View Full Version : Hiring and promotional scams

05-07-2019, 06:11 AM
how Big is the friends and family here?

Firefighters in Miami Beach are concerned that nepotism played a role in selecting this year’s recruit class, creating an unfair hiring process and possible safety risks, according to three current firefighters who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

More than 500 people applied for coveted positions with the Miami Beach Fire Department last fall and 124 made it past the written exam and physical agility test to the interview round. Of the 21 recruits ultimately selected for fire department training, which ends on May 10, six are related to current employees including Chief Virgil Fernandez, two division chiefs, a lieutenant and the local union president.

“It’s not fair,” said one Miami Beach firefighter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he feared reprisals. Picking people with family connections to fill fire department jobs prevents other qualified applicants from getting hired, he said.

“It boils down to a safety issue,” said another Beach firefighter, who said he worries that the fire department will “push people through who are connected” even if they don’t meet training standards.

05-09-2019, 02:00 AM
Link to this news report?

05-09-2019, 02:18 AM
All you gotta do is go to a city agility test and watchem 07 people. Make em run extra laps when they ran right. Make em do extra pushups when they touch that sponge right they don’t care and they friends get right in. It’s a trip.

05-09-2019, 02:20 AM
Nothing new after all this is the banana republic. If you see the current and past graduation classes both here or in the county you will see Nepotism written all over.

My concern is as follows. What happens if a family member fails an exam will he or she still get hired? Aha. That's the milliom dollar question.

05-09-2019, 02:59 AM

05-10-2019, 03:22 AM
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Do yourself a favor and run the other way. This place is in the lowest morale and functional position it has ever been. Thanks to Assistant Chief Morales. He will be here for at least 5 more years. Less if a new City Manager comes in a cleans house.

05-10-2019, 03:39 AM
The nepotism Sounds familiar

05-10-2019, 06:12 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Do yourself a favor and run the other way. This place is in the lowest morale and functional position it has ever been. Thanks to Assistant Chief Morales. He will be here for at least 5 more years. Less if a new City Manager comes in a cleans house.

Sorry, no city manage will clean house. They as others will set up F&F or one's, who would tell all to him or her. MPD needs to be gutted, from the TOP, down. They seem to always have it backwards and start at the bottom. Now, me I would love to see the boy king appointed as city manager or public safety director (if they had that position) Reason, all who talked smack about him, would be lining up to kiss his azz! Plus it's a bonus, to pi$$ a few off here, with that idea. With so much micromanaging, going on. Attention will be drawn away from the real problems staff, F&F and the ladies who sleep with everyone they can to get, the chance, for a promotion or transfer. A policy should be put in place and enforced, to the letter, that anyone, who is under your command, you can not be involved with them. The higher in rank you go, the more your over, so the chances, will get less-n-less. Fire both involved!!!!! Only problem with that policy, is we would lose, to many people BUT it sure would do morale good. I'm old fashion and believe in the vowels of marriage. Yes, I do believe my wife does too! So save the azzhole remarks and comments. Truth be told, she thinks most here are self-centered and have a god complex. Me too, at times but she keeps me grounded. My son, has 8 years in the military and has been offered a nice reenlisted bonus BUT he wants for reason only known to god, to work here. I could b!tch-slap him for even thinking about working here. I told him if you want to be a cop so BAD, get out of South Florida or even the state. I might as well be talking to a mirror, for as much as he listen's. Then again, I was told the same thing, all them years ago. When I left Broward S.O. to come here, man talk about STUPID!!!

This career or JOB, is all about, what you put into it. It's not about the high stats to appease your supervisor or how many 33's you can get over your career. It's about or thinking you made a different, in one life, that positive. karma is a lady, I wished, never laid her eyes on me. My own actions, has stalled my advancement here, plus being white, doesn't help either. If you take anything away for my rant, is this. Someone is always watching or listening, even those wearing the same uniform. Would sell you out to save their own career or get noticed by the right people. CYA on everything you do. Play nice, even to those, you can't stand to be around. Don't let them jam you up, over B.S.

05-10-2019, 07:17 PM
Sorry, no city manage will clean house. They as others will set up F&F or one's, who would tell all to him or her. MPD needs to be gutted, from the TOP, down. They seem to always have it backwards and start at the bottom. Now, me I would love to see the boy king appointed as city manager or public safety director (if they had that position) Reason, all who talked smack about him, would be lining up to kiss his azz! Plus it's a bonus, to pi$$ a few off here, with that idea. With so much micromanaging, going on. Attention will be drawn away from the real problems staff, F&F and the ladies who sleep with everyone they can to get, the chance, for a promotion or transfer. A policy should be put in place and enforced, to the letter, that anyone, who is under your command, you can not be involved with them. The higher in rank you go, the more your over, so the chances, will get less-n-less. Fire both involved!!!!! Only problem with that policy, is we would lose, to many people BUT it sure would do morale good. I'm old fashion and believe in the vowels of marriage. Yes, I do believe my wife does too! So save the azzhole remarks and comments. Truth be told, she thinks most here are self-centered and have a god complex. Me too, at times but she keeps me grounded. My son, has 8 years in the military and has been offered a nice reenlisted bonus BUT he wants for reason only known to god, to work here. I could b!tch-slap him for even thinking about working here. I told him if you want to be a cop so BAD, get out of South Florida or even the state. I might as well be talking to a mirror, for as much as he listen's. Then again, I was told the same thing, all them years ago. When I left Broward S.O. to come here, man talk about STUPID!!!

