View Full Version : Major "embarrassment" Russo

03-01-2019, 05:12 PM
Major embarrassment Russo strikes again. In the fall of 2003, Amy Russo became a Deputy and FTO'd on the road. Since then, she has risen through the ranks at record speed. Taking time to actually make an arrest or two could not even slow her down. Promoted to Captain of the Airport, Amy Russo became the first BSO Captain to have her SIDA security credentials stripped away from her within 13 months by the Broward County Aviation Division for security violations. The County Administrator demanded that she be removed from the airport immediately for committing such violations and she was sent to the Civil division. Within just a few months, she did such a great job that she was promoted to Major.

A most recent picture of Major Russo on the Broward Sheriff's Office Facebook page shows her with "5" service stripes on her sleeve. BSO policy 3.2.10 (D) clearly states that each service stripe will represent a period of 4 years of SWORN SERVICE and will only authorized after completing the first 4 years of service. Simple math will tell you that from the fall of 2003 through current, she will only have 15 1/2 years of SWORN SERVICE which would equal 3 service stripes. She will be eligible for her 4th service stripe later this year.

Another false representation of who you are and what you have done. Currently has 5 service stripes when policy only allows for 3. You cannot count your crime analyst years and law enforcement.

03-01-2019, 05:45 PM
Major embarrassment Russo strikes again. In the fall of 2003, Amy Russo became a Deputy and FTO'd on the road. Since then, she has risen through the ranks at record speed. Taking time to actually make an arrest or two could not even slow her down. Promoted to Captain of the Airport, Amy Russo became the first BSO Captain to have her SIDA security credentials stripped away from her within 13 months by the Broward County Aviation Division for security violations. The County Administrator demanded that she be removed from the airport immediately for committing such violations and she was sent to the Civil division. Within just a few months, she did such a great job that she was promoted to Major.

A most recent picture of Major Russo on the Broward Sheriff's Office Facebook page shows her with "5" service stripes on her sleeve. BSO policy 3.2.10 (D) clearly states that each service stripe will represent a period of 4 years of SWORN SERVICE and will only authorized after completing the first 4 years of service. Simple math will tell you that from the fall of 2003 through current, she will only have 15 1/2 years of SWORN SERVICE which would equal 3 service stripes. She will be eligible for her 4th service stripe later this year.

Another false representation of who you are and what you have done. Currently has 5 service stripes when policy only allows for 3. You cannot count your crime analyst years and law enforcement.

I went and bought a couple extra ones too so I look like a veteran

03-01-2019, 07:38 PM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;2983698]I went and bought a couple extra ones too so I look like a veteran

That’s more stripes, then arrests !

03-01-2019, 07:45 PM
She will be a Colonel by Christmas at this rate

03-01-2019, 08:07 PM
Major embarrassment Russo strikes again. In the fall of 2003, Amy Russo became a Deputy and FTO'd on the road. Since then, she has risen through the ranks at record speed. Taking time to actually make an arrest or two could not even slow her down. Promoted to Captain of the Airport, Amy Russo became the first BSO Captain to have her SIDA security credentials stripped away from her within 13 months by the Broward County Aviation Division for security violations. The County Administrator demanded that she be removed from the airport immediately for committing such violations and she was sent to the Civil division. Within just a few months, she did such a great job that she was promoted to Major.

A most recent picture of Major Russo on the Broward Sheriff's Office Facebook page shows her with "5" service stripes on her sleeve. BSO policy 3.2.10 (D) clearly states that each service stripe will represent a period of 4 years of SWORN SERVICE and will only authorized after completing the first 4 years of service. Simple math will tell you that from the fall of 2003 through current, she will only have 15 1/2 years of SWORN SERVICE which would equal 3 service stripes. She will be eligible for her 4th service stripe later this year.

Another false representation of who you are and what you have done. Currently has 5 service stripes when policy only allows for 3. You cannot count your crime analyst years and law enforcement.

Who cares? Did you not get the Major position because of her? No, then STFU and go make some arrests. My guess is she's still made more than you.

