View Full Version : Scott Israel is missed???????

09-06-2019, 03:08 PM
I keep reading on this disgusting blog that Scott Israel is missed. I can’t stand temporary Tony, and appointment was a big mistake. But, Israel had and has no business being the sheriff, other than giving jobs that are much needed to his loser friends. Let’s make something perfectly clear to the Israel losers. I don’t know what that moron is telling you, because chances are it’s not true. I listened to his lies for 6 years. But he has NO chance of being reinstated as sheriff, no matter what Tony has done. Tony could have molested a child on video, and Israel will never see the 5th floor again. Hopefully Tony will be gone soon as well, and we will get a real sheriff.

09-06-2019, 03:47 PM
I keep reading on this disgusting blog that Scott Israel is missed. I can’t stand temporary Tony, and appointment was a big mistake. But, Israel had and has no business being the sheriff, other than giving jobs that are much needed to his loser friends. Let’s make something perfectly clear to the Israel losers. I don’t know what that moron is telling you, because chances are it’s not true. I listened to his lies for 6 years. But he has NO chance of being reinstated as sheriff, no matter what Tony has done. Tony could have molested a child on video, and Israel will never see the 5th floor again. Hopefully Tony will be gone soon as well, and we will get a real sheriff.

Well if you are referring to just (I) then go away cause we can care less what your thoughts are.
You have NO chance of being promoted dip sh1t !

09-06-2019, 05:40 PM
I keep reading on this disgusting blog that Scott Israel is missed. I can’t stand temporary Tony, and appointment was a big mistake. But, Israel had and has no business being the sheriff, other than giving jobs that are much needed to his loser friends. Let’s make something perfectly clear to the Israel losers. I don’t know what that moron is telling you, because chances are it’s not true. I listened to his lies for 6 years. But he has NO chance of being reinstated as sheriff, no matter what Tony has done. Tony could have molested a child on video, and Israel will never see the 5th floor again. Hopefully Tony will be gone soon as well, and we will get a real sheriff.

Shut the phuck up and go away.

09-06-2019, 06:09 PM
I keep reading on this disgusting blog that Scott Israel is missed. I can’t stand temporary Tony, and appointment was a big mistake. But, Israel had and has no business being the sheriff, other than giving jobs that are much needed to his loser friends. Let’s make something perfectly clear to the Israel losers. I don’t know what that moron is telling you, because chances are it’s not true. I listened to his lies for 6 years. But he has NO chance of being reinstated as sheriff, no matter what Tony has done. Tony could have molested a child on video, and Israel will never see the 5th floor again. Hopefully Tony will be gone soon as well, and we will get a real sheriff.

Can you give us some examples of “his lies”?

09-06-2019, 06:21 PM
I keep reading on this disgusting blog that Scott Israel is missed. I can’t stand temporary Tony, and appointment was a big mistake. But, Israel had and has no business being the sheriff, other than giving jobs that are much needed to his loser friends. Let’s make something perfectly clear to the Israel losers. I don’t know what that moron is telling you, because chances are it’s not true. I listened to his lies for 6 years. But he has NO chance of being reinstated as sheriff, no matter what Tony has done. Tony could have molested a child on video, and Israel will never see the 5th floor again. Hopefully Tony will be gone soon as well, and we will get a real sheriff.

You may not like his message or delivery, but it doesnt make them lies. Like when I say you're a terminal idiot. You may get upset with me. But believe this. I sincerely feel that way.

09-06-2019, 06:32 PM
I keep reading on this disgusting blog that Scott Israel is missed. I can’t stand temporary Tony, and appointment was a big mistake. But, Israel had and has no business being the sheriff, other than giving jobs that are much needed to his loser friends. Let’s make something perfectly clear to the Israel losers. I don’t know what that moron is telling you, because chances are it’s not true. I listened to his lies for 6 years. But he has NO chance of being reinstated as sheriff, no matter what Tony has done. Tony could have molested a child on video, and Israel will never see the 5th floor again. Hopefully Tony will be gone soon as well, and we will get a real sheriff.
The truth hurts!!! You're absolutely right about that ! Everything about the three STOOGES is a joke except lives and careers and officer safety is on the line. I wanted Tony to be the force behind a new respected leadership for BSO but that turned into a sinking racist Shi T storm. ALVIN is a sniveling spineless weasel and Israel is a girls soccer dad coach who is ONE IQ point away from a bag of potato chips. Anybody who attacks you has a dog in the race.

