View Full Version : Israel divorcing?

11-03-2018, 07:09 PM
Guess the stress of being the most hated Sheriff in the nation, command staff meetings at his house where your family can hear about what you have really been doing and more has forced his wife to leave the house, don’t worry Sheriff, those mountain men in NY will never compare to you. Karma

11-03-2018, 08:44 PM
Guess the stress of being the most hated Sheriff in the nation, command staff meetings at his house where your family can hear about what you have really been doing and more has forced his wife to leave the house, don’t worry Sheriff, those mountain men in NY will never compare to you. Karma

Simple answer: No, none of that is true.

11-03-2018, 08:52 PM
Oh it’s true. She has been in NY and even called Davie PD before she left

11-03-2018, 09:35 PM
Look it's all a misunderstanding, he's just stressed about the upcoming election and his future political career. Nothing here to see so move on. Davie PD will handle everything from here on, just like Coral Springs handled everything in Parkland. If the sheriff keeps it up we won't need BSO, the local departments can handle everything.

11-03-2018, 09:47 PM
Guess the stress of being the most hated Sheriff in the nation, command staff meetings at his house where your family can hear about what you have really been doing and more has forced his wife to leave the house, don’t worry Sheriff, those mountain men in NY will never compare to you. Karma

My Lord, where will
She find another mumbling fool with hairplugs and big ears, who loves candied nuts 🥜 ?

11-03-2018, 10:41 PM
Maybe she is up there paying legal fees

11-04-2018, 12:57 AM
Guess the stress of being the most hated Sheriff in the nation, command staff meetings at his house where your family can hear about what you have really been doing and more has forced his wife to leave the house, don’t worry Sheriff, those mountain men in NY will never compare to you. Karma
You’re a fat lying asshole! STFU If you are a cop quit you piece of sh-t!! FU

11-04-2018, 01:13 AM
Possibly doing something altruistic? Such as starting a support group for young adult men; who before and after paternity tests, were denied and abandoned by their biological fathers prior to their births. An honorable MAN never leaves his child. Ever.

11-04-2018, 04:04 AM
You’re a fat lying asshole! STFU If you are a cop quit you piece of sh-t!! FU

Oh transparent one you need to STFU and stop licking Israels candies, nuts and hairy butt.
And P.S F*ck You Queer Boy!

11-04-2018, 04:56 AM
Guess the stress of being the most hated Sheriff in the nation, command staff meetings at his house where your family can hear about what you have really been doing and more has forced his wife to leave the house, don’t worry Sheriff, those mountain men in NY will never compare to you. Karma

I have no idea whether this is true or not but regardless of your personal or professional feelings about anyone who wears our uniform, families and family issues should be off limits. Just one person's opinion.

11-04-2018, 07:51 AM
I have no idea whether this is true or not but regardless of your personal or professional feelings about anyone who wears our uniform, families and family issues should be off limits. Just one person's opinion.

Ohhhh no! When you are an arrogant SOB whose decisions have destroyed many lives you are fair fair game. Right lion?

11-04-2018, 09:32 AM
From a lamb: When you are a wounded lion the jungle will swallow you.

11-04-2018, 05:31 PM
What are the chances Israel has already been removed? Polan is running everything, Israel is never at work, Israel no longer signs orders..... maybe the guy is in there as a familiar face until the elections are over.

11-04-2018, 05:34 PM
Like a good Liberal Progressive Democrat Scott is coming out of the closet and announcing his coming out party.

11-04-2018, 06:53 PM
Israel and all of his miserable cronies have abused their positions by constantly treating people poorly, and by always putting themselves and their friends above the agency and the citizens of Broward. Now, Karma has arrived to take its pound of flesh from these amazing All-Stars and it will be a slow, harsh, and very uncomfortable process for all of them. So, sit back and enjoy the show and watch them squirm.

11-04-2018, 08:30 PM
Israel and all of his miserable cronies have abused their positions by constantly treating people poorly, and by always putting themselves and their friends above the agency and the citizens of Broward. Now, Karma has arrived to take its pound of flesh from these amazing All-Stars and it will be a slow, harsh, and very uncomfortable process for all of them. So, sit back and enjoy the show and watch them squirm.

