View Full Version : This article is the worst damage ever for Hairplugs

12-26-2018, 01:33 PM
This is the best Christmas present I could ever have gotten. The Sun Sentinel Editorial finally saids Hairplugs should be removed. Remember the **** and bull statement that your enemies that came against you would die from a horrible disease ? Remember Scottie you POS. Looks like you caught your own disease.
Read the article and what a great gift.


12-26-2018, 02:07 PM
This isn't going to happen. Do your job and don't worry about politics. Go fishing or whatever you like doing.

12-26-2018, 02:11 PM
Bad sign for the sheriff when even the scum sentinel is turning on him...

12-26-2018, 02:12 PM
This isn't going to happen. Do your job and don't worry about politics. Go fishing or whatever you like doing.

If you weren't similarly "worried" then you wouldn't interject with your little take that it's not going to happen. Why don't you take a little of your own advice?

12-26-2018, 02:32 PM
He was praised for handing out Turkey's.. freaking hilarious...

12-26-2018, 02:42 PM
Just saw a moving company on the side of the PSB taking boxes out?

12-26-2018, 03:02 PM
Just saw a moving company on the side of the PSB taking boxes out?

That was the FBI executing a search warrant.

12-26-2018, 03:04 PM
Israel 2020 brothers!!!!!

12-26-2018, 03:08 PM
What is known Sheriff Isreal is in deep water with no life vest nor fuel and he has one paddle.
The filling of positions with staff unqualified to fulfill the responsibilities finally caught up with him and his Fort Lauderdale cronies and political paybacks.
The List goes on.
It would serve our community well if he would just resign and go out gracefully. But if the Governor removes him it would only further erode the trust this agency once held.
Enough talking points to put any potential candidate on the ballot to challenge a Lame Duck Sheriff.
Horrific Policy and Procedures
Incompetent Leadership
Wasteful Funding
Inexperienced Staff Promotions and Hiring

12-26-2018, 03:17 PM
Long overdue. One of the inaccuracies is that crime is down in Broward. Not true.

Actually, crime isn't down at all and hasn't been since 2013. Let's start with juvenile crime, shall we...

Crime will be crime, and cops will be cops, once again, starting in 2019.

We can; we must and we SHALL Fixit; for one and for ALL. Be Safe.

12-26-2018, 05:00 PM
Today's editorial opinion by the Sun Sentinel is a signal to Tallahassee that they support the Sheriff's removal. Say Israel 2020 again and again if it helps you sleep at night, or convinces you that your job is safe, but the truth is - he will be removed and he will never serve public office again - ever.

Israel's incompetence, rampant since he was sworn in, came to a head at the MSD commission hearings. As he stood in front of MSD Commission and received their "soft ball" pitches thrown at him he could not hide his incompetence. So the lop-sided, Sun Sentinel editorial board can no longer ignore the dangerous, malicious and corrupt Sheriff. In addition to all of his failures, they did not mention his loss of accreditation. Our agency, once known has the largest FULLY-accredited Sheriff's Department in the nation - is no longer CALEA accredited and the laughing stock of a nation.

The current state of the Sheriff's Office not a reflection of the hard-working, dedicated personnel who attained their careers from years of experience and proven leadership - it is a reflection of the worms, snakes and rats that infiltrated the agency since Israel took office. For those of us who did not cave to pressures of this command and continued doing the right thing and those of us who were transferred as a result of speaking up against this regime - there is a light at the end of this corrupt tunnel.

The only way to fix the current state of affairs at BSO is to:
Evaluate the entire hiring process and those hired since January 2013. If unqualified, did not meet standards based on previous history, FIRED.

Evaluate all promotions since 2013 - anyone promoted under this administration who is qualified for their promotion should have no concern. Anyone promoted due to affiliation or political favor - immediately demoted and or FIRED.

Re-attain all accreditation. Seems small or silly? It is an assurance our agency is working above board, within national and state guidelines.

Make training a priority - re-evaluate all training courses (homeless outreach and deescalation) and prioritize to ensure all deputies are FIT for duty and well-trained.

As for the community - what they want to hear, want to know is that all sworn personnel are well-trained, ethical and ready to serve their communities (that is the only public outreach this agency needs, not turkeys or bicycles).

