View Full Version : How shameful for the few Parkland Parents.

11-06-2019, 10:01 PM
It was such a sorry shame for the pathetic parents that fought for Israel to not be re-instated. They were looking at the wrong person at fault. DeSantis brand washed them to think they would get closure doing that political stunt they pulled. The real problem was the shooter! Other agency's were at fault. They did not win at all. They were just stupid to think they did. They should be ashamed of themselves. What a waste of time. My vote is even stronger to Scott Israel!! Scott will win the election and the political joke is on those sorry _ss parents that have no common sense to make sense of it all.

11-06-2019, 10:55 PM
It was such a sorry shame for the pathetic parents that fought for Israel to not be re-instated. They were looking at the wrong person at fault. DeSantis brand washed them to think they would get closure doing that political stunt they pulled. The real problem was the shooter! Other agency's were at fault. They did not win at all. They were just stupid to think they did. They should be ashamed of themselves. What a waste of time. My vote is even stronger to Scott Israel!! Scott will win the election and the political joke is on those sorry _ss parents that have no common sense to make sense of it all.

We already know how you be like about it, Dr. Osgood. That "brand' washing is for real, for real. You feel me?

11-06-2019, 10:57 PM
It was such a sorry shame for the pathetic parents that fought for Israel to not be re-instated. They were looking at the wrong person at fault. DeSantis brand washed them to think they would get closure doing that political stunt they pulled. The real problem was the shooter! Other agency's were at fault. They did not win at all. They were just stupid to think they did. They should be ashamed of themselves. What a waste of time. My vote is even stronger to Scott Israel!! Scott will win the election and the political joke is on those sorry _ss parents that have no common sense to make sense of it all.

Very important:
With regard to your stronger vote, to make it happen, press very hard with your pencil when filling in the bubble next to your candidate. In case you forget, there's ladies there to help you.

11-06-2019, 11:00 PM
It was such a sorry shame for the pathetic parents that fought for Israel to not be re-instated. They were looking at the wrong person at fault. DeSantis brand washed them to think they would get closure doing that political stunt they pulled. The real problem was the shooter! Other agency's were at fault. They did not win at all. They were just stupid to think they did. They should be ashamed of themselves. What a waste of time. My vote is even stronger to Scott Israel!! Scott will win the election and the political joke is on those sorry _ss parents that have no common sense to make sense of it all.

the sorry ass parents....

$190 K in the war chest already for a candidate that you don't want. They're winning " on the ground"

11-06-2019, 11:03 PM
It was such a sorry shame for the pathetic parents that fought for Israel to not be re-instated. They were looking at the wrong person at fault. DeSantis brand washed them to think they would get closure doing that political stunt they pulled. The real problem was the shooter! Other agency's were at fault. They did not win at all. They were just stupid to think they did. They should be ashamed of themselves. What a waste of time. My vote is even stronger to Scott Israel!! Scott will win the election and the political joke is on those sorry _ss parents that have no common sense to make sense of it all.

You don't have the balz to go up against the school board or Runcie, so instead, you'll attack the parents of the deceased. Good luck with that.

11-06-2019, 11:13 PM
Scott Israel is a piece of shit.

11-06-2019, 11:34 PM
Why is this still a topic of discussion... the leader of a police agency absolved all blame from himself and placed it on the deputies. Doesn’t matter if he wasn’t there, he’s the leader, he needed to accept blame. Captain of the titanic went down with the ship. He would’ve been a better sheriff than Israel.

11-07-2019, 01:35 AM
Why is this still a topic of discussion... the leader of a police agency absolved all blame from himself and placed it on the deputies. Doesn’t matter if he wasn’t there, he’s the leader, he needed to accept blame. Captain of the titanic went down with the ship. He would’ve been a better sheriff than Israel.

Why don't we blame you jerky. Does anyone talk about the shooter? These parents and anyone who even thinks it's Scott's fault are just as ignorant and lost. You all know who is the blame. Those parents should be ashamed of themselves using the poor children who died from the hands of one sick kid. Republican or not you all know the truth. Stop using this kids and may they all rest in peace.

11-07-2019, 01:39 AM
Why don't we blame you jerky. Does anyone talk about the shooter? These parents and anyone who even thinks it's Scott's fault are just as ignorant and lost. You all know who is the blame. Those parents should be ashamed of themselves using the poor children who died from the hands of one sick kid. Republican or not you all know the truth. Stop using this kids and may they all rest in peace.

Israel will win for that!! Democrats will be out to prove a point that Justice must be served. Parkland parents have met their match and we Democrats invite it because we are strong in Broward.

11-07-2019, 02:24 AM
Israel will win for that!! Democrats will be out to prove a point that Justice must be served. Parkland parents have met their match and we Democrats invite it because we are strong in Broward.

Yeah.. but.... now we're "democrats' too. Until the day after the 2020 election. Then, we'll be Republicans again. We ain't as dumb as you think we is. See you at the polls.

11-07-2019, 03:10 AM
If youre banking on Scott Isreal finances youre stupid. He will not be reelected even with million in the account. Al will beat him and Tony . Watch the momentum 1st quarter of 2020. 😂😂
The best is yet to come.

11-07-2019, 04:14 AM
and if that's the case, you can count on the tony supporters to jump ship before the election and get behind Pollack-even us "stupid parents. ' We didn't end up being the "stupid parents" by being stupid.

Been fun the last few days being temporary democrats.

We walk around our safe space and point out things that offend us, and say intelligent stuff like" I identify as she" " Can you tell me where the gender neutral restrooms are?" " Everyone should get free college" " Why do police have guns anyway?" "It's a woman's choice to murder her baby"

Gosh, you people sure have lots to talk about, and so many ideas. Don't know what we'll talk about when it's time to put the red hats back on.

11-07-2019, 06:11 AM
Yeah.. but.... now we're "democrats' too. Until the day after the 2020 election. Then, we'll be Republicans again. We ain't as dumb as you think we is. See you at the polls.

I think it's funny. Are democrats really that stupid? Do they realize that their so called sheriff, sorry former sheriff, Scott Israel was a republican and lost the election as a republican. Then he changed to democrat and beat the republican in a democratic county. Now the current sheriff, Gregory Tony, who was a republican and was placed in office by a republican has now changed his party to democrat in an attempt to win the office in a democratic county. Well, just so you know I changed my party affiliation from republican to democrat just to vote against these two idiots. I don't believe Israel is totally to blame for the shooting, but he is not totally innocent either. It was his deals with the school board and him alone clipping the wings of his employees so they couldn't do their job. How many times did he say the sheriff's office was not a law enforcement agency. So I ask this, if BSO is not a law enforcement agency, what are they? I say let the men and women of BSO do their jobs, and let them protect the citizens of Broward County, not just the politicians or other political groups.

11-07-2019, 06:24 AM
The whole block where I live, except for one diehard Trumpster changed to dumbocrats this week. We're having a great time pretending that we're entitled clueless morons. If you think that nothing could make you abandon your party, these two imbeciles running for sheriff could make anyone a faux shade of blue. Stop by for some avocado toast. We'll all swoon over Rachel Maddow's brillance on MSNBC tonight.

11-07-2019, 11:49 AM
I think it's funny. Are democrats really that stupid? Do they realize that their so called sheriff, sorry former sheriff, Scott Israel was a republican and lost the election as a republican. Then he changed to democrat and beat the republican in a democratic county. Now the current sheriff, Gregory Tony, who was a republican and was placed in office by a republican has now changed his party to democrat in an attempt to win the office in a democratic county. Well, just so you know I changed my party affiliation from republican to democrat just to vote against these two idiots. I don't believe Israel is totally to blame for the shooting, but he is not totally innocent either. It was his deals with the school board and him alone clipping the wings of his employees so they couldn't do their job. How many times did he say the sheriff's office was not a law enforcement agency. So I ask this, if BSO is not a law enforcement agency, what are they? I say let the men and women of BSO do their jobs, and let them protect the citizens of Broward County, not just the politicians or other political groups.

