View Full Version : SAC Walker and ASAC Woehr SOT South Leadership

11-04-2018, 06:11 PM
SAC Walker and ASAC Woehr

SOT South has reached a low point and the team does not see a way to the end without something changing.

Miami Members are assigned as team leadership and it's hard for members from other regions to express opinions and try to address the major issues. Team members have approached a supervisor on the team who promised to express the widespread issues and team's decline due to the poor leadership. I don't know if the message got to you (Miami SAC and ASAC), but its gotten to a point to where safety is being compromised and legal issues are inevitable if god forbid we get into a shooting.

Team Leader behavior has become unstable. He has a confidence issue and overcompensates for it by responding aggressively and ignorantly, sometimes loses control. Having a team leader that mumbles incoherently and angrily does nothing to improve our respect for his leadership.

Team Leader never prepares anything for training. He always forgets to bring something, plans scenarios at the last minute. Team members have hours of down time as he never prepared anything. Often, he just makes us shoot qualification courses to burn up time because he didn't have anything prepared.

Team Leader and Miami SAS have changed entry tactics and methods 15 times in past 4 months. TL and ATL will argue about what room clearing to use till they get angry like children and stop speaking to each other. Team is confused as to what method was decided on.

Last few missions were disaster and thankful nobody got hurt. This is for sure due to slow decline of team confidence, decline of team training and unraveling of Team Leader and ATL.

Team Leader has given orders via his training to immediately shoot anyone that is suicidal. Isn't a law enforcement officer's goal to save lives? We are not a covert ops in Afghanistan with no rules and no laws. If such an incident occurs (god forbid). Team members will have to testify truthfully that we were trained to fire immediately.

Team Leader has allowed acceptance of trainees with no uniform police experience. Members think this is detrimental for obvious reasons. Suggest at least 4 years of police uniform experience or 5 years as Agent if SAT

11-05-2018, 10:44 PM
When the hammer does fall, you make sure you have your a%# covered. They will hang you out to dry in a moment. Look at JROC. Rusty, right or wrong, reported to a supervisor, and up a chain of command. His supervisor is a "blessed" few and is now a SAC. Don't be the only one without a chair when the music stops.

Nitro Z
11-11-2018, 01:55 PM
You Prima Donnas got an extra 5 percent for your position? Everybody supported you even though we wondered how SOT is even a function of the FDLE mission?

Since getting the raise, you train twice as much now. Thats twice as much you're never available to help the "regular" agents working cases. In addition to the training days, you now say you need an extra day to prepare for training, then only work a half a day after because of drive time, or to offset the extra hours you earned from drive time.

With heavy caseloads, the agents struggle to get enough people to serve search warrants. We have to borrow agents from the neighboring field offices and the S.O. You guys ***** whine and moan, clear the house, then demand that we take custody so you can leave and go to the Waffle House. We, the "regular agents" proceed to fulfill the FDLE function of conducting the investigation.

The S.O. and PD have very capable SWAT Teams. Governor Elect Desantis has a close alliance with the Florida Sheriffs Association. He will be presented with the argument of why FDLE is spending so much money and so many man hours trying to be a "Tactical Agency". This is not Seal Team 6, this is an investigative agency. The numbers, the percentage of agents hours dedicated to SOT and the mission statement do not add up. Give the 5 percent to add money to the FTA's the OIS Squads or the Field Office Analyst. Give it to someone who deserves it.

SOT members seem to automatically get selected for positions in the training unit. 2/3 of the SOT has never been a cop (an no Capitol Police does not count). I got news for you. It's hard for us not to talk about "what qualifies you to teach us firearms and tactics if you've never been a cop?" Because the issue you fancy military clothing, does not make you "Seal Team 6". Some of you actually change into a different "persona" when you wear your "Seal Team 6 Costume". I got news for you. Everybody sees through your bullshit and everybody resents what SOT has become.

This may change with the change at the top. Everyone is sick of your "Elite" bullshit.

11-14-2018, 11:19 AM
This discussion makes it seem like SOT South has no talented operators. In reality, it has some very talented members and some members that have the right base to be trained to become skilled members. You guys were ordered to stay off this site, but somebody violated that forcing some to feel they need to defend the reputation of the team in general. For some reason, the rapid downward spiral of the team is invisible to MROC Leadership who continues to polish the brass and clean the windows of the fast sinking ship. The rumors of the possible new team leader does not instill any hope for team members. Having "Mall Security" as your only experience before FDLE does not do much for gaining street creds from your team mates or anyone for that matter. If one day we have to face a lawsuit over an operation, you will be a Georgia feast for any attorney.

11-14-2018, 01:43 PM
The support for the SOT team is coming from FOY and he will back anyone he believes in to the end no matter how ridiculous and will attack anyone he wants and force them out without regard for any person, their family, or career. Be careful.

11-20-2018, 09:01 PM
Would you like a little cheese with that whine? Not a thing has changed from the days when these teams were stood up. FDLE needs to return to running long-term investigations. There are way too many in FDLE that have zero street experience. Maybe the new Governer wont put up with this nonsense.

11-22-2018, 02:46 PM
Does FDLE actually hire anyone with experience running a long term investigation?

11-23-2018, 04:51 PM
Remind me again why FDLE needs SOT???

11-26-2018, 04:29 PM
Does FDLE actually hire anyone with experience running a long term investigation?

They used to.
But these days? You make a good point.
And that IS the point.