2019 will prove to be a better year for personnel who have been beat down for the in-actions of others and due to a failed command structure.

Regardless of your political affiliations, your job is in public service - you are not in service to a corrupt political hack. So whoever is named our new Sheriff - we must give that person the benefit of the doubt and support him or her to FIX a very broken agency.

Thank you Sun Sentinel, for finally hearing the voice of the community in which your paper distributes information!!!

12-26-2018, 05:14 PM
Fix what ? Please explain.

12-26-2018, 05:33 PM
Fix what ? Please explain.

You can't be that ignorant.

12-26-2018, 05:35 PM
Yee Haw!!!

Now we're cookin' with gas!!


12-26-2018, 06:19 PM
So we get a new sheriff and automatically we grow a set of balls. Some have it and some dont. You will never know until your put in this type of situation.

12-26-2018, 06:40 PM
So we get a new sheriff and automatically we grow a set of balls. Some have it and some dont. You will never know until your put in this type of situation.

Just a hypothetical:

Let's say I don't have much for balls; but it's go time. I can stand behind a tree or crap my pants running in to prevent being called a coward for the rest of my life. Yeah, i'll crap in my pants, and who knows, maybe i'll scream like a girl running in, but, i'll do it.

Prior to 9/11, airline passengers did not fight hijackers. Post 9/11, they did. It's the acceptance of reality that changes things. Not surprising it was revealed that Peterson was saying " I can't believe this is happening" He was heard saying it, but a lot of people were thinking it. If you spent a week in that district, you can understand how denial was a major factor. It's a reality at any time, in any location. There won't be another response like that.

12-26-2018, 07:40 PM
Long overdue. One of the inaccuracies is that crime is down in Broward. Not true.

Actually, crime isn't down at all and hasn't been since 2013. Let's start with juvenile crime, shall we...

Crime will be crime, and cops will be cops, once again, starting in 2019.

We can; we must and we SHALL Fixit; for one and for ALL. Be Safe.

Reporting and productivity are down, but who cares! It’s just numbers!

12-26-2018, 07:53 PM
Just a hypothetical:

Let's say I don't have much for balls; but it's go time. I can stand behind a tree or crap my pants running in to prevent being called a coward for the rest of my life. Yeah, i'll crap in my pants, and who knows, maybe i'll scream like a girl running in, but, i'll do it.

Prior to 9/11, airline passengers did not fight hijackers. Post 9/11, they did. It's the acceptance of reality that changes things. Not surprising it was revealed that Peterson was saying " I can't believe this is happening" He was heard saying it, but a lot of people were thinking it. If you spent a week in that district, you can understand how denial was a major factor. It's a reality at any time, in any location. There won't be another response like that.

I disagree, wherever liberal democrats are in power there will be responses like that. Look at Chicago and Baltimore and Detroit, Cops in those cities have all but pulled out in some of the war zones in those cities. How do you think they end up with dozens shot every other week?

Cops get slammed for doing their jobs to the point they stop doing their jobs. Broward is going down the same path and better do a u turn before it’s too late.

I thought it was incredibly hypocritical for Jake Tapper to scold the Sheriff. The fact is CNN promotes the liberal mind set that created this mess in the first place. When CNN is done attacking the sheriff for the incompetence of liberal policing, they go back to attacking cops for doing their job. You can’t have it both ways liberals.

That’s called fantasy land which is why Tapper talks like he’s seven feet tall when in reality he’s a tiny man at 5 foot seven inches. I find it hilarious myself because Tapper is an angry elf. I know he has two fifty inch plasmas and a vacation home in Vail. But he’s still pathetic for his hypocrisy.

12-26-2018, 08:11 PM
You idiots dont get it. When Israel gets replaced and hes going to be replaced before 2/14, you're not going to get the messiah. You're going to get someone who we hold you accountable. The BWCs are here to stay and the current command staff will be replaced with previously retired bso command retreads. Nothing will change except the faces and things will not get better. BSO is a horrible place to work and will continue to be that way until the whole place is gutted, which will never happen. You're all doomed!

12-26-2018, 08:25 PM
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” “Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.” “Leaders have the courage to make unpopular decisions and gut calls.”