09-06-2019, 06:35 PM
It was mentioned about a real sheriff. The biggest problem here is we really dont have a potentially real sheriff running. And time is running out.

09-06-2019, 06:41 PM
Can you give us some examples of “his lies”?
Relax Saggy Pants your not getting YOUR free gas and SUV back!

09-06-2019, 11:06 PM
Can you give us some examples of “his lies”?

“If he’s half as good a sheriff as dad, Broward will be a better safer, place.”

Baseball-bat-boffer-Brett Israel - son of loser, disgraced, ex-sheriff, Scott Israel.

09-06-2019, 11:12 PM
“If he’s half as good a sheriff as dad, Broward will be a better safer, place.”

Baseball-bat-boffer-Brett Israel - son of loser, disgraced, ex-sheriff, Scott Israel.

Provide a lie that si has told...

09-06-2019, 11:37 PM
Can you give us some examples of “his lies”?

Remember when Scott Israel hired that terrorist and then lied and said Lamberti hired the terrorist and then kept lying and lying and digging and digging? All on live radio? He kept going back on the show and bringing forged documents? That was funny.

09-06-2019, 11:39 PM
Provide a lie that si has told...

We will only promote on work merit?

09-06-2019, 11:54 PM
Remember when Scott Israel hired that terrorist and then lied and said Lamberti hired the terrorist and then kept lying and lying and digging and digging? All on live radio? He kept going back on the show and bringing forged documents? That was funny.

He was hired in 2008 si was not sheriff then. I don’t understand where you get your facts from?

09-07-2019, 12:44 AM
Israel did hire him. Israel is not missed, he was a horrible supervisor who only cared about one thing himself. His son should have been arrested and put in jail but because of the great promise program, he skated. Israel destroyed bso along with his side kick pollock. Neither have any business ever being sheriff of bso.

09-07-2019, 01:00 AM
Israel did hire him. Israel is not missed, he was a horrible supervisor who only cared about one thing himself. His son should have been arrested and put in jail but because of the great promise program, he skated. Israel destroyed bso along with his side kick pollock. Neither have any business ever being sheriff of bso.

Well it’s still has come to a conclusion that you have not taken your medicine. Remember alcohol and medicine fuel a disaster. Stop spreading fake news again. No one is paying attention to your stupidity. Keep looking for a job you will find one eventually.

09-07-2019, 01:40 PM
Nothing said is fake news knuckle nuts. Israel's son did assault a special needs child and was not charged because of the promise program. He should have been arrested for it. Israel is the worst sheriff in bso history. Israel signed onto the promise program, the same program his son used to avoid being arrested. Israel held the raise of the entire dle membership for nothing more than vindictive reasons because of his anger toward bell.

Israel is not a leader. A true leader accepts responsibility but you will never hear israel accept responsibility for anything. Israel is exactly where he belongs out of bso for good.

09-07-2019, 01:49 PM
He was hired in 2008 si was not sheriff then. I don’t understand where you get your facts from?

Someone should tell Deputy CAIR he's been on the force for 11 years. He's missing a few hash marks. He was hired by Scott Israel in 2014. His #ccn number is higher than even pathetic Scott Israel's was.

09-07-2019, 01:53 PM
Nothing said is fake news knuckle nuts. Israel's son did assault a special needs child and was not charged because of the promise program. He should have been arrested for it. Israel is the worst sheriff in bso history. Israel signed onto the promise program, the same program his son used to avoid being arrested. Israel held the raise of the entire dle membership for nothing more than vindictive reasons because of his anger toward bell.

Israel is not a leader. A true leader accepts responsibility but you will never hear israel accept responsibility for anything. Israel is exactly where he belongs out of bso for good.

And here I go again as we’re into the weekend. A week of terror as my camper shook. I forgott to take my medicine, yes I forgot to take it. I tried to take a shower but no hot water. I know I ramble with the sam nonsense on and on. God blessed Scott Israel and I’m confident he will be back especially with all the latest news with BSO. I'm terribly sorry once again and go Scott Israel 2020. Love you all...