You sure can't fix stupid! Scott has been a Democrat for how many years? Let that go. We are entitled to change parties if and when we want too. I'm a republican but I will still vote for Scott. You see, the whole point went way over you're head and o few others because you can't comprehend. Why not just blame Coco the clown? Might as well,. Scott wasn't at fault, the coward should have gone in. Broward County Commissioners are to blame, School Board is to blame, FBI is to blame. and countless others. My vote is for Scott Israel 2020

11-07-2019, 12:11 PM
You sure can't fix stupid! Scott has been a Democrat for how many years? Let that go. We are entitled to change parties if and when we want too. I'm a republican but I will still vote for Scott. You see, the whole point went way over you're head and o few others because you can't comprehend. Why not just blame Coco the clown? Might as well,. Scott wasn't at fault, the coward should have gone in. Broward County Commissioners are to blame, School Board is to blame, FBI is to blame. and countless others. My vote is for Scott Israel 2020

"You're" head is not that of a Republican.

Coco the clown was not contracted to respond to calls to protect and serve the residents of Broward County. Agree that BCC are too blame; but since you won't come out to blame them, or SBBC, you, martyr that you are, can take the fall for every agency. Chose your side yourself and surely the counterparts are grateful for the silence that followed, especially six million dollar Bob. Congrats. You have street cred. Expect no sympathy.

11-07-2019, 03:13 PM
Scott placed a captain in charge who had 0 experience and was a sub par police officer. He has blood on his hands for being inept at positioning his people. He will not be re elected. Heard his daughter was hot tho, she 18 yet?

11-07-2019, 03:34 PM
Jan was inept and I won't vote for Scott either, but talking about people's kids is always wrong and shouldn't be part of the conversation. Ever.

11-08-2019, 02:52 AM
Scott placed a captain in charge who had 0 experience and was a sub par police officer. He has blood on his hands for being inept at positioning his people. He will not be re elected. Heard his daughter was hot tho, she 18 yet?

As much as I dislike Israel it was the Parkland city manager and board that chose Jordan over 2 other more qualified men.
Everybody loves to shift blame.
What amazes me is the current Sheriff and some Parkland residents are helping the real killers case by taking blame off him where it truly belongs.

What a sad state of affairs.

11-08-2019, 03:07 AM
As much as I dislike Israel it was the Parkland city manager and board that chose Jordan over 2 other more qualified men.
Everybody loves to shift blame.
What amazes me is the current Sheriff and some Parkland residents are helping the real killers case by taking blame off him where it truly belongs.

What a sad state of affairs.

Who were the other two that interviewed?

11-08-2019, 03:30 AM
And guess who was on that board? None other that Tony Pustizzi who was the chief at Coral Springs during the MSD shooting. Tony was a hand picked advisor to Tony as a consultant on day one of his administration and later QUIT 3 months into the job

11-08-2019, 03:31 AM
Scott placed a captain in charge who had 0 experience and was a sub par police officer. He has blood on his hands for being inept at positioning his people. He will not be re elected. Heard his daughter was hot tho, she 18 yet?

Ok stupid Temp Tony just promoted three Sgt’s NO WHAT STUPID!

11-08-2019, 04:24 AM
As much as I dislike Israel it was the Parkland city manager and board that chose Jordan over 2 other more qualified men.
Everybody loves to shift blame.
What amazes me is the current Sheriff and some Parkland residents are helping the real killers case by taking blame off him where it truly belongs.

What a sad state of affairs.

The PCM tells a different story. No one seems to be able to identify the two mystery men who interviewed for Captain. There's no strong gay population in Parkland. There was nothing that she brought to the table in terms of her demographic.
She was a woman who was shoved in Parkland in lieu of giving her a district where she'd be required to work. Those two mystery Captain interviewees must be in the same imaginary place as the unnamed mystery parents who demanded that the police didn't arrest juveniles for felony offenses.
Helping the real killers case? Cruz confessed. He'll never get the death penalty after multiple agencies ignored his mental health issues. Plenty of blame to go around, including parents who do blame themselves

11-08-2019, 09:32 AM
The PCM tells a different story. No one seems to be able to identify the two mystery men who interviewed for Captain. There's no strong gay population in Parkland. There was nothing that she brought to the table in terms of her demographic.
She was a woman who was shoved in Parkland in lieu of giving her a district where she'd be required to work. Those two mystery Captain interviewees must be in the same imaginary place as the unnamed mystery parents who demanded that the police didn't arrest juveniles for felony offenses.
Helping the real killers case? Cruz confessed. He'll never get the death penalty after multiple agencies ignored his mental health issues. Plenty of blame to go around, including parents who do blame themselves

Especially that stupid want a be artist. If he thinks he's going to make money being on interviews and acting like a victim he's wrong. His work sucks!! He should be ashamed of himself. After that clown act a couple of weeks ago he to include the other idiots who drove to that hearing are as stupid as can be. DeSantis was laughing all the way saying to himself what idiots to think Scott had something to do with it. They spoke about closure? OMG!! Not!!! They did this political stunt and it worked for now. I hope Scott wins to prove that it's not up to DeSantis, It's up to the people of Broward. I'm a Republican and proud to be one but on this particular case I'm voting for Scott Israel 100% and alot of people with common sense will be doing the same. Shame on those idiot parents and folks that went and supported .

11-08-2019, 12:50 PM
Especially that stupid want a be artist. If he thinks he's going to make money being on interviews and acting like a victim he's wrong. His work sucks!! He should be ashamed of himself. After that clown act a couple of weeks ago he to include the other idiots who drove to that hearing are as stupid as can be. DeSantis was laughing all the way saying to himself what idiots to think Scott had something to do with it. They spoke about closure? OMG!! Not!!! They did this political stunt and it worked for now. I hope Scott wins to prove that it's not up to DeSantis, It's up to the people of Broward. I'm a Republican and proud to be one but on this particular case I'm voting for Scott Israel 100% and alot of people with common sense will be doing the same. Shame on those idiot parents and folks that went and supported .

Gotta love a Broward education.^^ You be 954.

11-08-2019, 12:58 PM
If I recall De Marco was up there interviewing.

11-08-2019, 03:46 PM
The PCM tells a different story. No one seems to be able to identify the two mystery men who interviewed for Captain. There's no strong gay population in Parkland. There was nothing that she brought to the table in terms of her demographic.
She was a woman who was shoved in Parkland in lieu of giving her a district where she'd be required to work. Those two mystery Captain interviewees must be in the same imaginary place as the unnamed mystery parents who demanded that the police didn't arrest juveniles for felony offenses.
Helping the real killers case? Cruz confessed. He'll never get the death penalty after multiple agencies ignored his mental health issues. Plenty of blame to go around, including parents who do blame themselves

Obviously you are clueless or a temp Tony cheerleader. But the truth is Jan Jordan was picked by Parkland and their advisor Chief Pustizzi from Coral Springs.

Scott Israel’s pick for Parkland Chief was Mike Borelli retired Assistant Chief from Margate. He was head and shoulders more qualified then Jan Jordan and had an excellent interview. But in typical Broward dirty politics Pustizzi blocked Borelli from getting the job because he knew that’s who Israel wanted and Pustizzi is a good friend of Al Lamberti and always disliked Irsael.

So Parkland and Pustizzi went with the lesbian female in the name of diversity and look how that worked out. Then after MSD Pustizzi attacked BSO and Israel and the rest is history.

I am not a fan of Israel and I hope he never comes back however blaming him for everything is just ridiculous. I am also not a fan of Tony as he is a total fraud who would not have been able to get hired as a patrol Deputy a year ago because of his bad credit and bad check arrest.

Some people are paying attention, not everyone in Parkland is fooled so easily.

11-08-2019, 04:43 PM
Obviously you are clueless or a temp Tony cheerleader. But the truth is Jan Jordan was picked by Parkland and their advisor Chief Pustizzi from Coral Springs.

