View Full Version : Hey Scott Israel, release your recent poll!!!!!

08-26-2019, 12:39 PM
Well, we’ll, we’ll, Scott Israel has been telling everyone he’s killing it out there. Hey Scott, if your poll numbers are so good, why don’t you release them? It would sure energize you people and voting constituencies. And, it would scare anyone who was thinking of contributing to your opponents.

Let me answer the question. Your poll numbers are abysmal, as your latest poll has shown. Come on, release the poll. 😂😂

08-26-2019, 12:58 PM
Let the Clowns come from under the Big Tent and say Fake News. I hear Scott's numbers were so bad that He cried like a Baby. Saying IRA I'm such a great leader, but the folks don't like me. This would be a great cartoon.. hint hint. He didn't pass the acceptable mark..

08-26-2019, 03:51 PM
Let the Clowns come from under the Big Tent and say Fake News. I hear Scott's numbers were so bad that He cried like a Baby. Saying IRA I'm such a great leader, but the folks don't like me. This would be a great cartoon.. hint hint. He didn't pass the acceptable mark..

Actually, it’s been proven time and time again, that the polls do lie. I predict Scott Israel will win the democratic nomination with 30% or less of the primary vote. Why is that? Because the two biggest voting blocks are black and Jewish.

The black vote is going to be split in multiple directions. The Jewish vote is not going to be split. Now this is where it gets interesting. The Republican candidate, whoever it is, doesn’t have to beat Scott Israel. They literally just have to not beat themselves and you may see a Republican Sheriff. It may sound crazy, but the black Democrats aren’t gong to be out in force this time for Israel.

So, it’s very predictable what’s about to happen. Scott Israel could foreseeably win the primary and lose the General election. Only time will tell. But if you put a Bukata in the Republican ticket it could happen.

08-26-2019, 04:58 PM
Actually, it’s been proven time and time again, that the polls do lie. I predict Scott Israel will win the democratic nomination with 30% or less of the primary vote. Why is that? Because the two biggest voting blocks are black and Jewish.

The black vote is going to be split in multiple directions. The Jewish vote is not going to be split. Now this is where it gets interesting. The Republican candidate, whoever it is, doesn’t have to beat Scott Israel. They literally just have to not beat themselves and you may see a Republican Sheriff. It may sound crazy, but the black Democrats aren’t gong to be out in force this time for Israel.

So, it’s very predictable what’s about to happen. Scott Israel could foreseeably win the primary and lose the General election. Only time will tell. But if you put a Bukata in the Republican ticket it could happen.

The Jewish and condo vote in an August Democratic primary is under 25%. People who keep talking about how huge and dominating it is in a primary are in a time warp back in the 1980s.

08-26-2019, 07:36 PM
The Black vote will be out in full force to show solidarity. Isreal will be out voted by POLLOCK- then on to the General Election and he will be victorious. Bet my pension check on that ..

08-26-2019, 08:03 PM
The Black vote will be out in full force to show solidarity. Isreal will be out voted by POLLOCK- then on to the General Election and he will be victorious. Bet my pension check on that ..

Bet your pension check LOL, I see you begging for change on the street corner.

08-26-2019, 08:06 PM
The Jewish and condo vote in an August Democratic primary is under 25%. People who keep talking about how huge and dominating it is in a primary are in a time warp back in the 1980s.

That’s exactly right, read what was posted. Israel will win the primary with 30% or less of the vote. Pollock can spend all he wants, in fact, that works out better for Israel. Because Pollock has to split the vote with all the other black candidates.

Unreal kthen
08-26-2019, 09:54 PM
That’s exactly right, read what was posted. Israel will win the primary with 30% or less of the vote. Pollock can spend all he wants, in fact, that works out better for Israel. Because Pollock has to split the vote with all the other black candidates.

Ok, then tell Israel to release his poll numbers. He knows what they are. Come on Israel suck asses. The guy is a compulsive liar, even to his friends. He’s toast, and he knows it.

08-26-2019, 09:56 PM
Ok, then tell Israel to release his poll numbers. He knows what they are. Come on Israel suck asses. The guy is a compulsive liar, even to his friends. He’s toast, and he knows it.

