View Full Version : 30 Days ...or Termination?

10-30-2019, 02:22 PM
Wow .... WOW......wow!!! The board says 30 days and the guy gets fired? Not cool man

10-30-2019, 02:36 PM
Wow .... WOW......wow!!! The board says 30 days and the guy gets fired? Not cool man

That’s nothing, the board says exoneration, and the guy gets fired. That’s when you know somebody doesn’t know what they’re doing, and they’re going to get their behind sued off.

10-30-2019, 02:38 PM
Where is our Union? What are they doing about this? This makes them look really bad.

10-30-2019, 02:44 PM
What are you talking about?

10-30-2019, 03:33 PM
PSC board recommended a 30 day suspension for the D-11 deputy. The sheriff said no way and fired him yesterday all before the criminal case is over.

The PSC board exonerated the D-7 deputies on ALL counts but the sheriff changed the use of force charge to sustained. He then recommended 3 days off for one of them and recommended termination for the other one. Again all before the criminal case is over and after the third one was found not guilty.

SHUT IT DOWN boys and girls.

10-30-2019, 03:52 PM
PSC board recommended a 30 day suspension for the D-11 deputy. The sheriff said no way and fired him yesterday all before the criminal case is over.

The PSC board exonerated the D-7 deputies on ALL counts but the sheriff changed the use of force charge to sustained. He then recommended 3 days off for one of them and recommended termination for the other one. Again all before the criminal case is over and after the third one was found not guilty.

SHUT IT DOWN boys and girls.

Why even have a PSC Board? Just like the special master for the Florida Senate. The sheriff and Senate just ignore them.

10-30-2019, 04:57 PM
What would be the appropriate punishment for lying on an application for employment pumpkin head.

10-30-2019, 04:58 PM
The union has no balls. As an entire agency we need to stand up and voice this nonsense. Either blue flu or everyone needs to stop all pro activity. No stopping 13 P’s and no 10-50’s. This place hangs you out to dry. New guys stop trying to make a name for yourselves with stats. News flash: no one cares.

10-30-2019, 05:10 PM
Wow .... WOW......wow!!! The board says 30 days and the guy gets fired? Not cool man
Tony's rule. If white you are fired.

10-30-2019, 05:11 PM
Or Hispanic

10-30-2019, 05:40 PM
Just don’t do anything... at all. This place is a complete joke. What a Hypocrite!!!!!

10-30-2019, 05:59 PM
How about we don’t punch people handcuffed to the bed ?

10-30-2019, 06:12 PM
How about we don’t punch people handcuffed to the bed ?

Obviously you’ve never worked in law enforcement. There have been cases of prisoners handcuffed with leg irons and they still have managed to kick car windows out. Why do you think all the car windows now have bars. Are we allowed to punch them then. If you watch the video, one hand was cuffed to the bed leaving the other hand free to strike.

10-30-2019, 06:18 PM
Obviously you’ve never worked in law enforcement. There have been cases of prisoners handcuffed with leg irons and they still have managed to kick car windows out. Why do you think all the car windows now have bars. Are we allowed to punch them then. If you watch the video, one hand was cuffed to the bed leaving the other hand free to strike.

Actually I have, for many years. Cars are different, you hog tie them and call it a day.
He was handcuffed to a bed, he ain’t going anywhere. Keep your distance, what he did was stupid.

10-30-2019, 06:36 PM
PSC board recommended a 30 day suspension for the D-11 deputy. The sheriff said no way and fired him yesterday all before the criminal case is over.

The PSC board exonerated the D-7 deputies on ALL counts but the sheriff changed the use of force charge to sustained. He then recommended 3 days off for one of them and recommended termination for the other one. Again all before the criminal case is over and after the third one was found not guilty.

SHUT IT DOWN boys and girls.

Same exact thing for all three D17 guys, board recommended 30 days and TT upgraded to termination!! I think a nice civil suit is coming with multiple plaintiffs.

10-30-2019, 06:40 PM
How about we don’t punch people handcuffed to the bed ?

How about people with one hand handcuffed to the bed, don’t use their free hand to shove us!!!!!! Hey Mel Murphy, I never in a million years would have envisioned you to be a sell out. Wtf is wrong with you man? This Sheriff is lost, he doesn’t know what’s he’s doing, can’t you see that. This guy is in over his head, is not qualified to be the Sheriff, is making horrible decisions, and even the command can’t figure why he pompano deputy was even arrested. This place has lost its integrity and he Union isn’t doing jack sh!t about it.

10-30-2019, 06:42 PM
Same exact thing for all three D17 guys, board recommended 30 days and TT upgraded to termination!! I think a nice civil suit is coming with multiple plaintiffs.

I think they should sue him personally andyake everyhing since he doesn’t seem to care about he rules and the law. Nobody is going to follow tris guy after his sh!t.

10-30-2019, 06:43 PM
The union has no balls. As an entire agency we need to stand up and voice this nonsense. Either blue flu or everyone needs to stop all pro activity. No stopping 13 P’s and no 10-50’s. This place hangs you out to dry. New guys stop trying to make a name for yourselves with stats. News flash: no one cares.

See that my nice shady tree looks better now doesn't it. Like I said many times before, I dont do sh*t unless I am dispatched or a 10-94 to help out my fellow Deputies. Stop doing proactive POLICE work cause the administration is not going to back you when get jammed up.

10-30-2019, 06:45 PM
Same exact thing for all three D17 guys, board recommended 30 days and TT upgraded to termination!! I think a nice civil suit is coming with multiple plaintiffs.