12-26-2018, 08:50 PM
You idiots dont get it. When Israel gets replaced and hes going to be replaced before 2/14, you're not going to get the messiah. You're going to get someone who we hold you accountable. The BWCs are here to stay and the current command staff will be replaced with previously retired bso command retreads. Nothing will change except the faces and things will not get better. BSO is a horrible place to work and will continue to be that way until the whole place is gutted, which will never happen. You're all doomed!

100% correct sir!!! Remember when Navarro got voted out? Cochran came in and things got worse. Remember what people said?? "I don't care how bad it gets. At least it is not Navarro!"

Cochran died while in office. Jenne comes in. It was business as usual, with a slight improvement here and there. What did they say? "Well, at least it's not Cochran anymore."

Jenne gets indicted and removed from office. Lamberti comes in. More garbage. What did they say? "Well, at least it's not Jenne anymore!"

Lamberti gets voted out and Israel takes over. People said, "I'm glad we got rid of the Lamer!" More of the same and it looks like his removal from office is on the horizon. When a new clown comes in, brings his own friends and promotes his supporters, you will be able to say, "Well, at least we got rid of Israel!"

The cycle always repeats itself.

12-26-2018, 09:09 PM
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” “Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others.” “Leaders have the courage to make unpopular decisions and gut calls.”


12-26-2018, 09:12 PM
You idiots dont get it. When Israel gets replaced and hes going to be replaced before 2/14, you're not going to get the messiah. You're going to get someone who we hold you accountable. The BWCs are here to stay and the current command staff will be replaced with previously retired bso command retreads. Nothing will change except the faces and things will not get better. BSO is a horrible place to work and will continue to be that way until the whole place is gutted, which will never happen. You're all doomed!

You sound like a serious Pu$$y.

12-26-2018, 09:15 PM
You idiots dont get it. When Israel gets replaced and hes going to be replaced before 2/14, you're not going to get the messiah. You're going to get someone who we hold you accountable. The BWCs are here to stay and the current command staff will be replaced with previously retired bso command retreads. Nothing will change except the faces and things will not get better. BSO is a horrible place to work and will continue to be that way until the whole place is gutted, which will never happen. You're all doomed!

The BWC’s are a drain on a budget and a political stunt that effectively shut down proactive policing and created a huge distrust between the troops and command. Considering the data storage cost I wouldn’t be so sure about its longevity.

12-26-2018, 09:35 PM
I disagree, wherever liberal democrats are in power there will be responses like that. Look at Chicago and Baltimore and Detroit, Cops in those cities have all but pulled out in some of the war zones in those cities. How do you think they end up with dozens shot every other week?

Cops get slammed for doing their jobs to the point they stop doing their jobs. Broward is going down the same path and better do a u turn before it’s too late.

I thought it was incredibly hypocritical for Jake Tapper to scold the Sheriff. The fact is CNN promotes the liberal mind set that created this mess in the first place. When CNN is done attacking the sheriff for the incompetence of liberal policing, they go back to attacking cops for doing their job. You can’t have it both ways liberals.

That’s called fantasy land which is why Tapper talks like he’s seven feet tall when in reality he’s a tiny man at 5 foot seven inches. I find it hilarious myself because Tapper is an angry elf. I know he has two fifty inch plasmas and a vacation home in Vail. But he’s still pathetic for his hypocrisy.


12-26-2018, 09:40 PM
For those of you who post “Israel 2020” if it makes you sleep better at night or provides you with a confidence that you will have a job in the new year, well keep repeating that mantra.

The editorial from Sun Sentinel is not a message to Israel or his command staff, it is a direct message to Tallahassee, that lop-sided Sun Sentinel, who has endorsed and come to Israel’s defense, agrees that for everyone’s safety in Broward County, the corrupt Sheriff must go.

For those of you who post “You will get the same crap, this place will never change” if you follow that mantra… it is time for you to retire or find new employment. It is people like you are who will not run towards danger when it presents itself. That is something your colleagues fear, so please, just go.

Employees who have stood up to wrong-doings by this command and faced its tyrannical backlash, do not feel anger or hurt towards the department, just those who created an environment of fear and intimidation. If you were transferred as a result on not being in the Sheriff’s good graces, or because you did what was right, be proud. You can hold your head high knowing you never bowed to the pressure of maniacal leaders out to promote themselves, not their people.

