View Full Version : EX-Sheriff Scott Israel et al & PROMISE Program that killed 19 puts others at risk

09-12-2019, 10:22 PM
Victim's father: Parkland mass shooting was 'avoidable' - Describes school district's lax disciplinary approach taken against gunman Nikolas Cruz

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Andrew Pollack lost his 18-year-old daughter, Meadow, in the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, but he has offered to testify at the confessed gunman’s trial — on behalf of the defense.

Why? Mr. Pollack is convinced that the shooting would never have happened but for the ultra-woke disciplinary approach that allowed 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz to buy an AR-15: He had no criminal record, despite 45 visits by Broward County sheriff’s deputies to his home.

What’s more, the school district actually gave him free shooting lessons by enrolling him in JROTC, despite his “emotional and behavioral disability” and history of violence, sexual misconduct, threats, self-mutilation, property destruction and animal cruelty, and an obsession with firearms and killing people.

“The Parkland school shooting was the most avoidable mass murder in American history,” Mr. Pollack says in the introduction to “Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies that Created the Parkland Shooter and Endanger America’s Students,” which was released Tuesday.

Nikolas Cruz “was never going to be a model citizen, but it truly took a village to raise him into a school shooter,” Mr. Pollack writes. “I can’t even say he killed my daughter. They killed my daughter.”

Mr. Pollack teamed up with Manhattan Institute senior fellow Max Eden to write the book after the Feb. 14, 2018, massacre that left 17 students and faculty dead.

Together, they paint a damning picture of a disciplinary approach embraced by the Broward County Public Schools, modeled on policies pushed by social justice groups and federal agencies, starting with the federal Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights during the Obama administration.

The authors also describe the politics involved in trying to change the system. Those calling for accountability by the school district wound up being labeled as pro-NRA or racist for focusing on issues other than firearms, as students like David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez became national gun-control celebrities.

“It shouldn’t have had to fall to a father of a victim to find answers. But the media seemed more interested in attacking than investigating anything that wasn’t about gun control,” Mr. Eden said.

The district’s policy of placing “disabled” students like Cruz in the least restrictive academic environment resulted in him being moved in January 2016 from a special school for students with extreme behavioral problems to Stoneman Douglas, where administrators were ill-equipped to handle him.

Once there, Broward’s push to help students avoid the “schoolhouse-to-jailhouse pipeline” by minimizing suspensions, expulsions and arrests allowed the future school shooter to skate time and again after infractions that would have gotten him kicked out or jailed in earlier decades.

Surprisingly, the PROMISE program, which received enormous attention after the shooting, barely figures into the shooter’s story. While Cruz was referred to the program in middle school, he never attended, and the district failed to follow up on his absence.

The authors recount example after example of the disturbing behavior of the future shooter, or “18-1958,” as Mr. Pollack calls him, referring to his case number, as well as a “what if” list of 42 things that could have derailed the shooting.

For example, in September 2016, Cruz attacked a boy dating Cruz’s ex-girlfriend and called him the “N-word.” Five students told an assistant principal afterward that Cruz threatened to kill people and brought weapons to school. The school responded by giving Cruz a two-day internal suspension and banning him from bringing a backpack to school.

The other boy? He received a more serious punishment, a one-day out-of-school suspension.

A month after Cruz was enrolled at Stoneman Douglas in January 2016, the Broward County sheriff’s office received a call from a woman reporting an Instagram post in which he said, “I am going to get this gun and shoot up the school.”

According to the book, however, the officer who responded told her he had a right to free speech, even though threatening a school shooting is a felony. The officer notified the school resource officer, and a few days later the school sent an email about a “potential threat.”

When Sheriff Scott Israel signed the PROMISE agreement, he declared “we measure our success by the kids we keep out of jail, not by the kids we put in jail.” School-based arrests in Broward County dropped from 1,056 to 392 from 2012 to 2016.