Will do! Pucker up hairplugs, it's a coming. Just bend down and touch your ankles, you will be publically ridiculed, AGAIN!

11-05-2018, 02:21 AM
No loser we didn't get the same offer DOD received because we would have taken it. Instead the Amazing Leader wanted to screw DLE some more and WE refused to stand for it. That's why the vote, signs and so on. At least get your facts straight. You've got to be a PBAer!!!

Actually, Sheriff Israel was just trying to get DOD back up to the 10% less salary than DLE when Lamedirrty gave DLE only the "first responder" extra step and demoted 240 jail deputies to civilian positions. (Israel promised to do this when running for election and he kept his word. DLE was not crying 5 years ago when THEY ONLY got raises that was called something else (stipend maybe?)). Now that DOD took that extra 2%, at 20 year longevity, DOD is only down 8% from DLE salary. Look at the big picture more than one year back to figure this out or just keep crying you did not get what DOD got and go get another billboard.

11-05-2018, 02:27 AM
Actually, Sheriff Israel was just trying to get DOD back up to the 10% less salary than DLE when Lamedirrty gave DLE only the "first responder" extra step and demoted 240 jail deputies to civilian positions. (Israel promised to do this when running for election and he kept his word. DLE was not crying 5 years ago when THEY ONLY got raises that was called something else (stipend maybe?)). Now that DOD took that extra 2%, at 20 year longevity, DOD is only down 8% from DLE salary. Look at the big picture more than one year back to figure this out or just keep crying you did not get what DOD got and go get another billboard.
Not our fault your union didn't fight for you back then.

11-05-2018, 02:54 AM
Actually, Sheriff Israel was just trying to get DOD back up to the 10% less salary than DLE when Lamedirrty gave DLE only the "first responder" extra step and demoted 240 jail deputies to civilian positions. (Israel promised to do this when running for election and he kept his word. DLE was not crying 5 years ago when THEY ONLY got raises that was called something else (stipend maybe?)). Now that DOD took that extra 2%, at 20 year longevity, DOD is only down 8% from DLE salary. Look at the big picture more than one year back to figure this out or just keep crying you did not get what DOD got and go get another billboard.

Unfortunately your union didn't fight for you back then and we aren't going to just roll over like you did.

11-05-2018, 04:09 AM
No loser we didn't get the same offer DOD received because we would have taken it. Instead the Amazing Leader wanted to screw DLE some more and WE refused to stand for it. That's why the vote, signs and so on. At least get your facts straight. You've got to be a PBAer!!!

original poster, see above 3 posts to get facts straight. just trying to even the playing field on salary from years ago (still not even close), not trying to screw you. You don't always get to be 10% more ahead, some years you will only be 8% ahead of the other guys wearing badges. I know you don't see it that way but think big picture for a second.

11-05-2018, 04:36 AM
No loser we didn't get the same offer DOD received because we would have taken it. Instead the Amazing Leader wanted to screw DLE some more and WE refused to stand for it. That's why the vote, signs and so on. At least get your facts straight. You've got to be a PBAer!!!

I hope that the deputies who are responding to the post on the previous page don't lie like that when they write their reports. The 2% that DOD deputies got at 20 years of service has absolutely nothing to do with longevity. That was nothing more than a Jeff Bell talking point that ended up blowing up in his face at the impasse hearing. If you read the DOD contract you will see separate language in article 10 that talks about what is essentially a parody step. At the time of the last negotiation DLE was about 11% ahead of DOD pertaining to step increases at the end of 10 years of service. DLE deputies have 9 steps and DOD deputies have 10 steps. Your argument will fall flat when you go to the County Commission because even with the 2% parody step at 20 years DLE will still tops out significantly higher than DOD. So, DOD did not actually get more, they are still way behind. How can we be entitled to parody when we are already the highest pay deputies employed at BSO. Even if the sheriff gave DOD the entire 11% at 20 years of service DLE would still have nine steps and DOD would still have 10 steps topping out 11% less than DLE. DOD would not achieve true step parity with DLE until they hit 20 years of service. DLE would also still be 4% First Responder ahead of DOD. Almost every BSO employee who was here under Lamberti knows that Israel promised that he would try to get DOD to parody with DLE. Jeff Bell talked us into firing the nuclear option against the sheriff thinking that he would be removed from office because of the Parkland tragedy. He thought he had Leverage. He obviously does not. Bell severely overplayed his hand. This fight is over 2% or what amounts to a couple hundred thousand dollars so DOD deputies with 20 years of service and above would have parody with the road someday.