Scott Israel’s pick for Parkland Chief was Mike Borelli retired Assistant Chief from Margate. He was head and shoulders more qualified then Jan Jordan and had an excellent interview. But in typical Broward dirty politics Pustizzi blocked Borelli from getting the job because he knew that’s who Israel wanted and Pustizzi is a good friend of Al Lamberti and always disliked Irsael.

So Parkland and Pustizzi went with the lesbian female in the name of diversity and look how that worked out. Then after MSD Pustizzi attacked BSO and Israel and the rest is history.

I am not a fan of Israel and I hope he never comes back however blaming him for everything is just ridiculous. I am also not a fan of Tony as he is a total fraud who would not have been able to get hired as a patrol Deputy a year ago because of his bad credit and bad check arrest.

Some people are paying attention, not everyone in Parkland is fooled so easily.

How are we just finding out about this now??
How do I post this link on the Parkland Talk Facebook page?

11-08-2019, 06:50 PM
Obviously you are clueless or a temp Tony cheerleader. But the truth is Jan Jordan was picked by Parkland and their advisor Chief Pustizzi from Coral Springs.

Scott Israel’s pick for Parkland Chief was Mike Borelli retired Assistant Chief from Margate. He was head and shoulders more qualified then Jan Jordan and had an excellent interview. But in typical Broward dirty politics Pustizzi blocked Borelli from getting the job because he knew that’s who Israel wanted and Pustizzi is a good friend of Al Lamberti and always disliked Irsael.

So Parkland and Pustizzi went with the lesbian female in the name of diversity and look how that worked out. Then after MSD Pustizzi attacked BSO and Israel and the rest is history.

I am not a fan of Israel and I hope he never comes back however blaming him for everything is just ridiculous. I am also not a fan of Tony as he is a total fraud who would not have been able to get hired as a patrol Deputy a year ago because of his bad credit and bad check arrest.

Some people are paying attention, not everyone in Parkland is fooled so easily.

" Picked by Parkland" WHO exactly? Which city manager? Why the continued avoidance of that question of WHOM? Let's see if all of these characters tell the same story at the time of civil depositions. Doubt it.

11-08-2019, 09:43 PM
Please, Jordan had nothing to do with the MSDHS incident. NOTHING. Need I repeat that? In the first place she had nothing to do with MSDHS. Like it or not, school campuses are under the direct control of the BCSB, not the BSO. Also, the SRO is not under the direct control of the District Commander. The shooting incident was not the result of anything which occurred off campus in the City of Parkland. It was not as though some gang shootout spilled onto the campus from the mean streets of Parkland. Also, by the time Jordan arrived on the scene,the shooter was gone. So, nothing which she did, or did not do, effected the incident to any measurable degree.

What happened is that the parents, of the slain students, and their friends and supporters, many of who were Parkland residents, were rather ruthlessly used by the media. The media wanted a high level elected official for a scapegoat. And the parents jumped on the Get Israel bandwagon. Well, they GOT Israel. And, now the political establishment is worried about a popular political backlash because a handful of people, from an upscale town of 21,000 people, effectively disenfranchised half a million voters through the bogus suspension and removal of Israel. So, now some residents of Parkland are running around saying, "It wasn't us". It was all the fault of Captain Jordan. More bogus finger pointing.

11-08-2019, 10:11 PM
Please, Jordan had nothing to do with the MSDHS incident. NOTHING. Need I repeat that? In the first place she had nothing to do with MSDHS. Like it or not, school campuses are under the direct control of the BCSB, not the BSO. Also, the SRO is not under the direct control of the District Commander. The shooting incident was not the result of anything which occurred off campus in the City of Parkland. It was not as though some gang shootout spilled onto the campus from the mean streets of Parkland. Also, by the time Jordan arrived on the scene,the shooter was gone. So, nothing which she did, or did not do, effected the incident to any measurable degree.

What happened is that the parents, of the slain students, and their friends and supporters, many of who were Parkland residents, were rather ruthlessly used by the media. The media wanted a high level elected official for a scapegoat. And the parents jumped on the Get Israel bandwagon. Well, they GOT Israel. And, now the political establishment is worried about a popular political backlash because a handful of people, from an upscale town of 21,000 people, effectively disenfranchised half a million voters through the bogus suspension and removal of Israel. So, now some residents of Parkland are running around saying, "It wasn't us". It was all the fault of Captain Jordan. More bogus finger pointing.

Yeah...^ That sounds like a winning strategy lol ! Raise all of those key points at the debates. Be sure to use the words "scapegoat"and 'disenfranchised" multiple times. Folks find dramatic men, who sound like rejected women, to be particularly interesting. Add the word " disingenuous" That's another gotcha word. "That was sooooo disingenuous...."

11-08-2019, 11:23 PM
Yeah...^ That sounds like a winning strategy lol ! Raise all of those key points at the debates. Be sure to use the words "scapegoat"and 'disenfranchised" multiple times. Folks find dramatic men, who sound like rejected women, to be particularly interesting. Add the word " disingenuous" That's another gotcha word. "That was sooooo disingenuous...."

Actually, scapegoat and disenfranchised are not only accurate, but very moving to anyone who is interested in justice, not to mention those who have been scapegoated and disenfranchised? Maybe, the Israel campaign will heed your advice and use those terms in the campaign. Debates are worthless, as none of these candidates actually have any experience in running a large police agency, with the exception of Israel and Tony. If I was Israel, I wouldn't bother to attend any debates. I would campaign singly with community groups and individual voters.

11-09-2019, 01:22 AM
Actually, scapegoat and disenfranchised are not only accurate, but very moving to anyone who is interested in justice, not to mention those who have been scapegoated and disenfranchised? Maybe, the Israel campaign will heed your advice and use those terms in the campaign. Debates are worthless, as none of these candidates actually have any experience in running a large police agency, with the exception of Israel and Tony. If I was Israel, I wouldn't bother to attend any debates. I would campaign singly with community groups and individual voters.

Moved. Naa.

Pastor has already moved on. None of it has come up in Sunday service for two weeks. Tony does the same stuff that Israel was doing and pleasing the same people and groups. One widget was swapped out for another. Makes no difference. The only time you'll see any upset is if a white Republican dude was to be a formidable candidate. Not the case here. Tony is the new Israel and everybody (other than BSO employees) sees that. He's not the boss in church so it don't matter to nobody.

11-09-2019, 02:32 AM
Moved. Naa.

Pastor has already moved on. None of it has come up in Sunday service for two weeks. Tony does the same stuff that Israel was doing and pleasing the same people and groups. One widget was swapped out for another. Makes no difference. The only time you'll see any upset is if a white Republican dude was to be a formidable candidate. Not the case here. Tony is the new Israel and everybody (other than BSO employees) sees that. He's not the boss in church so it don't matter to nobody.

I'm sorry, but what is your obsession with African American voters? 500,000 people voted for Israel in 2016. Those were not all Blacks [who comprise only a TOTAL of 209000 people in the county]. Yet, every one, of those voters, was disenfranchised by a combination of the media, an infinitesimal portion of the Broward County population, people living outside the county and a Republican governor who barely beat an political unknown opponent. No one asked them if Israel should be suspended. At these point we have NO idea how the voted of Broward County will vote in 2020. They may vote for Israel. Then again, they may not. There are a number of factors involved. However, Israel was not hated or reviled, until he was maligned through largely inaccurate reports blaming him and his agency for the MSDHS shooting. He was then scapegoated by the above listed interests and hosed by the Republican Senate. This may affect how people look at him as a candidate. It could set up a sympathetic emotional appeal. We'll see what happens.

11-09-2019, 02:33 AM
It was such a sorry shame for the pathetic parents that fought for Israel to not be re-instated. They were looking at the wrong person at fault. DeSantis brand washed them to think they would get closure doing that political stunt they pulled. The real problem was the shooter! Other agency's were at fault. They did not win at all. They were just stupid to think they did. They should be ashamed of themselves. What a waste of time. My vote is even stronger to Scott Israel!! Scott will win the election and the political joke is on those sorry _ss parents that have no common sense to make sense of it all.

