View Full Version : CIP racism costing city $$$$$$

11-18-2019, 08:59 PM
Hey Danny you were part of this. She wrote racist note and we have to pay 150,000

11-19-2019, 12:24 AM
More coming out on this. CIP director is a hypercrit

11-19-2019, 04:01 AM
Off course please tell us more Whortiz

11-19-2019, 04:34 AM
Perfect example who’s policing the police! I believe police should police the police not a bunch of civilians making money that have zero experience!!!

11-19-2019, 05:13 AM
Perfect example who’s policing the police! I believe police should police the police not a bunch of civilians making money that have zero experience!!!

You mean you should be able to have your friends or family Cover up crimes for you? What a joke

11-19-2019, 05:30 AM
Perfect example who’s policing the police! I believe police should police the police not a bunch of civilians making money that have zero experience!!!

The problem with this is, F&F will almost always get a pass. Those in a sexual relation, with a staff member or city hall, will get a pass. Civilian review boards, do investigation some large department. Ours was a Band-Aid approach, one that does need to be fixed and the panel should be made up of 3 civilians, 1 department person and 1 from the state attorneys office. Since everything, with the department is based off of race. 1 white, 1 black and 1 Cuban, for the civilian side of it. Police, especially MPD, has a history in selected enforcement of the rules and law we go by. Above all else who ever is sleeping with any Chief we had, is going to be treated with hugs & kisses. You can go back as far, Perry Anderson and a Lt. Johnson. She failed the drug test and got a pass. Only to be in trouble again with his replacement. Yet, all those that failed the test from the mid to late 80's were outright fired.

11-20-2019, 01:47 AM
This and that music festival Bremer got the city to give her gotta be costing a pretty penny yo