03-01-2019, 08:16 PM
Major embarrassment Russo strikes again. In the fall of 2003, Amy Russo became a Deputy and FTO'd on the road. Since then, she has risen through the ranks at record speed. Taking time to actually make an arrest or two could not even slow her down. Promoted to Captain of the Airport, Amy Russo became the first BSO Captain to have her SIDA security credentials stripped away from her within 13 months by the Broward County Aviation Division for security violations. The County Administrator demanded that she be removed from the airport immediately for committing such violations and she was sent to the Civil division. Within just a few months, she did such a great job that she was promoted to Major.

A most recent picture of Major Russo on the Broward Sheriff's Office Facebook page shows her with "5" service stripes on her sleeve. BSO policy 3.2.10 (D) clearly states that each service stripe will represent a period of 4 years of SWORN SERVICE and will only authorized after completing the first 4 years of service. Simple math will tell you that from the fall of 2003 through current, she will only have 15 1/2 years of SWORN SERVICE which would equal 3 service stripes. She will be eligible for her 4th service stripe later this year.

Another false representation of who you are and what you have done. Currently has 5 service stripes when policy only allows for 3. You cannot count your crime analyst years and law enforcement.

Yep same B.S. as the wanded Major.

03-01-2019, 08:17 PM
Ummm. Nobody in the agency has less arrests than her. Most people on FTD make more than her 17 arrests

03-01-2019, 08:19 PM
Who cares? Did you not get the Major position because of her? No, then STFU and go make some arrests. My guess is she's still made more than you.

Well Amy is a nice person and I like her so I won’t badmouth her on here. But, I think he original poster makes a good point in general about BSO.

If they like you here you can pretty much screw up as big as you want as much as you want without too many consequences. However, if you’re not one of the crew then God help you if you get your SIDA badge stripped for security violations after a mass shooting. A regular deputy would get put through the ringer for that.

And whether we like it or not that doesn’t speak well of the administration here. They have a different set of rules for those they like as opposed to Those they don’t. It’s completely unprofessional and speaks volumes as to why the morale is lower than whale sh!t around here. It’s why so many good Sgt’s don’t really even want to be Lieutenants. They don’t want to be a part of this mess.

03-01-2019, 09:36 PM
Oh well, I think she’s hot! You should see the pigs running detention!

03-01-2019, 10:19 PM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;2983698]I went and bought a couple extra ones too so I look like a veteran

That’s more stripes, then arrests !

Yep, she was useless as a COP period!

03-01-2019, 10:27 PM
Who cares about being super cop. Nobody cares.

03-01-2019, 10:52 PM
A Major with 14 arrests in her career!!! What a joke!!!

Major embarrassment Russo strikes again. In the fall of 2003, Amy Russo became a Deputy and FTO'd on the road. Since then, she has risen through the ranks at record speed. Taking time to actually make an arrest or two could not even slow her down. Promoted to Captain of the Airport, Amy Russo became the first BSO Captain to have her SIDA security credentials stripped away from her within 13 months by the Broward County Aviation Division for security violations. The County Administrator demanded that she be removed from the airport immediately for committing such violations and she was sent to the Civil division. Within just a few months, she did such a great job that she was promoted to Major.

A most recent picture of Major Russo on the Broward Sheriff's Office Facebook page shows her with "5" service stripes on her sleeve. BSO policy 3.2.10 (D) clearly states that each service stripe will represent a period of 4 years of SWORN SERVICE and will only authorized after completing the first 4 years of service. Simple math will tell you that from the fall of 2003 through current, she will only have 15 1/2 years of SWORN SERVICE which would equal 3 service stripes. She will be eligible for her 4th service stripe later this year.

Another false representation of who you are and what you have done. Currently has 5 service stripes when policy only allows for 3. You cannot count your crime analyst years and law enforcement.

03-01-2019, 11:21 PM
A Major with 14 arrests in her career!!! What a joke!!!

Come on, look at all the jailers with stripes up the Kazoo! Why the hatred for this woman, the hash marks and ribbons mean nothing, look at the ribbons on some of these losers, they look like Mexican Generals. Get a life loser!

03-02-2019, 01:04 AM
If it were you or me who broke a simple policy, we would be at MD Now getting a boot out of our ass. If you are of rank like Amy, it was just a mistake

03-02-2019, 01:14 AM
Who cares? Did you not get the Major position because of her? No, then STFU and go make some arrests. My guess is she's still made more than you.
You must be her husband!!!!!!!!!!