11-05-2018, 04:49 AM
You are only partially correct . We were offered the same cola but not the extra 2% added into the 20 year longevity DOD received so DLE was being shortchanged. We will get our 3% retro from OCT 1st 2017 but might have to fight to match that extra 2% in the new contract. But the county commission might say it's only fair DLE receives exactly what DOD got.

The fiscal year was over October 31st and all unused funds were returned to the County Commissioners. All unused funds go into an account for the sheriff to use for Capital expenditures. It cannot be used for raises. Where is the 3% Cola and retro money coming from? My understanding is that the 2% given to detention was not a longevity supplement. It was some kind of parody step for deputies with 20 years of service.

11-05-2018, 04:52 AM
Then why do we have a date of December 4th? What you fail to realize is that the membership voted on the no confidence. The membership told the reps not to accept less than what the jail got.

Don't bet on it. That meeting will get postpones. Nothing will happen till after New Year's. You can take that to the bank!

11-05-2018, 05:34 AM
original poster, see above 3 posts to get facts straight. just trying to even the playing field on salary from years ago (still not even close), not trying to screw you. You don't always get to be 10% more ahead, some years you will only be 8% ahead of the other guys wearing badges. I know you don't see it that way but think big picture for a second.

There is an easy fix. Feel free to come over to DLE and get that 8% increase you say you deserve. At the moment, we are approximately 200 deputies down so there are plenty of slots open. However, I'm guessing you won't take me up on it since you will have to do more for the money. Several DOD guys have tried to cross over, a select few have made it, most end up going back to DOD because they can't handle it or they don't want to work for it. DLE does more for their money than DOD. It's not a knock on DOD it's reality. DOD deals more with the criminals DLE brings in than the public / community's the agency protects and serves. DLE IS the backbone of the agency not a support service. Again, no offense to DOD guys, I respect what you do, I certainly don't want to do it, but a civilian agency (private corporation) can do your job (cheaper), you can't hire a private agency to do DLE's job.

11-05-2018, 11:50 AM
There is an easy fix. Feel free to come over to DLE and get that 8% increase you say you deserve. At the moment, we are approximately 200 deputies down so there are plenty of slots open. However, I'm guessing you won't take me up on it since you will have to do more for the money. Several DOD guys have tried to cross over, a select few have made it, most end up going back to DOD because they can't handle it or they don't want to work for it. DLE does more for their money than DOD. It's not a knock on DOD it's reality. DOD deals more with the criminals DLE brings in than the public / community's the agency protects and serves. DLE IS the backbone of the agency not a support service. Again, no offense to DOD guys, I respect what you do, I certainly don't want to do it, but a civilian agency (private corporation) can do your job (cheaper), you can't hire a private agency to do DLE's job.

Private security guards could work the streets much cheaper then you and they wouldn't need take home cars! No disrespect, but your detective units haven't solved a major case in the last 40 years! Let's face it you guys suck.

11-05-2018, 04:42 PM
Unfortunately your union didn't fight for you back then and we aren't going to just roll over like you did.