Thanks Captain saggy pants!!!

11-09-2019, 03:03 AM
I'm sorry, but what is your obsession with African American voters? 500,000 people voted for Israel in 2016. Those were not all Blacks [who comprise only a TOTAL of 209000 people in the county]. Yet, every one, of those voters, was disenfranchised by a combination of the media, an infinitesimal portion of the Broward County population, people living outside the county and a Republican governor who barely beat an political unknown opponent. No one asked them if Israel should be suspended. At these point we have NO idea how the voted of Broward County will vote in 2020. They may vote for Israel. Then again, they may not. There are a number of factors involved. However, Israel was not hated or reviled, until he was maligned through largely inaccurate reports blaming him and his agency for the MSDHS shooting. He was then scapegoated by the above listed interests and hosed by the Republican Senate. This may affect how people look at him as a candidate. It could set up a sympathetic emotional appeal. We'll see what happens.

Ok let me put it like this. I am very proud of my family and a proud Democrat. We all will vote to regain Scott Israel as we did once again. Sorry suck ups we don’t follow up on political BS. We look at the FACTS AND THE FACTS ONLY.
It’s not about votes it’s about the truth. Hope you all can live with yourselves.

11-09-2019, 12:16 PM
I'm sorry, but what is your obsession with African American voters? 500,000 people voted for Israel in 2016. Those were not all Blacks [who comprise only a TOTAL of 209000 people in the county]. Yet, every one, of those voters, was disenfranchised by a combination of the media, an infinitesimal portion of the Broward County population, people living outside the county and a Republican governor who barely beat an political unknown opponent. No one asked them if Israel should be suspended. At these point we have NO idea how the voted of Broward County will vote in 2020. They may vote for Israel. Then again, they may not. There are a number of factors involved. However, Israel was not hated or reviled, until he was maligned through largely inaccurate reports blaming him and his agency for the MSDHS shooting. He was then scapegoated by the above listed interests and hosed by the Republican Senate. This may affect how people look at him as a candidate. It could set up a sympathetic emotional appeal. We'll see what happens.
Scott Israel was just that, an escape goat . We will make sure the Senate, the loser families that attended the hearings to even think it would bring closure to the poor children who died that day and DeSantis. The people of Broward saw what went down and EVERYONE knows what happened. Scott Israel will win this election and put that Political circus to rest. For the very few if not just one that wants to think we the people of Broward don't see this, you can try to take a long walk off a short pier.

11-09-2019, 02:59 PM
Scott Israel was just that, an escape goat . We will make sure the Senate, the loser families that attended the hearings to even think it would bring closure to the poor children who died that day and DeSantis. The people of Broward saw what went down and EVERYONE knows what happened. Scott Israel will win this election and put that Political circus to rest. For the very few if not just one that wants to think we the people of Broward don't see this, you can try to take a long walk off a short pier.

Are you reporting that one of our goats has escaped? Anyone have reliable intel on that? We're very concerned. An escaped goat can cause havoc by eating clothes hanging on a clothesline and can also be a public nuisance in many other ways. Any description of this particular goat?

Hillbillies for Al Pollack

LAW and ORDER 2020

11-09-2019, 03:02 PM
Is anyone else tired of Parkland? They were probably the same people who said they were tired of everyone else's mass shootings but when it happened to them it's the end of the world.

11-09-2019, 03:22 PM
Scott Israel was just that, an escape goat . We will make sure the Senate, the loser families that attended the hearings to even think it would bring closure to the poor children who died that day and DeSantis. The people of Broward saw what went down and EVERYONE knows what happened. Scott Israel will win this election and put that Political circus to rest. For the very few if not just one that wants to think we the people of Broward don't see this, you can try to take a long walk off a short pier.

Slow your roll $#itty pants. Scotty will not win and most voters in Broward know this already. At what point are you gonna realize that you're just betting on the losing team?
Anyone but Scotty 2020

11-09-2019, 04:02 PM
Is anyone else tired of Parkland? They were probably the same people who said they were tired of everyone else's mass shootings but when it happened to them it's the end of the world.

Could it be that you're suggesting that losing your child to a mass shooting wouldn't be the end of your world? Would you just pop out another baby to replace the one you lost? The undertone of all of these strategic negative posts toward Parkland is the suggestion that those with one dollar more than you feel less pain when they lose a child. The " .... but it wasn't Israels fault" rant may be true but, it is classless to tack it onto a tragedy of this magnitude as if it's the most pressing issue. The senates decision is of minimal concern to the electorate with the exception of a fired few, and some corrupt politicians with a bad past that could come back to haunt them. There's no troops that are rallied, no protest. None will put themselves out there to risk possible examination. Voters lost nothing. Tony has been, and will do, everything that SI has done and will do. He caved to Tamarac. He doesn't defend his deputies. He proved himself to be another Israel leaving Peraza hanging out to dry. As long as the communities get what they want, they don't care who their sheriff is.... but they will choose the black sheriff. Why? because it sets the pace to elect another black candidate in 4 years. Shaq, Rader, the pastors and soon others will give the nod for those groups to get behind Tony, or Pollack. Israel is too self righteous to recognize that if he doesn't grab a position in another location soon, the window of opportunity will close. It's hard on the ego to go from being a Sheriff to a Chief, but at age 60 + it would make sense. The narcissist will destroy everthing and everyone in his path, including himself, in an attempt to prove a point.

11-09-2019, 04:32 PM
Could it be that you're suggesting that losing your child to a mass shooting wouldn't be the end of your world? Would you just pop out another baby to replace the one you lost? The undertone of all of these strategic negative posts toward Parkland is the suggestion that those with one dollar more than you feel less pain when they lose a child. The " .... but it wasn't Israels fault" rant may be true but, it is classless to tack it onto a tragedy of this magnitude as if it's the most pressing issue. The senates decision is of minimal concern to the electorate with the exception of a fired few, and some corrupt politicians with a bad past that could come back to haunt them. There's no troops that are rallied, no protest. None will put themselves out there to risk possible examination. Voters lost nothing. Tony has been, and will do, everything that SI has done and will do. He caved to Tamarac. He doesn't defend his deputies. He proved himself to be another Israel leaving Peraza hanging out to dry. As long as the communities get what they want, they don't care who their sheriff is.... but they will choose the black sheriff. Why? because it sets the pace to elect another black candidate in 4 years. Shaq, Rader, the pastors and soon others will give the nod for those groups to get behind Tony, or Pollack. Israel is too self righteous to recognize that if he doesn't grab a position in another location soon, the window of opportunity will close. It's hard on the ego to go from being a Sheriff to a Chief, but at age 60 + it would make sense. The narcissist will destroy everthing and everyone in his path, including himself, in an attempt to prove a point.

What a long winded blow hard you are.

11-09-2019, 04:54 PM
What a long winded blow hard you are.

Consider a class action suit against BCPS.

" Blowhard" is one word-not two. The word is used in reference to speech. Loud speech. Now, if Perry Thurston were the subject, by all means....

Perry Thurston is a lying blowhard.

11-09-2019, 10:37 PM
Could it be that you're suggesting that losing your child to a mass shooting wouldn't be the end of your world? Would you just pop out another baby to replace the one you lost? The undertone of all of these strategic negative posts toward Parkland is the suggestion that those with one dollar more than you feel less pain when they lose a child. The " .... but it wasn't Israels fault" rant may be true but, it is classless to tack it onto a tragedy of this magnitude as if it's the most pressing issue. The senates decision is of minimal concern to the electorate with the exception of a fired few, and some corrupt politicians with a bad past that could come back to haunt them. There's no troops that are rallied, no protest. None will put themselves out there to risk possible examination. Voters lost nothing. Tony has been, and will do, everything that SI has done and will do. He caved to Tamarac. He doesn't defend his deputies. He proved himself to be another Israel leaving Peraza hanging out to dry. As long as the communities get what they want, they don't care who their sheriff is.... but they will choose the black sheriff. Why? because it sets the pace to elect another black candidate in 4 years. Shaq, Rader, the pastors and soon others will give the nod for those groups to get behind Tony, or Pollack. Israel is too self righteous to recognize that if he doesn't grab a position in another location soon, the window of opportunity will close. It's hard on the ego to go from being a Sheriff to a Chief, but at age 60 + it would make sense. The narcissist will destroy everthing and everyone in his path, including himself, in an attempt to prove a point.

