View Full Version : When are we going to have a new boss?

12-10-2018, 01:53 AM
Anyone have an idea?

12-10-2018, 02:05 AM
Anyone have an idea?

The sheriff and the rest of the 5th floor know.

12-10-2018, 02:09 AM
I thought it was July 9th you dummies.

12-10-2018, 02:28 AM
I thought it was July 9th you dummies.

2024. Unless the Sheriff decides to run for a 4th term of course.

12-10-2018, 03:08 AM
Even the Sheriff is telling people be expects to be removed.

12-10-2018, 03:25 AM
Don't know but I did see a BSO semi hauling a ******* container on 595 exiting on I95 NB today.

12-10-2018, 05:31 AM
There will be a new sheriff in 2020. But your not going to like it because his name is Russ D

12-10-2018, 01:22 PM
Didn't they recently baker act hairplugs? Is he taking his meds?

12-10-2018, 01:41 PM
The idiot is trying to pull a Rothstein. Instead of fleeing to Morocco before he’s arrested like Rothstein did, hairplugs is fleeing to Thailand! He leaves on the 15th for his “vacation”.

12-10-2018, 02:37 PM
The idiot is trying to pull a Rothstein. Instead of fleeing to Morocco before he’s arrested like Rothstein did, hairplugs is fleeing to Thailand! He leaves on the 15th for his “vacation”.

Pretty sure that is called a vacation .... because it is a vacation.

12-10-2018, 02:40 PM
The idiot is trying to pull a Rothstein. Instead of fleeing to Morocco before he’s arrested like Rothstein did, hairplugs is fleeing to Thailand! He leaves on the 15th for his “vacation”.

He'll be looking for young boys there as usual!

12-10-2018, 06:47 PM
The idiot is trying to pull a Rothstein. Instead of fleeing to Morocco before he’s arrested like Rothstein did, hairplugs is fleeing to Thailand! He leaves on the 15th for his “vacation”.

He has to find a place to vacation where people won't know who he is. That is because he is well known as an incompetent boob everywhere in the United States of America. He just doesn't know that the Thai people are honorable and don't take kindly to arrogant cowards with big mouths. I hope he tries to use his ridiculous analogies over their, like lions and she eps or candies and nuts....probably catch a head kick from a 5'1" sheep!

12-10-2018, 07:16 PM
Pretty sure that is called a vacation .... because it is a vacation.

Yes because he deserves a vacation. Also, it's not like he's been around, he seems to be on vacation everyday.

12-10-2018, 10:20 PM
Hopefully soon this is the worst it has ever been.

12-11-2018, 01:15 AM
According to people in Miami Dade PBA the sheriff will be removed from office before the weekend. Word has it Tallahassee is getting lots of pressure from the #fixit parents in Parkland. After SSI's lies and contradictions at the MSD hearings it was the last straw. The Sheriff has failed again and its is now a matter of possible criminal charges for perjury, obstruction and falsifying documents. There are volumes of evidence that will make the case easy to prosecute. I can assure you this it is going to be a gift to the citizens of Broward County.

12-11-2018, 01:30 AM
According to people in Miami Dade PBA the sheriff will be removed from office before the weekend. Word has it Tallahassee is getting lots of pressure from the #fixit parents in Parkland. After SSI's lies and contradictions at the MSD hearings it was the last straw. The Sheriff has failed again and its is now a matter of possible criminal charges for perjury, obstruction and falsifying documents. There are volumes of evidence that will make the case easy to prosecute. I can assure you this it is going to be a gift to the citizens of Broward County.

From your lips to god’s ears!!

12-11-2018, 01:50 AM
According to people in Miami Dade PBA the sheriff will be removed from office before the weekend. Word has it Tallahassee is getting lots of pressure from the #fixit parents in Parkland. After SSI's lies and contradictions at the MSD hearings it was the last straw. The Sheriff has failed again and its is now a matter of possible criminal charges for perjury, obstruction and falsifying documents. There are volumes of evidence that will make the case easy to prosecute. I can assure you this it is going to be a gift to the citizens of Broward County.

I wonder if this has anything to do with it...


