View Full Version : CBS Jim Defede Creams Hairplugs

11-18-2018, 03:36 PM
Jim DeFede (Facing South Florida) showed clips of the commission meeting. The 5 Florida Sheriffs took Scott Israel apart. All Scott Israel did was make excuses and Polk, Pinellas and the other 4 Sheriffs just creamed him.

Did you know that the policy that Sheriff's Deputies MUST go into areas where there are shootings was personally changed by Scott Israel to MAY go in. The Deputies also stated that they were inadequately trained on shooting scenes.

Did you know that Scott Peterson stood behind a stone column for 45 minutes. Did you know that 8 other deputies failed to go into the building. And Scott Israel's failure of the 911 dispatch center he blamed on dead mayor Skip Campbell.

He blamed everyone but himself. Big talk now about removing him for lack of leadership.

11-18-2018, 03:51 PM
Can you at least be accurate? There are three Sheriff's on the commission and one under Sheriff, not the five or then the six you suggest.

11-18-2018, 07:12 PM
First off, as far as the Broward County 911 system goes, the County Commission has complete control because they control the purse strings and they decide who runs it. They control the funding for Staffing and equipment. The Broward County Commission has known that the 911 radio system has been outdated and obsolete for many years. In fact the company that made the replacement parts has been out of business for several years now. That's system is patch together on a wing and a prayer and should have been replaced with a state-of-the-art radio system many years ago, especially with the move towards regionalization. As far as participation in the regional system there were several cities that opted out. Coral Springs being one of them. The mayors of the cities that opted out absolutely had a great deal of say pertaining to participating in regionalization of the 911 system. If you're being honest Israel did not use Skip Campbell's name until he was asked a direct question by the board as to who in Coral Springs was strongly opposed to Coral Springs joining the Regional 911 system.

11-18-2018, 07:37 PM
Jim Defede intentionally presented video clips in a manner to be unfavorable to Sheriff Israel. What he didn't say is that FDLE order the sheriff not to conduct any further investigations or be involved in any way in the MSD shooting investigation until their investigation was finished. The board also disclosed numerous times that in all fairness to the sheriff they had information that was presented to them the day of the hearing that Israel did not have. To be fair, Israel was testifying with limited knowledge of what happened on that day. Let's remember that every employee at BSO has the opportunity to review all information and allegations against them before they answer any questions pertaining to an investigation.

11-18-2018, 07:54 PM
First off, as far as the Broward County 911 system goes, the County Commission has complete control because they control the purse strings and they decide who runs it. They control the funding for Staffing and equipment. The Broward County Commission has known that the 911 radio system has been outdated and obsolete for many years. In fact the company that made the replacement parts has been out of business for several years now. That's system is patch together on a wing and a prayer and should have been replaced with a state-of-the-art radio system many years ago, especially with the move towards regionalization. As far as participation in the regional system there were several cities that opted out. Coral Springs being one of them. The mayors of the cities that opted out absolutely had a great deal of say pertaining to participating in regionalization of the 911 system. If you're being honest Israel did not use Skip Campbell's name until he was asked a direct question by the board as to who in Coral Springs was strongly opposed to Coral Springs joining the Regional 911 system.

Yes, you are correct, the county run communications system is a disaster! It has been for many years. The county would rather put that money into other pet projects. This is what happens when a majority of the input is from Fire Rescue. DLE didn't even have enough channels....go figure.

Yes, you are also correct, that he did not mention Skip Campbell's name until asked directly. However, go back and watch him answer that question, the hesitation, the long pause, he wasn't trying not to tell them who he spoke to, he was trying to come up with a name. Funny thing is we will NEVER know if it's true or not, because dead men tell no tales. If he truly spoke with Campbell about this, he would have just said it. Have you not watched ANY of his interviews? He will throw ANYBODY under the bus to show his Amazing Leadership!!!

It's really unfortunate that we, Broward County, are the laughing stock of the country. Everything from our Sheriff's Amazing Leadership, to the piss poor operation of the regional communications system by the county and their side deal with Motorola, to the biggest bumbling idiot of them all Dr. Brenda Snipes, our very own Elections Supervisor. Now Snipes is claiming that being asked to step down is racial? Seriously! How about ALL of the fuc ups you have caused in almost every election? You couldn't even get the count in on time, why did the Democratic party fall further behind? Here's a well known fact, it's not racism, it's incompetence that will cause you to loose your county job. We went from one bad Elections Supervisor to the worst Elections Supervisor. The good news is it can't get any worse, the next one will look like a rocket scientist compared to those two idiots.

Just my two cents! Be safe.

11-18-2018, 08:06 PM
I don't know if Israel paused because he was searching for a name or if it was just that he didn't want to speak ill of the dead and be criticized for it. The fact is only Scott Israel knows that for sure. But I 100% do agree with you that the biggest problem in Broward County is the horrible Democrat machine that runs it. Cook County in Chicago has nothing on Broward County when it comes to dirty politics.

11-18-2018, 10:49 PM
Jim Defede intentionally presented video clips in a manner to be unfavorable to Sheriff Israel. What he didn't say is that FDLE order the sheriff not to conduct any further investigations or be involved in any way in the MSD shooting investigation until their investigation was finished. The board also disclosed numerous times that in all fairness to the sheriff they had information that was presented to them the day of the hearing that Israel did not have. To be fair, Israel was testifying with limited knowledge of what happened on that day. Let's remember that every employee at BSO has the opportunity to review all information and allegations against them before they answer any questions pertaining to an investigation.

Lets stop pretending. The commission meeting videos were all posted online; beforehand, for anyone to see; including Sheriff and his counsel. Of course he knew the content. He's not a good liar, not a good actor and not a good Sheriff. It's time to replace "Sheriff May" with "Sheriff Shall."