View Full Version : Both sides need to ceasefire?

10-29-2019, 07:29 AM
Ceasefire you all are just crashing and burning the place to the ground. No one will be left standing.

10-29-2019, 09:43 AM
Ceasefire you all are just crashing and burning the place to the ground. No one will be left standing.

🏠 on 🔥. Let it burn it’s been on fire for so many years. The time to extinguish the flames are over.

10-29-2019, 09:52 AM
Javi I hate to tell you my brother you have a lot of enemies in and outside the department. You know they are looking at you already so get ready because your brother’s and sister’s in blue will not cover for you anymore.

10-29-2019, 09:44 PM
Javi I hate to tell you my brother you have a lot of enemies in and outside the department. You know they are looking at you already so get ready because your brother’s and sister’s in blue will not cover for you anymore.

Sadly, many still will. As far as both sides, taking a chill pill. Wishful thinking! You have the old so called guard, that will undermine everything being done. Blame everything on them and look for any reason, to play the hero. GPS, is a no brainer, you can't blame the FOP, over it. The city owns the vehicles and can do as they see fit. Off duties?? That's been in the making for a short time, city hall was looking to have something to say and they were given it. By the way doesn't Ortiz, work the off duty office? As far a your fellow officers in the blue, coving for you. Your rolling the dice. With all the camera's out now, body cams, every one having the latest, cell phones. Those coving, might not be aware, that I.A. FDLE or any of the 3 lettered Federal agencies, have film and just seeing, what you have to say and bingo, your gone. The hear no evil, say no evil and see no evil. Was once upon a time, a tried and true fallback and again, rolling the dice with you career. It's your life and freedom, do as you please. Just remember NO-ONE here after you gone, for being a stand up person, will give you a second thought, nor help with the bills and food.