I apologize again, I’m sick and can't help it guys.
Again, I apologize for my last response. Please remember I’m sick and still have mental problems. I know what DeSantis did was terrible and Scott Israel truly deserves to regain his position back. I will be voting on Sheriff Israel and I will confess to my family and friends that I made another mistake. By the way my family and friends came offer to my trailer last night and did a intervention along with a professional therapist. It’s gonna be ok but will take sometime. If I happen to write anything else please ignore it and forgive me. My wife and kids left me but I’m still going to stay at the trailer park until I get kicked out. Anyone knows of any homeless shelter I can stay? I also just lost my job cutting grass so if you see me on a intersection please give me food. Scott Israel, I love you and I vote for you to be Sheriff.

08-26-2019, 10:02 PM
Ok, then tell Israel to release his poll numbers. He knows what they are. Come on Israel suck asses. The guy is a compulsive liar, even to his friends. He’s toast, and he knows it.

Dude, nobody cares about poll numbers, they don’t mean sh!t. Not on Israel’s or anyone else’s band wagon. I’m just saying, if polls were true, Hillary Clinton would have won the presidency. But they just aren’t true.

08-26-2019, 10:08 PM
Then why has the Israel camp been touting 73% for the past year?

08-26-2019, 10:50 PM
Then why has the Israel camp been touting 73% for the past year?

I voted for Israel in 2016. I voted on one issue; the crime statistics. Safety is important to me. I want to feel safe at the gas station, in my neighborhood and everywhere else. Had I any idea that the crime statistics were false (diluted felonies) with regard to juveniles, I would have never voted for him. Most people are very concerned about todays youth, their lack of respect and perception of having the upper hand with law enforcement. It would have been inconceivable for cops to be doused with water not so long ago. While Israel isn't to blame for some things, his ongoing support and apparent alliance with Runcie, the worst corrupted characters on the school board, and his defense of the 'pipeline to prison' diversion programs connect him to shady clergy in Broward. It is negligent to teach kids that unless they commit a felony, they can basically act however they wish and have it all erased once their teen years are over. I thank God that I had parents teachers and a community who were clear about where the line was. Fear of authority is a good thing when adolescents feel invincible. Has anyone considered the stress level of cops who are subjected to harassment in the way that the Tamarac incident revealed?
Most of all, I don't believe for one minute that Israel believes in these programs himself. It is inconceivable that an individual could spend 40 years in law enforcement and not see the harm that this funding machine disguised as programs has done to these children and to the community. It seems that he has doubled down, crossed his fingers and is hoping for the best outcome. Broward doesn't have the brightest bulbs as residents; but at the end of the day, people want to feel safe and will most definitely vote for something else, even if its the unknown. Hope that every one of these cops is cleared and sometime soon will be free to do their job without the constant threat of political backlash

08-27-2019, 12:43 AM
Actually, it’s been proven time and time again, that the polls do lie. I predict Scott Israel will win the democratic nomination with 30% or less of the primary vote. Why is that? Because the two biggest voting blocks are black and Jewish.

The black vote is going to be split in multiple directions. The Jewish vote is not going to be split. Now this is where it gets interesting. The Republican candidate, whoever it is, doesn’t have to beat Scott Israel. They literally just have to not beat themselves and you may see a Republican Sheriff. It may sound crazy, but the black Democrats aren’t gong to be out in force this time for Israel.

So, it’s very predictable what’s about to happen. Scott Israel could foreseeably win the primary and lose the General election. Only time will tell. But if you put a Bukata in the Republican ticket it could happen.

Dats some bukaki

08-27-2019, 12:46 AM
Dats some bukaki

Not even entertaining Scott Israel will will overall

08-27-2019, 01:20 AM
Those Isreal Clowns can stay focused for a second first they toot a lie about 73% then when his dismal polls are actually taken now they toot it doesn't matter.
He's on a train to loose he knows it they know it and he'll we all know it. My wife is back, the kids are home and we moved from the trailer to Parkland. My meds are now flushed in the toilet. My psychiatrist says Scott and Ira are now taking my former meds and living in a tent at Holiday Park.

