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View Full Version : Missed Opportunity - Just a Rant

10-05-2018, 03:40 AM
I applaud you and your team for attempting to fix an issue that has been rooted for awhile but I believe your team missed the mark slighty. First, let's be honest, the majority of the reason this opportunity occurred stemmed from the traction of this forum and overall bad morale of employees. Second, this was long overdue and simply compensated employees who have earned and deserved it. (This wasn't above and beyond, which is fine.) However, let's view what many believe are mistakes. When a memo is sent that causes confusion and the chain can't clarify what is meant, that isn't good. If you wanted to take away assignment pay, fine, but just say that. I believe many are in agreeance that some units shouldn't have been getting it anyways. Don't use tactics of "it's going to your base pay". Employee's were compensated based upon their years of service regardless if they had additional assignment pay or not. That means a road employee and one with a special assignment with the same years of service are going to the same step. Not, employee A (road) going from 45 to 52 and employee B (special assignment) going from 45 to 49600 plus their 2400 assignment pay. Does this mean if employee B goes back to road they then lose the 2400? There is absolutely no reason to even list the assignment pay if it is being discontinued. Was this done intentionally with the belief that we aren't smart enough to see it? I can tell you that many people feel like it was. With the assignment pay being discontinued many are wondering where is the incentive to further your law enforcement career and knowledge? In fact, you will now take a pay cut (holiday pay) on your base pay to slide into a special assignment. I never heard from any of the compensation committee members that taking away special assignment pay was ever even an option or spoken about. I've also heard that a few meetings were supposed to occur near the end of this that didn't happen. One can only think that was done intentionally so the committee would not hear of these ideas knowing that the feedback wouldn't be positive. It was decided to give 3 select units a clothing allowance which equals just under 1k. I don't foresee that stretching very far.
I believe many people are happy with the overall monetary amount but are not thrilled with some of the new issues that have been created. I also feel many feel slighted which unfortunately does not improve the lack of trust or confidence. I won't even discuss the PTO because I am sure someone else.

10-07-2018, 08:06 AM
It’s a shell game folks. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. Cut insurance to an embarrassing 80/20, slash and limit PTO, time clock watching, down office supplies being scrutinized. I’m sure those extra paper clips I borrowed are creating our fiscal constraints.

What are we paying BK (AKA William Shatner- listen to the cadence of his reporter voice, it’s horrendous) and the rest of the YouTube squad? There’s a massive waste of agency funding that we can better use elsewhere. And to what end do they serve for reducing crime and the fear of crime? It’s straight up propaganda. All that work for 52 views too.

What a self-congratulatory pile of shit we have become. We do sincerely appreciate the higher pay, but not at the cost of every other fringe benefit. But we needed to be punished for voicing our opinions, right?

10-07-2018, 09:13 PM
They should send out a truly anonymous survey to hear feedback. Wait, that's right they don't give a shit. Not one of these anonymous "tracked" monkey surveys. They need to get their heads out of the clouds and be humble (not fake). Or maybe it is just me missing the transparent memos and I am the off the mark.

10-08-2018, 10:24 PM
We have gotten so far from what we should be doing its not even funny. All these special units and positions for ass kissing 2 year deputies leaving the road short staffed needs to stop. All these "services" we are aiming to provide which distracts from putting criminals in jail.. Its a joke.. And good people and leaving at record numbers..

10-09-2018, 12:49 AM
I left and I’m glad I did.

DL doesn’t care about you. It’s a business and it’s the same everywhere else. You are a number and replaceable and he doesn’t care if you stay or leave. DL isn’t the type of person who will stop you in the hall and ask how you are doing or what you need. He’s too busy making sure the public is happy with SCSO so he can have a second term.

The same can’t be said about everyone below him. There are some good people there of all ranks who do care and will treat you like family. They will even tell you that you and your family are probably better off if you leave the agency.

To all the SCSO Deputies who are hardworking and want to be paid more, go somewhere else. But keep in mind that making more money probably means losing things like accruing tons of PTO and less expensive healthcare. Your current pay raises prove that even where you are. The grass isn’t always greener, it’s just different grass.

