View Full Version : Leo Affairs BSO?

06-26-2019, 01:58 AM
Just for grins I took a look at the posts on Leo Affairs BSO. As I did I thought about the Miramar posts. On ours it's usually about someone that someone else doesn't like, someone obsessed with M Moore, or someone who doesn't like people different from him/herself. On the BSO thread it sure seemed to me that many of the deputies really don't like their department. They do not seem happy with their agency whatsoever. Take a look, you may or may not agree with my opinion, but it was eye opening to me. It's definitely not somewhere that I would want to work. Again, you may totally disagree - and that's ok, to each his own.

06-26-2019, 10:34 AM
Just for grins I took a look at the posts on Leo Affairs BSO. As I did I thought about the Miramar posts. On ours it's usually about someone that someone else doesn't like, someone obsessed with M Moore, or someone who doesn't like people different from him/herself. On the BSO thread it sure seemed to me that many of the deputies really don't like their department. They do not seem happy with their agency whatsoever. Take a look, you may or may not agree with my opinion, but it was eye opening to me. It's definitely not somewhere that I would want to work. Again, you may totally disagree - and that's ok, to each his own.

These boards attract unhappy miserable malcontents who cant confront someone face to face so they trash them on here.
I'm here for the entertainment and the buttered popcorn!

06-26-2019, 04:52 PM
These boards attract unhappy miserable malcontents who cant confront someone face to face so they trash them on here.
I'm here for the entertainment and the buttered popcorn!

This is spot on.

07-03-2019, 01:36 PM
This is spot on.

Nope. This is command staff angry that people are leaving the department for better opportunities. No need to stay here and more are leaving because there is no where else to go except the road.

07-03-2019, 03:19 PM
Nope. This is command staff angry that people are leaving the department for better opportunities. No need to stay here and more are leaving because there is no where else to go except the road.

I dont think they will miss you and your sh*tty attitude and poor work ethic

07-03-2019, 08:54 PM
4 out 8 to go by the end of the year .hopefully someone in command staff with a brain takes over and once incompetent DW leaves.

07-03-2019, 09:27 PM
4 out 8 to go by the end of the year .hopefully someone in command staff with a brain takes over and once incompetent DW leaves.

Im sure that they are all super stars (sarcasm). Let them go and while you are at it please follow them super cop!

07-04-2019, 04:25 AM
I dont think they will miss you and your sh*tty attitude and poor work ethic

Are you angry they are leaving lol. This is a small little department. Why would you be angry that these people are moving on to bigger and better things? Oh because your a looser and have stayed here you whole career and no nothing else besides this place. Oh it's because your angry you didn’t leave and are now stuck here with the misery. Your attitude is the one that is sh*tty. AH!

07-04-2019, 09:33 AM
Are you angry they are leaving lol. This is a small little department. Why would you be angry that these people are moving on to bigger and better things? Oh because your a looser and have stayed here you whole career and no nothing else besides this place. Oh it's because your angry you didn’t leave and are now stuck here with the misery. Your attitude is the one that is sh*tty. AH!

I have a great attitude and great work ethic. When I finish my DROP I will have OVER 1 million dollars and $6000+ per month from my pension. Oh and no I am not command staff so put on your Romper Room Super Sleuth hat and start thinking, who is this person and wonder why you will never have this.

07-04-2019, 11:21 AM
I have a great attitude and great work ethic. When I finish my DROP I will have OVER 1 million dollars and $6000+ per month from my pension. Oh and no I am not command staff so put on your Romper Room Super Sleuth hat and start thinking, who is this person and wonder why you will never have this.

LOL how brain washed you are. 28 years of being broke working 60 hours a week and multiple side jobs for your “pay out”. Be happy for the ones leaving that chose to make the decision we didnt have the balls to make.

07-04-2019, 12:18 PM
Im sure that they are all super stars (sarcasm). Let them go and while you are at it please follow them super cop!

Like the great DW would say “f em keep hirin”

07-04-2019, 01:35 PM
LOL how brain washed you are. 28 years of being broke working 60 hours a week and multiple side jobs for your “pay out”. Be happy for the ones leaving that chose to make the decision we didnt have the balls to make.