For the person who will be appointed to replace Israel (that is happening by the way), these are suggestions to improve public support, internal morale and to begin to right the wrongs of the past Sheriffs (Jenne, Lamberti and Israel):

Hiring Review – All personnel hired from January 2013 until now, who did not meet the necessary requirements of the job, did not have the experience or had questionable backgrounds must be immediately terminated. If you were hired in the normal process, like 93% of us at the agency – you have nothing to fear.

Promotional Review – All personnel who have been promoted since January 2013 should be reviewed, as with unfair hiring practices, if a person was promoted without experience, qualifications, or due to a friendship with Israel, their promotion should be revoked, or if above the rank of lieutenant, fired. If you were promoted in the normal process, with years of service, scoring well on your tests, you have nothing to fear.

Accreditation – What was once the nation’s largest, fully-accredited sheriff’s department, is now a disgrace. CALEA. the largest accrediting body for law enforcement, was revoked. All areas of operation should meet the high standards set forth by these governing bodies. Think it doesn’t matter? It does, to the public, peers and those of us who are proud to protect our communities.

Outreach – Giving away turkeys, bikes and other paid items to earn community support, should be left to social service agencies, not law enforcement. Want the public’s support? Be ethical, dedicated and support your troops, that is all the community outreach you will need.

Training – Real training has been long-overdue. Not homeless outreach (that unit must be disbanded ASAP) or de-escalation. Ensure the most qualified personnel are training and recording that training of all personnel.
Repair Relationships – Cities who contract with BSO despise its leadership, not the personnel who service their communities. As a new Sheriff, meet with each City Manager and Mayor individually to understand what they want and need from their law enforcement provider.

Encourage – Arrests are down? Crime is down? No, as deputies we do not have the support to do our jobs and keep our communities safe. Change that culture immediately.

Make a real PROMISE – Eliminate the failed promise program Israel contracted to abide by with Broward County Schools. Empower law enforcement to do the job they were hired to do.

Turn your back – On all hangers on, those who want to be part of the department and its affiliations, all political hacks, people who want something from the agency outside of what it provides, which is public safety only.

I will fully-support a DeSantis replacement, don’t care about their political affiliation, as long as they are not part of the current regime.

12-26-2018, 10:02 PM
For those of you who post “Israel 2020” if it makes you sleep better at night or provides you with a confidence that you will have a job in the new year, well keep repeating that mantra.

The editorial from Sun Sentinel is not a message to Israel or his command staff, it is a direct message to Tallahassee, that lop-sided Sun Sentinel, who has endorsed and come to Israel’s defense, agrees that for everyone’s safety in Broward County, the corrupt Sheriff must go.

For those of you who post “You will get the same crap, this place will never change” if you follow that mantra… it is time for you to retire or find new employment. It is people like you are who will not run towards danger when it presents itself. That is something your colleagues fear, so please, just go.

Employees who have stood up to wrong-doings by this command and faced its tyrannical backlash, do not feel anger or hurt towards the department, just those who created an environment of fear and intimidation. If you were transferred as a result on not being in the Sheriff’s good graces, or because you did what was right, be proud. You can hold your head high knowing you never bowed to the pressure of maniacal leaders out to promote themselves, not their people.

For the person who will be appointed to replace Israel (that is happening by the way), these are suggestions to improve public support, internal morale and to begin to right the wrongs of the past Sheriffs (Jenne, Lamberti and Israel):

Hiring Review – All personnel hired from January 2013 until now, who did not meet the necessary requirements of the job, did not have the experience or had questionable backgrounds must be immediately terminated. If you were hired in the normal process, like 93% of us at the agency – you have nothing to fear.

Promotional Review – All personnel who have been promoted since January 2013 should be reviewed, as with unfair hiring practices, if a person was promoted without experience, qualifications, or due to a friendship with Israel, their promotion should be revoked, or if above the rank of lieutenant, fired. If you were promoted in the normal process, with years of service, scoring well on your tests, you have nothing to fear.

Accreditation – What was once the nation’s largest, fully-accredited sheriff’s department, is now a disgrace. CALEA. the largest accrediting body for law enforcement, was revoked. All areas of operation should meet the high standards set forth by these governing bodies. Think it doesn’t matter? It does, to the public, peers and those of us who are proud to protect our communities.