Change may be coming. A Broward County school board candidate seeking to reform the system lost in August 2018, but the Trump administration has put the brakes on the Obama administration’s threat of civil rights investigations for schools that fail to reduce suspensions and expulsions.

“The Parkland school shooting was the most avoidable mass murder in American history, and the policies that made it inevitable have been spread to schools across America,” Mr. Eden said. “Thanks to Trump, the feds are no longer pushing them. But they aren’t going anywhere unless parents wake up and take action.”

09-12-2019, 10:25 PM

09-13-2019, 01:53 AM
Victim's father: Parkland mass shooting was 'avoidable' - Describes school district's lax disciplinary approach taken against gunman Nikolas Cruz

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Andrew Pollack lost his 18-year-old daughter, Meadow, in the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, but he has offered to testify at the confessed gunman’s trial — on behalf of the defense.

Why? Mr. Pollack is convinced that the shooting would never have happened but for the ultra-woke disciplinary approach that allowed 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz to buy an AR-15: He had no criminal record, despite 45 visits by Broward County sheriff’s deputies to his home.

What’s more, the school district actually gave him free shooting lessons by enrolling him in JROTC, despite his “emotional and behavioral disability” and history of violence, sexual misconduct, threats, self-mutilation, property destruction and animal cruelty, and an obsession with firearms and killing people.

“The Parkland school shooting was the most avoidable mass murder in American history,” Mr. Pollack says in the introduction to “Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies that Created the Parkland Shooter and Endanger America’s Students,” which was released Tuesday.

Nikolas Cruz “was never going to be a model citizen, but it truly took a village to raise him into a school shooter,” Mr. Pollack writes. “I can’t even say he killed my daughter. They killed my daughter.”

Mr. Pollack teamed up with Manhattan Institute senior fellow Max Eden to write the book after the Feb. 14, 2018, massacre that left 17 students and faculty dead.

Together, they paint a damning picture of a disciplinary approach embraced by the Broward County Public Schools, modeled on policies pushed by social justice groups and federal agencies, starting with the federal Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights during the Obama administration.

The authors also describe the politics involved in trying to change the system. Those calling for accountability by the school district wound up being labeled as pro-NRA or racist for focusing on issues other than firearms, as students like David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez became national gun-control celebrities.

“It shouldn’t have had to fall to a father of a victim to find answers. But the media seemed more interested in attacking than investigating anything that wasn’t about gun control,” Mr. Eden said.

The district’s policy of placing “disabled” students like Cruz in the least restrictive academic environment resulted in him being moved in January 2016 from a special school for students with extreme behavioral problems to Stoneman Douglas, where administrators were ill-equipped to handle him.

Once there, Broward’s push to help students avoid the “schoolhouse-to-jailhouse pipeline” by minimizing suspensions, expulsions and arrests allowed the future school shooter to skate time and again after infractions that would have gotten him kicked out or jailed in earlier decades.

Surprisingly, the PROMISE program, which received enormous attention after the shooting, barely figures into the shooter’s story. While Cruz was referred to the program in middle school, he never attended, and the district failed to follow up on his absence.

The authors recount example after example of the disturbing behavior of the future shooter, or “18-1958,” as Mr. Pollack calls him, referring to his case number, as well as a “what if” list of 42 things that could have derailed the shooting.

For example, in September 2016, Cruz attacked a boy dating Cruz’s ex-girlfriend and called him the “N-word.” Five students told an assistant principal afterward that Cruz threatened to kill people and brought weapons to school. The school responded by giving Cruz a two-day internal suspension and banning him from bringing a backpack to school.

The other boy? He received a more serious punishment, a one-day out-of-school suspension.

A month after Cruz was enrolled at Stoneman Douglas in January 2016, the Broward County sheriff’s office received a call from a woman reporting an Instagram post in which he said, “I am going to get this gun and shoot up the school.”

According to the book, however, the officer who responded told her he had a right to free speech, even though threatening a school shooting is a felony. The officer notified the school resource officer, and a few days later the school sent an email about a “potential threat.”