Totally agree. the guy with a million dollars will be absolutely unhappy and stroke out. Look back at your pitiful career here and be sad you never left for better option's!

07-04-2019, 07:44 PM
Totally agree. the guy with a million dollars will be absolutely unhappy and stroke out. Look back at your pitiful career here and be sad you never left for better option's!

You are also a superstar! I enjoy working at the MPD. I seriously doubt if I will stroke out, you will from being a slug whiner
Go on and put your applications all over and start over and be that superstar you think you are there. Im sure the MPD will survive with you! Good Luck!

07-05-2019, 04:06 AM
You are also a superstar! I enjoy working at the MPD. I seriously doubt if I will stroke out, you will from being a slug whiner
Go on and put your applications all over and start over and be that superstar you think you are there. Im sure the MPD will survive with you! Good Luck!

Above guys is an example of why you should leave. 20 plus years above and can barely make a sentence. Lol looser.

07-05-2019, 09:18 AM
Above guys is an example of why you should leave. 20 plus years above and can barely make a sentence. Lol looser.

Every word I wrote was a complete sentence and all words spelled correctly. You on the other hand, the superstar that you are cannot spell LOSER correctly. You are pathetic!

07-05-2019, 12:46 PM
Every word I wrote was a complete sentence and all words spelled correctly. You on the other hand, the superstar that you are cannot spell LOSER correctly. You are pathetic!

20 yrs of nothing above here guys and girls. 20+ yrs of anger and resentment.

07-05-2019, 12:58 PM
20 yrs of nothing above here guys and girls. 20+ yrs of anger and resentment.

How can I be angry and resentful when I will walk out here with a million plus dollars and $6000 per month pension and I can spell LOSER correctly? You are Cleopatra,Queen of Denial! Go do some work and earn that paycheck!

07-05-2019, 02:54 PM
How can I be angry and resentful when I will walk out here with a million plus dollars and $6000 per month pension and I can spell LOSER correctly? You are Cleopatra,Queen of Denial! Go do some work and earn that paycheck!

Jesus Christ you sure are brainwashed. Hope 20 years of being miserable on the road as unqualified dark skinned females got promoted was worth it.

07-05-2019, 06:09 PM
Jesus Christ you sure are brainwashed. Hope 20 years of being miserable on the road as unqualified dark skinned females got promoted was worth it.

Brainwashed? Huh? How about its called a work ethic and not the chronic whiny "you owe me" syndrome! Who is saying I spent my whole time on the road. See I can spell unlike you LOSER! I went to school and earned a degree and got promoted unlike you LOSER. See I spelled it correctly twice which is two more times than you did. Go fill out your applications superstar, I am sure there is some agency just waiting for another whiner like you!

07-06-2019, 03:29 AM
Brainwashed? Huh? How about its called a work ethic and not the chronic whiny "you owe me" syndrome! Who is saying I spent my whole time on the road. See I can spell unlike you LOSER! I went to school and earned a degree and got promoted unlike you LOSER. See I spelled it correctly twice which is two more times than you did. Go fill out your applications superstar, I am sure there is some agency just waiting for another whiner like you!

You guys are right about this guy. And promotions still didn't make him happy at all. Angry supervisor. what's new?

07-06-2019, 10:27 AM
You guys are right about this guy. And promotions still didn't make him happy at all. Angry supervisor. what's new?

I am going to now assume you need reading comprehension classes too. Where in what I said makes you think I am unhappy or angry. You are the one that says boo hoo I didn't get this because this person has dark skin or boo hoo I didn't get this because they don't like me or boo hoo I cant spell loser or boo hoo this person is pointing what a real malcontent and cry baby I really am but mask it by trying to deflect what I really am. Move on already! Go put in your applications superstar! I hear agencies are just knocking down your door with recruitment bonuses and promotions.

07-06-2019, 11:33 AM
Im sure that they are all super stars (sarcasm). Let them go and while you are at it please follow them super cop!

If you actually take the time to talk to some of the guys that have left in the past year you will find they are being treated better, their agencies have higher morale, they are getting more pay and they have far more clear opportunities in front of them. You might make fun of them, sarcastically calling them “superstars”, but the fact remains that many of them were extremely hard workers and had the highest stats in the department. They came to Miramar to work hard and then got sh*t on for doing so.