Obviously you and the other guy who made a similar comment have 6 years or less on the job. DOD was truly screwed both financially and seniority wise by the last Sheriff. Our Union fought extremely hard for us. DOD had a vote of no-confidence vote against Lamberti long before most of you guys even knew what that was. We also had the guts to fill the entire front sidewalk down and around Broward Boulevard to the first driveway entrance from early morning till 5 p.m. with picket signs. we weren't afraid to be seen by the sheriff and his Administration voicing or displeasure with their leadership. We organized, supported and raise money at numerous fundraisers through two elections to help Sheriff Israel get elected. When Sheriff Israel was elected everyone knew that he made a promise to try and get DOD to parody with DLE. You keep repeating Jeff Bell's BS. The 2% DOD got is not a Longevity Supplement. If you go to the BSO informant and read the DOD contract you will see language in article 10 that explains that it is in essence a parody step. I know this may be hard for some of you to understand but if the sheriff gives you an additional 2% in any form the pay Gap does not close, It Remains the Same, (about 14%.) You guys have gone to war with the sheriff and fired the nuclear option over a couple hundred thousand dollars in a 3 year contract knowing full well that the sheriff is keeping a campaign promise that you know he made.

11-05-2018, 11:30 PM
Private security guards could work the streets much cheaper then you and they wouldn't need take home cars! No disrespect, but your detective units haven't solved a major case in the last 40 years! Let's face it you guys suck.

Private security guards can work the streets cheaper, unfortunately they can't enforce the law or arrest criminals. So I guess we're back to it being true that DLE is the backbone of the agency.

11-05-2018, 11:44 PM
Private security guards could work the streets much cheaper then you and they wouldn't need take home cars! No disrespect, but your detective units haven't solved a major case in the last 40 years! Let's face it you guys suck.

Just look at the detectives and you’ll have your answer. The friends network has sunk this place.

11-06-2018, 02:33 AM
Just look at the detectives and you’ll have your answer. The friends network has sunk this place.

You are correct. It's not about the best person for the job or how hard you work. We have a Homicide detective that has less than 5 years with the agency and they've been in there for a year. No prior law enforcement experience, what experience does this person bring to the unit?

11-06-2018, 04:52 AM
You are correct. It's not about the best person for the job or how hard you work. We have a Homicide detective that has less than 5 years with the agency and they've been in there for a year. No prior law enforcement experience, what experience does this person bring to the unit?

Because of the amazing leadership of the big eared moron, BSO is the laughing stock of the nation, no wonder his wife bailed!

11-06-2018, 05:22 AM
Because of the amazing leadership of the big eared moron, BSO is the laughing stock of the nation, no wonder his wife bailed!

Is F A involved?

11-06-2018, 01:34 PM
Is F A involved?

Is he in New York? The scum bag is never at work?

11-06-2018, 06:08 PM
Private security guards can work the streets cheaper, unfortunately they can't enforce the law or arrest criminals. So I guess we're back to it being true that DLE is the backbone of the agency.

Private companies running detentions would save the county tons of money, it’s coming sooner than you think

11-06-2018, 06:47 PM
Obviously you and the other guy who made a similar comment have 6 years or less on the job. DOD was truly screwed both financially and seniority wise by the last Sheriff. Our Union fought extremely hard for us. DOD had a vote of no-confidence vote against Lamberti long before most of you guys even knew what that was. We also had the guts to fill the entire front sidewalk down and around Broward Boulevard to the first driveway entrance from early morning till 5 p.m. with picket signs. we weren't afraid to be seen by the sheriff and his Administration voicing or displeasure with their leadership. We organized, supported and raise money at numerous fundraisers through two elections to help Sheriff Israel get elected. When Sheriff Israel was elected everyone knew that he made a promise to try and get DOD to parody with DLE. You keep repeating Jeff Bell's BS. The 2% DOD got is not a Longevity Supplement. If you go to the BSO informant and read the DOD contract you will see language in article 10 that explains that it is in essence a parody step. I know this may be hard for some of you to understand but if the sheriff gives you an additional 2% in any form the pay Gap does not close, It Remains the Same, (about 14%.) You guys have gone to war with the sheriff and fired the nuclear option over a couple hundred thousand dollars in a 3 year contract knowing full well that the sheriff is keeping a campaign promise that you know he made.

We hated Lamberti too. In fact many road deputies at the time donated hours to prevent layoffs that he was threatening.