It is too late to protect the "Parkland Parents" and other who supported and used them for their own purposes. Losing a child to violence is horrible. but, it does not allow that parent to blame an innocent party for the loss, simply to assuage their own feelings. There was a tremendous outpouring os sympathy, compassion and support, for those who lost a love one to mindless violence. But, some of these people wanted more. They wanted a scapegoat to blame for the tragedy beyond the man responsible. And, they did not care if they harmed innocent men and women to do it. There were also others, such as the media and politicians, who also wanted a scapegoat, for other reasons. And, they got what they wanted. Now, they all own it. Unless they can find another scapegoat to blame their actions on.

What the governor and the state Senate did was to nullify the votes of half a million people in this state on bogus grounds.Voters lost their votes to the politicl actions of a few elitists. And, some of those people are pi**ed off. And rightly so. Worse, the Senate has now established a precedent that did not exist previously. Where previously am elected official was only suspended and removed from office for facing, or being convicted of, criminal charges, now it is permissible to remove an elected official on trumped up charges of incompetence, for purely political reasons. What will the future hold for elected officials, now?

No, the fallout from this is totally unknown. And, it may not be pleasant.

11-09-2019, 11:15 PM
Are you reporting that one of our goats has escaped? Anyone have reliable intel on that? We're very concerned. An escaped goat can cause havoc by eating clothes hanging on a clothesline and can also be a public nuisance in many other ways. Any description of this particular goat?

Hillbillies for Al Pollack

LAW and ORDER 2020

Don’t waste your votes or your money on this womanizer. He sucked as a Sgt, sucked as a magic wanded Commander and sucked at whatever other rank that he was gifted.

11-10-2019, 12:24 AM
Don’t waste your votes or your money on this womanizer. He sucked as a Sgt, sucked as a magic wanded Commander and sucked at whatever other rank that he was gifted.

Hear you loud and clear partner. Please do search for a suitable candidate who is OUT STANDING IN HIS FIELD. A working man who's also good on the business end of a shovel. We don't like the last Sheriff and we definitely don't want a sheriff who's firing deputies. If Pollack's all that's left, we'll holler for him, but it's not a done deal.

11-10-2019, 12:34 AM
It is too late to protect the "Parkland Parents" and other who supported and used them for their own purposes. Losing a child to violence is horrible. but, it does not allow that parent to blame an innocent party for the loss, simply to assuage their own feelings. There was a tremendous outpouring os sympathy, compassion and support, for those who lost a love one to mindless violence. But, some of these people wanted more. They wanted a scapegoat to blame for the tragedy beyond the man responsible. And, they did not care if they harmed innocent men and women to do it. There were also others, such as the media and politicians, who also wanted a scapegoat, for other reasons. And, they got what they wanted. Now, they all own it. Unless they can find another scapegoat to blame their actions on.

What the governor and the state Senate did was to nullify the votes of half a million people in this state on bogus grounds.Voters lost their votes to the politicl actions of a few elitists. And, some of those people are pi**ed off. And rightly so. Worse, the Senate has now established a precedent that did not exist previously. Where previously am elected official was only suspended and removed from office for facing, or being convicted of, criminal charges, now it is permissible to remove an elected official on trumped up charges of incompetence, for purely political reasons. What will the future hold for elected officials, now?

No, the fallout from this is totally unknown. And, it may not be pleasant.

Wouldn't worry too much. Mass tragedies that would prompt this type of political action don't come around very often. Like you've been saying all along, these tragedies are very rare occurrences. Know what else will be a rare occurrence? A Governor removing an elected official. It will only happen if there's a catastrophe and enough folks believe that it's warranted. They did, including 2 senate DEMOCRATS. There was no riot in the streets after the senates decision. The only one who grandstanded was Thurston after his nap. Democrats don't care about this removal, as long as another democrat is on deck. Get over yourself, the county has moved on.

11-10-2019, 12:55 AM
Wouldn't worry too much. Mass tragedies that would prompt this type of political action don't come around very often. Like you've been saying all along, these tragedies are very rare occurrences. Know what else will be a rare occurrence? A Governor removing an elected official. It will only happen if there's a catastrophe and enough folks believe that it's warranted. They did, including 2 senate DEMOCRATS. There was no riot in the streets after the senates decision. The only one who grandstanded was Thurston after his nap. Democrats don't care about this removal, as long as another democrat is on deck. Get over yourself, the county has moved on.

Love the spin, spin, spin. But, it is all based upon assumptions and we know what happens when people assume things.

In the first place, Israel was railroaded, for political purposes. There was no evidence to support the charges made by DeSantis. This was pointed out, at length, by Goodlette. So, I guess that you are comfortable with convicting and punishing a person who is innocent of the charges, based upon public opinion. What do you think real people thing about being convicted for solely political purposes? That there was no riot in the streets means nothing. Now, the half a million people who voted for Israel, were never consulted as to the suspension of Israel. There was no immediate need to do so. No one was at risk if he continued in office. In the past, the accepted criteria for the suspension of an elected official was if the official was arrest for, charged with or indicted for a criminal office. In the Israel case, an elected official was suspended for charged incompetence. When the evidence to support this charge was examined, it became clear that the evidence did not support the charges. In the real world, this would have resulted in a directed verdict of acquittal. But, not in the world of elitist politics. In that world, evidence of guilt does not matter, all that matters is political advantage. So, now that it is allowable to suspend and remove an elected official, with-out evidence of any wrong doing, why would it not happen on a much more regular basis? Considering the fact that the Senate IGNORED the lack of evidence against Israel and removed him anyway, why would we trust them not to do it again, and again?

Your argument is foolish. And, it is dangerous. This idea that the People should trust politicians farther than they can thrown them uphill is stupid. Unless you are a politician, that is.

11-10-2019, 02:06 AM



disenfranchised ....

You're LOSING on the ground, dude. By about $80K. The Melodrama just ain't workin'

11-10-2019, 03:26 AM



disenfranchised ....

You're LOSING on the ground, dude. By about $80K. The Melodrama just ain't workin'

What are you talking about? So, are you telling me that the terms, scapegoated, railroaded and disenfranchised are inaccurate to what happened to Scott Israel? Remember this little fact; no one asked the half a million voters, who voted for Scott Israel, if they wanted him removed from office. So, when the next election rolls around, is it even remotely possible that they will make a statement at the polls to show their displeasure. Money is nice, but remember, Israel already has name recognition and not necessarily poor name recognition. It could be a very interesting sheriff's race. Good luck.

11-10-2019, 12:58 PM
What are you talking about? So, are you telling me that the terms, scapegoated, railroaded and disenfranchised are inaccurate to what happened to Scott Israel? Remember this little fact; no one asked the half a million voters, who voted for Scott Israel, if they wanted him removed from office. So, when the next election rolls around, is it even remotely possible that they will make a statement at the polls to show their displeasure. Money is nice, but remember, Israel already has name recognition and not necessarily poor name recognition. It could be a very interesting sheriff's race. Good luck.
We're voting for Israel and he WILL WIN. This whole thing was a political ack and we all know it. Come election let's see how much percentage he wins. My prediction is by 80% and maybe more. How stupid the Republican party was to show the card of how to mess with Democrats. Democrats,we will show Republicans in Broward how strong we are and by that alone Scott Israel wins by a landslide once again. I say vote DeSantis the hell out. I say when it's Democrats turn to vote a Republican out the same way it happened to Scott. We will win this and we will let those few loser parents know how stupid they were to fall into a circus act and used by those to game political gain. Closure? Some of those parents said closure to include that idiot want to be artist? His work sucks, he used his daughter, poor daughter to try to get people to buy his work, well that's not working. He should be ashamed and needs to move the hell out.