When Sheriff Scott Israel signed the PROMISE agreement, he declared “we measure our success by the kids we keep out of jail, not by the kids we put in jail.” School-based arrests in Broward County dropped from 1,056 to 392 from 2012 to 2016.

Change may be coming. A Broward County school board candidate seeking to reform the system lost in August 2018, but the Trump administration has put the brakes on the Obama administration’s threat of civil rights investigations for schools that fail to reduce suspensions and expulsions.

“The Parkland school shooting was the most avoidable mass murder in American history, and the policies that made it inevitable have been spread to schools across America,” Mr. Eden said. “Thanks to Trump, the feds are no longer pushing them. But they aren’t going anywhere unless parents wake up and take action.”

The only problem with Pollack's theory is that the MSDHS Shooting commission actually stated, categorically that the Promise program had no impact on the shooting. See, even if someone had done something [no one can clearly say what exactly] to change Cruz's attitude so he was no longer a potential threat, there as nothing to stop anyone else from walking onto any school campus in the county and doing the exact same thing. And there is nothing to keep that from happening today.

09-13-2019, 10:16 AM
Victim's father: Parkland mass shooting was 'avoidable' - Describes school district's lax disciplinary approach taken against gunman Nikolas Cruz

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Andrew Pollack lost his 18-year-old daughter, Meadow, in the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, but he has offered to testify at the confessed gunman’s trial — on behalf of the defense.

Why? Mr. Pollack is convinced that the shooting would never have happened but for the ultra-woke disciplinary approach that allowed 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz to buy an AR-15: He had no criminal record, despite 45 visits by Broward County sheriff’s deputies to his home.

What’s more, the school district actually gave him free shooting lessons by enrolling him in JROTC, despite his “emotional and behavioral disability” and history of violence, sexual misconduct, threats, self-mutilation, property destruction and animal cruelty, and an obsession with firearms and killing people.

“The Parkland school shooting was the most avoidable mass murder in American history,” Mr. Pollack says in the introduction to “Why Meadow Died: The People and Policies that Created the Parkland Shooter and Endanger America’s Students,” which was released Tuesday.

Nikolas Cruz “was never going to be a model citizen, but it truly took a village to raise him into a school shooter,” Mr. Pollack writes. “I can’t even say he killed my daughter. They killed my daughter.”

Mr. Pollack teamed up with Manhattan Institute senior fellow Max Eden to write the book after the Feb. 14, 2018, massacre that left 17 students and faculty dead.

Together, they paint a damning picture of a disciplinary approach embraced by the Broward County Public Schools, modeled on policies pushed by social justice groups and federal agencies, starting with the federal Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights during the Obama administration.

The authors also describe the politics involved in trying to change the system. Those calling for accountability by the school district wound up being labeled as pro-NRA or racist for focusing on issues other than firearms, as students like David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez became national gun-control celebrities.

“It shouldn’t have had to fall to a father of a victim to find answers. But the media seemed more interested in attacking than investigating anything that wasn’t about gun control,” Mr. Eden said.

The district’s policy of placing “disabled” students like Cruz in the least restrictive academic environment resulted in him being moved in January 2016 from a special school for students with extreme behavioral problems to Stoneman Douglas, where administrators were ill-equipped to handle him.

Once there, Broward’s push to help students avoid the “schoolhouse-to-jailhouse pipeline” by minimizing suspensions, expulsions and arrests allowed the future school shooter to skate time and again after infractions that would have gotten him kicked out or jailed in earlier decades.

Surprisingly, the PROMISE program, which received enormous attention after the shooting, barely figures into the shooter’s story. While Cruz was referred to the program in middle school, he never attended, and the district failed to follow up on his absence.

The authors recount example after example of the disturbing behavior of the future shooter, or “18-1958,” as Mr. Pollack calls him, referring to his case number, as well as a “what if” list of 42 things that could have derailed the shooting.