But your logic is totally flawed. You literally talk about how hard you fought back then and then admonish us for how hard we are fighting now.

11-06-2018, 08:11 PM
We hated Lamberti too. In fact many road deputies at the time donated hours to prevent layoffs that he was threatening.

But your logic is totally flawed. You literally talk about how hard you fought back then and then admonish us for how hard we are fighting now.

Here's the difference. Lamberti was originally appointed Sheriff and then immediately started to run for Sheriff while negotiating all bargaining unit contracts. Lamberti gave DLE a three-year contract. 3%, 3%, 3% Cola, 2 % Longevity Supplement at 20 years of service and 4% across the board First Responder supplement. That same year Lamberti offered DOD a three-year contract. 3%, 3%, 0% Cola, 0% longevity supplement at 20 years of service and 0% on First Responder supplement. That's a difference of 9% across the board which equates to millions of dollars. Keep in mind DLE was already 11% ahead of DOD. So yeah, DOD had no choice but the hit Lamberti with everything but the kitchen sink and fire the nuclear option. What you guys are doing is engaging in an all-out war with the Sheriff over a couple hundred thousand dollars given to DOD deputies in the third year of the contract. That 2% parody step only goes to deputies with 20 years or more continuous service with BSO.

11-06-2018, 08:32 PM
Let's not forget that shortly after Lamberti took office he closed The Stockade eliminating about a hundred and fifty posts and shortly after that demoted 254 deputies to control room technician. That's a total of 504 deputies posts which caused a huge loss in seniority for shift, post and days off bidding. The 254 deputies took a $10,000 to $12,000 pay cuts. Those deputies also lost anywhere from a couple of months to over 2 years of high risk Credit in the FRS.

11-06-2018, 09:50 PM
Here's the difference. Lamberti was originally appointed Sheriff and then immediately started to run for Sheriff while negotiating all bargaining unit contracts. Lamberti gave DLE a three-year contract. 3%, 3%, 3% Cola, 2 % Longevity Supplement at 20 years of service and 4% across the board First Responder supplement. That same year Lamberti offered DOD a three-year contract. 3%, 3%, 0% Cola, 0% longevity supplement at 20 years of service and 0% on First Responder supplement. That's a difference of 9% across the board which equates to millions of dollars. Keep in mind DLE was already 11% ahead of DOD. So yeah, DOD had no choice but the hit Lamberti with everything but the kitchen sink and fire the nuclear option. What you guys are doing is engaging in an all-out war with the Sheriff over a couple hundred thousand dollars given to DOD deputies in the third year of the contract. That 2% parody step only goes to deputies with 20 years or more continuous service with BSO.

These are 2 different jobs but that 2% extra 20 year longevity should also be offered to DLE. BSO has the lowest longevity payments around.

11-06-2018, 10:12 PM
These are 2 different jobs but that 2% extra 20 year longevity should also be offered to DLE. BSO has the lowest longevity payments around.

Listen my friend, I know this is really hard for some of you to understand. Just because the 2% is at 20 years of service does not automatically make it a longevity supplement. The DOD contract language clearly states that it is a parody step. At this point I don't even think going to the DOD contract and reading it in black-and-white for yourself would make any difference. Also you like to keep saying that they're two different jobs but almost every Sheriff's Office in Florida has parody including one County over (Palm Beach County). In fact both the detention deputies and Road Patrol deputies make more than you and us.

11-07-2018, 02:27 AM
remember her well at election site in Coral Springs telling everyone to vote for her husband was a vote for the kids... sad

11-07-2018, 11:34 AM
Looks like big ear's world 🌎 is collapsing. Karma Mumbles, Karma!

11-07-2018, 07:26 PM
remember her well at election site in Coral Springs telling everyone to vote for her husband was a vote for the kids... sad

Who is she dating?

11-07-2018, 09:34 PM
Who is she dating?

I heard she is attracted to Castillo, you know he is a studly Fock, even with the failed penile implants.