09-07-2019, 01:54 PM
Israel did hire him. Israel is not missed, he was a horrible supervisor who only cared about one thing himself. His son should have been arrested and put in jail but because of the great promise program, he skated. Israel destroyed bso along with his side kick pollock. Neither have any business ever being sheriff of bso.

In fact, Wally and Ira who were in contact with him as a CIVILIAN working for CAIR instructed Hamze to actually write "Scott Israel" on his application as the reference. Does everybody at BSO have amnesia or something? C'mon guys.

This pic was from May 2014.
https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/10275545_1280042832032841_602650313861824662_o.jpg ?_nc_cat=109&_nc_oc=AQlSCIwJ_xK0HEhx_Sbth5iJC3SWg8D4H2FUVRCXxFI E747zuRFWvs1mInflwmxNbfc&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&oh=833e0ef39dbb63f86da5d83f6216e38a&oe=5E02360D

09-07-2019, 03:36 PM
Israel is a garbage bucket who has no business being a supervisor ever. He destroyed bso along with his side kick pollock. Israel is a vindictive jerk who held the raises hostage for the whole entire dle membership because he had a beef with bell. Sorry israel supporters I haven't forgotten what israel did to us. He didnt care about us then and surely doesn't care about us now.

09-07-2019, 05:58 PM
Israel didn't lie! Except when his lips were moving. A big one was the times he say Peterson was the only deputy who didn't go into MSD.

Provide a lie that si has told...

09-07-2019, 06:26 PM
Israel didn't lie! Except when his lips were moving. A big one was the times he say Peterson was the only deputy who didn't go into MSD.

It doesn't matter who you golf with blah blah blah F’in blah.

09-08-2019, 03:21 AM
In fact, Wally and Ira who were in contact with him as a CIVILIAN working for CAIR instructed Hamze to actually write "Scott Israel" on his application as the reference. Does everybody at BSO have amnesia or something? C'mon guys.

This pic was from May 2014.
https://scontent-mia3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/10275545_1280042832032841_602650313861824662_o.jpg ?_nc_cat=109&_nc_oc=AQlSCIwJ_xK0HEhx_Sbth5iJC3SWg8D4H2FUVRCXxFI E747zuRFWvs1mInflwmxNbfc&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-1.xx&oh=833e0ef39dbb63f86da5d83f6216e38a&oe=5E02360D


09-08-2019, 04:32 AM
I keep reading on this disgusting blog that Scott Israel is missed. I can’t stand temporary Tony, and appointment was a big mistake. But, Israel had and has no business being the sheriff, other than giving jobs that are much needed to his loser friends. Let’s make something perfectly clear to the Israel losers. I don’t know what that moron is telling you, because chances are it’s not true. I listened to his lies for 6 years. But he has NO chance of being reinstated as sheriff, no matter what Tony has done. Tony could have molested a child on video, and Israel will never see the 5th floor again. Hopefully Tony will be gone soon as well, and we will get a real sheriff.

Soon, TT will be a memory and mumbles will never win another election. No one other than isreal's friends will vote for him. And, big head TT does not have any real friends.

09-08-2019, 04:58 AM
Soon, TT will be a memory and mumbles will never win another election. No one other than isreal's friends will vote for him. And, big head TT does not have any real friends.

And here I go again as we’re into the weekend. A week of terror as my camper shook. I forgott to take my medicine, yes I forgot to take it. I tried to take a shower but no hot water. I know I ramble with the sam nonsense on and on. God blessed Scott Israel and I’m confident he will be back especially with all the latest news with BSO. I'm terribly sorry once again and go Scott Israel 2020. Love you all...

09-08-2019, 12:03 PM
And here I go again as we’re into the weekend. A week of terror as my camper shook. I forgott to take my medicine, yes I forgot to take it. I tried to take a shower but no hot water. I know I ramble with the sam nonsense on and on. God blessed Scott Israel and I’m confident he will be back especially with all the latest news with BSO. I'm terribly sorry once again and go Scott Israel 2020. Love you all...

If your mom's trailer is a rockin', don't come a knockin'!!!

09-08-2019, 12:15 PM
It was mentioned about a real sheriff. The biggest problem here is we really dont have a potentially real sheriff running. And time is running out.

Vazquez can be a real Sheriff and he is not a racist like Phony Tony