For example, in September 2016, Cruz attacked a boy dating Cruz’s ex-girlfriend and called him the “N-word.” Five students told an assistant principal afterward that Cruz threatened to kill people and brought weapons to school. The school responded by giving Cruz a two-day internal suspension and banning him from bringing a backpack to school.

The other boy? He received a more serious punishment, a one-day out-of-school suspension.

A month after Cruz was enrolled at Stoneman Douglas in January 2016, the Broward County sheriff’s office received a call from a woman reporting an Instagram post in which he said, “I am going to get this gun and shoot up the school.”

According to the book, however, the officer who responded told her he had a right to free speech, even though threatening a school shooting is a felony. The officer notified the school resource officer, and a few days later the school sent an email about a “potential threat.”

When Sheriff Scott Israel signed the PROMISE agreement, he declared “we measure our success by the kids we keep out of jail, not by the kids we put in jail.” School-based arrests in Broward County dropped from 1,056 to 392 from 2012 to 2016.

Change may be coming. A Broward County school board candidate seeking to reform the system lost in August 2018, but the Trump administration has put the brakes on the Obama administration’s threat of civil rights investigations for schools that fail to reduce suspensions and expulsions.

“The Parkland school shooting was the most avoidable mass murder in American history, and the policies that made it inevitable have been spread to schools across America,” Mr. Eden said. “Thanks to Trump, the feds are no longer pushing them. But they aren’t going anywhere unless parents wake up and take action.”

The promise program was no designed to permit a person to enter a school and kill people. If you had brains 🧠 you would understand what it was designed for. Whoever thinks it was designed to permit someone to enter a school to kill is a retard.

The only ones to blame is The laws in place, school Board and facilities for not acting, FBI for not relating the tips and Cruze for shooting and Peterson for not being prepared and not acting for a crises like this. Having ONE deputy in a school with over three thousand children to protect is ridiculous. You want your children to be protected then pay for it and raise taxes. Dont expected security guards or teachers to take the place of law enforcements.
Everyone wants things to be done but for free. It just doesn’t work that way. Minimum of three Officers for your larger schools and two Officers for your smaller schools. Civilians can stay out of what law enforcement conducts.
One more thing, NO POLITICAL CRAP!!!

09-13-2019, 04:47 PM
The only problem with Pollack's theory is that the MSDHS Shooting commission actually stated, categorically that the Promise program had no impact on the shooting. See, even if someone had done something [no one can clearly say what exactly] to change Cruz's attitude so he was no longer a potential threat, there as nothing to stop anyone else from walking onto any school campus in the county and doing the exact same thing. And there is nothing to keep that from happening today.

Why? Because Sen. Lauren Book said so?

Follow the money, people.

Broward Sheriff Scott Israel Meets with Veteran Florida Lobbyist Ron Book

In a rare display of South Florida news media committing true journalism and going after a corrupt public official–Democratic Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel.

Miami’s ABC affiliate WPLG News10 reports that Israel, who is under fire after an overwhelming no-confidence vote, recently wined and dined with “one of the most powerful lobbyists in Tallahassee,” Ron Book.

Book’s daughters, State Senator Lauren Book, sits on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission that is in charge of investigating the Parkland school massacre.


Posted by James Tracy
Date: May 08, 2018

09-14-2019, 01:17 AM
Why? Because Sen. Lauren Book said so?

Follow the money, people.

Broward Sheriff Scott Israel Meets with Veteran Florida Lobbyist Ron Book

In a rare display of South Florida news media committing true journalism and going after a corrupt public official–Democratic Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel.

Miami’s ABC affiliate WPLG News10 reports that Israel, who is under fire after an overwhelming no-confidence vote, recently wined and dined with “one of the most powerful lobbyists in Tallahassee,” Ron Book.

Book’s daughters, State Senator Lauren Book, sits on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission that is in charge of investigating the Parkland school massacre.