12-11-2018, 02:53 AM
According to people in Miami Dade PBA the sheriff will be removed from office before the weekend. Word has it Tallahassee is getting lots of pressure from the #fixit parents in Parkland. After SSI's lies and contradictions at the MSD hearings it was the last straw. The Sheriff has failed again and its is now a matter of possible criminal charges for perjury, obstruction and falsifying documents. There are volumes of evidence that will make the case easy to prosecute. I can assure you this it is going to be a gift to the citizens of Broward County.

You mean like when Sheriff Gaultieri explained that the sheriff said this because he was not privy to all of the evidence? Because BSO was ordered not to investigate the response because that is was the commission was established? Comical. Keep grasping at stars and you will continue top be disappointed.

12-11-2018, 03:11 AM
According to people in Miami Dade PBA the sheriff will be removed from office before the weekend. Word has it Tallahassee is getting lots of pressure from the #fixit parents in Parkland. After SSI's lies and contradictions at the MSD hearings it was the last straw. The Sheriff has failed again and its is now a matter of possible criminal charges for perjury, obstruction and falsifying documents. There are volumes of evidence that will make the case easy to prosecute. I can assure you this it is going to be a gift to the citizens of Broward County.

I think it's hilarious that the Dade County PBA has more information regarding our agency than the Broward County PBA.

12-11-2018, 03:14 AM
I'm hoping chocolate thunder is our new sheriff. He hot

12-11-2018, 03:23 AM
Tick tock....tick tock

12-11-2018, 03:23 AM
You mean like when Sheriff Gaultieri explained that the sheriff said this because he was not privy to all of the evidence? Because BSO was ordered not to investigate the response because that is was the commission was established? Comical. Keep grasping at stars and you will continue top be disappointed.

Evidence? All of it was all over the news; including the radio transmissions. He wasn't in the dark about any of it. That's why he started with the statement about not releasing the video to the public. He knew there was no rational explanation for what really occurred other than POOR LEADERSHIP and FLAWED POLICY. He set the stage for a disaster and other than the Sergeant, has no grounds to discipline those who didn't perform.

12-11-2018, 12:42 PM
According to people in Miami Dade PBA the sheriff will be removed from office before the weekend. Word has it Tallahassee is getting lots of pressure from the #fixit parents in Parkland. After SSI's lies and contradictions at the MSD hearings it was the last straw. The Sheriff has failed again and its is now a matter of possible criminal charges for perjury, obstruction and falsifying documents. There are volumes of evidence that will make the case easy to prosecute. I can assure you this it is going to be a gift to the citizens of Broward County.

About FixIt:
There are some misconceptions about FixIt that need clarification. FixIt is largely a group of MSD parents and others who want to do, just that, "FixIt" which is mostly about school safety. It also involves accountability which has caused some upset, and understandably some defensive posturing. Yes, there are FixIt reps who have been on the sight since mid-February, their resumes includes sworn and civilian, active and retired etc. They sift through every post and examine things from a law enforcement perspective which is helpful in understanding what took place and how to go forward. This group is not the Hogg followers at all. While being sensitive to those with a different perspective who lost children, FixIt is in no way a liberal organization or anti- law enforcement. Despite the liberal agenda of the public schools and indoctrination of the kids, we expect and demand that OUR children respect the law and those who serve. Your comments continue to be instrumental in understanding issues from a cultural perspective and prompt discussions that could bring about changes that will make a difference; the first one being a change in leadership. You can view our progress/obstacles on Concerned Citizens of Broward on facebook.

12-11-2018, 02:16 PM
were pretty much farther right than fixit and all about law and order but serve the same purpose. because of the body cameras it was impossible to directly approach deputys about their take on things. yeah, this website has helped alot to see where the problems are and where to take things from here. for one the body cameras make deputys paranoid about dealing with the public and thats no good. those gotta go and many folks from fixit agree. we need approachable law enforcement in a small community and not an us vs.them. the march for our lives people and the sheriff throwing his deputys under the bus early on and before investigation to save himself has driven a wedge that we need to repair.

12-11-2018, 03:47 PM
Agree! Peterson's failure to perform, and the inaction of several others is only a symptom of a much larger program. As tragic as all of this has been for all, including LE, it burst the bubble of secrecy, collusion and fraud.

