View Full Version : Scott Israel’s people are in a hissy

10-01-2019, 12:13 PM
It’s amazing when something negative is put in publication the response you get from people. Russ diperna lit-up the country yesterday, yes the country. That article has gone national to agencies all over the country and has been shared by thousands of Facebook members. One local Democratic leader told me they were shocked by the article. So for Scott Israel it may not be the tell-all, but it definitely caused an open wound which is bleeding heavily. Leoaffairs, is just a feel good release for Israel’s people who possibly see their dream of getting back on the payroll slipping away after only a few days of hope. Russ going on CNN will not be good for the former sheriff. If any of you know Russ and his ability to get a message across, it will be another open wound. The attacks on here against Russ are just plain comedy, nothing refutes the allegations, and that’s what brings credibility to the article!! One way or another, Scott Israel, as he would put it, got punched in the face, and he has nothing to counter.

10-01-2019, 12:38 PM
The Democratic senators will really have to take serious political risk to vote to reinstate mumbles. They can say they are going along with the special masters decision but they have an obligation to the citizens of Broward county not Scott Israel.

10-01-2019, 12:53 PM
This is only the beginning. Diperna has been offered to write several follow-up articles for 3 publications. He was offered a small fee, but turned it down. I guess the Israel people are going to be sidetracked defending Israel. I see that they will spend the next year on the defensive. What are they going to do, boast about Scott Israel’s accomplishments. 😂😂

10-01-2019, 01:00 PM
We will see how easy it is to run for office when he doesn't have the BSO budget to fund his "community outreach"?

The amount of county dollars that were spent for Scott's campaign were criminal.

10-01-2019, 02:28 PM
It’s amazing when something negative is put in publication the response you get from people. Russ diperna lit-up the country yesterday, yes the country. That article has gone national to agencies all over the country and has been shared by thousands of Facebook members. One local Democratic leader told me they were shocked by the article. So for Scott Israel it may not be the tell-all, but it definitely caused an open wound which is bleeding heavily. Leoaffairs, is just a feel good release for Israel’s people who possibly see their dream of getting back on the payroll slipping away after only a few days of hope. Russ going on CNN will not be good for the former sheriff. If any of you know Russ and his ability to get a message across, it will be another open wound. The attacks on here against Russ are just plain comedy, nothing refutes the allegations, and that’s what brings credibility to the article!! One way or another, Scott Israel, as he would put it, got punched in the face, and he has nothing to counter.
SORRY FORREST! Nice try to SPIN and dismiss the anti Diperna posts.
The fact is the posts are negative but all TRUE, that RUSS is a self serving lonely pathetic POS who was PART of the system he now claims to hate. Yes they are humorous because RUSS is the village idiot! I worked with that dummy for years including NY and Broward County. I DID NOT Deny the factual content of his story however he THINKS he is Serpico, but in reality he shared in the corruption! Russ WAS part of the evil system he writes about with details ONLY a true insider could have. Despite his hero complex, RUSS was seething that he was booted out again from the PSB. Then like the little 9 year old teachers pet worm boy, who destroys the winning science project at school, he is locked up in his grandma's sewing room typing angry letters about his old friend scotty, in his unwashed underwear.
It is even more PATHETIC, that he has been answering his own POSTS Just like the one above. The simple truth is that as I said BEFORE , Israel did all the things that article contains , not unlike the current moron sheriff and ken Jenne.
But RUSS didn't mind the perks and the no show job did he? RUSS you are no Serpico, not now not ever. Actually Russ you are more like Michael AVINATI! YOU even think, walk ,talk and look like that human ferret.

10-01-2019, 02:35 PM
This is only the beginning. Diperna has been offered to write several follow-up articles for 3 publications. He was offered a small fee, but turned it down. I guess the Israel people are going to be sidetracked defending Israel. I see that they will spend the next year on the defensive. What are they going to do, boast about Scott Israel’s accomplishments. 😂😂
Captain cra bs are DORKS just like you.

10-01-2019, 02:54 PM
I love these anti Russ posts. I’ve never seen so many people here who worked with Russ in NY and know him so well. Please, spare us. Russ had an article published that gets to the core of what Scott Israel and his cronies were all about. Russ killed it. And anybody who spoke to Russ over the six years he was there knew how frustrated he was with the incompetence of Israel and his entire command staff along with Lisa Castillo, who when you think about it, never had a job until Scott Israel hired her. tRuss never kept it from anyone. A villain to some(lost their jobs, or specialized units) hero to most of us. I haven’t spoken to one person who didn’t love that article.