03-02-2019, 01:20 AM
You must be her husband!!!!!!!!!!
Will these politically correct dummies ever f....ing learn? She is Tonys version of Jan Jordan!!!!!
Hey!! Let's send her to Cooper City of Weston for the next big shoot out!!!!!! What ya say? Where did the responsible experienced leaders go????

03-02-2019, 02:01 AM
Will these politically correct dummies ever f....ing learn? She is Tonys version of Jan Jordan!!!!!
Hey!! Let's send her to Cooper City of Weston for the next big shoot out!!!!!! What ya say? Where did the responsible experienced leaders go????

They left this Shizhole.

03-02-2019, 02:32 AM
A Major with 14 arrests in her career!!! What a joke!!!

This can’t be true. No way a major with 21 years on only has 14 arrest in her entire career no way. And if that’s true then I would be totally disgusted with sheriff Tony’s judgement already.

03-02-2019, 03:10 AM
Man stop being so jealous. I hate how this agency tears down their own. You should be effin' applauding when one of our own makes it to Major. How about you stop complaining for a change. This one's a decent one. Some other mother f*$Krs are on a powertrip so high you can't jump high enough for them.

She's never been like that so just do your job and stop being an azzzzz.

03-02-2019, 03:36 AM
Ummm. Nobody in the agency has less arrests than her. Most people on FTD make more than her 17 arrests

Check with that fat eff FTO I Tamarac. He had 0 arrestees last year. A deputy.....

03-02-2019, 05:20 PM
Man stop being so jealous. I hate how this agency tears down their own. You should be effin' applauding when one of our own makes it to Major. How about you stop complaining for a change. This one's a decent one. Some other mother f*$Krs are on a powertrip so high you can't jump high enough for them.

She's never been like that so just do your job and stop being an azzzzz.

No body is tearing her down just stating the facts. We should be happy she kissed ass to the top ? Because with 14 arrest she sure as hell didn’t earn it. And she was kicked out of the airport for breaking security rules.
Yeah we are all going to be happy for her. Please go kiss her ass to her face you get no brownie points on here dumb ass

03-02-2019, 05:39 PM
Look at the Sheriff's xo..Major..he has less than 16 years too..

just saying

03-02-2019, 06:20 PM
Look at the Sheriff's xo..Major..he has less than 16 years too..

just saying

Look at the sheriff’s law enforcement experience 10 years, two as a Sgt! Come on Goldberg beats that!

03-03-2019, 05:30 PM
Look at the sheriff’s law enforcement experience 10 years, two as a Sgt! Come on Goldberg beats that!

After that slick stunt she pulled at the airport (showing off) Jenne and/or Lamberti would have shown that stank smelly azzz the door. Tony is useless and has proven to have very poor judgement when making very basic decisions. He will crumble when faced with critical unpopular decisions, or is that jobless bigmouth Pollack going to advise him at the gym while doing the downward facing doggystyle during yoga? From that petrified useless general counsel to promoting all of the Israel worshiping jailers to the agencies highest levels, hes proven his skill set is no better than who he replaced. To you simpletons that say at least he promoted BSO people, you are a special kind of stupid. Promoting internal feces is just as dangerous as promoting lauderdale feces. You still end up with crap. And speaking of crap, I guess Pollack didnt know about the jesus captain because his useless no phone answering fat azz is still here. Boy, you're all over it. And to those who will now throw out the dead at the airport and school analogy. There is no proof if it happened today that things would turn out any better. This smoke and mirrors crap is a facade. Because he wears a groovy stache and you wish your daughter would date him (your words, not mine) does not qualify him for sheriff in my book. It barely qualified him for sergeant at Springs. Gifting a position as powerful as sheriff to someone for absurd reasons like "cool" got us into this mess to begin with. How ignorant Broward is and its because of the residents. Hes done nothing but take pictures kissing kids and sucking up to whitey at parades. Hes celebrating like hes already won the big fight when in fact he was given a trophy and never had to show up to the game. He gets no respect from me until he runs and wins. And if his team consists of people like this Rizzo chick, well... get used to losing. And his big head will be remembered as temporary tony. The one who fired everyone and painted the walls..