IUPA should hire a great civil attorney and file a wrongful termination case against BSO and this Sheriff. We can see now why the under sheriff fled.

10-30-2019, 07:28 PM
Who is in charge of the PSC now?

10-30-2019, 08:37 PM
Actually I have, for many years. Cars are different, you hog tie them and call it a day.
He was handcuffed to a bed, he ain’t going anywhere. Keep your distance, what he did was stupid.

Sorry partner but we haven’t been able to hog tie someone in years, against policy. Nice try

10-30-2019, 08:40 PM
See that my nice shady tree looks better now doesn't it. Like I said many times before, I dont do sh*t unless I am dispatched or a 10-94 to help out my fellow Deputies. Stop doing proactive POLICE work cause the administration is not going to back you when get jammed up.

It’s worse than them not backing you, apparently they are willing to make sh!t up to arrest. God this phony wanna be sheriff is going to get sued into oblivion because he’s clueless and won’t listen to anyone who actually knows what the hell theyre doing. Terrible, the worst. Just remember the name Ron DeSantis cuz that’s who put this garbage on us.

10-30-2019, 08:41 PM
Sorry partner but we haven’t been able to hog tie someone in years, against policy. Nice try

Exactly, what a retard.

10-30-2019, 10:11 PM
Once again temporary Tony jumped the gun. You should not seek advice from an outside attorney (Carmen Rodriguez) when she herself benefits financially by giving you bad advice. She knows you will hire her to defend you down the road. Tony said today that he reviewed the Pre-D hearings before firing Sobrino. The hearing was an hour and then there were 5 depositions to read but he only took 45 minutes to make up his mind.. How did you possibly do that?

10-30-2019, 10:57 PM
Once again temporary Tony jumped the gun. You should not seek advice from an outside attorney (Carmen Rodriguez) when she herself benefits financially by giving you bad advice. She knows you will hire her to defend you down the road. Tony said today that he reviewed the Pre-D hearings before firing Sobrino. The hearing was an hour and then there were 5 depositions to read but he only took 45 minutes to make up his mind.. How did you possibly do that?

Because, he is an EXPERT!


10-30-2019, 11:19 PM
Not a judgement, not an opinion, just a question.

As a health care provider, when I have combative patient on the bed, cuffed on one side, do you think that it should it be legal for me to punch the subject in the face if he were not to comply? Or, since I am without a weapon, would it be smarter to stay on the other side of the room until the guy chills out?
Another question:
If the camera were to show me, a nurse, punching a combative hospital patient in the face, and you were to be called, would you be conflicted about arresting me?

Not disagreeing with your objection to this firing- I've had cups of piss thrown at me, been slapped and kicked by combative patients and don't have the option of punching anyone for non compliance.

10-30-2019, 11:24 PM
Simple, everyone needs to stop making arrests. If you get stuck making one and they need medical clearance, put them in shackles and cuff them behind their back. At the hospital do not remove the cuffs. This incident now sets policy on how to treat arrestees. The union should endorse this practice and put out a statement for future practice.

10-31-2019, 12:03 AM
Is Sobrinos hot dispatcher GF available now...im thinking she doesn't want to be with a guy with no job

10-31-2019, 01:05 AM
Not a judgement, not an opinion, just a question.

As a health care provider, when I have combative patient on the bed, cuffed on one side, do you think that it should it be legal for me to punch the subject in the face if he were not to comply? Or, since I am without a weapon, would it be smarter to stay on the other side of the room until the guy chills out?
Another question:
If the camera were to show me, a nurse, punching a combative hospital patient in the face, and you were to be called, would you be conflicted about arresting me?

Not disagreeing with your objection to this firing- I've had cups of piss thrown at me, been slapped and kicked by combative patients and don't have the option of punching anyone for non compliance.

he was a hot head from day one. I've seen him punch handcuffed guys before in pompano. I've had many guys and gals handcuffed to hospital beds act out and never ever had to punch them. he was a slug and doesnt deserve to wear a badge.

10-31-2019, 01:06 AM
Not a judgement, not an opinion, just a question.

As a health care provider, when I have combative patient on the bed, cuffed on one side, do you think that it should it be legal for me to punch the subject in the face if he were not to comply? Or, since I am without a weapon, would it be smarter to stay on the other side of the room until the guy chills out?
Another question:
If the camera were to show me, a nurse, punching a combative hospital patient in the face, and you were to be called, would you be conflicted about arresting me?

Not disagreeing with your objection to this firing- I've had cups of piss thrown at me, been slapped and kicked by combative patients and don't have the option of punching anyone for non compliance.

I think hat you don’t have arrest authority, so you shouldn’t have to think about it at all. The Deputy is responsible for that prisoner, a nurse or doctor is not. If someone shoves a police officer they have a right to defend themselves. This is he first case where he camera didn’t capture what happened and the Deputy is being crucified for it. Anyone with a brain would have seen this coming withbthese cameras. This is why Sheriff Bradshaw wisely refused these cameras and out his trust in his deputies.

Tony has violated labor law by ignoring past practices. I don’t think he even understands the law because if he did, he wouldn’t be so balatantly outside the boundaries. BSO is going to lose the criminal case on all these bad arrests. Then BSO is going to lose he lawsuits that follow. And I wouldn’t want to be in the receiving end of hose lawsuits because it’s not going to be pretty.

10-31-2019, 01:06 AM
Is Sobrinos hot dispatcher GF available now...im thinking she doesn't want to be with a guy with no job

They’ve been separated along time now. Dumbazz.

