View Full Version : Ciro

11-07-2019, 09:47 PM
Papo, stop writing emails to everyone. You sound ridiculous. You’re English is horrible and your emails are even more horrible. We like you, you’re QRU but please just stop with any more emails.

11-11-2019, 01:01 AM
Papo, stop writing emails to everyone. You sound ridiculous. You’re English is horrible and your emails are even more horrible. We like you, you’re QRU but please just stop with any more emails.

Bro, leave Ciro alone.
YOU'RE (Your) English writing is not to very gud lukin.

11-21-2019, 08:42 AM
Thanks for let me know. No need to posted, you should give me the same courtesy that I always give to everyone face to face..l know you understood the point of my email.
I didn't mean to put you in the spot for not following directions, it was only information,
" Team work " I guess you got up set and the only thing you found to pick on me was my writing and my verbal communication..
Sorry if it offends you...I did not go to school in the U.S.A....and I have a speech impediment in case you didn't know. Of course I will keep writing it will help me to improve..
Please ,do me a favor write correctly the email( without help)and forward it to me , I will review it and learn.. you see
again "Team work " Then I will compare to your police reports..and property receipts and made corrections...so we both learn.....Nothing taken personal... I hope you do not enforce the law with the same mentality...because it might mean that you will write a citation to a humble uneducated person with a speech impediment even is not deserved...but if you stop a Educated well spoken person like a Doctor or Attorney, you will not have the balls to issue the citation even if it's deserved.
I'm still your friend.....
Take care. Ohhhh my apologies if I made a few mistakes while I writing reply to you.But for sure I know you got my point.

11-25-2019, 01:26 AM
I really hope that was Ciro. Either way great point. Ciro is a good man and one of the best employees we have . The idiot who started this is a mental midget . I apologize on his behalf Ciro. Keep up the great job most of appreciate you.

11-29-2019, 11:36 PM
OP you’re a punk. Lay off Ciro because he is quality character that SPD is fortunate to have for so many years despite all the officers that it has lost (both good and bad) Ciro can’t be compared to the shi*heads that deserve to be exposed on here.

Don’t waste our time posting some stupid little gripe about emails. Delete them and don’t read it so when something important comes up and brass asks why you didn’t comply, your worthless self can get canned for violation of policy and insubordination.

Then we can post about you losing your job, bit*h.