View Full Version : The Black Perspective According to Israel

11-02-2019, 03:13 PM
Will Senator Perry Thurston, School Board Member Rosalind Osgood, Former Senator Chris Smith, Terry Scott and Wayne Barton jump candidates and leave the Scott Isreal Cicus Show or keep trying to get that free County and BSO money from the LETF, contracts and donations Scott delves out.....
Are will they try and find another candidate to force their pockets for favors..
You're willing to go to bats for Scott but wont do a damn thing for your own people and community.

11-02-2019, 03:24 PM
Will Senator Perry Thurston, School Board Member Rosalind Osgood, Former Senator Chris Smith, Terry Scott and Wayne Barton jump candidates and leave the Scott Isreal Cicus Show or keep trying to get that free County and BSO money from the LETF, contracts and donations Scott delves out.....
Are will they try and find another candidate to force their pockets for favors..
You're willing to go to bats for Scott but wont do a damn thing for your own people and community.

Don't be jealous Chuck. You will never beat Israel

11-02-2019, 06:20 PM
Im not Chuck but Isreal is already beaten... He's already been beaten 4times in twelve months hows that for a winning record.....
Only thing Scott can win at these days is begging for blacks with their hands out for endorsements... He wants to Pimp the Black Folks whom dont realize that he's not the Leader of the People.

11-02-2019, 10:44 PM
Im not Chuck but Isreal is already beaten... He's already been beaten 4times in twelve months hows that for a winning record.....
Only thing Scott can win at these days is begging for blacks with their hands out for endorsements... He wants to Pimp the Black Folks whom dont realize that he's not the Leader of the People.

Can I gets me a turkey?

11-02-2019, 10:45 PM

11-02-2019, 10:50 PM

11-03-2019, 09:03 PM
Will Senator Perry Thurston, School Board Member Rosalind Osgood, Former Senator Chris Smith, Terry Scott and Wayne Barton jump candidates and leave the Scott Isreal Cicus Show or keep trying to get that free County and BSO money from the LETF, contracts and donations Scott delves out.....
Are will they try and find another candidate to force their pockets for favors..
You're willing to go to bats for Scott but wont do a damn thing for your own people and community.

The list is filled with a Bunch of Black Sellouts sleepy cant stay awake Thurston will never say how he and Smith prostituted the black community to get voted in then switched seats at term limit to keep up the money making me myself and I venture.
Neither have gone to Tallahassee and achieved a damn thing. The Only time that you hear from them is when sh.. hits the fan and their District is in Jeopardy.
It is high time and tide to rid this county of these two losers. Lest they have either of their eyes on Hastings seat in Congress when he leaves. It just cant happen and we allow them to keep being two monkey's in the cage.

11-03-2019, 10:08 PM
Many Thanks to race hustling Thurston. We have a new city manager in Parkland who the mayor didn't want. That's good for us; VERY good for us. Keep throwing rocks at Parkland every chance you get. They're starting to come around with some pressure from all sides. Please keep running your mouth Thurston and get Roz to get her digs in too. If you have a victory, we can hand deliver our 90 day notice on day one and will be sure to give you some of the credit. Don't know what would be more satisfying, seeing the "people's" sheriff lose ,or dumping BSO. Either way it's a win-win.

11-04-2019, 08:29 PM
Scott the schvatzer lover