Karma is a *****.

10-31-2019, 02:31 AM
The sheriff knows what he is doing is wrong but does it because he thinks it gets him political points. He will soon become the first sitting Sheriff with no union support

10-31-2019, 03:07 AM
The sheriff knows what he is doing is wrong but does it because he thinks it gets him political points. He will soon become the first sitting Sheriff with no union support

Well you can add that to first sheriff to lose his undersheriff in the first 8 months LOL, first sherif to recommend termination on exonerated deputies and 30 day deputies, first sheriff to invent a fake statute to arrest Peterson, first sheriff to wear a dog collar on his neck, first sheriff hired from a temp service, first sheriff to treat a deputies death like a photo op, etc, etc, etc. ohhhhh Desantis we cant wait to get to the voting booths come the next Governors election you moronic putz.

10-31-2019, 03:13 AM
Because, he is an EXPERT!


This morning I ate a bowl of fruity pebbles. I guess you could say I’m an expert on the subject now. Go ahead ask temporary about fruity pebbles. Expert...

10-31-2019, 03:19 AM
Right now the Union looks pretty weak, this guy has violated just about every policemen bill of rights there is. Wtf IUPA WHAT ARE WE PAYING YOU FOR? This guy is ruining deputies lives for doing their jobs, and you guys look like you’re asleep at the wheel. This is bullish!t Jeff!!!!!!!!!! If you don’t have the balls or the stomach for it anymore hand the whistle to someone else who does!!!!!

10-31-2019, 09:24 AM
I’m not a fan of what is going on either but Tony isn’t responsible for what happened to Peterson. That’s entirely on Satz.

10-31-2019, 11:12 AM
The union is paying for all of their lawyers; who will get them justice, get them back to work, and sue the agency and TT personally. And the union was on the news last night standing up for JS. The union lawyers already won the first of 3 trials for the tamarac incident. TT will be nothing but a fart in the wind soon. He has no chance at winning the 2020 election.

10-31-2019, 11:43 AM
I can wait till we hold an endorsement vote and say F.U to Tony with as little votes possible. If anyone wants Tony for 4 more years, they need their head examined.

10-31-2019, 11:45 AM
Django sucks.

10-31-2019, 02:14 PM
Once again temporary Tony jumped the gun. You should not seek advice from an outside attorney (Carmen Rodriguez) when she herself benefits financially by giving you bad advice. She knows you will hire her to defend you down the road. Tony said today that he reviewed the Pre-D hearings before firing Sobrino. The hearing was an hour and then there were 5 depositions to read but he only took 45 minutes to make up his mind.. How did you possibly do that?

You don't get how the game is played. Sheriff specifically always goes to outside counsel when they are looking from the start to fire a deputy. The decision was made on the 5th floor the moment the call to hire her (or whoever) was made. They know it will be challenged by the union in arbitration or a lawsuit but the sheriff is lining up everything for that from day one. Jenne did it. Lamberti did it. Israel did it. Tony is doing it this way too apparently. If Rodriguez is handling it from the start, the guy is going to get fired!!!

10-31-2019, 04:43 PM
Well you can add that to first sheriff to lose his undersheriff in the first 8 months LOL, first sherif to recommend termination on exonerated deputies and 30 day deputies, first sheriff to invent a fake statute to arrest Peterson, first sheriff to wear a dog collar on his neck, first sheriff hired from a temp service, first sheriff to treat a deputies death like a photo op, etc, etc, etc. ohhhhh Desantis we cant wait to get to the voting booths come the next Governors election you moronic putz.

This Temporary is a clown.

10-31-2019, 04:53 PM
Vote for Larry Rogers for Sheriff in 2020. A real cop and a truly standup guy.

10-31-2019, 05:38 PM
Right now the Union looks pretty weak, this guy has violated just about every policemen bill of rights there is. Wtf IUPA WHAT ARE WE PAYING YOU FOR? This guy is ruining deputies lives for doing their jobs, and you guys look like you’re asleep at the wheel. This is bullish!t Jeff!!!!!!!!!! If you don’t have the balls or the stomach for it anymore hand the whistle to someone else who does!!!!!

Thanks Kevin Bolling

10-31-2019, 06:12 PM
I’m not a fan of what is going on either but Tony isn’t responsible for what happened to Peterson. That’s entirely on Satz.

But he is 100% responsible for ruining the lives of the other Parkland and Tamarac deputies. He doesn't even care how it's affecting their family including children. Politics > People.

10-31-2019, 07:08 PM
Promotes the DUI deputy and leaver in SVU but fires the guy for defending himself. Suspension is the proper punishment cause he lost his cool but he only punched the arrestee because he pushed him on the chest

10-31-2019, 10:15 PM
Promotes the DUI deputy and leaver in SVU but fires the guy for defending himself. Suspension is the proper punishment cause he lost his cool but he only punched the arrestee because he pushed him on the chest

No he pushed his back, don’t even try it. The camera didn’t show that angle. So now if the camera doesn’t show the right angle you get arrested? On top of being unqualified and ignorant temporary is also immoral and lacking character.

11-01-2019, 02:12 AM
How about we don’t punch people handcuffed to the bed ?

agreed... this guy is a heavy handed meathead. I've seen him in action, not the first time hes punched someone that has been handcuffed. **** him. he was a slug at best. **** him. he deserves to be arrested. this is why you don't hire 20 year old.

