View Full Version : FDLE- now in charge of stopping black kids doing donuts in state cars!

12-01-2018, 06:44 AM
So now FDLE is OK with their Agents taking their state unmarked vehicles while off duty to confront kids doing donuts in a parking lot or field? Oh, and of course, black kids?

GIVE ME A F**KING break. And of course, FDLE found no issue or policy violation... because if they did, they knew they would be opening themselves up to getting sued. Another brush the bullshit under the carpet by EI.

Now of course, if someone says you're a speeder and they don't like you, you're a target. LMAO.

So everybody remember, if you don't like something going on, just jump in your unmarked FDLE vehicle, put your lights on, and if someone questions who you are, ram the shit outta them. Especially if they are black because obviously you'd be in fear for your life then.

This whole thing smells so strong of shit from FDLE that Phillips Road is going to turn brown.


12-01-2018, 10:36 PM
So there ya go! Kids using their Mom's car to basically have a little fun in an empty lot (which may not even be a traffic infraction btw) and a VETERAN FDLE SPECIAL AGENT SUPERVISOR rushes over, no doubt badge and gun in hand to handle this show of immaturity (or thuggery to him because they are black?) with his un-marked take home car and places it in the direct path, essentially creating a standoff (again, for something that may not even be a traffic infraction).

These young kids now are unsure of what is in front of them have to make a decision, and they decide to drive around the unmarked car. Immediately, and for unknown reasons, the FDLE Agent believes his life in in danger (???) and rams his car into the car that was just doing donuts because he was outnumbered by the (black) kids in the car.

FDLE- "We're good with this, no policy violation".

I think the legislation needs to reevaluate FDLE and what it's purpose is.. if Veteran Agents don't know when and when not to engage or get involved with ridiculous things like this, only to find out that the Agency does indeed support this kind of crap is disturbing.

12-02-2018, 07:04 AM
"I think the legislation needs to reevaluate FDLE and what it's purpose is.. "

Maybe if this goes viral and makes national news they will...

12-02-2018, 12:19 PM
I wonder what would have happened if a "regular" agent used their official vehicle in in "off duty" situation. Sounds like a double standard......

12-02-2018, 06:38 PM
Typical FDLE. What about Bartus, only 10 day suspension. He'd have been demoted or fired anywhere else. Same theme here. Diversity training anyone?


12-03-2018, 08:06 AM
A SAS takes his state car and for the "ongoing issue" of kids doing donuts in a field nearby (LMFAO) and attempts a custodial hold with his blue lights (Taking police action), essentially placing his unmarked vehicle in the path of a vehicle full of kids and then RAMS the car when they try to go around him?

And FDLE is OK with this? Are you shitting me?

12-03-2018, 02:01 PM
Are you kidding me?....MM and his family are so connected in North Florida. His dad is like that man in Panacea, Florida. Hell, he was caught by Commish Moore smoking pot and still kept his job as a civilian and then promoted to S/A

12-03-2018, 03:29 PM
Are you kidding me?....MM and his family are so connected in North Florida. His dad is like that man in Panacea, Florida. Hell, he was caught by Commish Moore smoking pot and still kept his job as a civilian and then promoted to S/A

Are you kidding ME? The esteemed Tim Moore had a strange way of picking friends. Remember he worked for "alleged cocaine smuggler" Hank Asher after leaving FDLE. Somebody should write a book about FDLE and tell the REAL stories.

12-03-2018, 03:34 PM
Are you kidding ME? The esteemed Tim Moore had a strange way of picking friends. Remember he worked for "alleged cocaine smuggler" Hank Asher after leaving FDLE. Somebody should write a book about FDLE and tell the REAL stories.

Hank Asher the so called "father of data fusion"???? Big brother at its worst.

12-04-2018, 01:40 PM
If the guy's lawsuit is successful, FDLE will pay out $15,000 of your taxpayer dollars. All good.