08-27-2019, 02:44 AM
The numbers are as followed Israel 56% Tony 16% Willie Jones 12% smalling's 9% Pollock 4.5% Santiago 2% Ray Hicks .5
With a 3% fluctuation .
That's crazy about the numbers I guess it is true Israel has name recognition.

08-27-2019, 02:50 AM
The numbers are as followed Israel 56% Tony 16% Willie Jones 12% smalling's 9% Pollock 4.5% Santiago 2% Ray Hicks .5
With a 3% fluctuation .
That's crazy about the numbers I guess it is true Israel has name recognition.

Israel will be back and for the one's who are politically involved for their self gain and wish bad you will see how great he will make BSO again. Scott Israel knows what to do and who to trust. Of your one of the ****roaches you better strengthen up or just leave. You know who you are.

08-27-2019, 02:57 AM
The numbers are as followed Israel 56% Tony 16% Willie Jones 12% smalling's 9% Pollock 4.5% Santiago 2% Ray Hicks .5
With a 3% fluctuation .
That's crazy about the numbers I guess it is true Israel has name recognition.

Century Village is not a random sample of voters. Plus, a lot of them will be pushing up daisy's by election time.

08-27-2019, 03:24 AM
Sorry it's me again and I'm the only one who wrote all of the bad things I wrote. It's because I got grounded from my therapist and could not go outside and play hopscotch.
I apologize once again, I’m sick
Again, I apologize for my last response. Please remember I’m sick and still have mental problems. I know what DeSantis did was terrible and Scott Israel truly deserves to regain his position back. I will be voting on Sheriff Israel and I will confess to my family and friends that I made another mistake. By the way my family and friends came offer to my trailer last night and did a intervention along with a professional therapist. It’s gonna be ok but will take sometime. If I happen to write anything else please ignore it and forgive me. My wife and kids left me but I’m still going to stay at the trailer park until I get kicked out. Anyone knows of any homeless shelter I can stay? I also just lost my job cutting grass so if you see me on a intersection please give me food. Scott Israel, I love you and I vote for you to be Sheriff.

08-27-2019, 03:41 AM
I voted for Israel in 2016. I voted on one issue; the crime statistics. Safety is important to me. I want to feel safe at the gas station, in my neighborhood and everywhere else. Had I any idea that the crime statistics were false (diluted felonies) with regard to juveniles, I would have never voted for him. Most people are very concerned about todays youth, their lack of respect and perception of having the upper hand with law enforcement. It would have been inconceivable for cops to be doused with water not so long ago. While Israel isn't to blame for some things, his ongoing support and apparent alliance with Runcie, the worst corrupted characters on the school board, and his defense of the 'pipeline to prison' diversion programs connect him to shady clergy in Broward. It is negligent to teach kids that unless they commit a felony, they can basically act however they wish and have it all erased once their teen years are over. I thank God that I had parents teachers and a community who were clear about where the line was. Fear of authority is a good thing when adolescents feel invincible. Has anyone considered the stress level of cops who are subjected to harassment in the way that the Tamarac incident revealed?
Most of all, I don't believe for one minute that Israel believes in these programs himself. It is inconceivable that an individual could spend 40 years in law enforcement and not see the harm that this funding machine disguised as programs has done to these children and to the community. It seems that he has doubled down, crossed his fingers and is hoping for the best outcome. Broward doesn't have the brightest bulbs as residents; but at the end of the day, people want to feel safe and will most definitely vote for something else, even if its the unknown. Hope that every one of these cops is cleared and sometime soon will be free to do their job without the constant threat of political backlash

agree and if he does a flip all of that diversion stupidity and turns his back on the school board id give him a chance to make good but he got to say it in public that he disagree with all of it and realize that those policies were bad for broward. I don't see him doing that, think he take his chances. too bad, dont think he had any idea how bad things in the schools got. surprised MSD didnt happen sooner. the way these kids ripping and running around this county its a damn disgrace and don't blame cops at all for shutting down. school board stoking the fire all the time. theres no winners and maybe no lessons learned neither. sad sad situation