View Full Version : Can DeSantis remove Israel again?

09-22-2019, 07:10 PM
If Scott Israel were to win next year, fat chance though, can DeSantis remove him again. ABSOLUTELY!!!! And he will, because the state Florida will support him, and Broward won’t go his way anyway.

09-22-2019, 07:42 PM
If Scott Israel were to win next year, fat chance though, can DeSantis remove him again. ABSOLUTELY!!!! And he will, because the state Florida will support him, and Broward won’t go his way anyway.
Wow, read your post and ask yourself what your IQ is.

09-23-2019, 01:02 AM
Wow, read your post and ask yourself what your IQ is.

Agree just looking for attention

09-23-2019, 03:39 PM
If Scott Israel were to win next year, fat chance though, can DeSantis remove him again. ABSOLUTELY!!!! And he will, because the state Florida will support him, and Broward won’t go his way anyway.

No. Once the Scott Israel suspension has been disposed of by the Senate, DeSantis would have to identify or manufacture new grounds for another suspension. And, politically, a second suspension would be of little value to DeSantis. He only suspended Israel to make good on a campaign promise and as the voters in Broward voted nearly 3:1 for Gillum, he had little fear of alienating the voters of the county.

09-23-2019, 03:54 PM
No. Once the Scott Israel suspension has been disposed of by the Senate, DeSantis would have to identify or manufacture new grounds for another suspension. And, politically, a second suspension would be of little value to DeSantis. He only suspended Israel to make good on a campaign promise and as the voters in Broward voted nearly 3:1 for Gillum, he had little fear of alienating the voters of the county.

So DeSantis removes Israel for political reasons, or was it that Israel is so incompetent and delusional along with his entire command staff? When are you Israel boot lockers going to wake up and realize the guy is a complete loser and was in way over his head.

09-24-2019, 05:59 PM
So DeSantis removes Israel for political reasons, or was it that Israel is so incompetent and delusional along with his entire command staff? When are you Israel boot lockers going to wake up and realize the guy is a complete loser and was in way over his head.

The point was never whether Israel was incompetent or not. We have had many incompetent sheriffs, as well as other politicians. But, this is the first time in history where a Florida sheriff has been suspended who was not under arrest or indictment for a crime, as far as I know. Also, the sheriff was suspended, not for being generally incompetent, but for his agency's response to the MSDHS and FLHIA shooting incidents, even though neither he nor his agency were responsible for either one. And, of course, the elected officials directly responsible for the security of MSDHS, the BCSB, was given a pass on that incident.

So, Israel's suspension was a purely political move to make good on a campaign promise and to still the cries for punishing elected officials for the MSDHS shooting. There are a number of incompetent sheriffs in this state,right this minute, and none of them are being suspended, unless they have been arrested and charged with a crime or are under indictment. The voters can decide of they want him back, or not. That is how the system works.

09-24-2019, 06:53 PM
If Scott Israel were to win next year, fat chance though, can DeSantis remove him again. ABSOLUTELY!!!! And he will, because the state Florida will support him, and Broward won’t go his way anyway.

Even if he could suspend him, look how that worked out for him the first time. He made things ten times worse than they were. Desantis is an incompetent idiot for not vetting the guy he put in here.

09-24-2019, 06:56 PM
Gov DeSantis will never let Scott be a sheriff in Florida, remember kidz the FDLE report it is going to be real bad.

09-24-2019, 10:19 PM
Gov DeSantis will never let Scott be a sheriff in Florida, remember kidz the FDLE report it is going to be real bad.

You mean the same FDLE that charged Peterson with all of those bogus charges, most of which do not apply to Peterson in his position as an SRO and which will be dismissed prior to any trial, two weeks before Israel's Senate hearing? That FDLE?

09-24-2019, 11:29 PM
If no one is paying attention, why are the handful of Israel supporters (like yourself) working overtime to push down the negative threads?
Looks like you and the cut and paste crew are slowly starting to realize there's a lot more people that visit this site than you thought.

09-25-2019, 12:57 AM
So, are you saying that the Sheriff and the command staff knew the attack at MSDHS was going to take place? If not, are you saying that their confusion immediately following the shooting resulted in any death or injury to anyone? Now, if you were there, at the time, did YOU assume command and direct the response? Or did you stand there with your t***b up your butt and do nothing right along with them? Let us know how you stepped up and took the reins of the agency and got it back on track. If not, I hope that you at least resigned from the agency.