11-01-2019, 08:45 AM
agreed... this guy is a heavy handed meathead. I've seen him in action, not the first time hes punched someone that has been handcuffed. **** him. he was a slug at best. **** him. he deserves to be arrested. this is why you don't hire 20 year old.

No, f*ck you, you’re a pos scumbag. Just like the scumbag that got punched!!!!!

11-01-2019, 02:31 PM
A vote for Temporary Tony is a vote against us. BSO brothers and sisters stand United in defiance against tyranny.

11-01-2019, 10:25 PM
Catering to the Libs. How many roll calls has this clown been at?? This fool only cares about going to some BS event in Wilton manors

11-02-2019, 12:35 AM
No, f*ck you, you’re a pos scumbag. Just like the scumbag that got punched!!!!!

**** you, he is a hot head.

11-02-2019, 01:30 AM
**** you, he is a hot head.

And you’re a p*ssy, so what’s new?

11-02-2019, 02:39 PM
Blatant racism with these arrests. This nightmare will eventually be over but the damage done by this Governor’s mistake will be long lasting. Bad arrests on cops being made blatantly.

11-02-2019, 02:41 PM
And you’re a p*ssy, so what’s new?

awesome response, probably slug just like him.

11-02-2019, 02:54 PM
awesome response, probably slug just like him.

LMAO, this is proof you don’t know what you’re talking about. Sobrino was not a slug. He was probably one of the most productive proactive deputies working in BSO. He’s the kind of deputy that went out and worked his azz off. Look how he was wronged in this process.

This temporary guy making these bad arrests in cops from what I was told by Coral Springs cops and Margate cops really was a slug. He isn’t a tenth the cop Sobrino was. Jorge will have his day in court bioth criminal and civil and he will win both times. Jorge will be back and this racist arresting white cops for doing their jobs will be gone. And so will this Governor come he next election. Any other questions?

11-02-2019, 04:22 PM
PSC board recommended a 30 day suspension for the D-11 deputy. The sheriff said no way and fired him yesterday all before the criminal case is over.

The PSC board exonerated the D-7 deputies on ALL counts but the sheriff changed the use of force charge to sustained. He then recommended 3 days off for one of them and recommended termination for the other one. Again all before the criminal case is over and after the third one was found not guilty.

SHUT IT DOWN boys and girls.

Can the sheriff change it to “sustained” after an exoneration?
Training and IA cleared these guys. The PSC board who the sheriff hand picked cleared these guys of all charges. WTF is going on? This is dangerous for all of us

11-02-2019, 04:32 PM
Can the sheriff change it to “sustained” after an exoneration?
Training and IA cleared these guys. The PSC board who the sheriff hand picked cleared these guys of all charges. WTF is going on? This is dangerous for all of us

What’s going on is corruption plain and simple.

11-02-2019, 05:33 PM
And this is why the union just filed another ULP against the Sheriff. His entire command, legal and IA has already told him is will be a loss for the agency but Tony is only listening to Carmen Rodriguez. The same attorney who is giving bad advise will be hired to represent BSO and then charge BSO even more money

11-02-2019, 05:44 PM
Can the sheriff change it to “sustained” after an exoneration?
Training and IA cleared these guys. The PSC board who the sheriff hand picked cleared these guys of all charges. WTF is going on? This is dangerous for all of us

I hope they sue the shit out of this place

11-02-2019, 06:02 PM
And this is why the union just filed another ULP against the Sheriff. His entire command, legal and IA has already told him is will be a loss for the agency but Tony is only listening to Carmen Rodriguez. The same attorney who is giving bad advise will be hired to represent BSO and then charge BSO even more money

Not sure who Carmen Rodriguez is but it sounds like her legal advice is pure malpractice. What a sh!tty lawyer!!!!!!!

11-02-2019, 06:21 PM
Well what other Union has actually spent the time and money to obtain an official deposition from 2 captains, 2 lieutenants and a Sgt prior to a pre disciplinary hearing? Certainly not the PBA!!!!! Amateur Tony is up against Kroll, Schwartzreich, Finesilver and Buschel. Yes, the Sheriff can act like a baby right now and scream and yell but at the end of the day, he will get spanked like a deserving spoiled brat kid by the attorney’s

11-03-2019, 12:42 PM
Same exact thing for all three D17 guys, board recommended 30 days and TT upgraded to termination!! I think a nice civil suit is coming with multiple plaintiffs.

I really hope IUPA filed or is going to file the lawsuit on behalf of these deputies!

11-03-2019, 02:25 PM
This guy sends out these emails talking about the BSO family? Obviously he doesn’t know what Family means. He has no concept of that word or the commitment required to be a member of a family.

Get something straight right now Temporary guy, you are an outsider who was forced on us. Had you come in here the right way you could have EARNED the trust of the deputies required to be in our family. But you didn’t.

Instead you came in here with an attitude and started violating deputies rights. Even worse, you have dishonored ans insulted everyone single one of us with your racial politics. You are not a leader of anything, leastbof all OUR family.

11-03-2019, 03:47 PM
This guy sends out these emails talking about the BSO family? Obviously he doesn’t know what Family means. He has no concept of that word or the commitment required to be a member of a family.

Get something straight right now Temporary guy, you are an outsider who was forced on us. Had you come in here the right way you could have EARNED the trust of the deputies required to be in our family. But you didn’t.

Instead you came in here with an attitude and started violating deputies rights. Even worse, you have dishonored ans insulted everyone single one of us with your racial politics. You are not a leader of anything, leastbof all OUR family.

I said good morning!!!!!

11-03-2019, 05:30 PM
I said good morning!!!!!

