View Full Version : Brother of Parkland shooting victim to Florida Senate: Do not reinstate Scott Israel"

10-17-2019, 09:00 PM
https://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/commentary/fl-op-com-pollack-meadow-parkland-florida-senate-bso-israel-20191017-2jfu6bnhgjdcpp5vgeifuqti6u-story.html?fbclid=IwAR35SrcM1exeDPtmOLBLylpUds1vpA oWav8KMUKFQbajYSLacesK4635kN8

Check this OP-ED out by Hunter Pollack.

10-17-2019, 10:03 PM
https://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/commentary/fl-op-com-pollack-meadow-parkland-florida-senate-bso-israel-20191017-2jfu6bnhgjdcpp5vgeifuqti6u-story.html?fbclid=IwAR35SrcM1exeDPtmOLBLylpUds1vpA oWav8KMUKFQbajYSLacesK4635kN8

Check this OP-ED out by Hunter Pollack.

Unfortunately he's brainwashed like his father.

10-18-2019, 12:00 AM
Sorry for your loss Hunter but you and your father have made BSO worse by putting Tony in office. It’s so bad that people actually want Israel back and we know he is bad. How bad does it have to be to want this ?

10-18-2019, 01:36 AM
Unfortunately he's brainwashed like his father.

The sad part is that it's just political. Using a loss to gain a political circus. Shame on everyone who is doing this. Shame on those who can't blame the real person, the shooter. Shame on them to be brain washed by DeSantis who only has a personal vendetta on Scott. If you think he's to blame shame on you!!

10-18-2019, 01:42 AM
Sorry for your loss Hunter but you and your father have made BSO worse by putting Tony in office. It’s so bad that people actually want Israel back and we know he is bad. How bad does it have to be to want this ?

Actually we want SI back. We realize how good he was. Again get over the fact that he was NOT the blame of any shootings.
Who ever thinks he was is a phucking moron.
What we should do is make a special Morning for every student that was killed by an active shooter. It should be made for all schools not JUST Stoneman Douglas. This upsets most people who lost there child and how everyone forgot them because they didn’t go to Stoneman Douglas. Seems like Stoneman Douglas got and gets all the attention because of the US dollar. Very shameful and very disrespectful.

We sure hope and pray Scott Israel gets his job back. Enough of the political BS already.

10-18-2019, 03:17 AM
Agreed IRA The village idiot we should morn...the victims. Get a damn dictionary would ya or use spell check!

10-18-2019, 04:35 AM
Scott Israel is a piece of shit human being and we are better off without him. The end.

10-18-2019, 04:44 AM
https://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/commentary/fl-op-com-pollack-meadow-parkland-florida-senate-bso-israel-20191017-2jfu6bnhgjdcpp5vgeifuqti6u-story.html?fbclid=IwAR35SrcM1exeDPtmOLBLylpUds1vpA oWav8KMUKFQbajYSLacesK4635kN8

Check this OP-ED out by Hunter Pollack.

Seriously, who cares what this kid thinks !!!!!

10-18-2019, 09:59 AM
Agreed IRA The village idiot we should morn...the victims. Get a damn dictionary would ya or use spell check!
We thank you for staying on leo and you can be the official spell checker stupid moron. Get a life. Obviously you don't have a life. As long as you can understand the writer who other than you cares. AH, POS.

10-18-2019, 10:19 AM
Scott Israel is a piece of shit human being and we are better off without him. The end.

Actually your a piece of shit you stupid worthless azzhole (purposelessly spelled that way). This is the beginning of a great thing if Israel comes back. Stay out of police business as you have no clue what it takes. Stupid political bs ended us loosing a great Sheriff that we desperately need back. He was made the fall guy but your to ignorant to understand this. We blame the citizens and the school board for not stepping it up and reporting this Cruz guy all the past years. Everyone wanted to be quiet and not get involved. See something do something is what you should have done not close your doors. The writing was on the wall for many years and everyone kept it hush cause it’s Parkland. So now let’s blame the sheriff? Bunch of crap if you ask most people. Educate yourself and follow up on the investigation as you should. Whoever did would understand it was not the fault of the sheriffs office. Do something more with your life and go for a walk.
Spell check this prick.