The problem with your charge, that the Sheriff and his staff were not competent, in the handling of the post shooting response, is that you failed to present any evidence that it resulted in any loss of life or further injury. One more time people. To my knowledge, NO sheriff in Florida has ever been suspended unless arrested. charged or under indictment for a criminal offense. And, never, simply for being "incompetent". Of course, Israel's suspension has still not been upheld by the Senate, so this might all be moot. You can criticize the handling of the aftermath of the shooting. You could use that to campaign against Israel, at the next election. But, there was never any real evidence presented to justify suspending the sheriff. Especially when the elected body, which was directly responsible for the security of the school, the BCSB, gets a pass on their lack of action, PRIOR to the incident. So. whether Israel is incompetent or not, his suspension was nothing more than a political lynching. We'll see if Israel runs and how the election plays out.

This is why all along we called Scott Israel back as Sheriff for Broward County Sheriffs Office. We been saying this since the wrongfully suspension.

09-25-2019, 01:02 AM
So, are you saying that the Sheriff and the command staff knew the attack at MSDHS was going to take place? If not, are you saying that their confusion immediately following the shooting resulted in any death or injury to anyone? Now, if you were there, at the time, did YOU assume command and direct the response? Or did you stand there with your t***b up your butt and do nothing right along with them? Let us know how you stepped up and took the reins of the agency and got it back on track. If not, I hope that you at least resigned from the agency.

The problem with your charge, that the Sheriff and his staff were not competent, in the handling of the post shooting response, is that you failed to present any evidence that it resulted in any loss of life or further injury. One more time people. To my knowledge, NO sheriff in Florida has ever been suspended unless arrested. charged or under indictment for a criminal offense. And, never, simply for being "incompetent". Of course, Israel's suspension has still not been upheld by the Senate, so this might all be moot. You can criticize the handling of the aftermath of the shooting. You could use that to campaign against Israel, at the next election. But, there was never any real evidence presented to justify suspending the sheriff. Especially when the elected body, which was directly responsible for the security of the school, the BCSB, gets a pass on their lack of action, PRIOR to the incident. So. whether Israel is incompetent or not, his suspension was nothing more than a political lynching. We'll see if Israel runs and how the election plays out.
Your second paragraph is dead on. If your honest you’ll agree SI was removed for pure politics. Like him or hate him, he was removed because DeSantis had the deck stacked.

09-25-2019, 01:03 AM
If no one is paying attention, why are the handful of Israel supporters (like yourself) working overtime to push down the negative threads?
Looks like you and the cut and paste crew are slowly starting to realize there's a lot more people that visit this site than you thought.

Now, I am not an Israel supporter. In fact, from my experience with him I would never vote for him for sheriff. However, I get really teed off at the way people continue to push the narrative that Israel, and therefor the rank and file of his agency, was somehow solely responsible for the shooting at MSDHS and, to a lesser degree, the FLHIA shootings. Even though neither incident was in any way the fault of the sheriff or his deputies. Whether Israel was generally incompetent or not is irrelevant, because the reason for his suspension was limited to his performance after those two shootings. The fact that there was never any evidence presented that the actions of the sheriff resulted in any injury to anyone seems to be irrelevant as well. What we do know is that the actions of the BCSB directly led to the MSDHS shooting because there was insufficient security in place to prevent it.And, it was school board employees who failed to notify the school office when they saw the shooter, who was known to them, walk onto campus with a bag, which could be readily identified as a rifle case. Yet, the sheriff, who has NO responsibility for security at the school gets suspended while the School Board gets a pass, from almost everyone, including the Governor.

If people want to highlight instances of Israel's incompetence, go right ahead. As long as they do not refer to either of the shootings, you will not hear from me.

09-25-2019, 02:32 AM
Now, I am not an Israel supporter. In fact, from my experience with him I would never vote for him for sheriff. However, I get really teed off at the way people continue to push the narrative that Israel, and therefor the rank and file of his agency, was somehow solely responsible for the shooting at MSDHS and, to a lesser degree, the FLHIA shootings. Even though neither incident was in any way the fault of the sheriff or his deputies. Whether Israel was generally incompetent or not is irrelevant, because the reason for his suspension was limited to his performance after those two shootings. The fact that there was never any evidence presented that the actions of the sheriff resulted in any injury to anyone seems to be irrelevant as well. What we do know is that the actions of the BCSB directly led to the MSDHS shooting because there was insufficient security in place to prevent it.And, it was school board employees who failed to notify the school office when they saw the shooter, who was known to them, walk onto campus with a bag, which could be readily identified as a rifle case. Yet, the sheriff, who has NO responsibility for security at the school gets suspended while the School Board gets a pass, from almost everyone, including the Governor.