11-10-2019, 02:28 PM
Please have your wet wipes ready to wipe the egg of your faces.

What Isreal did to the BSO and the deputies moral was unforgivable!

Don’t hold your breath, even the democrats want a safer county!

11-10-2019, 08:41 PM
Please have your wet wipes ready to wipe the egg of your faces.

What Isreal did to the BSO and the deputies moral was unforgivable!

Don’t hold your breath, even the democrats want a safer county!

Number of people in Broward County - 1.7 million
Number of people who voted FOR Scott Israel in 2016 - 571,000
Number of BSO employees - 5500 [2800 certified]

I do not see BSO employees being a significant demographic here.

11-10-2019, 11:25 PM
Number of people in Broward County - 1.7 million
Number of people who voted FOR Scott Israel in 2016 - 571,000
Number of BSO employees - 5500 [2800 certified]

I do not see BSO employees being a significant demographic here.

Yeah, but that was before the Airport shooting (5) dead and MSD (17) dead.
If he gets voted back in then so be it but as of today he is in-employed with NO benefits.
His old lady just served me a pizza pie and Scotty Boy bused the table.

11-10-2019, 11:54 PM
We're voting for Israel and he WILL WIN. This whole thing was a political ack and we all know it. Come election let's see how much percentage he wins. My prediction is by 80% and maybe more. How stupid the Republican party was to show the card of how to mess with Democrats. Democrats,we will show Republicans in Broward how strong we are and by that alone Scott Israel wins by a landslide once again. I say vote DeSantis the hell out. I say when it's Democrats turn to vote a Republican out the same way it happened to Scott. We will win this and we will let those few loser parents know how stupid they were to fall into a circus act and used by those to game political gain. Closure? Some of those parents said closure to include that idiot want to be artist? His work sucks, he used his daughter, poor daughter to try to get people to buy his work, well that's not working. He should be ashamed and needs to move the hell out.

Hey Rozzy. We see that the owner of Shitty Furniture donated to your campaign. Maybe he feels bad about African-American children continuing to be left behind in learning to compose.

11-11-2019, 12:02 AM
We're voting for Israel and he WILL WIN. This whole thing was a political ack and we all know it. Come election let's see how much percentage he wins. My prediction is by 80% and maybe more. How stupid the Republican party was to show the card of how to mess with Democrats. Democrats,we will show Republicans in Broward how strong we are and by that alone Scott Israel wins by a landslide once again. I say vote DeSantis the hell out. I say when it's Democrats turn to vote a Republican out the same way it happened to Scott. We will win this and we will let those few loser parents know how stupid they were to fall into a circus act and used by those to game political gain. Closure? Some of those parents said closure to include that idiot want to be artist? His work sucks, he used his daughter, poor daughter to try to get people to buy his work, well that's not working. He should be ashamed and needs to move the hell out.

"... a political ack."

Broward County Public Schools FAILED African-Americans.^

11-11-2019, 12:48 AM
Yeah, but that was before the Airport shooting (5) dead and MSD (17) dead.
If he gets voted back in then so be it but as of today he is in-employed with NO benefits.
His old lady just served me a pizza pie and Scotty Boy bused the table.

However, the FLHIA airport shooting was NOT the fault of the BSO. The response to the shooting was going swmmingly until a Customs official reported shits fired an hour after the shooting was over and word got to passengers who panicked and started a stampede. Now, i have NO idea what anyone expected the BSO to do to sgtop this, short of shooting stampeding passengers. Do you?

And as we now know, the BSO was not responsible for the MSDHS shooting. No evidence gas ever come to light that any actions or inaction of BSO personnel directly led to any deaths or other casualties. All of the investigations, to date, agree on that.

But, please bring up the MSDHS shooting, so everyone will know that Israel was a scapegoat who got railroaded for political reasons, thereby disenfranchising the half a MILLION people, in Broward, who voted for him. Go ahed and make that case for him.

11-11-2019, 01:23 AM
However, the FLHIA airport shooting was NOT the fault of the BSO. The response to the shooting was going swmmingly until a Customs official reported shits fired an hour after the shooting was over and word got to passengers who panicked and started a stampede. Now, i have NO idea what anyone expected the BSO to do to sgtop this, short of shooting stampeding passengers. Do you?

And as we now know, the BSO was not responsible for the MSDHS shooting. No evidence gas ever come to light that any actions or inaction of BSO personnel directly led to any deaths or other casualties. All of the investigations, to date, agree on that.

But, please bring up the MSDHS shooting, so everyone will know that Israel was a scapegoat who got railroaded for political reasons, thereby disenfranchising the half a MILLION people, in Broward, who voted for him. Go ahed and make that case for him.

Me and my people are taking our disenfranchised azzes to support the campaign of Al Pollack. Don't need no self proclaimed victim as a leader of law enforcement. That's unmanly. Vote for me because people picked on me? Nope

Disenfranchised Support Pollack 2020

11-11-2019, 02:33 AM
However, the FLHIA airport shooting was NOT the fault of the BSO. The response to the shooting was going swmmingly until a Customs official reported shits fired an hour after the shooting was over and word got to passengers who panicked and started a stampede. Now, i have NO idea what anyone expected the BSO to do to sgtop this, short of shooting stampeding passengers. Do you?

And as we now know, the BSO was not responsible for the MSDHS shooting. No evidence gas ever come to light that any actions or inaction of BSO personnel directly led to any deaths or other casualties. All of the investigations, to date, agree on that.

But, please bring up the MSDHS shooting, so everyone will know that Israel was a scapegoat who got railroaded for political reasons, thereby disenfranchising the half a MILLION people, in Broward, who voted for him. Go ahed and make that case for him.

Perception is everything when you close that curtain on that voting booth door. I can tell you this I voted for that big mouth New Yawker the first time and will never vote for him again nor will anybody I know.

11-11-2019, 02:59 AM
Please have your wet wipes ready to wipe the egg of your faces.

What Isreal did to the BSO and the deputies moral was unforgivable!

Don’t hold your breath, even the democrats want a safer county!
Actually what your momma did you idiot. You see we don't need your vote for Israel to win so jump off. Scott will win by high numbers because of the. Politics dumb brain. You still don't get it do you? OMG!!

11-11-2019, 03:55 AM
Actually what your momma did you idiot. You see we don't need your vote for Israel to win so jump off. Scott will win by high numbers because of the. Politics dumb brain. You still don't get it do you? OMG!!

GFY, Israel is a sh*t bag and worst Sheriff Broward ever had.
The Governor and the Senate got it right.

11-11-2019, 06:08 PM
Perception is everything when you close that curtain on that voting booth door. I can tell you this I voted for that big mouth New Yawker the first time and will never vote for him again nor will anybody I know.

Perception is DELUSION, if it is not the truth. You may PERCEIVE that you can fly by simply flapping your arms. But, jump off of a tall building and attempt to do that and reality will intrude quickly. SPLAT.

Now, there are a number of reasons not to vote for Scott Israel for Sheriff. However, his handling of the FLHIA and MSDHS shooting are not part of that. The charges against Israel in those to incidents have been proven to be false. And, because, like it or not, in those cases you can not segregate the rank and file deputies from the Sheriff, they get painted as being incompetent as well. This is not Israel's fault, but that of the forces which wanted to make him a scapegoat for the MSDHS shooting.

Vote for the candidate of your choice, but stop tarring the BSO for things which were not their fault.

11-11-2019, 06:25 PM
Perception is DELUSION, if it is not the truth. You may PERCEIVE that you can fly by simply flapping your arms. But, jump off of a tall building and attempt to do that and reality will intrude quickly. SPLAT.