Exactly, what a douchebag.

11-03-2019, 07:20 PM
LMAO, this is proof you don’t know what you’re talking about. Sobrino was not a slug. He was probably one of the most productive proactive deputies working in BSO. He’s the kind of deputy that went out and worked his azz off. Look how he was wronged in this process.

This temporary guy making these bad arrests in cops from what I was told by Coral Springs cops and Margate cops really was a slug. He isn’t a tenth the cop Sobrino was. Jorge will have his day in court bioth criminal and civil and he will win both times. Jorge will be back and this racist arresting white cops for doing their jobs will be gone. And so will this Governor come he next election. Any other questions?

most proactive, really?

11-04-2019, 11:18 AM
most proactive, really?
check his stats for last 4 years, very low for D11 area 2.

11-04-2019, 02:13 PM
check his stats for last 4 years, very low for D11 area 2.

Nobody checks stats in D11, they don’t need to. You must be from Parkland or some do nothing district or a civilian which is the same thing as working in one of those districts. Let’s be honest if you are from Parkland, Weston, Cooper City, LBS, and a few others you may as well be a civilian here.

11-04-2019, 02:16 PM
check his stats for last 4 years, very low for D11 area 2.

Stats are misleading in a busy district because you could be catching criminals and letting somebody else take the arrest. Obviously you don’t work there.

11-04-2019, 02:29 PM
This chat isn’t about JS it’s about a rogue temporary fraud violating deputies rights. Keep the focus where it belongs.

11-04-2019, 02:33 PM
This guy sends out these emails talking about the BSO family? Obviously he doesn’t know what Family means. He has no concept of that word or the commitment required to be a member of a family.

Get something straight right now Temporary guy, you are an outsider who was forced on us. Had you come in here the right way you could have EARNED the trust of the deputies required to be in our family. But you didn’t.

Instead you came in here with an attitude and started violating deputies rights. Even worse, you have dishonored ans insulted everyone single one of us with your racial politics. You are not a leader of anything, leastbof all OUR family.

Yeah, playing the race card was disgusting and will not be forgotten. But firing deputies for doing their jobs and arresting deputies without probable cause is criminal.

11-04-2019, 05:06 PM
Yeah, playing the race card was disgusting and will not be forgotten. But firing deputies for doing their jobs and arresting deputies without probable cause is criminal.

Yes.. Politics over People !

11-04-2019, 10:10 PM
Stats are misleading in a busy district because you could be catching criminals and letting somebody else take the arrest. Obviously you don’t work there.

oh ****ing please, I'm gonna catch someone and let you take credit! and I do work there slug.

11-05-2019, 01:12 AM
oh ****ing please, I'm gonna catch someone and let you take credit! and I do work there slug.

I doubt you e caught very many people at all. All talk, nothing to back it up.

11-05-2019, 05:15 PM
Same exact thing for all three D17 guys, board recommended 30 days and TT upgraded to termination!! I think a nice civil suit is coming with multiple plaintiffs.

I hope IUPA does not endorse TT !!!
This is bull#*#*

11-06-2019, 04:00 AM
IUPA isn't going to endorse TT

11-06-2019, 05:05 AM
IUPA isn't going to endorse TT

They sure aren’t going to endorse Israel and hopefully not Al Pollock. They should just sit this one out and not endorse anybody. Now would that be a big kick in the a$$ to all the candidates cause they ALL SUCK!

11-06-2019, 06:01 AM
They sure aren’t going to endorse Israel and hopefully not Al Pollock. They should just sit this one out and not endorse anybody. Now would that be a big kick in the a$$ to all the candidates cause they ALL SUCK!

Wishful thinking that IUPA will sit this out. IUPA has the power right now to influence this election and TT shot himself in the foot. Israel hung himself a long time ago. As much as these two turds would like IUPA to give up its power and sit this out I have a feeling that’s not happening. Al Pollock is by far the best of the candidates right now and the favorite amongst the front line and even some command staff hehe. I hope IUPA backs Al and delivers the knock out punch to Mumbles and Temporary Turd once and for all.

11-06-2019, 12:09 PM
Wishful thinking that IUPA will sit this out. IUPA has the power right now to influence this election and TT shot himself in the foot. Israel hung himself a long time ago. As much as these two turds would like IUPA to give up its power and sit this out I have a feeling that’s not happening. Al Pollock is by far the best of the candidates right now and the favorite amongst the front line and even some command staff hehe. I hope IUPA backs Al and delivers the knock out punch to Mumbles and Temporary Turd once and for all.

Agree with you, that Al, by far, is the best candidate. However, IUPA's choice of Al would naturally create an adversarial mood between citizens and cops and create suspicion about motive. IUPA's task needs to stay reasonably focused on prompting the voter. In this particular case, the best option is to sit it out and give Tony enough history at the agency to have Al be able to make a case for 2024 that the electorate will agree and come on board with. These firings looking from the outside looking in are not the same picture to voters. Voters "see" bad cops such as Fanti and W. Miller getting the boot and falsely assume that the rest of the cops who are jammed up must be just as bad. The most critical aspect in all of this is timing. Tony is running with the ball and he already has protection on all sides. The bitter camp raising petty issues about his past will be perceived by voters as just that. Voters divided between Pollack and Tony (many voters do vote based on race) will result in an Israel victory. That's the worst possible outcome. In a semi-perfect world, DeSantis would have chosen Pollack rather than Tony, but he didn't. If Pollack wants to get there, he needs to look at the big picture and not make the mistake of being the second black "D" to pick from when he has the opportunity to be the stand out candidate in four years. He's a smart guy and no doubt in due time will make an excellent sheriff.

