View Full Version : Can’t you see the forest thru the trees

11-05-2019, 05:43 PM
Ashley and Robyn have Tony arresting deputies so he gets the free political publicity. The SAO won’t file, the board recommends 30 days. You are doomed he is using firing deputies for political Gain.


11-05-2019, 06:03 PM
Just a couple of things here.

First this is NOT child abuse. In order for it to be child abuse, the courts have ruled that a person must be acting the position of caregiver [or loco parentis] and have ruled that LEOs, even in SRO positions, are not care givers. Also, the action has to be "malicious". The linked video shows that the deputy shoved the 15 year old girl to the ground to facilitate an arrest. Hardly an "assault" and in no way an aggravated assault. The criminal charges are total BS.

Second, the department's reaction to this incident is telling. It seems to show a bias against any physical enforcement action by departmental personnel. So, existing use of force standards are essential a thing of the past. Unfortunately for the rank and file deputies, no clear use of force standards have been out in place. Good luck, guys.

Want to know why schools contract with local LEAs for SROs? So that they and their personnel do not have to assume liability for discipline within the school. The LEA gets the bill for that. The BCSS has had a no touch policy for 30 years and they will throw the SRO under the bus in a heartbeat.

11-06-2019, 02:48 AM
Just another scumbag opportunist looking for a pay check. We’ve got to throw him out on his ear!