PS- Is that colonel still professing out loud in public with tear filled eyes how in love she is with Temporary? She did that often with Israel. Just wondering... HYPOCRITE TOOL

03-03-2019, 06:27 PM
After that slick stunt she pulled at the airport (showing off) Jenne and/or Lamberti would have shown that stank smelly azzz the door. Tony is useless and has proven to have very poor judgement when making very basic decisions. He will crumble when faced with critical unpopular decisions, or is that jobless bigmouth Pollack going to advise him at the gym while doing the downward facing doggystyle during yoga? From that petrified useless general counsel to promoting all of the Israel worshiping jailers to the agencies highest levels, hes proven his skill set is no better than who he replaced. To you simpletons that say at least he promoted BSO people, you are a special kind of stupid. Promoting internal feces is just as dangerous as promoting lauderdale feces. You still end up with crap. And speaking of crap, I guess Pollack didnt know about the jesus captain because his useless no phone answering fat azz is still here. Boy, you're all over it. And to those who will now throw out the dead at the airport and school analogy. There is no proof if it happened today that things would turn out any better. This smoke and mirrors crap is a facade. Because he wears a groovy stache and you wish your daughter would date him (your words, not mine) does not qualify him for sheriff in my book. It barely qualified him for sergeant at Springs. Gifting a position as powerful as sheriff to someone for absurd reasons like "cool" got us into this mess to begin with. How ignorant Broward is and its because of the residents. Hes done nothing but take pictures kissing kids and sucking up to whitey at parades. Hes celebrating like hes already won the big fight when in fact he was given a trophy and never had to show up to the game. He gets no respect from me until he runs and wins. And if his team consists of people like this Rizzo chick, well... get used to losing. And his big head will be remembered as temporary tony. The one who fired everyone and painted the walls..

PS- Is that colonel still professing out loud in public with tear filled eyes how in love she is with Temporary? She did that often with Israel. Just wondering... HYPOCRITE TOOL

Sorry that Tony makes your old boss look like a crotchety old slouch who owns a dry cleaners. His PEER group are the Sophie Bocks whose daily concerns are mostly about good bowel movements and a hair wash and set. Broward County has a problem with juvenile crime; and the candidate who will take this on will be the one at the PSB. Don't believe it? Just watch. You can yell "racist" all day. It doesn't work anymore. If you haven't noticed, no one is backing down to that anymore. SI went to far left to ever come back to even the middle. Now he can stand and hold hands with the rest of the old crew who are rehashing what almost worked, but DIDN'T in 2016, and again in 2018.

03-04-2019, 05:00 AM
I was just coming on here to post about her lol. Absolutely unreal. She was okay as an analyst( not that hard a job) and was the favorite of page. It was well known in Weston that they were sleeping together. She got turned down to go in the academy the first time because of a “heart problem”. An average cadet at best and then five minutes on the road to home land security. The rest is history.
I don’t want her job, I’m happy where I’m at. If she was a good person and worked her way up by being a good cop, I wouldn’t say a peep. But she is neither. How is a person supposed to lead and make policy if she never did the job?
Sorry, but she’s garbage plain and simple. I’ve been here since Navarro, nothing changes at the top. Ass kissers and do nothings. The only thing different is we can ***** about it here.

03-04-2019, 06:31 AM
I was just coming on here to post about her lol. Absolutely unreal. She was okay as an analyst( not that hard a job) and was the favorite of page. It was well known in Weston that they were sleeping together. She got turned down to go in the academy the first time because of a “heart problem”. An average cadet at best and then five minutes on the road to home land security. The rest is history.
I don’t want her job, I’m happy where I’m at. If she was a good person and worked her way up by being a good cop, I wouldn’t say a peep. But she is neither. How is a person supposed to lead and make policy if she never did the job?
Sorry, but she’s garbage plain and simple. I’ve been here since Navarro, nothing changes at the top. Ass kissers and do nothings. The only thing different is we can ***** about it here.