On the other side of that is agency morale which is a major issue.

It's very hard to fix what's broken with rank and file in turmoil with leadership lacking and inadequate compensation. We, all of the community groups, need to get a clearer picture of what it is that we can approach the county commission with to suggest that they consider the spirit of the agency in making decisions about compensation. Particularly, as PROMISE continues to be ongoing, this clearly puts residents and law enforcement in increased danger. Hopelessness and resignation to an unsatisfying work environment is a barrier to progress in an effort to fix a broken community. FixIt

12-11-2018, 07:16 PM
MONDAY we will have a new Sheriff

12-11-2018, 07:50 PM
MONDAY we will have a new Sheriff

We've heard this before so why should we believe it now? How many times do we need to be disappointed before something really happens. But, I guess we should be use to it by now, we've been disappointed since this administration took office. Hopefully something will change soon. The morale in the agency can't get any lower.

12-12-2018, 01:35 AM
Sheriff Merhra

12-12-2018, 06:12 AM
Apparently we're not getting a new sheriff....business as usual.

12-12-2018, 06:37 AM
Anyone have an idea?


https://sharedmedia.grahamdigital.com/photo/2018/11/14/Brenda%20Snipes_1542230404264.JPG.jpg.jpg_14042763 _ver1.0_1280_720.jpg

12-12-2018, 07:09 AM

https://sharedmedia.grahamdigital.com/photo/2018/11/14/Brenda%20Snipes_1542230404264.JPG.jpg.jpg_14042763 _ver1.0_1280_720.jpg

She was reinstated?

12-12-2018, 03:30 PM
She was reinstated?

Beetle Juice look alike.

12-12-2018, 03:49 PM
frank adderley at crash scene
Lauderdale chief Adderley: I was fooled ...

12-12-2018, 03:51 PM
I'm all for snipes for sheriff! She's got better hair and speaks better than mumbles!

12-12-2018, 10:04 PM
If the sheriff isn't going anywhere why are people in his administration leaving. Lt. Col. E. Grant, the sheriff's secretary for many years and several other jumping ship before it sinks. I will give the sheriff this at least he's going down with the ship. Who will replace him, only time will tell Drago, someone from a strong Republican county a Miami Dade Colonel? Only time will tell but I can assure you this many who hold the rank of Captain and above are very worried. There will be a change maybe this week or next most likely by January 2019. Get your popcorn 🍿 boys and girls it's gonna be an interesting show. Like an episode of the Simpsons!

12-12-2018, 11:21 PM
Beetle Juice look alike.

She is hot

12-13-2018, 12:17 AM
Anyone have an idea?

When you dump your husband you queer!

12-13-2018, 12:25 AM
Even the Sheriff is telling people be expects to be removed.

Liar shut up you fat pug! STFU YOU LIAR!

12-13-2018, 01:36 AM
Liar shut up you fat pug! STFU YOU LIAR!

Ask him! He told a few of us. He even said that if he got suspended he would run again in 2020! I HEARD IT!!

12-13-2018, 03:23 AM
Liar shut up you fat pug! STFU YOU LIAR!

Oh, I see the retard with the same B.S. line is back. I guess your Mom let you back on the computer.

12-13-2018, 07:02 AM
Liar shut up you fat pug! STFU YOU LIAR!

Whoa.....did somebody touch a nerve! It actually is true, he expects to be removed / suspended. Think about it, the vacation far far away, this way he's with his family, they don't have to answer questions, and by the time they return some of the heat and slander will have died down. He has also said he will run again if he gets suspended. Just not sure where his money will come from because even his loyal bankers have bailed on him.

12-13-2018, 01:43 PM
Whoa.....did somebody touch a nerve! It actually is true, he expects to be removed / suspended. Think about it, the vacation far far away, this way he's with his family, they don't have to answer questions, and by the time they return some of the heat and slander will have died down. He has also said he will run again if he gets suspended. Just not sure where his money will come from because even his loyal bankers have bailed on him.

