View Full Version : Russ DiPerna to speak against Israel next week

10-15-2019, 01:43 PM
Former Excutive officer to speak in tally next week

10-15-2019, 01:46 PM
Former Excutive officer to speak in tally next week

No he won't.

10-15-2019, 02:28 PM
Ready going to crush mumbles sit back watch the show

10-15-2019, 02:38 PM
RD is and always has been an idiot that was fired by two different sheriff's. All of his "stories" and educational "achievements" are made up. He is only a legend in his own mind. He has no information on anything that ever went on during his time stealing money on the fifth floor because he wasnt allowed in ANY meetings. Just stay in Greece with your little boys or in mommies basement with your blow up dolls. No one cares what you have to say. BDO.

10-15-2019, 03:15 PM
Russ is amazing mumbles never listened to him I’m the president of Russ’s fan club will be a long year kids

10-15-2019, 05:06 PM
Scott Russ is. going to annihilate you, You will need to move to North Dakota so nobody knows your name sit back and watch the show

10-15-2019, 09:32 PM
RD is and always has been an idiot that was fired by two different sheriff's. All of his "stories" and educational "achievements" are made up. He is only a legend in his own mind. He has no information on anything that ever went on during his time stealing money on the fifth floor because he wasnt allowed in ANY meetings. Just stay in Greece with your little boys or in mommies basement with your blow up dolls. No one cares what you have to say. BDO.

The former sheriffs XO has no information...lol okay buddy.

This is the “Liar Liar” objection scene.


“On what grounds?”

“On that it’s extremely damaging to my case!”

10-16-2019, 03:48 PM
Russ knows it all, trust me, and so thrilled to share, broward can not afford to have Scott back,

10-16-2019, 05:31 PM
Go back and read the news stories from last week. The Senate President said he will allow lawyers for Israel and DeSantis to argue points from the record, but will not allow any new testimony or new evidence to be presented. Want part of "any" did you not understand? That means Russ won't be doing a thing.

10-16-2019, 05:51 PM
No he won't.

Agree he won’t shoot himself in the foot like that.

10-17-2019, 02:14 AM
Russ will say he was sexually assaulted by the command staff and that he’s joining the #metoo movement to bring awareness to the public over the sexual misconduct at BSO, And Then explain how he was a victim by being groped by members of the command staff and play the victim card 😂😂😂😂. This guy is classic lunacy . Jobless, wifeless, and broke ... I’m laughing all the way to bank, Russy . Guess who, Stunod?

10-17-2019, 02:38 AM
Former Excutive officer to speak in tally next week
Being a bitter elderly man with no family or friends and no future is devastating Russ. Being fired by three sheriff's will be his ONLY legacy.
That's why when he is not tormenting people like John Bailey and Bill fudge paaaacker chained in his basement, he makes a fool out himself with fake accomplishments he cant PROVE. Sad!!!

10-17-2019, 02:45 AM
Trudel commenting on every thread.

10-17-2019, 03:25 AM
Trudel commenting on every thread.

Mark Trudel is still wearing a polic uniform at 60 years old. Nothing more to say.

10-17-2019, 03:38 PM
Mark Trudel is still wearing a polic uniform at 60 years old. Nothing more to say.
What's a POLIC ?????? No, by all means, let's here MORE snowflake!
Are you a POLIC TOO ? Remember your days on the SHORT BUS , wearing that Helmut and humping teachers leg? We all know that you were the best WINDOW LICKER on long island. Let us hear more of your pathetic whining Mr POLIC!!!

10-17-2019, 04:26 PM
Russ to hold a press conference in Tally, Russ is going to hold a large press conference in Tally as the XO of mumbles telling everyone about his non-amazing leader ship

10-18-2019, 04:47 AM
Russ is amazing mumbles never listened to him I’m the president of Russ’s fan club will be a long year kids

Hes nothing but a used car salesman

10-18-2019, 12:04 PM
Everyone is so jealous of Russell DiPerna, you got to get that egimacation fredo

10-18-2019, 12:07 PM
Everyone is so jealous of Russell DiPerna, you got to get that egimacation fredo

Russ nobody is jealous of a disloyal piece of shit.