This career or JOB, is all about, what you put into it. It's not about the high stats to appease your supervisor or how many 33's you can get over your career. It's about or thinking you made a different, in one life, that positive. karma is a lady, I wished, never laid her eyes on me. My own actions, has stalled my advancement here, plus being white, doesn't help either. If you take anything away for my rant, is this. Someone is always watching or listening, even those wearing the same uniform. Would sell you out to save their own career or get noticed by the right people. CYA on everything you do. Play nice, even to those, you can't stand to be around. Don't let them jam you up, over B.S.

Wise words, experience your teacher. You missed one point I hope you expand on.
Those that read your advice but still feel there is no chance to accept their value, instead they still break the rules bc those ahead of them did and it got them an advancement.

05-11-2019, 12:06 AM
Wise words, experience your teacher. You missed one point I hope you expand on.
Those that read your advice but still feel there is no chance to accept their value, instead they still break the rules bc those ahead of them did and it got them an advancement.

Just because one has gotten away with something. Doesn't mean you will, also the ones that have gotten away with many things. WILL, nail you for what they used to do.. Appointments are all about keeping that rank and if you think for a New York second that they will, take a hit for you. You got a lot to learn. Honestly, most come to work do a thank less job, right, honest and correct. Every now and then, we all hit that O-sh!t moment and screw up. Mostly minor things, that certain people will get all hot over, just so they can get noticed too. One of the most important things to remember is never be a lair. Just because, we all know ones that have and still get away with it. Doesn't mean you will. Believe me, there are times that some piece of sh!t, gets under my skin and I really, want to Maglite him or 39 his azz for B.S. Sooner or later, you'll have your chance and you can smile, cause he stepped on his own d!ck and got arrested. Rules are meant to be followed?? That's only applies, when one wants to nail another or don't apply to some here. That's a hit-n-miss, if your going to get burned for breaking them. Why take the chance?? Another thing now, is a new era of law Enforcement. Nothing like it was in the 80's & 90's. Now were to be a more kinder and gentler police force. Figure that one out? It's all about rank, 33's, F&F and what can I get away with? I feel and I know, I'm alone in this opinion. If you have to lie, to feel accepted, beat on a man, that's already down, then you may have a short career here.

05-11-2019, 04:52 PM
Sorry, no city manage will clean house. They as others will set up F&F or one's, who would tell all to him or her. MPD needs to be gutted, from the TOP, down. They seem to always have it backwards and start at the bottom. Now, me I would love to see the boy king appointed as city manager or public safety director (if they had that position) Reason, all who talked smack about him, would be lining up to kiss his azz! Plus it's a bonus, to pi$$ a few off here, with that idea. With so much micromanaging, going on. Attention will be drawn away from the real problems staff, F&F and the ladies who sleep with everyone they can to get, the chance, for a promotion or transfer. A policy should be put in place and enforced, to the letter, that anyone, who is under your command, you can not be involved with them. The higher in rank you go, the more your over, so the chances, will get less-n-less. Fire both involved!!!!! Only problem with that policy, is we would lose, to many people BUT it sure would do morale good. I'm old fashion and believe in the vowels of marriage. Yes, I do believe my wife does too! So save the azzhole remarks and comments. Truth be told, she thinks most here are self-centered and have a god complex. Me too, at times but she keeps me grounded. My son, has 8 years in the military and has been offered a nice reenlisted bonus BUT he wants for reason only known to god, to work here. I could b!tch-slap him for even thinking about working here. I told him if you want to be a cop so BAD, get out of South Florida or even the state. I might as well be talking to a mirror, for as much as he listen's. Then again, I was told the same thing, all them years ago. When I left Broward S.O. to come here, man talk about STUPID!!!

This career or JOB, is all about, what you put into it. It's not about the high stats to appease your supervisor or how many 33's you can get over your career. It's about or thinking you made a different, in one life, that positive. karma is a lady, I wished, never laid her eyes on me. My own actions, has stalled my advancement here, plus being white, doesn't help either. If you take anything away for my rant, is this. Someone is always watching or listening, even those wearing the same uniform. Would sell you out to save their own career or get noticed by the right people. CYA on everything you do. Play nice, even to those, you can't stand to be around. Don't let them jam you up, over B.S.

Great Post! Those of us who have sons suffer from premature grey hair. I have a son who chose to forego college when he graduated and decided to go into the music business instead. Now he tours around with bands as an engineer. Has he made mistakes in life, of course but we did also. We have to let our kids make the mistakes that we did in order to get ahead in life. After 38 years in law enforcement would I have done the same thing when I was 24 years old? Don't know. In my generation, you graduated high school, entered college and earned a degree which I did or joined the military. Sad fact is that this millennial generation is raised by Apple and Samsung, and will not learn as we did. Good Luck!

05-12-2019, 03:31 AM
Promotion's, you take a written, if you pass, You give oral, Opps I mean go to a oral interview. Then all the ones lucky get enough to get a passing score on both are place on a list? That seems fait right? Except, the department makes 3 lists to choose from on each promotions. It's broken down by race first then your gender. They said they stopped doing that, doesn't appear that way to me. A white (non F&F) scores a overall 96. a black scores a overall 79. Who got the promotion?? A F&F overall score was 87, a female that, I say she a looker and has the heart of a married staff member in her pants. Scored a 83. Who's your choice for promotion??? Why are 3 lists made for the promotion of one rank to be filled? Years ago, the list came out in 3 columns: whites, blacks & females, then Cuban and others. Over all the whites, they promoted a black with 1 point over the failing grade. While by passing several that did way better and they can't understand, the BS they create, each and every time they do this. So after specially passed ones failed to finish the 6 month probation, that was extended twice. They finally came around and told me to report to property for my new uniform, I.D. and see the chief. Well, after getting d!cked over for 10 months. I said not no but fu@k no. Pissed off many on that and it was started this is my one and only chance to get a promotion. Non will never be offered again. Still didn't do it. Wrong choice maybe???