I am toward the end of my career here and I honestly wish that I had left and gone somewhere else at some point. These guys that left with under five years on made a smart decision. Just my .02.

07-06-2019, 12:59 PM
If you actually take the time to talk to some of the guys that have left in the past year you will find they are being treated better, their agencies have higher morale, they are getting more pay and they have far more clear opportunities in front of them. You might make fun of them, sarcastically calling them “superstars”, but the fact remains that many of them were extremely hard workers and had the highest stats in the department. They came to Miramar to work hard and then got sh*t on for doing so.

I am toward the end of my career here and I honestly wish that I had left and gone somewhere else at some point. These guys that left with under five years on made a smart decision. Just my .02.

You missed my point. I am calling this chronic whiner and all that whine "superstars". If you want something then work for it. Put in the time and effort to earn what you want. No one anywhere (even the MPD) owes you anything unless you earn it. I know and have talked to most of the guys and girls that left and most but not all are happy that they left and they will tell you that I was one of the few that told them to go if thats what they wanted and met their needs and desires. Please also ask them how Miramar was the only agency to offer to hire them because of their sketchy past, borderline background, poly, credit or psych or questionable choices growing up. Without saying names there were some real winners that got a break and got hired redeemed themselves and then left for greener pastures. You know there are a whole bunch of people that doing nothing but b*tch and complain that they get passed over for things because of race or someone buddy syndrome when in fact they are lazy slugs. If you have less than 5 years and you want to leave for what you see as a better opportunity, then go for it! Just remember the Miramar Police Department will still be here and still responding to calls with or without you.

07-06-2019, 01:41 PM
You missed my point. I am calling this chronic whiner and all that whine "superstars". If you want something then work for it. Put in the time and effort to earn what you want. No one anywhere (even the MPD) owes you anything unless you earn it. I know and have talked to most of the guys and girls that left and most but not all are happy that they left and they will tell you that I was one of the few that told them to go if thats what they wanted and met their needs and desires. Please also ask them how Miramar was the only agency to offer to hire them because of their sketchy past, borderline background, poly, credit or psych or questionable choices growing up. Without saying names there were some real winners that got a break and got hired redeemed themselves and then left for greener pastures. You know there are a whole bunch of people that doing nothing but b*tch and complain that they get passed over for things because of race or someone buddy syndrome when in fact they are lazy slugs. If you have less than 5 years and you want to leave for what you see as a better opportunity, then go for it! Just remember the Miramar Police Department will still be here and still responding to calls with or without you.

YES , This guy is so angry and basically cares about money only. Hey guy your gonna look back and wonder what in the hell you did with your life. Leave if you can because this department does not care and will never change.

07-06-2019, 02:14 PM
YES , This guy is so angry and basically cares about money only. Hey guy your gonna look back and wonder what in the hell you did with your life. Leave if you can because this department does not care and will never change.

Can you read? Seriously. Read what I wrote. I said (talking slowly so you can understand) I encouraged people who wanted to go, to go ahead and go. You surely had to be one of the ones that no one would hire. I'm done with your pathetic "looser" self.

07-06-2019, 03:33 PM
You missed my point. I am calling this chronic whiner and all that whine "superstars". If you want something then work for it. Put in the time and effort to earn what you want. No one anywhere (even the MPD) owes you anything unless you earn it. I know and have talked to most of the guys and girls that left and most but not all are happy that they left and they will tell you that I was one of the few that told them to go if thats what they wanted and met their needs and desires. Please also ask them how Miramar was the only agency to offer to hire them because of their sketchy past, borderline background, poly, credit or psych or questionable choices growing up. Without saying names there were some real winners that got a break and got hired redeemed themselves and then left for greener pastures. You know there are a whole bunch of people that doing nothing but b*tch and complain that they get passed over for things because of race or someone buddy syndrome when in fact they are lazy slugs. If you have less than 5 years and you want to leave for what you see as a better opportunity, then go for it! Just remember the Miramar Police Department will still be here and still responding to calls with or without you.

