View Full Version : Health trust

01-17-2019, 02:14 PM
Tommie you need to remove ortiz from the health trust immediately. You need to investigate/audit the $3 million dollar APL contract deal he single handedly negotiated for the health trust behind closed doors and see how much money in kick backs he is receiving. This is a sham. The insurance broker who ortiz brought in to sell this sham wont even tell the board how much of a commission he is making from the $3 million dollar deal.

The entire health trust board needs to be replaced before they run it into bankruptcy. This will affect ALL members.

As the FOP president Tommie, you have the responsibility and obligation to protect the trust, and ortiz has made some real shady deals with the trust money. You decided to run for president and congrats on your election so now you have to act in good faith and begin to unearth and the sh$T that ortiz and company has been doing and expose it. Believe me you will find criminal acts have been committed.

We are depending on you. You have the ability to do the right thing and secure your position as the FOP pres. Don't be intimidated.