Posted by James Tracy
Date: May 08, 2018

So, your theory is that because Lauren Book is on the MSDHS Shooting Commission all conspired to lie about the impact of the Promise program on the shooting? Could be. But, where is your evidence that the Promise program was in any way responsible for Cruz's actions? Now, if there was a conspiracy to protect the politicians of Broward County by declaring the Promise program to be blameless in the shooting, this only serves to support the claim that Israel was set up to be the scapegoat for the shooting in order to protect the rest of the Broward County and that his suspension was purely political. And, it has to be remembered that the Promise program was NOT the brainchild of Scott Israel. He was only one signer among nearly every politician in Broward county, all of whom somehow miss being named.

09-14-2019, 01:33 AM
So, your theory is that because Lauren Book is on the MSDHS Shooting Commission all conspired to lie about the impact of the Promise program on the shooting? Could be. But, where is your evidence that the Promise program was in any way responsible for Cruz's actions? Now, if there was a conspiracy to protect the politicians of Broward County by declaring the Promise program to be blameless in the shooting, this only serves to support the claim that Israel was set up to be the scapegoat for the shooting in order to protect the rest of the Broward County and that his suspension was purely political. And, it has to be remembered that the Promise program was NOT the brainchild of Scott Israel. He was only one signer among nearly every politician in Broward county, all of whom somehow miss being named.

ALL of them: Guilty, Guilty,Guilty. Whether you wrote it, signed it, or practiced it: GUILTY

The book that was just released is SOLD OUT on Amazon. Broward County is on full display as the arm pit of the US. There's nothing that those who oversee this county want more than ALL of these aberrant characters to exit stage left. If Israel was 'scapegoated' he shouldn't be protecting his counterparts. They're as thick as thieves.

"Evidence" is not required to find PROMISE, and all that goes with it, to be radical ideology that is repellent to any individual with common sense.

09-14-2019, 03:38 AM
So, your theory is that because Lauren Book is on the MSDHS Shooting Commission all conspired to lie about the impact of the Promise program on the shooting? Could be. But, where is your evidence that the Promise program was in any way responsible for Cruz's actions? Now, if there was a conspiracy to protect the politicians of Broward County by declaring the Promise program to be blameless in the shooting, this only serves to support the claim that Israel was set up to be the scapegoat for the shooting in order to protect the rest of the Broward County and that his suspension was purely political. And, it has to be remembered that the Promise program was NOT the brainchild of Scott Israel. He was only one signer among nearly every politician in Broward county, all of whom somehow miss being named.

Scott Israel is mostly to blame but nice try. His lame attempt at making the NRA the scapegoat didn't help either. It only made him look like he groomed this psycho Cruz into the perfect weapon to get his true desire: a total gun-free Broward.

The PROMISE program was responsible for neutering us from doing our jobs and the teachers too. The PROMISE program patted Cruz on the back making him seem that he was an okay kid and forced all the other students to accept his behavior. They and the teachers had to conform to societies f**k ups like that faggy Jazz kid in Parkland in that Charter school. If one boy feels like a girl the whole school system has to move mountains for "it". We need to go back to accommodating the 99.999% and sending the .0001% to special schools with special bathrooms and special sports teams with specialized needs and let kids going back to being kids, bumps, bruises, and all.

09-14-2019, 05:21 AM
Scott Israel is mostly to blame but nice try. His lame attempt at making the NRA the scapegoat didn't help either. It only made him look like he groomed this psycho Cruz into the perfect weapon to get his true desire: a total gun-free Broward.

The PROMISE program was responsible for neutering us from doing our jobs and the teachers too. The PROMISE program patted Cruz on the back making him seem that he was an okay kid and forced all the other students to accept his behavior. They and the teachers had to conform to societies f**k ups like that faggy Jazz kid in Parkland in that Charter school. If one boy feels like a girl the whole school system has to move mountains for "it". We need to go back to accommodating the 99.999% and sending the .0001% to special schools with special bathrooms and special sports teams with specialized needs and let kids going back to being kids, bumps, bruises, and all.