Now, there are a number of reasons not to vote for Scott Israel for Sheriff. However, his handling of the FLHIA and MSDHS shooting are not part of that. The charges against Israel in those to incidents have been proven to be false. And, because, like it or not, in those cases you can not segregate the rank and file deputies from the Sheriff, they get painted as being incompetent as well. This is not Israel's fault, but that of the forces which wanted to make him a scapegoat for the MSDHS shooting.

Vote for the candidate of your choice, but stop tarring the BSO for things which were not their fault.

Nice Try. The deputies and Scott Israel are not in the same boat, same league or same anything in the minds of voters; even in the community that are most opposed to his return. If there are any "scapegoats" they're the ones that YOU have been attempting to create; The DEPUTIES. HUGE numbers of voters support the deputies and fully comprehend the limitations that were imposed upon them with juvenile policy. Your biggest error is believing that the same BS that works on uneducated folks will work with the majority of Broward. Your moral high ground and callous logic are insulting to the masses and will NEVER win the primary.

11-11-2019, 08:45 PM
Nice Try. The deputies and Scott Israel are not in the same boat, same league or same anything in the minds of voters; even in the community that are most opposed to his return. If there are any "scapegoats" they're the ones that YOU have been attempting to create; The DEPUTIES. HUGE numbers of voters support the deputies and fully comprehend the limitations that were imposed upon them with juvenile policy. Your biggest error is believing that the same BS that works on uneducated folks will work with the majority of Broward. Your moral high ground and callous logic are insulting to the masses and will NEVER win the primary.

Israel was charged with incompetence based upon the performance of his DEPUTIES. In both the FLHIA and MDSHS shootings, the rank and file involved was not acting on the direct orders of Sheriff Israel, who was not in direct command of the scene. Therefor, for the sheriff to be guilty of incompetence, the rank and file deputies have to be guilty of it, as well. This is how vicarious liability works. In order to blame the sheriff, you have to blame the deputies.

Now, i have not been attempting to make the deputies the "scapegoats". In fact, I have gone out of my way to show that none of the members of the BSO were responsible for either of the shootings, or their aftermaths. Even Deputy Peterson was not responsible for any deaths or casualties, by his decision not to enter the building. Was that decision a violation of P&P? No. However, his handling of the initial scene was far below the standards expected of a 30 year deputy sheriff. Sgt. Miller has a responsibility to assess the situation and assume command of the scene, upon his arrival there, as the senior officer on the scene. That he did not, was a violation of policy. However, his failure to assume command did not cause any casualties, either. thde BSO had no responsibility for the security at MSDHS and the agency did not know of either shooting until after they were in progress.

People keep bringing up the idea that referring juvenile offenders somehow renders them stable, law-abiding people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Almost all violent adullt criminals have juvenile arrest records. These arrests did not keep them from committing later, ind in some cases far more heinous, crimes. The "lenient" juvenile policy complaint is just a lame attempt to make it look as though Israel was responsible for the MSDHS shooting. However, it completely ignores the fact that tens of thousands of juveniles passed through the same lenient juvenile arrest policies and did not commit a mass school shooting. Cruz was an aberration, not the norm, sorry.

The "Sheriff Israel was to blame" meme was embraced as a way to make the masses feel safe, even though the non-existent security arrangements in place in nearly all of the schools in the entire state of Florida were not going to be iomproved in any significant degree. The reason that a heavily armed lunatic could walk onto a school campus in Broward County was because the BCSB did not have any security in place to stop that from happening. They still do not have sufficient security in place to prevent it even today. And, there are no plans for such security anywhere in the state. Get it? The Israel suspension was embraced by the political class to fool the populace into feeling safe. That is all.

So, continuing to try to sell people on the idea that Israel was to blame but the deputies were not. The truth is that no one in the BSO was to blame. Israel got hosed to make people like feel safer.

11-11-2019, 10:25 PM
Israel was charged with incompetence based upon the performance of his DEPUTIES. In both the FLHIA and MDSHS shootings, the rank and file involved was not acting on the direct orders of Sheriff Israel, who was not in direct command of the scene. Therefor, for the sheriff to be guilty of incompetence, the rank and file deputies have to be guilty of it, as well. This is how vicarious liability works. In order to blame the sheriff, you have to blame the deputies.

Now, i have not been attempting to make the deputies the "scapegoats". In fact, I have gone out of my way to show that none of the members of the BSO were responsible for either of the shootings, or their aftermaths. Even Deputy Peterson was not responsible for any deaths or casualties, by his decision not to enter the building. Was that decision a violation of P&P? No. However, his handling of the initial scene was far below the standards expected of a 30 year deputy sheriff. Sgt. Miller has a responsibility to assess the situation and assume command of the scene, upon his arrival there, as the senior officer on the scene. That he did not, was a violation of policy. However, his failure to assume command did not cause any casualties, either. thde BSO had no responsibility for the security at MSDHS and the agency did not know of either shooting until after they were in progress.

People keep bringing up the idea that referring juvenile offenders somehow renders them stable, law-abiding people. Nothing could be further from the truth. Almost all violent adullt criminals have juvenile arrest records. These arrests did not keep them from committing later, ind in some cases far more heinous, crimes. The "lenient" juvenile policy complaint is just a lame attempt to make it look as though Israel was responsible for the MSDHS shooting. However, it completely ignores the fact that tens of thousands of juveniles passed through the same lenient juvenile arrest policies and did not commit a mass school shooting. Cruz was an aberration, not the norm, sorry.

The "Sheriff Israel was to blame" meme was embraced as a way to make the masses feel safe, even though the non-existent security arrangements in place in nearly all of the schools in the entire state of Florida were not going to be iomproved in any significant degree. The reason that a heavily armed lunatic could walk onto a school campus in Broward County was because the BCSB did not have any security in place to stop that from happening. They still do not have sufficient security in place to prevent it even today. And, there are no plans for such security anywhere in the state. Get it? The Israel suspension was embraced by the political class to fool the populace into feeling safe. That is all.

So, continuing to try to sell people on the idea that Israel was to blame but the deputies were not. The truth is that no one in the BSO was to blame. Israel got hosed to make people like feel safer.

You claim that you are not a Scott Israel supporter, yet for MONTHS have been writing lengthy post; all of which, include a statement that the deputies at MSD and Scott Israel are one in the same. Your MOTIVE is crystal clear. Exactly what is your investment in making this point if you are not an Israel supporter? You loose your shizz when anyone disagrees with you ONLY on that one point. You're unconvincing. Broward, including Parkland, more than you know, DO sympathize with the MSD deputies who would give anything to have been there in time to get it done. However, this sentiment is NOT extended to he who effed over the deputies with policies, practices and procedures that ruined the lives of many cops-some at the very ends of their career. There's no pension in the world that would take the sting or stigma out of the accusation or label of "coward." I'm voting for the DEPUTIES by choosing whichever candidate they get behind. I have enough faith in them to know that it won't be Israel.

11-12-2019, 03:01 AM
You claim that you are not a Scott Israel supporter, yet for MONTHS have been writing lengthy post; all of which, include a statement that the deputies at MSD and Scott Israel are one in the same. Your MOTIVE is crystal clear. Exactly what is your investment in making this point if you are not an Israel supporter? You loose your shizz when anyone disagrees with you ONLY on that one point. You're unconvincing. Broward, including Parkland, more than you know, DO sympathize with the MSD deputies who would give anything to have been there in time to get it done. However, this sentiment is NOT extended to he who effed over the deputies with policies, practices and procedures that ruined the lives of many cops-some at the very ends of their career. There's no pension in the world that would take the sting or stigma out of the accusation or label of "coward." I'm voting for the DEPUTIES by choosing whichever candidate they get behind. I have enough faith in them to know that it won't be Israel.