That is true. The owner of City Furniture learned this lesson the hard way in his public support of Runcie. That list of campaign donors from 2016 are folks with a lot to lose when each and every posting is displayed on social media; including the businesses on the expenditures list. There's no upside to backing a candidate with this type of controversy and public outrage. The church congregations are poor and if there's an African-American challenger in the primary, the condescending "loyalty" of the Jewish persuasion is not in any way reciprocal. Leftist Democrats will vote for any black candidate, qualified or unqualified, just for the purpose of bragging about how inclusive they are.
There's still time for the Sheriff to make an attempt at a display of empathy and humility with a scripted "heartfelt" resignation as a gesture toward the will of families who experienced loss. It's the only scenario that will serve him well historically. The next few weeks will reveal what he's made of. Most bets are that he stays the course, continues to identify himself as a lion, or in a league with super heroes and goes down in history as the Coward of Broward.

12-13-2018, 01:47 PM
That is true. The owner of City Furniture learned this lesson the hard way in his public support of Runcie. That list of campaign donors from 2016 are folks with a lot to lose when each and every posting is displayed on social media; including the businesses on the expenditures list. There's no upside to backing a candidate with this type of controversy and public outrage. The church congregations are poor and if there's an African-American challenger in the primary, the condescending "loyalty" of the Jewish persuasion is not in any way reciprocal. Leftist Democrats will vote for any black candidate, qualified or unqualified, just for the purpose of bragging about how inclusive they are.
There's still time for the Sheriff to make an attempt at a display of empathy and humility with a scripted "heartfelt" resignation as a gesture toward the will of families who experienced loss. It's the only scenario that will serve him well historically. The next few weeks will reveal what he's made of. Most bets are that he stays the course, continues to identify himself as a lion, or in a league with super heroes and goes down in history as the Coward of Broward.

Really? Last time I checked the sheriff wiped the floor with Willie Jones, Edison Jules, the ex-bso colonel from the FBI, etc... keep trying to figure out the formula needed for him to lose. Unfortunately the one you provided above is significantly flawed.

12-13-2018, 03:28 PM
That is true. The owner of City Furniture learned this lesson the hard way in his public support of Runcie. That list of campaign donors from 2016 are folks with a lot to lose when each and every posting is displayed on social media; including the businesses on the expenditures list. There's no upside to backing a candidate with this type of controversy and public outrage. The church congregations are poor and if there's an African-American challenger in the primary, the condescending "loyalty" of the Jewish persuasion is not in any way reciprocal. Leftist Democrats will vote for any black candidate, qualified or unqualified, just for the purpose of bragging about how inclusive they are.
There's still time for the Sheriff to make an attempt at a display of empathy and humility with a scripted "heartfelt" resignation as a gesture toward the will of families who experienced loss. It's the only scenario that will serve him well historically. The next few weeks will reveal what he's made of. Most bets are that he stays the course, continues to identify himself as a lion, or in a league with super heroes and goes down in history as the Coward of Broward.

You are a 100% correct sir! The only detail you left out is, Hairplugs is a fecking moron of a magnitude never seen!

12-13-2018, 05:32 PM
You are a 100% correct sir! The only detail you left out is, Hairplugs is a fecking moron of a magnitude never seen!

Why do you always talk about another mans hair? Your name must be Gilbert

12-14-2018, 02:37 PM
Whenever it happens won’t be soon enough.

12-14-2018, 05:37 PM
Really? Last time I checked the sheriff wiped the floor with Willie Jones, Edison Jules, the ex-bso colonel from the FBI, etc... keep trying to figure out the formula needed for him to lose. Unfortunately the one you provided above is significantly flawed.

The formula for him to lose:

5 + 17 = 22

He "shall' lose.

12-14-2018, 06:17 PM
The formula for him to lose:

5 + 17 = 22

He "shall' lose.

We "shall" see... 2018 + 2 = 2020

12-14-2018, 07:03 PM
Nobody knows for sure what will happen. What I do know is this. The updated MSD Commission report gives the governor the ammunition to suspend Israel. It also gives any viable candidate the ability to beat him.

Remember there is no sheriff in modern history that has completed a 3rd term.

