View Full Version : Yuca Town

05-22-2019, 08:34 PM
If the Menocals had funded a town we all know what the name would be ... Raaaajjaaaaa Yuuuuuccaaaaaaa Town!!!

05-23-2019, 04:56 AM
If the Menocals had funded a town we all know what the name would be ... Raaaajjaaaaa Yuuuuuccaaaaaaa Town!!!

While all of your posts are juvenile, this would be your most childish post yet.

05-24-2019, 04:08 AM
Kimbombo que resbala con la Yuca seca: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qkdw8GLxXQE

05-25-2019, 05:00 AM
Have you ever thought about maybe going back to school and getting your GED, maybe moving up from your job at Burger King?

05-25-2019, 08:43 PM
Have you ever thought about maybe going back to school and getting your GED, maybe moving up from your job at Burger King?

I did consider it, but then remembered my civic duty to expose the Menocals...I’m like the Leo Affairs Batman or some kind of Ninja

05-25-2019, 11:24 PM
I too thought about going back to school and getting my pHD in socially but then remembered what the young Tard did to that girl

05-25-2019, 11:56 PM
Have you ever thought about maybe going back to school and getting your GED, maybe moving up from your job at Burger King?

The thing with this fag is that he got fired from BK cuz he was eating all the Mayo from the gallon containers; but now that yuca le mete tremendo chorro de leche por la garganta todos los dias this freak doesn't even miss BK anymore.
Conclusion is, one way or the other, esta pajara es tremendo traga leche.

05-26-2019, 01:00 AM
The thing with this fag is that he got fired from BK cuz he was eating all the Mayo from the gallon containers; but now that yuca le mete tremendo chorro de leche por la garganta todos los dias this freak doesn't even miss BK anymore.
Conclusion is, one way or the other, esta pajara es tremendo traga leche.

Jesse your mom worked hard for that title in the 80s how can you just go around calling anybody a traga leche

05-26-2019, 04:31 AM
Jesse your mom worked hard for that title in the 80s how can you just go around calling anybody a traga leche

Ahhh. Now it makes sense! The Sgt keeps calling you what he always heard his dad call his mom when they got into an argument.

05-26-2019, 04:00 PM
The thing with this fag is that he got fired from BK cuz he was eating all the Mayo from the gallon containers; but now that yuca le mete tremendo chorro de leche por la garganta todos los dias this freak doesn't even miss BK anymore.
Conclusion is, one way or the other, esta pajara es tremendo traga leche.

Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣

05-28-2019, 01:53 AM
Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Raaaajjaaaaaaa Yuuuuuuccaaaaaaaa!!!

05-28-2019, 02:48 AM
The thing with this fag is that he got fired from BK cuz he was eating all the Mayo from the gallon containers; but now that yuca le mete tremendo chorro de leche por la garganta todos los dias this freak doesn't even miss BK anymore.
Conclusion is, one way or the other, esta pajara es tremendo traga leche.

Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣

05-28-2019, 05:18 AM
Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Your mom tragando leche at the Mutiny Hotel

05-28-2019, 09:27 AM
The thing with this fag is that he got fired from BK cuz he was eating all the Mayo from the gallon containers; but now that yuca le mete tremendo chorro de leche por la garganta todos los dias this freak doesn't even miss BK anymore.
Conclusion is, one way or the other, esta pajara es tremendo traga leche.

Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣

05-28-2019, 01:11 PM
Something to think about.... No other PD in the United States will hire Menocal once they do a background check on him. Yet in Hialeah he continues to have a highly visible role.
What does that say about HPD's professionalism??

05-30-2019, 08:41 PM
m a straight guy who sometimes likes girly stuff: I'm completely shaved on all my body, my toenails are painted and I like certain articles of women's clothes. I usually mix and match male/female clothing. For example, right now I'm wearing jeans, a hoodie, panty hose and panties.

I also love having sex with prostitutes, especially when I wear a skirt or a dress to the whore house. For some reason or another, that's my sex fetish. I live in a country where there is no stigma concerning prostitution, so I'm at the whorehouse twice a week on average.

I know that no woman in her right mind would ever understand this fetish, so I've given up the idea of ever being in a relationship with any woman who isn't a sex worker.

05-31-2019, 05:00 AM
m a straight guy who sometimes likes girly stuff: I'm completely shaved on all my body, my toenails are painted and I like certain articles of women's clothes. I usually mix and match male/female clothing. For example, right now I'm wearing jeans, a hoodie, panty hose and panties.

I also love having sex with prostitutes, especially when I wear a skirt or a dress to the whore house. For some reason or another, that's my sex fetish. I live in a country where there is no stigma concerning prostitution, so I'm at the whorehouse twice a week on average.

I know that no woman in her right mind would ever understand this fetish, so I've given up the idea of ever being in a relationship with any woman who isn't a sex worker.

The common denominator of this idiot's posts is that he writes stupid stuff thinking we'll be impressed with his cleverness. What he doesn't understand is he's of low intellect and education, and those of us who have risen above burger flipper in life see his posts for the childishness that they are.
It looks like he copy and pasted the above from one of the other forums he frequents and thought we would be amused. Not!

07-04-2019, 10:41 PM
We are saving 350k this year on the contract? Is the money coming back to the taxpayers or is it going into the town's slush fund for the next town meeting? If it's not coming back how is it a savings?

07-05-2019, 10:44 PM
We are saving 350k this year on the contract? Is the money coming back to the taxpayers or is it going into the town's slush fund for the next town meeting? If it's not coming back how is it a savings?

It’s going to be used to settle the Jesus “Raja Yuca” Menocal Jr. law suit with the girl he forced to watch him rub his chorizo

07-06-2019, 05:19 AM
It’s going to be used to settle the Jesus “Raja Yuca” Menocal Jr. law suit with the girl he forced to watch him rub his chorizo

Chorizo??? More like ****tail winnie