This sure sounds like the delta unit who nobody respects, couldn’t get motors and now hates at anyone trying to better themselves. Get through your head that this is the only agency that you need to work 20 years before you can make a dime, there is zero room for
Opportunities and those who are leaving are doing it because they believe they deserve better. But what do I know, I was fortunate to get what I wanted 2 years on the road when we had a command staff that gave a shit, get out while you can fellas.

07-07-2019, 03:33 AM
Can you read? Seriously. Read what I wrote. I said (talking slowly so you can understand) I encouraged people who wanted to go, to go ahead and go. You surely had to be one of the ones that no one would hire. I'm done with your pathetic "looser" self.

It's spelled "loser ". Please don't be se angry all the time. Your at the end of your career and identity.

07-07-2019, 05:20 AM
Can you read? Seriously. Read what I wrote. I said (talking slowly so you can understand) I encouraged people who wanted to go, to go ahead and go. You surely had to be one of the ones that no one would hire. I'm done with your pathetic "looser" self.

Why are you so angry about people leaving? And it's spelled "loser" not looser dumb dumb. Use spell check or something. Maybe auto correct don't work all the time. Good luck in retirement with all your money and little to no actual real life experiences. Hope you find happiness in your money rich person . Maybe money will buy you alot of stuff but happiness will always slip away with you.

07-07-2019, 05:26 AM
Brainwashed? Huh? How about its called a work ethic and not the chronic whiny "you owe me" syndrome! Who is saying I spent my whole time on the road. See I can spell unlike you LOSER! I went to school and earned a degree and got promoted unlike you LOSER. See I spelled it correctly twice which is two more times than you did. Go fill out your applications superstar, I am sure there is some agency just waiting for another whiner like you!

More like bought your degree with one of those awful online degrees where everyone passes.

07-07-2019, 09:46 AM
Why are you so angry about people leaving? And it's spelled "loser" not looser dumb dumb. Use spell check or something. Maybe auto correct don't work all the time. Good luck in retirement with all your money and little to no actual real life experiences. Hope you find happiness in your money rich person . Maybe money will buy you alot of stuff but happiness will always slip away with you.

My "looser" reference was lost on you too I see superstar. While I am enjoying retirement shortly you will still be on here crying and whining about something that you didn't get because no one handed it to you. Millennial Baby..I have far more life experience than you will ever have and I will enjoy all of the money that I actually worked for. Again because reading and comprehension is not one of your strong skills I say it again. I'm glad that people are leaving and finding what they want. I hope you leave or at least go to a psychologist to get help for your mental issues.

07-07-2019, 09:47 AM
More like bought your degree with one of those awful online degrees where everyone passes.

No not quite. You really need some mental help or EAP.

07-07-2019, 12:13 PM
My "looser" reference was lost on you too I see superstar. While I am enjoying retirement shortly you will still be on here crying and whining about something that you didn't get because no one handed it to you. Millennial Baby..I have far more life experience than you will ever have and I will enjoy all of the money that I actually worked for. Again because reading and comprehension is not one of your strong skills I say it again. I'm glad that people are leaving and finding what they want. I hope you leave or at least go to a psychologist to get help for your mental issues.

Wow you are one angry person. Hey man enjoy the money and your long fruitless career doing little with your career and life except details and work. I believe your deflecting the fact you may need a psychiatrist and get meds to help you with your anger issues. Your life experiences are copy Walmart, MPC N or S, Hospital, and so on. Dude go away with your negative thoughts already. You did 20+ and you spell "loser" with two O <looser> wow man. Maybe put down the bottle!

07-08-2019, 12:56 AM
Brainwashed? Huh? How about its called a work ethic and not the chronic whiny "you owe me" syndrome! Who is saying I spent my whole time on the road. See I can spell unlike you LOSER! I went to school and earned a degree and got promoted unlike you LOSER. See I spelled it correctly twice which is two more times than you did. Go fill out your applications superstar, I am sure there is some agency just waiting for another whiner like you!

Earned an online degree obviously. It's spelled "loser" not looser dumb dumb. Your work ethic is quite poor like most senior people along with supervisors staff that make no decisions to better the department. Oh that's why the Department is possibly gonna have an exodus. Hey man try to be happy your almost done with all your money, so stop being so pissed off with people's choices. They will be somebody useful, unlike you.