11-06-2019, 01:29 PM
Agree with you, that Al, by far, is the best candidate. However, IUPA's choice of Al would naturally create an adversarial mood between citizens and cops and create suspicion about motive. IUPA's task needs to stay reasonably focused on prompting the voter. In this particular case, the best option is to sit it out and give Tony enough history at the agency to have Al be able to make a case for 2024 that the electorate will agree and come on board with. These firings looking from the outside looking in are not the same picture to voters. Voters "see" bad cops such as Fanti and W. Miller getting the boot and falsely assume that the rest of the cops who are jammed up must be just as bad. The most critical aspect in all of this is timing. Tony is running with the ball and he already has protection on all sides. The bitter camp raising petty issues about his past will be perceived by voters as just that. Voters divided between Pollack and Tony (many voters do vote based on race) will result in an Israel victory. That's the worst possible outcome. In a semi-perfect world, DeSantis would have chosen Pollack rather than Tony, but he didn't. If Pollack wants to get there, he needs to look at the big picture and not make the mistake of being the second black "D" to pick from when he has the opportunity to be the stand out candidate in four years. He's a smart guy and no doubt in due time will make an excellent sheriff.

Actually as a union member and citizen of Broward County we need Pollack as soon as possible.
Right now we have someone from the mail room sitting behind the CEO desk and it’s not working. The citizens of Broward are less safe now then anytime before in history. The road patrol guys are basically shut down and slow to respond to any situation that might require police action. This is a direct result of no leadership. The fact that Temp Tony has no respect for rank and just magic wanded 3 Sgt to Captains for political reasons further destroyed morale. IUPA has proved to be fearless and I am sure they are ready to go to war and help show Tony the door.

11-06-2019, 02:10 PM
Actually as a union member and citizen of Broward County we need Pollack as soon as possible.
Right now we have someone from the mail room sitting behind the CEO desk and it’s not working. The citizens of Broward are less safe now then anytime before in history. The road patrol guys are basically shut down and slow to respond to any situation that might require police action. This is a direct result of no leadership. The fact that Temp Tony has no respect for rank and just magic wanded 3 Sgt to Captains for political reasons further destroyed morale. IUPA has proved to be fearless and I am sure they are ready to go to war and help show Tony the door.

Agreed!! TT is firing deputies clearly for political reasons and opened bso and Broward taxpayers to numerous civil lawsuits.

11-07-2019, 07:41 PM
Agreed!! TT is firing deputies clearly for political reasons and opened bso and Broward taxpayers to numerous civil lawsuits.

I'm sure Jeff Bell reached out to all these D17 and D7 guys personally to assure them IUPA is on it

11-07-2019, 07:46 PM
Wishful thinking that IUPA will sit this out. IUPA has the power right now to influence this election and TT shot himself in the foot. Israel hung himself a long time ago. As much as these two turds would like IUPA to give up its power and sit this out I have a feeling that’s not happening. Al Pollock is by far the best of the candidates right now and the favorite amongst the front line and even some command staff hehe. I hope IUPA backs Al and delivers the knock out punch to Mumbles and Temporary Turd once and for all.

Are you already forgetting that Al Pollock was a totally worthless Israel suck-up? That he only cared about his little harem of female deputies he assigned to work with him on projects? He didn't do sh*t for the guys on the road. Israel only forced Pollock to resign because Al got caught right after the 2016 elections making phone calls to line up support to run against Israel in 2020. Al was so stupid he left that as a message on someone's voicemail, and they forwarded the recording to Israel. Pollock is a nice man ............. but he has no business being Sheriff.

11-07-2019, 07:48 PM
Actually as a union member and citizen of Broward County we need Pollack as soon as possible.
Right now we have someone from the mail room sitting behind the CEO desk and it’s not working. The citizens of Broward are less safe now then anytime before in history. The road patrol guys are basically shut down and slow to respond to any situation that might require police action. This is a direct result of no leadership. The fact that Temp Tony has no respect for rank and just magic wanded 3 Sgt to Captains for political reasons further destroyed morale. IUPA has proved to be fearless and I am sure they are ready to go to war and help show Tony the door.

No matter how many times Gil "Wannabe" Montalvo and Gary Karp post on here pretending to be cops, it doesn't make them cops. They never have been and never will be. They are low life scumbags.

11-07-2019, 07:55 PM
No matter how many times Gil "Wannabe" Montalvo and Gary Karp post on here pretending to be cops, it doesn't make them cops. They never have been and never will be. They are low life scumbags.

Not sure which post’s you think were written by those two nitwits but you can sure tell the ones written Montalvo.

11-14-2019, 12:21 PM
IUPA should hire a great civil attorney and file a wrongful termination case against BSO and this Sheriff. We can see now why the under sheriff fled.

All those guys need to file a civil suit together against BSO and TT

11-14-2019, 02:46 PM
Obviously you're not a union member or you would know the MEMBERSHIP picks who to endorse......unlike the PBA who did it on their own without member input. If TT or SI or anyone else gets the votes they will get IUPA endorsement

11-14-2019, 03:31 PM
Obviously you're not a union member or you would know the MEMBERSHIP picks who to endorse......unlike the PBA who did it on their own without member input. If TT or SI or anyone else gets the votes they will get IUPA endorsement

Well we all know Temporary ain’t getting the endorsement because he’s keeps arresting cops and he’s making these arrests without sufficient probable cause. Making bad arrests is not leadership. What would temporary Tony do if deputies started arresting civilians without probable cause they way he’s arresting cops without probable cause. We already know what Satz does with those kind of arrests, he throws them out. But yet Satz files these BS charges on deputies. That’s called malicious prosecution Satz. Let’s see Satz start charging bad guys for assaulting deputies!!!!!