Another FAKE post by stupid me!!!
And here I go again as we’re out of the weekend. A week of hell for me again. You see I love drama just like the media. I forgot to take my medicine, yes I’m so sorry I forgot to take it. I tried to take a shower but no hot water. I know I ramble with the same old nonsense on and on. God blessed Scott Israel and I’m confident he will be back especially with all the latest news with BSO. I'm terribly sorry once again I’m just stupid and go Scott Israel 2020. Love you all...

09-15-2019, 01:32 AM
ALL of them: Guilty, Guilty,Guilty. Whether you wrote it, signed it, or practiced it: GUILTY

The book that was just released is SOLD OUT on Amazon. Broward County is on full display as the arm pit of the US. There's nothing that those who oversee this county want more than ALL of these aberrant characters to exit stage left. If Israel was 'scapegoated' he shouldn't be protecting his counterparts. They're as thick as thieves.

"Evidence" is not required to find PROMISE, and all that goes with it, to be radical ideology that is repellent to any individual with common sense.

Of course, the Promise program was a farse. The problem is, it did not CAUSE the MSDHS shooting. What has happened is that the original attempt to blame someone for the shooting was to paint Israel and his deputies as incompetent and cowardly and therefor, he, and they, were responsible for the shooting. That is being rapidly debunked. Then it switched to Israel, and the BCSB, were total dupes of the brilliant, criminal mastermind, Runcie. However, almost no one is buying that fairy tale. So, now people are trying to blame the shooting on the Promise program. However, thousands of students went through the Promise program, between 2013 and 2018 and none of them shot up a school. In fact, Cruz was a program drop out.

You know what killed all the people at MSDHS? A single lunatic with a gun and a total lack of campus security. So, after it has been shown that a mass school shooting can happen here, the school board has, of course, taken steps to make sure ot can not happen again, right? Wrong. The security practices in place in Broward County schools is exactly the same as those which existed on the day of the shooting in 2018. That's right. THERE IS NO EFFECTIVE SECURITY AGAINST A MASS SHOOTING IN ANY BROWARD COUNTY SCHOOL, or any school in the state, outside of Miami-Dade County. So, let's all continue to attempt to place the blame on the suspended sheriff, the school superintendent and some farcical diversion program, rather than do anything to make the schools safe. Feel better now?

09-15-2019, 01:43 AM
Scott Israel is mostly to blame but nice try. His lame attempt at making the NRA the scapegoat didn't help either. It only made him look like he groomed this psycho Cruz into the perfect weapon to get his true desire: a total gun-free Broward.

The PROMISE program was responsible for neutering us from doing our jobs and the teachers too. The PROMISE program patted Cruz on the back making him seem that he was an okay kid and forced all the other students to accept his behavior. They and the teachers had to conform to societies f**k ups like that faggy Jazz kid in Parkland in that Charter school. If one boy feels like a girl the whole school system has to move mountains for "it". We need to go back to accommodating the 99.999% and sending the .0001% to special schools with special bathrooms and special sports teams with specialized needs and let kids going back to being kids, bumps, bruises, and all.

Total BS. A deputy could still have referred a child for criminal prosecution. As the SA was a signatory, it is likely that the case would have been referred to Promise, or another diversionary program. But, the child could still have been referred. If teachers want to have the ability to effectively discipline students, they can always strike. But, that did not happen, did it.

Also, people seem to forget that, at the time of the MSDHS shooting, Cruz was actually expelled from MSDHS was enrolled in an alternative school for troubled teens. So, while we all might hope that our schools would go back to two genders and common sense discipline programs, it is up to the parents to demand this, or remove their children from the school.