11-07-2018, 09:53 PM
There is an easy fix. Feel free to come over to DLE and get that 8% increase you say you deserve. At the moment, we are approximately 200 deputies down so there are plenty of slots open. However, I'm guessing you won't take me up on it since you will have to do more for the money. Several DOD guys have tried to cross over, a select few have made it, most end up going back to DOD because they can't handle it or they don't want to work for it. DLE does more for their money than DOD. It's not a knock on DOD it's reality. DOD deals more with the criminals DLE brings in than the public / community's the agency protects and serves. DLE IS the backbone of the agency not a support service. Again, no offense to DOD guys, I respect what you do, I certainly don't want to do it, but a civilian agency (private corporation) can do your job (cheaper), you can't hire a private agency to do DLE's job.

While I respect your opinion, you must understand that what you stated is only supported by a minority of people and politicians in Florida. Most of Florida's counties are strongly republican. This means that they are staunch supporters of Law Enforcement (especially road patrol officers). Even with this favorable view of road patrol over detention; the majority of the people of Florida and politicians realize that in terms of compensation both disciplines deserve the same pay. Yes the work may be different but they realize that the work done is on equal footing in terms of overall challenges, hazards and stress faced by officers of both discipline.

Because of this, almost every single county in FL has had parity for their road and correction officers for years. I have stated this fact numerous times on this forum and have never had a single rebuttal to this fact. This is because parity is the norm and rightfully so. BSO's administration has changed over the years but they have kept DLE and DOD divided just so we can fight amongst ourselves as we are doing on this forum. This keep us divided and gives the corrupt admins more power to treat us unfairly.

I'm all for DLE getting a bigger raise. But please do not undermine the parity steps DOD is getting as something extraordinary that we do not deserve. As it stands even if Israel gave us full parity at 20 years tomorrow we would still be underpaid compared to almost every other county in FL. That's because they get parity from day 1. Please fight for your raise without attacking DOD. Lets try to move forward in the future as brothers in arms instead of brothers at war.

11-08-2018, 04:12 PM
remember her well at election site in Coral Springs telling everyone to vote for her husband was a vote for the kids... sad

I remember her crying like a little b1tch calling for back up (aka Russ DipShit) because some republicans were picking on her at the library during early voting.

11-08-2018, 07:40 PM
While I respect your opinion, you must understand that what you stated is only supported by a minority of people and politicians in Florida. Most of Florida's counties are strongly republican. This means that they are staunch supporters of Law Enforcement (especially road patrol officers). Even with this favorable view of road patrol over detention; the majority of the people of Florida and politicians realize that in terms of compensation both disciplines deserve the same pay. Yes the work may be different but they realize that the work done is on equal footing in terms of overall challenges, hazards and stress faced by officers of both discipline.

Because of this, almost every single county in FL has had parity for their road and correction officers for years. I have stated this fact numerous times on this forum and have never had a single rebuttal to this fact. This is because parity is the norm and rightfully so. BSO's administration has changed over the years but they have kept DLE and DOD divided just so we can fight amongst ourselves as we are doing on this forum. This keep us divided and gives the corrupt admins more power to treat us unfairly.

I'm all for DLE getting a bigger raise. But please do not undermine the parity steps DOD is getting as something extraordinary that we do not deserve. As it stands even if Israel gave us full parity at 20 years tomorrow we would still be underpaid compared to almost every other county in FL. That's because they get parity from day 1. Please fight for your raise without attacking DOD. Lets try to move forward in the future as brothers in arms instead of brothers at war.

So you’re not all for DLE getting a bigger raise.

Where are you getting your information from that “almost every single county in Florida has had parity...”?

Perhaps you haven’t had a single rebuttal because no one has bothered to look into your claim? I find it to be pretty far fetched to be honest.

11-08-2018, 09:12 PM
I remember her crying like a little b1tch calling for back up (aka Russ DipShit) because some republicans were picking on her at the library during early voting.

Yeah, but who's she in New York with? Is Adderley around? How about Russy boy?

11-18-2018, 01:18 AM
She is in New York staying with Rebecca McDonnell of Weston.