12-14-2018, 07:32 PM
Nobody knows for sure what will happen. What I do know is this. The updated MSD Commission report gives the governor the ammunition to suspend Israel. It also gives any viable candidate the ability to beat him.

Remember there is no sheriff in modern history that has completed a 3rd term.

Just finished reading the updates. What's becoming evident is that Gualtieri's first comments were planned to convey the optics of fairness and objectivity. He essentially took one for the team for a few days. The next plan is to blur the picture and present an overwhelming force of objection to take it just over the line in the other direction. It was a good strategy that the public will buy. It gets Gualtieri off the hook, and no one to clearly point the finger at for turning on the Sheriff. Good strategy.

Yes, as it stands today, there is enough to justify a suspension. Ask any attorney. The language used reveals it.

12-14-2018, 07:36 PM
We "shall" see... 2018 + 2 = 2020
You are an IDIOT

12-14-2018, 07:53 PM
Just finished reading the updates. What's becoming evident is that Gualtieri's first comments were planned to convey the optics of fairness and objectivity. He essentially took one for the team for a few days. The next plan is to blur the picture and present an overwhelming force of objection to take it just over the line in the other direction. It was a good strategy that the public will buy. It gets Gualtieri off the hook, and no one to clearly point the finger at for turning on the Sheriff. Good strategy.

Yes, as it stands today, there is enough to justify a suspension. Ask any attorney. The language used reveals it.

So now you’re an attorney jack ass. What is the evidence

12-14-2018, 08:16 PM
So now you’re an attorney jack ass. What is the evidence

Relax Nate...

Sgt= Suspended

Lt.= Retired

Captain= Retired

Next= ?

What action did you take that day?

As a direct Supervisor to JJ, how did you think she was fit for the position? Did she one day earlier turn into a sponge and useless?? I would say, she was not fit to be a District Captain and you were ok with that..

The public should request her evaluations, that would be interesting. Probably the best thing since sliced bread🤦*♂️

12-14-2018, 08:42 PM
Relax Nate...

Sgt= Suspended

Lt.= Retired

Captain= Retired

Next= ?

What action did you take that day?

As a direct Supervisor to JJ, how did you think she was fit for the position? Did she one day earlier turn into a sponge and useless?? I would say, she was not fit to be a District Captain and you were ok with that..

The public should request her evaluations, that would be interesting. Probably the best thing since sliced bread🤦*♂️

Funny that the politicians in Parkland have no recollection of making a request of the Sheriff for "Diversity" with regard to JJ position as Captain. If that ridiculous claim were to be be true, how would her diversity relate to Parkland ? Look around. Does Jan look look her district? Now if a "soft" deputy is what was requested, by all mean reveal EXACTLY who made that request. After the Sheriff goes on about running in 2020, they laugh at him anyway, so he has nothing to lose by outing who made the request. That will be a hot item on the agenda.

12-14-2018, 10:57 PM
Just finished reading the updates. What's becoming evident is that Gualtieri's first comments were planned to convey the optics of fairness and objectivity. He essentially took one for the team for a few days. The next plan is to blur the picture and present an overwhelming force of objection to take it just over the line in the other direction. It was a good strategy that the public will buy. It gets Gualtieri off the hook, and no one to clearly point the finger at for turning on the Sheriff. Good strategy.

Yes, as it stands today, there is enough to justify a suspension. Ask any attorney. The language used reveals it.

Remember how smug the democrats were at the 2016 presidential election, and then all of those states started to go red? By the end of the most updated MSD report, it was as if Pennsylvania was just called for Trump.

There's a dark horse leader in this group. The Sheriffs will follow the lead of wherever Judd takes it. Judd won't go down as a coward; and he has no lost love for the Sheriff.

12-15-2018, 02:30 AM
Jan Jordan was useless in Community Affairs, then completely useless in the Civol Division, so then she gets a third try??
Unbelievable, but then again what she requested!

12-15-2018, 02:41 AM
Jan Jordan was useless in Community Affairs, then completely useless in the Civol Division, so then she gets a third try??
Unbelievable, but then again what she requested!

Israel did not pick her parkland did

12-15-2018, 02:51 AM
You clearly didnt pay attention. Sheriff submitted her name stating they were looking for diversity!