Outreach – Giving away turkeys, bikes and other paid items to earn community support, should be left to social service agencies, not law enforcement. Want the public’s support? Be ethical, dedicated and support your troops, that is all the community outreach you will need.

Training – Real training has been long-overdue. Not homeless outreach (that unit must be disbanded ASAP) or de-escalation. Ensure the most qualified personnel are training and recording that training of all personnel.
Repair Relationships – Cities who contract with BSO despise its leadership, not the personnel who service their communities. As a new Sheriff, meet with each City Manager and Mayor individually to understand what they want and need from their law enforcement provider.

Encourage – Arrests are down? Crime is down? No, as deputies we do not have the support to do our jobs and keep our communities safe. Change that culture immediately.

Make a real PROMISE – Eliminate the failed promise program Israel contracted to abide by with Broward County Schools. Empower law enforcement to do the job they were hired to do.

Turn your back – On all hangers on, those who want to be part of the department and its affiliations, all political hacks, people who want something from the agency outside of what it provides, which is public safety only.

I will fully-support a DeSantis replacement, don’t care about their political affiliation, as long as they are not part of the current regime.

Really dude? You obviously don’t work here. Fire people? We are down 200 bodies, theres so much overtime people don’t want it. There’s are deputies working overtime in a daily basis. I don’t know what you’re smoking but that’s some good sh!t.

12-26-2018, 10:25 PM
For those of you who post “Israel 2020” if it makes you sleep better at night or provides you with a confidence that you will have a job in the new year, well keep repeating that mantra.

The editorial from Sun Sentinel is not a message to Israel or his command staff, it is a direct message to Tallahassee, that lop-sided Sun Sentinel, who has endorsed and come to Israel’s defense, agrees that for everyone’s safety in Broward County, the corrupt Sheriff must go.

For those of you who post “You will get the same crap, this place will never change” if you follow that mantra… it is time for you to retire or find new employment. It is people like you are who will not run towards danger when it presents itself. That is something your colleagues fear, so please, just go.

Employees who have stood up to wrong-doings by this command and faced its tyrannical backlash, do not feel anger or hurt towards the department, just those who created an environment of fear and intimidation. If you were transferred as a result on not being in the Sheriff’s good graces, or because you did what was right, be proud. You can hold your head high knowing you never bowed to the pressure of maniacal leaders out to promote themselves, not their people.

For the person who will be appointed to replace Israel (that is happening by the way), these are suggestions to improve public support, internal morale and to begin to right the wrongs of the past Sheriffs (Jenne, Lamberti and Israel):

Hiring Review – All personnel hired from January 2013 until now, who did not meet the necessary requirements of the job, did not have the experience or had questionable backgrounds must be immediately terminated. If you were hired in the normal process, like 93% of us at the agency – you have nothing to fear.

Promotional Review – All personnel who have been promoted since January 2013 should be reviewed, as with unfair hiring practices, if a person was promoted without experience, qualifications, or due to a friendship with Israel, their promotion should be revoked, or if above the rank of lieutenant, fired. If you were promoted in the normal process, with years of service, scoring well on your tests, you have nothing to fear.

Accreditation – What was once the nation’s largest, fully-accredited sheriff’s department, is now a disgrace. CALEA. the largest accrediting body for law enforcement, was revoked. All areas of operation should meet the high standards set forth by these governing bodies. Think it doesn’t matter? It does, to the public, peers and those of us who are proud to protect our communities.

Outreach – Giving away turkeys, bikes and other paid items to earn community support, should be left to social service agencies, not law enforcement. Want the public’s support? Be ethical, dedicated and support your troops, that is all the community outreach you will need.

Training – Real training has been long-overdue. Not homeless outreach (that unit must be disbanded ASAP) or de-escalation. Ensure the most qualified personnel are training and recording that training of all personnel.
Repair Relationships – Cities who contract with BSO despise its leadership, not the personnel who service their communities. As a new Sheriff, meet with each City Manager and Mayor individually to understand what they want and need from their law enforcement provider.

Encourage – Arrests are down? Crime is down? No, as deputies we do not have the support to do our jobs and keep our communities safe. Change that culture immediately.

Make a real PROMISE – Eliminate the failed promise program Israel contracted to abide by with Broward County Schools. Empower law enforcement to do the job they were hired to do.

