View Full Version : Absentee ballots out. DO NOT vote for cokehead loser Steve Shiver

09-12-2019, 03:40 PM
The worst thing that could happen to this police department and the city is for Shiver to get elected.
When you get your ballots vote for anyone other than Shiver.

09-12-2019, 06:48 PM
Ballots are out, BR you got our support! Unfortunately we can’t be open with it because you know what will happen to us.
We got your back...... It is time for change.

09-13-2019, 12:09 PM
How sad we can’t be open about it but if the right mayor gets in we can make huge changes. New chief then a new union. We need to rid ourselves of the crap in our lives.

09-24-2019, 05:45 PM
I would rather vote for Shiver any day than the other crooks. They dont give a rats ass about Homestead. All they care about is lining their damn pockets
The city mgr is a fkn liar along with the chief, his detectives, etc. HPD desperately needs new leadership. Its about time Rolle goes. Crooks, criminals, deplorables. Rolle is making the HPD support two people who ARE NOT COPS! Rolle even begged the PBA for endorsements for them. Going against your own brothers. I got friends in the dept and they are waiting on the day he is gone.
No matter who buys their way in the time has come to drain the fkn swamp. Get rid of Rolle, city mgr George Gretsass and all the friends and relatives of Porter, Losner, Rolle, Fairclugh who are working for COH. I'm tired of paying taxes for a police dept that is openly corrupt and the city doesn't care, the SAO doesn't care. Who is supposed to be doing oversight?!?!
Man, look at the corruption....the parks & rec dir Maytan retires from COH and the very next day files to run to be a councilman. Come on man. WTF?! Why is this shit allowed to keep on happening. If that ain't shady, I don't know what is. In reality, Rolle, Gretsass, the councilmembers think they already won. Especially since Maytan, Roth, Porter, Fairclough, Maldonado, Bailey have all been funded, ex. bought off, by the developers and Wayne Rosen. I hope they all get their asses kicked.
Aren't y'all sick and tired of this bs? I am and Ive been telling my friends and neighbors who they should be voting for AND WHY. Keys Gate residents alone should vote out Porter Roth Maytan Fairclough Maldonado. Burgess is leaving. Such a **** and didnt do crap for the Keys Gate community. They don't give a shit about Keys GAte, the golf course, crime, run down neighborhoods, all they care about is the $$$$$$$$$$$$$

09-24-2019, 08:39 PM
Funny how all of you that complain I have never seen or heard you at a council meeting voicing your concerns or complaints. As far as a corrupt police department and administration; again did you go up the chain with your allegations. The answer is simply NO . Instead of focusing on the glass half empty how about seeing the glass half full and work with others to continue filling the glass. You people are miserable and you “Want Change” but after a few months you’ll be bit$@ing about the change you yelled and cried about. THINK HARD and LONG.

09-24-2019, 11:28 PM
Ummmm🧐 let’s point out that the city is within budget, no lay offs, pay is on par or better than the average. The city is growing and bettering itself. I know a lot of people want the ole home town to stay the ole town; however, the majority of residents want shops, restaurants, parks, and entertainment nearby for their family. If the city manages to merge new and old they will thrive. All of this name calling and allegations are for the weak. If you have the evidence go through the appropriate channels with it. It appears that this is not the case therefore, out comes the social media attacks, the name calling and mud slinging. No corruption, just people doing their jobs to the best of “their” ability and like the old saying goes “you can’t please everyone all the time”. This is when the crying and whining starts.

09-24-2019, 11:36 PM
Almost forgot : Crimea’s has dropped and no increases on city taxes. If it were any different you would be complying and crying too

09-25-2019, 01:02 AM
Ummmm🧐 let’s point out that the city is within budget, no lay offs, pay is on par or better than the average. The city is growing and bettering itself. I know a lot of people want the ole home town to stay the ole town; however, the majority of residents want shops, restaurants, parks, and entertainment nearby for their family. If the city manages to merge new and old they will thrive. All of this name calling and allegations are for the weak. If you have the evidence go through the appropriate channels with it. It appears that this is not the case therefore, out comes the social media attacks, the name calling and mud slinging. No corruption, just people doing their jobs to the best of “their” ability and like the old saying goes “you can’t please everyone all the time”. This is when the crying and whining starts.

If you think the citizens are going to that crap hole at Mowry and Krome that doesn’t even have a commitment of a retail store, you are off your rocker. You can’t clean up skid row. It may have worked at 312 and US1 where there was traffic flow. The east side isn’t coming west, and the west side is to broke to go there. Really Hope it works out but I doubt it....

09-25-2019, 06:40 AM
Ummm, ok. Keep trying to convince yourself how great, how honest, how law abiding your bosses are. Stop wasting your time. The fact of the matter is Rolle knows, the detectives know, the sergeants know, the council knows, the city mgr knows what is really happening. The palace is about to crumble.

09-25-2019, 02:18 PM
Sounds like someone didn’t get “their” way. Pouting, complaining, etc. part of the problem not the solution. We all know them.

09-25-2019, 04:57 PM
Sounds like someone didn’t get “their” way. Pouting, complaining, etc. part of the problem not the solution. We all know them.

a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.
"there are no easy solutions to financial and marital problems"

So that obviously means there is a problem, otherwise you wouldn’t alert to being part of the solution.

09-25-2019, 05:12 PM
Negativity brings failure. Can’t see beyond it can ya

09-25-2019, 05:56 PM
Be more specific with facts that everyone can review or get directly from the source. City official corrupt? Details/facts/evidence and source of them. Chief of police and officers/detectives details/facts/evidence and source of them. Political leaders “pocketing” money details/facts/evidence and their source. If not it’s only talk, muddling, gossip, etc.

A lot of these allegations and statements are obvious hate and likely not FACT

09-26-2019, 02:43 AM
This conversation is about NOT voting for drug dealing Steve Shiver