View Full Version : Realest BSO Dep?

12-23-2018, 06:19 AM
Let me hear wut u dorks think

12-23-2018, 02:51 PM
All of the ones that have died on several promotional lists (Dep-Sgt & some Sgt-Lt) because they never sold out. This place is full of political hires/promotions & unfortunately it shows like a big bright black-eye, for all to see. Promoting just a few of these "Realest" would have made a big difference (or at least made it more tolerable).

12-23-2018, 03:11 PM
All of the ones that have died on several promotional lists (Dep-Sgt & some Sgt-Lt) because they never sold out. This place is full of political hires/promotions & unfortunately it shows like a big bright black-eye, for all to see. Promoting just a few of these "Realest" would have made a big difference (or at least made it more tolerable).

It's human nature to take care of people you like or ones that like you. It's never going to change. So find a set of ass cheeks to kiss and the world is yours.

12-23-2018, 05:02 PM
It's human nature to take care of people you like or ones that like you. It's never going to change. So find a set of ass cheeks to kiss and the world is yours.

That's just it. A "Realest" Dep. would follow a "Realest" administration without having to sell out. If more people EARNED their way instead of having it handed to them, maybe they'd (& the agency as a whole) have a better sense of morality & do what had to be done when the time came.

12-23-2018, 05:20 PM
That's just it. A "Realest" Dep. would follow a "Realest" administration without having to sell out. If more people EARNED their way instead of having it handed to them, maybe they'd (& the agency as a whole) have a better sense of morality & do what had to be done when the time came.

Yes they would, and the agency would as well, but that’s not this place. This is people being promoted to ranks like Lt. Because they throw a party for he Sheriff. And nobody respects the rank above Sgt. here because it’s inundated with azz kissers.

Most of whom has no business holding that rank of Lt. Over time the rank becomes meaningless. The specialized units are even worse, and so those positions also become meaningless.

Over time morale goes in the toilet and then you get to where we are right now. Pretty much rock bottom. Yes there’s still a few districts and units that have their sh!t together but that’s because they have great Sgt’s working it hard behind the scenes.

If you take a stroll through the PSB you will find it clogged and infected with azz kissers. Not one of them should be there but weak men above them like having heir azzes kissed. And so this place continues to suffer and will continue to suffer. Until a real leader comes along and rocks the boat and makes the appropriate changes. That leader hasn’t emerged yet.

12-23-2018, 05:32 PM
Remember what was said during the swearing in ceremony...." the days of the good ole boy system is gone " that was the first big lie!!!!!! The rest if all horse s**t

12-23-2018, 06:20 PM
Ohh.... the swearing in ..... While the masses nodded, clapped and cheered, there were two spectators who work in the field of psychiatry, viewing the ceremony, who, five minutes into the speech, looked at each other and agreed that this was the beginning of a reign of terror that would cut the agency to pieces. He was basically stating; " I am your savoir, follow me." If you learn one thing from this, it's that a "leader' will never come close to making the assertion that he is a savoir.

12-23-2018, 08:59 PM
Let me hear wut u dorks think

Im going with Sgt. G.L. (Tamarac). Oh I am sorry I thought you said who has the most “Integrity”. My bad sure wouldn’t be this guy.

12-24-2018, 01:21 AM
Im going with Sgt. G.L. (Tamarac). Oh I am sorry I thought you said who has the most “Integrity”. My bad sure wouldn’t be this guy.

Ha!! you obviously don't know him very well. He may be a smart azz but he's never been an azz kisser or a sell out.

12-24-2018, 03:20 AM
Im going with Sgt. G.L. (Tamarac). Oh I am sorry I thought you said who has the most “Integrity”. My bad sure wouldn’t be this guy.

You're just mad because he kept it real with you and told you how it is. He's one of the best sgt's out there and will always have your back as long as you don't do anything unethical. Even if you mess up, but meant good, he will have your back. He's one of the few that doesn't shy away from butting heads with administration and speaks his mind.

12-24-2018, 04:46 AM
Ha!! you obviously don't know him very well. He may be a smart azz but he's never been an azz kisser or a sell out.

See that’s where you are wrong pal, plenty of us know him real well and trust me he is unethical.
He is not to bright and cant keep his Johnson in his pants that’s for sure.
Just ask the last group of guys he worked with. Shhhhh it’s a secret?

12-24-2018, 08:06 PM
See that’s where you are wrong pal, plenty of us know him real well and trust me he is unethical.
He is not to bright and cant keep his Johnson in his pants that’s for sure.
Just ask the last group of guys he worked with. Shhhhh it’s a secret?

^^^Ah ha so very true^^^

12-27-2018, 03:20 AM
Im going with Sgt. G.L. (Tamarac). Oh I am sorry I thought you said who has the most “Integrity”. My bad sure wouldn’t be this guy.

This Sgt. Is such a dork, Mr. clean look alike....Nasty!