So, one crazy kid, arms himself, walks onto a largely ubswcured high school campus, enters a building and kills and wounds a bunch of people and it is all the fault of some bogus diversionary program? Right. Why don't we simply harden the schools so that armed lunatics can not simply walk onto a campus and kill people? Got an answer for that?

09-15-2019, 02:01 AM
Total BS. A deputy could still have referred a child for criminal prosecution. As the SA was a signatory, it is likely that the case would have been referred to Promise, or another diversionary program. But, the child could still have been referred. If teachers want to have the ability to effectively discipline students, they can always strike. But, that did not happen, did it.

Also, people seem to forget that, at the time of the MSDHS shooting, Cruz was actually expelled from MSDHS was enrolled in an alternative school for troubled teens. So, while we all might hope that our schools would go back to two genders and common sense discipline programs, it is up to the parents to demand this, or remove their children from the school.

So, one crazy kid, arms himself, walks onto a largely ubswcured high school campus, enters a building and kills and wounds a bunch of people and it is all the fault of some bogus diversionary program? Right. Why don't we simply harden the schools so that armed lunatics can not simply walk onto a campus and kill people? Got an answer for that?

No sure if anyone knows this but MSD was donated a security booth that was placed at the school entrance. It was designed to monitors data check students as they entered the school. The school, superintendent along with others did not like the way it looked. They said it made the school look unattractive and resembled the look of an unsafe school with issues. It was later removed. Now some scum walked in and kills / wounds innocent people.
So let’s blame BSO who said he was responsible to protect 3.500 kids. How can one person do this?
No way no way no way. Shame on the school board...

09-15-2019, 04:09 AM
No sure if anyone knows this but MSD was donated a security booth that was placed at the school entrance. It was designed to monitors data check students as they entered the school. The school, superintendent along with others did not like the way it looked. They said it made the school look unattractive and resembled the look of an unsafe school with issues. It was later removed. Now some scum walked in and kills / wounds innocent people.
So let’s blame BSO who said he was responsible to protect 3.500 kids. How can one person do this?
No way no way no way. Shame on the school board...

This animal went to school and security found bullets in his backpack. Nothing was done because MSD and school board had to follow protocol.
So let le get this right. All the writing was on the wall with multiple suspensions and whovare we blaming BSO and Scott Israel? Whoever thinks it was BSO or Scott Israel’s fault need to get there head examined by a professional. I’m only trying to figure out what the hell os wrong with this. Political motivation at its best.

09-16-2019, 03:26 PM
Your right bso was destroyed by israel and his side kick Pollack. Israel held up the raises to every dle member because he acted like a baby and didnt want to deal with bell. Sorry champ all israel did was cater to the left leaning criminals.not once did that garbage bucket back his employees. He threw peraza to the wolves. And you expect anyone to want that piece of garbage back, no thank you.

09-16-2019, 04:19 PM
Your right bso was destroyed by israel and his side kick Pollack. Israel held up the raises to every dle member because he acted like a baby and didnt want to deal with bell. Sorry champ all israel did was cater to the left leaning criminals.not once did that garbage bucket back his employees. He threw peraza to the wolves. And you expect anyone to want that piece of garbage back, no thank you.

You either need to get your head examined or your just stupid. I’m thinking both.

09-16-2019, 04:20 PM
Your right bso was destroyed by israel and his side kick Pollack. Israel held up the raises to every dle member because he acted like a baby and didnt want to deal with bell. Sorry champ all israel did was cater to the left leaning criminals.not once did that garbage bucket back his employees. He threw peraza to the wolves. And you expect anyone to want that piece of garbage back, no thank you.

Your a left wing for sure.

09-16-2019, 04:21 PM
Your right bso was destroyed by israel and his side kick Pollack. Israel held up the raises to every dle member because he acted like a baby and didnt want to deal with bell. Sorry champ all israel did was cater to the left leaning criminals.not once did that garbage bucket back his employees. He threw peraza to the wolves. And you expect anyone to want that piece of garbage back, no thank you.

You must be looking for a job