Turn your back – On all hangers on, those who want to be part of the department and its affiliations, all political hacks, people who want something from the agency outside of what it provides, which is public safety only.

I will fully-support a DeSantis replacement, don’t care about their political affiliation, as long as they are not part of the current regime.

You sound exactly like what’s wrong with this Agency.
I couldn’t even finish reading your rumbling.
Too much time in your hands and god only knows what else you are holding.

12-26-2018, 10:34 PM
You sound exactly like what’s wrong with this Agency.
I couldn’t even finish reading your rumbling.
Too much time in your hands and god only knows what else you are holding.

This guy must of been hired before Jan/2013. He is the town clown.

12-26-2018, 10:43 PM
You sound exactly like what’s wrong with this Agency.
I couldn’t even finish reading your rumbling.
Too much time in your hands and god only knows what else you are holding.

Says the guy who is out of a job in January. Tick Tock!

12-26-2018, 10:45 PM
Really dude? You obviously don’t work here. Fire people? We are down 200 bodies, theres so much overtime people don’t want it. There’s are deputies working overtime in a daily basis. I don’t know what you’re smoking but that’s some good sh!t.

Dude, you must be of the percentage hired without merit. Also, majority of those hires are civilian and fluffed up command. Good luck in 2019.

12-26-2018, 10:53 PM
For those of you who post “Israel 2020” if it makes you sleep better at night or provides you with a confidence that you will have a job in the new year, well keep repeating that mantra.

The editorial from Sun Sentinel is not a message to Israel or his command staff, it is a direct message to Tallahassee, that lop-sided Sun Sentinel, who has endorsed and come to Israel’s defense, agrees that for everyone’s safety in Broward County, the corrupt Sheriff must go.

For those of you who post “You will get the same crap, this place will never change” if you follow that mantra… it is time for you to retire or find new employment. It is people like you are who will not run towards danger when it presents itself. That is something your colleagues fear, so please, just go.

Employees who have stood up to wrong-doings by this command and faced its tyrannical backlash, do not feel anger or hurt towards the department, just those who created an environment of fear and intimidation. If you were transferred as a result on not being in the Sheriff’s good graces, or because you did what was right, be proud. You can hold your head high knowing you never bowed to the pressure of maniacal leaders out to promote themselves, not their people.

For the person who will be appointed to replace Israel (that is happening by the way), these are suggestions to improve public support, internal morale and to begin to right the wrongs of the past Sheriffs (Jenne, Lamberti and Israel):

Hiring Review – All personnel hired from January 2013 until now, who did not meet the necessary requirements of the job, did not have the experience or had questionable backgrounds must be immediately terminated. If you were hired in the normal process, like 93% of us at the agency – you have nothing to fear.

Promotional Review – All personnel who have been promoted since January 2013 should be reviewed, as with unfair hiring practices, if a person was promoted without experience, qualifications, or due to a friendship with Israel, their promotion should be revoked, or if above the rank of lieutenant, fired. If you were promoted in the normal process, with years of service, scoring well on your tests, you have nothing to fear.

Accreditation – What was once the nation’s largest, fully-accredited sheriff’s department, is now a disgrace. CALEA. the largest accrediting body for law enforcement, was revoked. All areas of operation should meet the high standards set forth by these governing bodies. Think it doesn’t matter? It does, to the public, peers and those of us who are proud to protect our communities.

Outreach – Giving away turkeys, bikes and other paid items to earn community support, should be left to social service agencies, not law enforcement. Want the public’s support? Be ethical, dedicated and support your troops, that is all the community outreach you will need.

Training – Real training has been long-overdue. Not homeless outreach (that unit must be disbanded ASAP) or de-escalation. Ensure the most qualified personnel are training and recording that training of all personnel.
Repair Relationships – Cities who contract with BSO despise its leadership, not the personnel who service their communities. As a new Sheriff, meet with each City Manager and Mayor individually to understand what they want and need from their law enforcement provider.

Encourage – Arrests are down? Crime is down? No, as deputies we do not have the support to do our jobs and keep our communities safe. Change that culture immediately.

Make a real PROMISE – Eliminate the failed promise program Israel contracted to abide by with Broward County Schools. Empower law enforcement to do the job they were hired to do.

