View Full Version : Stambaugh on Restricted Duty

01-03-2019, 11:04 PM
Sheriff thinks that offering up one more every time he's in a corner will keep the heat off of him. Not gonna work.


01-03-2019, 11:38 PM
Another wannabee special forces scholar. Fat sack of shit.

01-03-2019, 11:41 PM
No, not Stambough....

01-04-2019, 12:21 AM
He did have fat fingers in the video...He is probably a real fatso.

01-04-2019, 12:34 AM
I truly don't know how he sleeps at night knowing that he could have at least ATTEMPTED to help. He has the courage to work 80 hours a week and make $150k, but he's only a glorified security guard at best. Trying to blame it on lack of training, when he certainly remembers taking it, is a cop out.

01-04-2019, 12:40 AM
He is a ****ing coward. Those were children. He needed to man up. **** policy. No One with of written him up. He is a coward. He needs to be terminated.

01-04-2019, 12:43 AM
Excuse my grammar. I know the grammar police are out there.

01-04-2019, 12:45 AM
They were kids. This is disgusting. We all know it.

01-04-2019, 12:46 AM
Sheriff thinks that offering up one more every time he's in a corner will keep the heat off of him. Not gonna work.


True statement!

The body camera could have pointed out the failure to act, immediately after incident! I mean, isn’t that what they are made for???

Do you really think this was Just revealed, the Sheriff knew this all along. He is just feeding the gods to try to save himself one lamb at a time...

01-04-2019, 01:08 AM
Their are U.S. military members that will sacrifice their lives by jumping on an explosive, so the unit moves on. They would give their lives. Incredible. These deputies failed those children. We know this. Don't blame Coral Springs Police, BSO Deputies, and any other agency that responded and did their job.
Taxpayers should not fund their pensions. This is bull. You know it. It could of been your children.

01-04-2019, 02:43 AM
Fat slob , you sat by while kids were dying. I hope you sleep well at night your a POS.

01-04-2019, 02:53 AM
Agreed...Those children that died will be waiting for him. He just dissent know it yet.

01-04-2019, 02:54 AM

01-04-2019, 02:56 AM
Doesn't... sorry

01-04-2019, 05:01 AM
Just for the record, NC killed all of the victims before Stambaugh pulled up to the school. The shots heard on his camera were NC shooting out the windows. Almost a minute after he shot the last victim on the third floor. He could have saved no one. The commissionknows this, the media knows it, and the sheriff knows it. Yes he should have follwed the other deps on to the campus, but he could not have saved any kids. The killing was long over before he even got out of his car. Now move on already.

01-04-2019, 05:16 AM
Just for the record, NC killed all of the victims before Stambaugh pulled up to the school. The shots heard on his camera were NC shooting out the windows. Almost a minute after he shot the last victim on the third floor. He could have saved no one. The commissionknows this, the media knows it, and the sheriff knows it. Yes he should have follwed the other deps on to the campus, but he could not have saved any kids. The killing was long over before he even got out of his car. Now move on already.

Good try but sorry that doesn't fly. First if you come to work w/o a vest on then you enter the building w/o your vest on. I am sure on a traffic stop he doesn't say hold on before I write this ticket I must put on my vest.
Fat Josh had NO intentions of going into that school by his own actions. And why would that motorman hang with him while he gets dressed?? Both Cowards???
Nobody Knew what was going on in that school, who was being shot or if he was shooting out glass. He stopped in front of the school got his Fat A$$ dressed and then drove 4 miles and took up a Perimeter position...are you F’in kidding me. You are trying to defend this guy...really. Must be Josh or a family member trying to stick up for his actions or lack there of.

Hopefully Krappy and the rest will be next!

01-04-2019, 05:20 AM
It was common knowledge that Parkland was a "Retired on Duty" area. I am not surprised by the video at all. Everyone thinks LEO's are all gung ho but at the end of the the day we are inundated in Stambaugh's. I honestly believe there are more LEO's that will not go in than there are that will. Pension and benefits are what these none going in mother$%ckers got into this business for and they usually make it out of their career thinking they are hero's. I hate what happened at MSD but I am glad these fake azz cops were identified. I hope they fire all of them. In this business someone will punch your time card and you got to go to work. A bunch of Road Secretaries is what responded initially to Parkland. Fire the lot of them.

01-04-2019, 01:11 PM
Fire the Fat Bastich!

01-04-2019, 02:46 PM
Just for the record, NC killed all of the victims before Stambaugh pulled up to the school. The shots heard on his camera were NC shooting out the windows. Almost a minute after he shot the last victim on the third floor. He could have saved no one. The commissionknows this, the media knows it, and the sheriff knows it. Yes he should have follwed the other deps on to the campus, but he could not have saved any kids. The killing was long over before he even got out of his car. Now move on already.

NIce try Josh. You should have gone in. You didn't know that he was only just randomly shooting at this point. It was still an active shooter. If you couldn't have saved lives by taking out the shooter, you could have started rescue of the victims.

01-04-2019, 03:08 PM
NIce try Josh. You should have gone in. You didn't know that he was only just randomly shooting at this point. It was still an active shooter. If you couldn't have saved lives by taking out the shooter, you could have started rescue of the victims.

But there were free doughnuts to eat and a fat belly to stuff. No pension for cowards!

01-04-2019, 03:57 PM
Good try but sorry that doesn't fly. First if you come to work w/o a vest on then you enter the building w/o your vest on. I am sure on a traffic stop he doesn't say hold on before I write this ticket I must put on my vest.
Fat Josh had NO intentions of going into that school by his own actions. And why would that motorman hang with him while he gets dressed?? Both Cowards???
Nobody Knew what was going on in that school, who was being shot or if he was shooting out glass. He stopped in front of the school got his Fat A$$ dressed and then drove 4 miles and took up a Perimeter position...are you F’in kidding me. You are trying to defend this guy...really. Must be Josh or a family member trying to stick up for his actions or lack there of.

Hopefully Krappy and the rest will be next!

So, would it be reasonable to conclude that on moral grounds those who followed "policy" should be held accountable, but when we're talking about the Sheriff's deviations and discrepancies we should split hairs with law and policy? You can't have it both ways; which is why the Sheriff has delayed disciplinary action, throwing a crumb here and there when the noise gets too loud. This is why the conclusion of the Sheriff's on the commission is outrageous. They are all for stringing up the deputies for their bad choices, but their counterpart and "brother" gets a pass. The disciplinary action toward the 8 isn't so significant in the big picture. Put do nothings in a do nothing district with do nothing command and tell them everyday to do nothing. This is what you get. Sheriff chose JAN JORDAN to keep Parkland quiet. She performed her expected function.