View Full Version : Promotional Exam

10-25-2019, 03:31 AM
Any thoughts on the promotional exam? Do you think it should of covered more/less of certain topics? The new supervisor book help at all? Just curious. Any questions you think will be questionable...Hope that everyone who spent time studying did well!

10-25-2019, 02:33 PM
You mean how all the numbering was screwed up on the Sgt test. Or how they changed the inbox and didn’t label the policy for the question like they have for every single in basket prior. How does mike swain stay employed. This just doesn’t seem like a hard task to accomplish Correctly numbering questions come on.

10-27-2019, 12:19 AM
I think we should all have a unique number to identity us so we don’t to use the first three letters of our favorite color, followed by the vowels in our mothers maiden name and the last 3 of our childhood zipcode. Call it a payroll number or something.