron paid the Edison a $588 event fee
He went to Sam's and got peanut butter and jelly for $77 for the huge crowd
He had invested $665 And received $375 in donations
Another successful Scumraiser in the books

12-11-2019, 03:09 PM
This guy has spent more than he has made. Absolutely ridiculous, even if this current Sheriff was in some type of trouble. There would be zero chance this guy would be appointed. There is no way this Sheriff is removed anyway!!!! A bunch of losers and a crappy news station pushing non sense that won’t matter.

12-13-2019, 11:34 PM
Would like to attend the next comedy
Keep us posted you may get more than 6 people to attend

12-14-2019, 03:39 AM
Maybe we can all scream “Marceno for Sheriff”