To the lazy Deputies and Investigators at SCSO, the ones with bad attitudes and the Investigators who hardly show up to work and practically steal a paycheck from the county, you are better off where you are. You know who you all are and you would be fired anywhere else. SCSO may not pay well but at long as the public is unaware and you don’t make the agency look bad, it’s really hard to get fired or even kicked out of a unit for performance or behavior so poor that it’s borderline criminal. Other agencies would not tolerate you like SCSO does.

10-11-2018, 05:19 PM
I left and I’m glad I did.

DL doesn’t care about you. It’s a business and it’s the same everywhere else. You are a number and replaceable and he doesn’t care if you stay or leave. DL isn’t the type of person who will stop you in the hall and ask how you are doing or what you need. He’s too busy making sure the public is happy with SCSO so he can have a second term.

The same can’t be said about everyone below him. There are some good people there of all ranks who do care and will treat you like family. They will even tell you that you and your family are probably better off if you leave the agency.

To all the SCSO Deputies who are hardworking and want to be paid more, go somewhere else. But keep in mind that making more money probably means losing things like accruing tons of PTO and less expensive healthcare. Your current pay raises prove that even where you are. The grass isn’t always greener, it’s just different grass.

To the lazy Deputies and Investigators at SCSO, the ones with bad attitudes and the Investigators who hardly show up to work and practically steal a paycheck from the county, you are better off where you are. You know who you all are and you would be fired anywhere else. SCSO may not pay well but at long as the public is unaware and you don’t make the agency look bad, it’s really hard to get fired or even kicked out of a unit for performance or behavior so poor that it’s borderline criminal. Other agencies would not tolerate you like SCSO does.

You just described the majority of our apple bottom female investigators. The majority of them were terrible on the road and that with minimal amount of time popped over to specialty units. IE Domestic violence, NRDS, General Assignment. Whats worse several of them then were promoted to SGT' and even a LT initials KM. This agency needs a union and run out all the buddy hook ups that took place over the years. We have people in SGT's level positions who never worked the road!!

10-11-2018, 07:06 PM
You just described the majority of our apple bottom female investigators. The majority of them were terrible on the road and that with minimal amount of time popped over to specialty units. IE Domestic violence, NRDS, General Assignment. Whats worse several of them then were promoted to SGT' and even a LT initials KM. This agency needs a union and run out all the buddy hook ups that took place over the years. We have people in SGT's level positions who never worked the road!!

KM is a great Lieutenant. She might not have a 10 years of patrol experience, but she takes care of her people. Even when she doesn’t have to (Discipline wise). You obviously never worked for her. What more do you want out of an administrator?

You want to throw names under the bus? How about newly promoted Sergeant BD? The “You made us look good, so here are some stripes” promotion? This dude is one of the biggest cowards at this agency. Refused to stop a car in a 22F by himself. Refused to go into Bookertown by himself. This is the best we have? Quid pro quo promotion at its most obvious. How sad. There were many more qualified and capable people that could have gotten that spot.

10-11-2018, 10:24 PM
KM is a great Lieutenant. She might not have a 10 years of patrol experience, but she takes care of her people. Even when she doesn’t have to (Discipline wise). You obviously never worked for her. What more do you want out of an administrator?

You want to throw names under the bus? How about newly promoted Sergeant BD? The “You made us look good, so here are some stripes” promotion? This dude is one of the biggest cowards at this agency. Refused to stop a car in a 22F by himself. Refused to go into Bookertown by himself. This is the best we have? Quid pro quo promotion at its most obvious. How sad. There were many more qualified and capable people that could have gotten that spot.

One of the apple bottoms speaks! But we do agree on the BD promotion! But at least he actually worked the road.

11-04-2018, 11:36 PM
You have to admit, things are much better now.

11-05-2018, 08:19 PM
and how about the guys that are working thier "other job" while they are on duty, such as a certain Realtor "on the side" wonder how many houses he has sold while on the clock, but then he is hidden away anyway.
and that is just one example how about the other one ??

11-25-2018, 04:31 PM
Get. A. Union.

12-03-2018, 03:56 AM
You have to admit, things are much better now.
Is this sarcasm? I like.