Let’s see temporary stop playing politics. It’s trhe same old sh!t here. That’s why this place needs a real leader and a real cop to take over.

11-14-2019, 03:47 PM
Agree with you, that Al, by far, is the best candidate. However, IUPA's choice of Al would naturally create an adversarial mood between citizens and cops and create suspicion about motive. IUPA's task needs to stay reasonably focused on prompting the voter. In this particular case, the best option is to sit it out and give Tony enough history at the agency to have Al be able to make a case for 2024 that the electorate will agree and come on board with. These firings looking from the outside looking in are not the same picture to voters. Voters "see" bad cops such as Fanti and W. Miller getting the boot and falsely assume that the rest of the cops who are jammed up must be just as bad. The most critical aspect in all of this is timing. Tony is running with the ball and he already has protection on all sides. The bitter camp raising petty issues about his past will be perceived by voters as just that. Voters divided between Pollack and Tony (many voters do vote based on race) will result in an Israel victory. That's the worst possible outcome. In a semi-perfect world, DeSantis would have chosen Pollack rather than Tony, but he didn't. If Pollack wants to get there, he needs to look at the big picture and not make the mistake of being the second black "D" to pick from when he has the opportunity to be the stand out candidate in four years. He's a smart guy and no doubt in due time will make an excellent sheriff.

Neither Fanti nor Miller are bad cops. Both of them were assaulted before they used force. The problem was with the timing. They both hesitated before they fought back and it made it look as though they were the aggressors. When in fact, in both cases, it was delayed reactionary force. Moral of the story don’t hesitate.

11-14-2019, 04:36 PM
Neither Fanti nor Miller are bad cops. Both of them were assaulted before they used force. The problem was with the timing. They both hesitated before they fought back and it made it look as though they were the aggressors. When in fact, in both cases, it was delayed reactionary force. Moral of the story don’t hesitate.

lol !

Know what would be funny? If one of the dingbats at the PSB walked up to a rank and kicked him in the nuts a year after she figured out that he really doesn't sleep in the guestroom and has no intention of leaving his clueless wife. That would qualify as delayed reactionary force. Same stupid women, they never learn.

Delayed reactionary force is a crime. It's an assault. You don't have the right to go back and even the score any more than any other citizen. The psychological excuses that you make for yourselves are just that , excuses.

11-14-2019, 04:46 PM
Well we all know Temporary ain’t getting the endorsement because he’s keeps arresting cops and he’s making these arrests without sufficient probable cause. Making bad arrests is not leadership. What would temporary Tony do if deputies started arresting civilians without probable cause they way he’s arresting cops without probable cause. We already know what Satz does with those kind of arrests, he throws them out. But yet Satz files these BS charges on deputies. That’s called malicious prosecution Satz. Let’s see Satz start charging bad guys for assaulting deputies!!!!!

Let’s see temporary stop playing politics. It’s trhe same old sh!t here. That’s why this place needs a real leader and a real cop to take over.

Very true, TT will NEVER get the endorsement of the membership!! He is firing deputies with and without false criminal charges. Why even have a PSC board?

11-14-2019, 05:09 PM
lol !

Know what would be funny? If one of the dingbats at the PSB walked up to a rank and kicked him in the nuts a year after she figured out that he really doesn't sleep in the guestroom and has no intention of leaving his clueless wife. That would qualify as delayed reactionary force. Same stupid women, they never learn.

Delayed reactionary force is a crime. It's an assault. You don't have the right to go back and even the score any more than any other citizen. The psychological excuses that you make for yourselves are just that , excuses.

Nice exaggeration...... sure makes you look credible. Not.......

11-14-2019, 05:19 PM
Very true, TT will NEVER get the endorsement of the membership!! He is firing deputies with and without false criminal charges. Why even have a PSC board?

I agree, he will never get the endorsement nor do I think he cares if he gets it. He’s fooled himself into believing making bad arrests on cops will be his lunch ticket. Problem is, people have already seen through his BS.

I think Pollock will take the majority of the black vote in Broward and a good portion of the white vote too. I don’t think it will be enough to topple Israel who is still the rightfully elected Sheriff of Broward County. I think the voters in Broward were disenfranchised by the Governor’s politics. I didn’t necessarily disagree with the Governor until he put an unqualified person in here to run the place. And it’s been a tremendous disaster ever since.

This place is in a sort of holding pattern right now until the next election. Whoever wins the Democratic primary will be the next sheriff.

11-14-2019, 05:23 PM
lol !

Know what would be funny? If one of the dingbats at the PSB walked up to a rank and kicked him in the nuts a year after she figured out that he really doesn't sleep in the guestroom and has no intention of leaving his clueless wife. That would qualify as delayed reactionary force. Same stupid women, they never learn.

Delayed reactionary force is a crime. It's an assault. You don't have the right to go back and even the score any more than any other citizen. The psychological excuses that you make for yourselves are just that , excuses.

I agree we shouldn’t delay, as soon as they touch us, they should be knocked out.