Were you stoned following the MSDHS shooting aftermath? The media, Parkland parents, and others almost immediately began blaming Scot Peterson for the dead and injured. They were screaming that the other responding deputies were cowards who stop away from the building and did not immediately enter it. These were not the Sheriff nor were they command staff. They were ordinary deputies. Then, the media, the Parkland Parents and special interests both inside and outside the county used the actions of the rank and file deputies to claim that Israel, who was not present at the scene nor in direct control of the scene, was responsible for the MSDHS shooting. People lied about the current SOP for active shooters. As we found out, in the hearings conducted by the Special Master, the BSO policy was in line with or identical to almost every other LEA in Florida. We found out, through a number of investigations, that the BSO was not responsible for the security at the school. We found out that, according to the timeline, most of the deputies arrived as the shooting was stopping and that there was conflicting information as to the location of the shooter. We found out that the BSO did not even know there was a mass shooting underway until 11 people were already dead on the first floor. We found out that the entity responsible for the security at MSDHS was the BCSB and NO action was taken against that group. No suspensions for incompetence, as occurred with Israel.

See, what happened is the media, the Parkland Parents and others called rank and file members of the BSO cowards and used that to tar Israel as incompetent and responsible for their actions in an attempt to deflect the attention of the [public from the fact that none of the 241 public schools in Broward, and most of the schools in the rest of the state were not secure. Isfrael was railroaded so that people would feel safe; whether he was guilty of the charges or not.

Now, why does this anger me? Because throughout my LE career, I saw the same thing happen over and over again to rank and file LEOs. I saw people lose their jobs and have their careers destroyed for political expediency. And, if it was happening to LEOs, what about civilians who were being charged with crimes on weak or nonexistent evidence. That's right. Anyone can apparently be railroaded for political expediency. How about you? Are you alright with being fired or charged with a crime because some politician or special interest group, or just a grieving family member wants a scapegoat? what happened to Isfrael should scare the crap out of every public employee. People in the agency who danced when Israel was railroaded are whining as Tony does the same thing to rank and file deputies.

My concern is NOT for Israel. It is for the welfare of the rank and file deputies. As for choosing the Sheriff on the basis of who the deputies want, that is a mistake. the reason is that some of the members of the department will back any candidate who they think will benefit them directly. So,, which group will you listen to? Becaue the members of the BSO have just as many factions as any other group. Offer them a lieutenancy or a take home car or even a free turkey and they will hold a campaign sign for you.

What I want is for people to stop blaming the BSO, including Scott Israel, for something which was not their fault.

11-12-2019, 04:15 AM
They're all in the same political party and all act the same. Think of it this way, 3 dudes all alike same line of bull. Pick one. It don't make a difference. There's no magic bout none of them. As long as the eagle craps every two weeks into my direct deposit, it don't matter. They all put their butt ugly face on the units eventually.

11-12-2019, 05:45 AM
Were you stoned following the MSDHS shooting aftermath? The media, Parkland parents, and others almost immediately began blaming Scot Peterson for the dead and injured. They were screaming that the other responding deputies were cowards who stop away from the building and did not immediately enter it. These were not the Sheriff nor were they command staff. They were ordinary deputies. Then, the media, the Parkland Parents and special interests both inside and outside the county used the actions of the rank and file deputies to claim that Israel, who was not present at the scene nor in direct control of the scene, was responsible for the MSDHS shooting. People lied about the current SOP for active shooters. As we found out, in the hearings conducted by the Special Master, the BSO policy was in line with or identical to almost every other LEA in Florida. We found out, through a number of investigations, that the BSO was not responsible for the security at the school. We found out that, according to the timeline, most of the deputies arrived as the shooting was stopping and that there was conflicting information as to the location of the shooter. We found out that the BSO did not even know there was a mass shooting underway until 11 people were already dead on the first floor. We found out that the entity responsible for the security at MSDHS was the BCSB and NO action was taken against that group. No suspensions for incompetence, as occurred with Israel.

See, what happened is the media, the Parkland Parents and others called rank and file members of the BSO cowards and used that to tar Israel as incompetent and responsible for their actions in an attempt to deflect the attention of the [public from the fact that none of the 241 public schools in Broward, and most of the schools in the rest of the state were not secure. Isfrael was railroaded so that people would feel safe; whether he was guilty of the charges or not.

Now, why does this anger me? Because throughout my LE career, I saw the same thing happen over and over again to rank and file LEOs. I saw people lose their jobs and have their careers destroyed for political expediency. And, if it was happening to LEOs, what about civilians who were being charged with crimes on weak or nonexistent evidence. That's right. Anyone can apparently be railroaded for political expediency. How about you? Are you alright with being fired or charged with a crime because some politician or special interest group, or just a grieving family member wants a scapegoat? what happened to Isfrael should scare the crap out of every public employee. People in the agency who danced when Israel was railroaded are whining as Tony does the same thing to rank and file deputies.

My concern is NOT for Israel. It is for the welfare of the rank and file deputies. As for choosing the Sheriff on the basis of who the deputies want, that is a mistake. the reason is that some of the members of the department will back any candidate who they think will benefit them directly. So,, which group will you listen to? Becaue the members of the BSO have just as many factions as any other group. Offer them a lieutenancy or a take home car or even a free turkey and they will hold a campaign sign for you.

What I want is for people to stop blaming the BSO, including Scott Israel, for something which was not their fault.

I watched this shit show from the start and called it from the beginning. Watch them blame Sheriff Israel cause he is the smaller fish to fry. Bullseye all the way. The political stunt began and I was right. I’m not taking nothing away from the ones who died but they deserve to get justice and is not by blaming Scott Israel it’s putting the blame on the ones who needed to be blamed. Most or if any of all the parents were fooled in the oldest trick in the political book. A shooting can happen anywhere and anytime as we all noticed. It takes seconds to create a mass murder from pathetic cowards like Cruz.
People OPEN YOUR PHUCKING EYES. Don’t be fooled anymore.

You fam right I’m voting for Scott Israel as our a Sheriff. BSO is a beast and needs a strong Sheriff. I’m happy and retired

11-12-2019, 01:14 PM
I watched this shit show from the start and called it from the beginning. Watch them blame Sheriff Israel cause he is the smaller fish to fry. Bullseye all the way. The political stunt began and I was right. I’m not taking nothing away from the ones who died but they deserve to get justice and is not by blaming Scott Israel it’s putting the blame on the ones who needed to be blamed. Most or if any of all the parents were fooled in the oldest trick in the political book. A shooting can happen anywhere and anytime as we all noticed. It takes seconds to create a mass murder from pathetic cowards like Cruz.
People OPEN YOUR PHUCKING EYES. Don’t be fooled anymore.

You fam right I’m voting for Scott Israel as our a Sheriff. BSO is a beast and needs a strong Sheriff. I’m happy and retired

Dam right! I'm voting for Israel too. What a fricken show. We all know to Re-Elect Scot Isrealt

11-12-2019, 02:55 PM
I watched this shit show from the start and called it from the beginning. Watch them blame Sheriff Israel cause he is the smaller fish to fry. Bullseye all the way. The political stunt began and I was right. I’m not taking nothing away from the ones who died but they deserve to get justice and is not by blaming Scott Israel it’s putting the blame on the ones who needed to be blamed. Most or if any of all the parents were fooled in the oldest trick in the political book. A shooting can happen anywhere and anytime as we all noticed. It takes seconds to create a mass murder from pathetic cowards like Cruz.
People OPEN YOUR PHUCKING EYES. Don’t be fooled anymore.

You fam right I’m voting for Scott Israel as our a Sheriff. BSO is a beast and needs a strong Sheriff. I’m happy and retired

A 954^^ The rants of one ignoramus^

"I'm not taking nothing away from the ones who died.." Really? What could one "take" from a dead person? Figure of speech? Misplaced.

If you lose your turkey, consider rallying the troops for a class action lawsuit against BCPS. YOU were denied a public education. That is a violation of your rights. You are OWED $$$$$$$.