View Full Version : I cannot forget and nor should you

09-18-2019, 11:50 AM
I’m sorry but I won’t forget.
I for one cannot forget when the hurricane hit. It was John Rivera who made several trips to the keys with the Calvary that he assembled to bring us aid.
And, he went post to post from here to MM 80 and fed each officer (PBA and FOP alike) hot meals and drinks. In fact that was the catalyst for Monroe Sheriff Office switching to the PBA.
And, NEVER ONCE did Steadman Stahl, or his handpicked people who are in charge now, come down to key west to help. No phone calls - nothing.
I’m sorry but I am eternally grateful to John Rivera. Steadman has a long way to go before I admire him as I do Rivera.

09-18-2019, 12:27 PM
I’m glad to read this thread. Why? Well, it wasn’t the first time Rivera came down to our rescue.
He came down every time and he would climb up on top of roofs to repair or at the very least dry the houses in. Yes that big dude on rooftops helping. Even the ones that others were afraid to climb, he did it. He slept on patios, in the sweltering heat for days, only to wake up and work to help house after house.
He brought us generators, wood, tarps and other supplies. Each and every time.
He would even make the long trip for LEOs funerals.
I too cannot forget. That doesn’t mean I won’t be cordial to the new people but don’t come down here trashing Rivera- at least not in front of me!

09-28-2019, 02:02 PM
He’s always been a class act. I hope he is enjoying his well earned retirement.