Right on tell it like it is. So much incompetence in this agency it is such a joke.
And administration wonder’s why Deputies do the bare minimum. It does not pay to hustle anymore.
Do your 12 and go home and worry about what you will do on your RDO’s.
Make it to the finish line and ride off into the Sunset.

03-04-2019, 06:37 PM
After that slick stunt she pulled at the airport (showing off) Jenne and/or Lamberti would have shown that stank smelly azzz the door. Tony is useless and has proven to have very poor judgement when making very basic decisions. He will crumble when faced with critical unpopular decisions, or is that jobless bigmouth Pollack going to advise him at the gym while doing the downward facing doggystyle during yoga? From that petrified useless general counsel to promoting all of the Israel worshiping jailers to the agencies highest levels, hes proven his skill set is no better than who he replaced. To you simpletons that say at least he promoted BSO people, you are a special kind of stupid. Promoting internal feces is just as dangerous as promoting lauderdale feces. You still end up with crap. And speaking of crap, I guess Pollack didnt know about the jesus captain because his useless no phone answering fat azz is still here. Boy, you're all over it. And to those who will now throw out the dead at the airport and school analogy. There is no proof if it happened today that things would turn out any better. This smoke and mirrors crap is a facade. Because he wears a groovy stache and you wish your daughter would date him (your words, not mine) does not qualify him for sheriff in my book. It barely qualified him for sergeant at Springs. Gifting a position as powerful as sheriff to someone for absurd reasons like "cool" got us into this mess to begin with. How ignorant Broward is and its because of the residents. Hes done nothing but take pictures kissing kids and sucking up to whitey at parades. Hes celebrating like hes already won the big fight when in fact he was given a trophy and never had to show up to the game. He gets no respect from me until he runs and wins. And if his team consists of people like this Rizzo chick, well... get used to losing. And his big head will be remembered as temporary tony. The one who fired everyone and painted the walls..

PS- Is that colonel still professing out loud in public with tear filled eyes how in love she is with Temporary? She did that often with Israel. Just wondering... HYPOCRITE TOOL

We're watching, we're reading, we're the donors. If you don't like this candidate, where are your candidates? You do realize that momentum is a variable in an election? Stop all this whining and get your candidate out there to meet the public. WE, the electorate vote them in. All we have to pick is from those who file. The two who have filed and the former are O-U-T, so if this isn't your guy, then find someone. There's no 'shoe in' for Tony. So far, he's been well received but we don't work with him or for him. Good morale in LE is good for the community. Show us a candidate.

03-04-2019, 07:52 PM
We're watching, we're reading, we're the donors. If you don't like this candidate, where are your candidates? You do realize that momentum is a variable in an election? Stop all this whining and get your candidate out there to meet the public. WE, the electorate vote them in. All we have to pick is from those who file. The two who have filed and the former are O-U-T, so if this isn't your guy, then find someone. There's no 'shoe in' for Tony. So far, he's been well received but we don't work with him or for him. Good morale in LE is good for the community. Show us a candidate.
Ok let's run your momma! Stfu and make me a samich beotch!

03-04-2019, 11:30 PM
Major embarrassment Russo strikes again. In the fall of 2003, Amy Russo became a Deputy and FTO'd on the road. Since then, she has risen through the ranks at record speed. Taking time to actually make an arrest or two could not even slow her down. Promoted to Captain of the Airport, Amy Russo became the first BSO Captain to have her SIDA security credentials stripped away from her within 13 months by the Broward County Aviation Division for security violations. The County Administrator demanded that she be removed from the airport immediately for committing such violations and she was sent to the Civil division. Within just a few months, she did such a great job that she was promoted to Major.

A most recent picture of Major Russo on the Broward Sheriff's Office Facebook page shows her with "5" service stripes on her sleeve. BSO policy 3.2.10 (D) clearly states that each service stripe will represent a period of 4 years of SWORN SERVICE and will only authorized after completing the first 4 years of service. Simple math will tell you that from the fall of 2003 through current, she will only have 15 1/2 years of SWORN SERVICE which would equal 3 service stripes. She will be eligible for her 4th service stripe later this year.

Another false representation of who you are and what you have done. Currently has 5 service stripes when policy only allows for 3. You cannot count your crime analyst years and law enforcement.

could not have made a worse selection. this is a real screw up.