Turn your back – On all hangers on, those who want to be part of the department and its affiliations, all political hacks, people who want something from the agency outside of what it provides, which is public safety only.

I will fully-support a DeSantis replacement, don’t care about their political affiliation, as long as they are not part of the current regime.

Lots of good points; especially OUTREACH. Even folks who supported the Sheriff after MSD are disgusted by the pandering and public displays of "giving" with photos posted all over the BSO website. The parent groups of the disabled are taking action against this and want those photos removed. This has been the WORST administration, by far, for the safety of disabled children.

12-26-2018, 11:03 PM
Just remember politicians will say anything for a vote. To unseat an elected sheriff who didn't commit a crime will not happen. He wasn't baker acted and isn't under criminal investigation. Get use to him completing in term.

12-26-2018, 11:13 PM
Just remember politicians will say anything for a vote. To unseat an elected sheriff who didn't commit a crime will not happen. He wasn't baker acted and isn't under criminal investigation. Get use to him completing in term.

Not true. He can be suspended for an investigation, or just a review. As you know, if you work at BSO, an "investigation' can mean many things and stretched into many things. Lying to Pam Bondi was not a good move. Investigations take time too.... suspension, review, havin a looksy, may just go on until November of 2020.

So, if you still wanna " bring it!" please do. Bring a cardboard box and help pack up.

12-26-2018, 11:22 PM
Jenne wasn't gone till the last minute.

12-26-2018, 11:28 PM
Scott Israel isn't going anywhere either.

12-27-2018, 12:09 AM
Scott Israel isn't going anywhere either.

every guy in trouble needs a loyal work wife like you. How sweet.

12-27-2018, 12:15 AM
You manage things; you lead people. We went overboard on management and forgot about leadership

12-27-2018, 05:11 PM
Not true. He can be suspended for an investigation, or just a review. As you know, if you work at BSO, an "investigation' can mean many things and stretched into many things. Lying to Pam Bondi was not a good move. Investigations take time too.... suspension, review, havin a looksy, may just go on until November of 2020.

So, if you still wanna " bring it!" please do. Bring a cardboard box and help pack up.

He will still run un 2020. Bring it!!!

12-27-2018, 05:37 PM
He will still run un 2020. Bring it!!!

Trust me, as you are unemployed for two years, helping him run (he will never do it by the way); you may start to realize it is a pipe dream, but for now, if it is what is going to get you through this tough time, then keep repeating it to yourself. Anyone who has a job for who they know, not what they offer, are having the most difficult time with this. Have a blessed New Year.

12-27-2018, 06:34 PM
I retired after 30 years including the drop plan, and if Scott Israel wins reelection I will return for an additional 4 years minimum. He is the best sheriff ever. I'll be the one smiling all the time.

12-27-2018, 06:42 PM
I retired after 30 years including the drop plan, and if Scott Israel wins reelection I will return for an additional 4 years minimum. He is the best sheriff ever. I'll be the one smiling all the time.

Mark, you already did that... out of necessity. Have a blessed New Year.

12-27-2018, 08:38 PM
Mark, you already did that... out of necessity. Have a blessed New Year.

And lost half of both🤣🤣🤣

12-28-2018, 05:02 AM
I retired after 30 years including the drop plan, and if Scott Israel wins reelection I will return for an additional 4 years minimum. He is the best sheriff ever. I'll be the one smiling all the time.

I'm an outsider, in law enforcement, and can tell right away you're just another scumbag in this business just for the money.

12-29-2018, 03:55 PM
What is known Sheriff Isreal is in deep water with no life vest nor fuel and he has one paddle.
The filling of positions with staff unqualified to fulfill the responsibilities finally caught up with him and his Fort Lauderdale cronies and political paybacks.
The List goes on.
It would serve our community well if he would just resign and go out gracefully. But if the Governor removes him it would only further erode the trust this agency once held.
Enough talking points to put any potential candidate on the ballot to challenge a Lame Duck Sheriff.
Horrific Policy and Procedures
Incompetent Leadership
Wasteful Funding
Inexperienced Staff Promotions and Hiring

Ain't EEO and diversity grand? place a bunch of morons in positions they are not qualified for because they are your friends, female or the right skin color
what a ****ing dump