View Full Version : Now Lookie Here

Lamont Sanford
01-30-2019, 11:50 PM
IMs the new sheriffs wheter you likes it or not so shut up about my driver and his swinging habits. The main thing he knows where’s the white women’s are at and that’s all that matters.

01-31-2019, 12:03 AM
The only thing this mope substitute sheriff has proven hes good at is escorting staff out of facilities. Kind of like shooting fish in a barrel. Other than that, he hes shown no strong attributes in any other area after 4 weeks at the helm. You gullible hacks that have fallen in love with his empty suite presence are about to be majorly disappointed- no matter how many times he has just promoted you. Same crap, same agency..,,.,. same crap agency. Didn't this hypocrite just promote a sergeant to major and didn't he promote the jail hero to Col over finance? Unless you are the one being promoted, to the rest of us, he comes across as another dufus with no plan. Just what we needed. Willy and Vazquesz are looking better and better.

01-31-2019, 12:21 AM
So you clear out the psb only to put a badge and id on pollock strutting around the secure bldg as if he has been made undersheriff.
Making cuts necessary but do you have any clue wtf you are doing?
Between the entire operation there is more spent at photo ops than learning the job.

Lets all pray for bso and tony

01-31-2019, 12:45 AM
So you clear out the psb only to put a badge and id on pollock strutting around the secure bldg as if he has been made undersheriff.
Making cuts necessary but do you have any clue wtf you are doing?
Between the entire operation there is more spent at photo ops than learning the job.

Lets all pray for bso and tony

He got the facial hair policy squared away and now he’s working on the body piercing and tattoo policy. It should be out soon.

01-31-2019, 01:18 AM
Tony is just a puppet to Andrew Pollock. Tony squatted Andrew in the gym and now it's payback time. All you pos got what you deserve .lmao

01-31-2019, 01:26 AM
Shouldn't you guys be out looking for work now that you're out of a job

01-31-2019, 01:31 AM
Tony is just a puppet to Andrew Pollock. Tony squatted Andrew in the gym and now it's payback time. All you pos got what you deserve .lmao

Thanks capt saggy pants. Now makes me a sammiche

01-31-2019, 01:36 AM
What a bunch of sniveling whiners. You're jealous because Andy Pollack accomplished what you couldn't. Where's YOUR friend from the gym, or anyone else that you proposed for an interim Sheriff? No... it was easier to sit around and gripe "Scott ain't goin' nowhere. Nothin's gonna change....." Andy helped clean the house; well, most of it.. And, he's handsome as all hell. He can walk around the PSB all day. Now, get back to your post and make sure the schools are safe. That issue is BIG on the agenda. Make us proud.

01-31-2019, 02:28 AM
Shouldn't you guys be out looking for work now that you're out of a job

Nope. Collecting my 3 pensions, 3rd pension thanks to Israel, and hanging out.

01-31-2019, 03:49 AM
By time sgt. Tony gets done. He will have promoted enough of his friends to majors and colonels to make a Tarzan movie.