11-14-2019, 11:08 PM
Just don’t do anything... at all. This place is a complete joke. What a Hypocrite!!!!!


https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/73202874_2357951657852164_4722306895455453184_n.jp g?_nc_cat=109&_nc_oc=AQlehC822L_Adyf3ZCMMTLu8sKc8mIvJL9k6Co0KNiZ 525sk0aWERmTbiPFuaDV4DWJi6LQWwGDW2AIZLarzAhjm&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&oh=482e4f3dad4839b9d5e425a00b6676b6&oe=5E592B47

11-15-2019, 12:19 AM
Nice exaggeration...... sure makes you look credible. Not.......

says the clueless wife^

11-15-2019, 08:53 AM

https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/73202874_2357951657852164_4722306895455453184_n.jp g?_nc_cat=109&_nc_oc=AQlehC822L_Adyf3ZCMMTLu8sKc8mIvJL9k6Co0KNiZ 525sk0aWERmTbiPFuaDV4DWJi6LQWwGDW2AIZLarzAhjm&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&oh=482e4f3dad4839b9d5e425a00b6676b6&oe=5E592B47

I think if these photographs get out to the public this guy is going to have a hard time getting elected.

11-15-2019, 04:16 PM

https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/73202874_2357951657852164_4722306895455453184_n.jp g?_nc_cat=109&_nc_oc=AQlehC822L_Adyf3ZCMMTLu8sKc8mIvJL9k6Co0KNiZ 525sk0aWERmTbiPFuaDV4DWJi6LQWwGDW2AIZLarzAhjm&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&oh=482e4f3dad4839b9d5e425a00b6676b6&oe=5E592B47

All the person running against this guy has to do is print this picture and mail it to everyone in Broward County, LOL.

11-16-2019, 02:04 AM
Very true, TT will NEVER get the endorsement of the membership!! He is firing deputies with and without false criminal charges. Why even have a PSC board?

I.A. finally gets some good Sgts. They present the facts on the G.S. case and the Tamarac case to the PSC. One case gets a 30 day suspension. The other, exoneration on all criminal charges! TT then goes against the PSC board recommendation and recommends termination. I wonder what morale is like in I.A.?

11-16-2019, 03:38 AM
I.A. finally gets some good Sgts. They present the facts on the G.S. case and the Tamarac case to the PSC. One case gets a 30 day suspension. The other, exoneration on all criminal charges! TT then goes against the PSC board recommendation and recommends termination. I wonder what morale is like in I.A.?

Why even have a board, an I.A., a state legislature, or a law for that matter? He’s just going to act as a judge, jury, and executioner. Did you see him at the naacp meeting?

Talk about being outclassed and out of his element. That meeting was all softball questions and he couldn’t even handle that. Wait till they start asking the tough questions. Wait till he actually has to provide an intelligent answer to a difficult question that’s involves reasoning and knowledge. The Governor sold us a lemon.

11-16-2019, 03:38 PM
The union has no balls. As an entire agency we need to stand up and voice this nonsense. Either blue flu or everyone needs to stop all pro activity. No stopping 13 P’s and no 10-50’s. This place hangs you out to dry. New guys stop trying to make a name for yourselves with stats. News flash: no one cares.

I like my free slurpees

11-16-2019, 03:40 PM
I.A. finally gets some good Sgts. They present the facts on the G.S. case and the Tamarac case to the PSC. One case gets a 30 day suspension. The other, exoneration on all criminal charges! TT then goes against the PSC board recommendation and recommends termination. I wonder what morale is like in I.A.?

Same with the 3 parkland deputies with the 30 day suspensions and with NO criminal charges. TT disregarded the PSC and IA going straight for termination. It's clear the undersheriff did not want to be a defendant too in the upcoming lawsuits and fled in a hurry!! 🏃*♂️🏃*♂️🏃*♂️

Will be a huge blow during election time when his own agency doesn't even back him.

11-16-2019, 06:28 PM

https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/73202874_2357951657852164_4722306895455453184_n.jp g?_nc_cat=109&_nc_oc=AQlehC822L_Adyf3ZCMMTLu8sKc8mIvJL9k6Co0KNiZ 525sk0aWERmTbiPFuaDV4DWJi6LQWwGDW2AIZLarzAhjm&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&oh=482e4f3dad4839b9d5e425a00b6676b6&oe=5E592B47

Pictures are worth thousands of words. Here’s my words for these pictures. OMFG..........

11-16-2019, 06:41 PM

https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/73202874_2357951657852164_4722306895455453184_n.jp g?_nc_cat=109&_nc_oc=AQlehC822L_Adyf3ZCMMTLu8sKc8mIvJL9k6Co0KNiZ 525sk0aWERmTbiPFuaDV4DWJi6LQWwGDW2AIZLarzAhjm&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&oh=482e4f3dad4839b9d5e425a00b6676b6&oe=5E592B47

Is anyone embarrassed yet? The booty bump dance is especially professional. Wtf. Good job Desantis!!!

11-18-2019, 07:46 PM
Same with the 3 parkland deputies with the 30 day suspensions and with NO criminal charges. TT disregarded the PSC and IA going straight for termination. It's clear the undersheriff did not want to be a defendant too in the upcoming lawsuits and fled in a hurry!! 🏃*♂️🏃*♂️🏃*♂️

Will be a huge blow during election time when his own agency doesn't even back him.

This guy needs to go, he is ruining families left and right.

11-20-2019, 12:05 AM
The ex sheriff was blamed so hope everyone gets their jobs back soon. The more time they are out, its more money bso has to pay in back pay. BSO lawyers (if smart) should be working on cutting a deal soon with IUPA and the deputies.

11-28-2019, 10:08 PM
Wrong on so many levels