If people want to highlight instances of Israel's incompetence, go right ahead. As long as they do not refer to either of the shootings, you will not hear from me.

I agree with the first paragraph, perhaps you will figure out that this was proven not to be Scott Israel’s fault at all. Your a poor investigator if you believe otherwise.

09-25-2019, 02:52 AM
I agree with the first paragraph, perhaps you will figure out that this was proven not to be Scott Israel’s fault at all. Your a poor investigator if you believe otherwise.

I'm confused by this post. I wrote the post that you are referencing and have posted several other posts which point out that Israel was not responsible for the shootings and should not have been suspended. And, I went to great lengths to explain why the shootings were not the fault of the sheriff or his deputies. I happen to be a fairly good investigator. To make my position even stronger, I have repeated stated that I am not a supporter of Scott Israel. I have no dog in this political fight. I'm sure that Sheriff Israel had his short comings. And, those are fair game in an election campaign. However, neither the MSDHS and FLHIA shootings were the fault of the Sheriff or his agency and any shortcomings in the response of that agency should not have resulted in his suspension.

09-25-2019, 01:24 PM
I'm confused by this post. I wrote the post that you are referencing and have posted several other posts which point out that Israel was not responsible for the shootings and should not have been suspended. And, I went to great lengths to explain why the shootings were not the fault of the sheriff or his deputies. I happen to be a fairly good investigator. To make my position even stronger, I have repeated stated that I am not a supporter of Scott Israel. I have no dog in this political fight. I'm sure that Sheriff Israel had his short comings. And, those are fair game in an election campaign. However, neither the MSDHS and FLHIA shootings were the fault of the Sheriff or his agency and any shortcomings in the response of that agency should not have resulted in his suspension.

You seem to have misunderstood. The deputies did not set policy. They followed policy. The deputies are not to blame-not even Peterson. SI's alliance with Runcie, Osgood, the rest of the school board and the corrupt pastors of Broward make him an undesireable candidate. " Everyone else did it too" is not an excuse for bad practice. The captain goes down with the ship. You are the company you keep. Those who defend themselves from a chair purchased at City Furniture fail to see that voters are not nit picking about the specifics of MSD or the airport, they are done with the Broward squad of the R. Osgood mentality. Unless SI walks into a school board meeting and rips Osgood and the rest of those losers a new one,some time between now and Nov. 2020, there's nothing that will change the minds of voters..

09-25-2019, 06:14 PM
You seem to have misunderstood. The deputies did not set policy. They followed policy. The deputies are not to blame-not even Peterson. SI's alliance with Runcie, Osgood, the rest of the school board and the corrupt pastors of Broward make him an undesireable candidate. " Everyone else did it too" is not an excuse for bad practice. The captain goes down with the ship. You are the company you keep. Those who defend themselves from a chair purchased at City Furniture fail to see that voters are not nit picking about the specifics of MSD or the airport, they are done with the Broward squad of the R. Osgood mentality. Unless SI walks into a school board meeting and rips Osgood and the rest of those losers a new one,some time between now and Nov. 2020, there's nothing that will change the minds of voters..

Trying to spin this again, I see.

Now, the captain of the ship. in the case of the MSDHS shooting was NOT the Sheriff. He was not responsible for the security at the school, that was the BCSB. So, if the captain of the good ship BPS should have gone down with the ship, then the BCSB should have been suspended, not the sheriff. You keep trying to spin this situation as though there was some grand conspiracy which allowed this shooting to occur. This is pure BS. The shooting occurred for one reason, there was no effective security, in place at the school or any school, to stop it. That was wholly the responsibility of the BCSB, no one else.

To make it worse, in order to cast the blame on the sheriff, his deputies had to be blamed for the incident, even though they were in no way responsible.

As to changing the minds of the voters, we have NO idea what is on their minds. And, we won't until the election. They may decide that they do not want Israel as sheriff, if he runs. Then again, they may decide the opposite. Personally, I wouldn't place a bet either way. After all, the electorate elected him twice. And, we have had suspended sheriffs be reelected in this county twice before.

09-26-2019, 01:55 PM
If Scott Israel were to win next year, fat chance though, can DeSantis remove him again. ABSOLUTELY!!!! And he will, because the state Florida will support him, and Broward won’t go his way anyway.
DeShitdis up wont touch this with a ten foot pole.

09-26-2019, 03:26 PM
DeShitdis up wont touch this with a ten foot pole.

Desantis is a scumbag, stay out of Broward county scumbag.

09-26-2019, 05:02 PM
Who’s going to know