07-08-2019, 09:51 AM
Wow you are one angry person. Hey man enjoy the money and your long fruitless career doing little with your career and life except details and work. I believe your deflecting the fact you may need a psychiatrist and get meds to help you with your anger issues. Your life experiences are copy Walmart, MPC N or S, Hospital, and so on. Dude go away with your negative thoughts already. You did 20+ and you spell "loser" with two O <looser> wow man. Maybe put down the bottle!

This is a joke post right? You seriously think you spell it with two O's? Seriously? I have no anger issues other than you inability to read,write and comprehend the English language. Stop making yourself look more stupid than you already have!

07-08-2019, 09:56 AM
Earned an online degree obviously. It's spelled "loser" not looser dumb dumb. Your work ethic is quite poor like most senior people along with supervisors staff that make no decisions to better the department. Oh that's why the Department is possibly gonna have an exodus. Hey man try to be happy your almost done with all your money, so stop being so pissed off with people's choices. They will be somebody useful, unlike you.

I have no anger issues other than you inability to read,write and comprehend the English language. Stop making yourself look more stupid than you already have! As I stated earlier, no on line degree like most and no Barry or other college mill for me sorry to disappoint you. Sorry we couldn't give you everything that your little heart desired and sorry that we expected you to work for your paycheck and sorry that we weren't there to wipe your nose and wipe your a*s. As per my career, I am confident that I have and will accomplish more in my career and life than a sh*t stain like you ever will. Stop making yourself look even more stupid than you already are!

07-08-2019, 04:21 PM
I have no anger issues other than you inability to read,write and comprehend the English language. Stop making yourself look more stupid than you already have! As I stated earlier, no on line degree like most and no Barry or other college mill for me sorry to disappoint you. Sorry we couldn't give you everything that your little heart desired and sorry that we expected you to work for your paycheck and sorry that we weren't there to wipe your nose and wipe your a*s. As per my career, I am confident that I have and will accomplish more in my career and life than a sh*t stain like you ever will. Stop making yourself look even more stupid than you already are!

Wow this guy is really angry. LOOK don't off yourself man calm down already. You seem to be an awful detective that needed to retire like 2 or 3 year ago. ok Angry man calm yourself and breath.

07-08-2019, 05:27 PM
Wow this guy is really angry. LOOK don't off yourself man calm down already. You seem to be an awful detective that needed to retire like 2 or 3 year ago. ok Angry man calm yourself and breath.

Keep guessing, after a while you will understand why you never got promoted or a special unit assignment. No anger here!

07-09-2019, 02:11 AM
Keep guessing, after a while you will understand why you never got promoted or a special unit assignment. No anger here!

This guy is really angry. And apparently has lots of time to answer all posts. Must be superviser material. Definitely some supervisor at the end of his career and has not helped anyone in his piss poor career. Sounds pretty selfish like most of them anyways. And it's spelled Loser not looser Boss man.

07-09-2019, 10:34 AM
This guy is really angry. And apparently has lots of time to answer all posts. Must be superviser material. Definitely some supervisor at the end of his career and has not helped anyone in his piss poor career. Sounds pretty selfish like most of them anyways. And it's spelled Loser not looser Boss man.

Alrighty there you just keep on keepin on with your BS and Ill just sit back and watch my money grow and plan on enjoying my early age retirement. After I retire I will sit back and read your posts about your pathetic life crying about how there isn't anyone to wipe your nose. My final shot- ITS SUPERVISOR! and its LOSER! Looser is what your gun belt is going to be when they finally catch up to you and all of your questionable and contrary to policy posts here and on facebook. Enjoy your little miserable life..I'm out!

07-09-2019, 06:44 PM
I am getting tired of this. I'm going to take my blocks and toys and go home. I will start my own clubhouse and you will no longer be my bestest friend. I will get new friends. I am not going to share my milk and cookies or p&j sandwiches with you either. So stop being means to me or I will tell the teacher on you.

07-09-2019, 08:36 PM
I am getting tired of this. I'm going to take my blocks and toys and go home. I will start my own clubhouse and you will no longer be my bestest friend. I will get new friends. I am not going to share my milk and cookies or p&j sandwiches with you either. So stop being means to me or I will tell the teacher on you.

seriously what all these people sound like on here!!!!!!!!!!