View Full Version : Hola

02-16-2019, 03:06 PM
The story, all names, charactoers, and incidents potrayed in this story are ficticious and no animals were harmed in the making of this.....and so it begins. In a galaxy far, far away

History has a way of repeating it self around this place and we study history to prevent making the same mistakes. But not like this place, that would make too much sense.

The current structure is a pyramid with ding dong at the top. Real organizations are upside down pyramids where the top ding dong is at the bottom supporting all of us. This guy bullys you into submission and quite frankly we have lost all confidence in our head ding dong.

Why you ask? He forced a sgt to resign or be fired way before an investigation was completed violating his rights. You can't tell someone to resign or be fired before an investigation is done.

That is his style though violating our rights. I know, walk up there and tell this to his face. I am not trhat stupid. He though will be the first one to tell you how many policies you violated and tells you to quit.

Confidence has been lost. I am putting forth a motion to have the sheriff or FDLE inestigate this gross violation of an officer's rights. Yes, an IA on our head ding dong who is nothing more than a bully. Who will second this motion. And yes the city manager wioll be sent this also.

You need to go ding dong. We all have lost faith and coinfidence. You are no leader.


Brown spots

02-17-2019, 11:42 PM
And don't forget another lesson, do not trust the RAT that sued the agency years ago and lost. Remember, she is not your friend.

02-18-2019, 01:38 PM
MH probably wants a patch of popeye on PPPD’s uniform because he’s that legendary in his own mind. He’s a waste and no leader at all!